Forum: EasyBoot Topic: Install win 7 + XP sp2 + XP sp3 from one DVD started by: madar Posted by madar on Sep. 22 2010,01:57
Install win 7 + XP sp2 + XP sp3 from one DVD============================================== Note: ------- I have uploaded another tutorial about this topic befor. But because of several messages and calls,here i will explain more clearly. hope will be helpful ============================================================================== having windowses 7 (or vista) and windows xp setups together from one DVD,is easy job,because most of the process needed to do is writed in EasyBoot help file.and we need just some considerations for using windows 7 (or vista). Any way I have tested operating systems below in this tutorial and it works OK : Windows 7 Build 7260 X86 Ultimate V6.1 ServicePack: 0 Windows XP VLK sp2 Customized English Windows XP Corporate sp3 Customized English Note: ----- In this tutorial ,i suppose that you are familiare by EasyBoot and you know how to work by i will tell just commands that you should use . ================================================ Needs: ------ _ EasyBoot _ Setup DVD or ISO of windows 7 _ Setp CD or ISO of your favorite Windows XP sp2 _ Setp CD or ISO of your favorite Windows XP sp3 =============================================== Step_01: getting ready ====================== 1. Copy contents of your favorite Windows XP sp2 some where for example to D:\XPS2 directory. and make any customization you need to that. 2. Copy contents of your favorite Windows XP sp3 some where for example to D:\XPS3 directory. and make any customization you need to that. Note that you can have more kinds of windows xp here and even other OS's like windows 2000 or win98 and...). 3. Install EasyBoot for example in drive D:\EasyBoot (i used version 4. Create Directories below insid installed EasyBoot directory: D:\EasyBoot\disk1\XPS2 D:\EasyBoot\disk1\XPS3 D:\EasyBoot\disk1\SYS =============================== Step_02: perparing source files =============================== 1.Copy all contents of your Windows 7 DVD to D:\EasyBoot\disk1\ directory. 2.Move D:\XPS2 to D:\EasyBoot\disk1\SYS\ directory. 3.Move D:\XPS3 to D:\EasyBoot\disk1\SYS\ directory. 4.Copy D:\EasyBoot\resource\wxp.bat to D:\EasyBoot\disk1\XPS2\ directory. 5.Copy D:\EasyBoot\resource\wxp.bat to D:\EasyBoot\disk1\XPS3\ directory. 6.Copy D:\EasyBoot\disk1\SYS\XPS2\I386 directory to D:\EasyBoot\disk1\XPS2 directory. 7.Copy D:\EasyBoot\disk1\SYS\XPS3\I386 directory to D:\EasyBoot\disk1\XPS3 directory. 8.Run D:\EasyBoot\disk1\XPS2\wxp.bat,After few seconds ,it will extract some files to D:\EasyBoot\disk1\XPS2 directory. 9.Delete D:\EasyBoot\disk1\XPS2\I386 directory. 10.Run D:\EasyBoot\disk1\XPS3\wxp.bat ,After few seconds ,it will extract some files to D:\EasyBoot\disk1\XPS3 directory. 11.Delete D:\EasyBoot\disk1\XPS3\I386 directory. Notes: ---------- 1)_ If you use Customized XP versions in this project you should copy your WINNT.SIF to D:\EasyBoot\disk1\XPS3\ and XPS2 directories. 2)_ If you have used some commands in your customized xp source,here you should change them to new addresses. =============================== Step_03: Creating Boot Files =============================== 1. Copy files below from your XP CDs to D:\EasyBoot\disk1\ Directory : WIN51 WIN51IP WIN51IP.SP1 WIN51IP.SP2 WIN51IP.SP3 2. Make two copies from file D:\EasyBoot\disk1\ezboot\w2ksect.bin then rename one of the Them to "XPS2.BIN" and other to "XPS3.BIN" and save both of them in D:\EasyBoot\disk1\ezboot\ directory. 3_ Open ...\EasyBoot\disk1\ezboot\XPS2.BIN by your favorite hex editor,Search for string "I386" on it and replace all instances by the word "XPS2".and save it. 4_ Do the same process by file ...\EasyBoot\disk1\XPS2\SETUPLDR.BIN and save that. 5. Open ...\EasyBoot\disk1\XPS2\TXTSETUP.SIF" by notepad, search for "SetupSourcePath" section, you will see that it is as: (SetupSourcePath = "\") ,change that to: SetupSourcePath = "\SYS\XPS2" 6. Open ...\EasyBoot\disk1\ezboot\XPS3.BIN by your favorite hex editor,Search for string "I386" on it and replace all instances by the word "XPS3".and save it. 7_ Do the same process by file ...\EasyBoot\disk1\XPS3\SETUPLDR.BIN and save that. 8. Open ...\EasyBoot\disk1\XPS3\TXTSETUP.SIF" by notepad, search for "SetupSourcePath" section, you will see that it is as: (SetupSourcePath = "\") ,change that to: SetupSourcePath = "\SYS\XPS3" =============================== Step_04: Final steps =============================== 1.In EasyBoot make needed menues and use commands below on them: For "Install windows 7" use command : run vistaldr.bin For "Install Windows XP sp2" use command : run XPS2.BIN For "Install Windows XP sp3" use command : run XPS3.BIN For "Boot from Hard Disk" use command : boot 80 2. For creating Final ISO Use UltraISO (EasyBoot's Iso making ,some times does not act perfect) note that you should use "D:\EasyBoot\disk1\ezboot\loader.bin" as boot information. Notes: ======= 1.When hexediting BIN files type uppercse names. 2.The names of Any folders that you have made in ...\EasyBoot\disk1\ directory (XPS2 ,XPS3 and SYS ),should be in Uppercase . 3.When using UltraISO for making iso ,you have better read Balders recomendations carefully. ============================= Thats all you need to do. shirin zaban Posted by mrjoker on Sep. 22 2010,12:29
I hope you will have some pictures in this post. sure everyone will love it.
Posted by wanako1 on Oct. 01 2010,03:24
Thanks a lot man!!A Few Pictures...this Tutorial will be Perfect!! Posted by Mega_num on Oct. 24 2010,16:20
thanks a lotwould you write about making customized windows 7 ![]() Posted by madar on Oct. 25 2010,11:23
As i think ,this forum is just for sorry Posted by madar on Oct. 29 2010,18:45
@Mega_num Take a look at my tutor about cusrimized and unattended windows 7 in link below: < > Posted by deejay4angels on Oct. 31 2010,11:36
Thank you very much, a very good and clear tutorial! ![]() Posted by Mega_num on Nov. 11 2010,09:05
(First i would like to say thank you for tutor about cusrimized and unattended windows 7 link.)a question: how can we integrate driver pack to this dvd thank you Posted by madar on Nov. 11 2010,10:54
1.You should run driverpack program for all of the windowses that you want to have drivers injected.2.During wizard pages you should select multiboot,and give the address of them correctly,if you don't,the setup will give errores. This way ,you will need a lot of free space in your DVD.any way by some tricks and editting DriverPack's bat files ,you can have one OEM folder in root of your DVD to be used by all windowses setups. Posted by Nitesh kamal on Mar. 04 2013,04:11
not workingSETUPLDR.BIN doesnot contain I386 pattern Posted by balder on Mar. 04 2013,04:54
@Nitesh kamalFirst of all - I do not understand why you jump to this topic when solution given by me works correctly ![]() Secondly - Quote: "SETUPLDR.BIN doesnot contain I386 pattern" You are mistaken - it does contain path 'i386' but not path 'I386' (always take attention to case sensitivity when dealing with these kinds of files ![]() Please test and you will find path 'i386' in four places - which my script 'easyboot-aio.script' - automatically hex edit (you don't need to do anything -script solves this with a breeze):cool: balder |