Forum: EasyBoot Topic: Multiboot winxp sp3/win7/wondershare liveboot started by: aayesha2580 Posted by aayesha2580 on Oct. 01 2012,13:31
i have already created multiboot win xp sp3 & win7 os DVD with easyboot.Now i want to make multiboot win xp sp3 & win7 os DVD including wondershare liveboot cd.but i don't know how to do? because win 7 & liveboot have same folder & files like:1.Boot folder 2.efi 3.sources 4.bootmgr file wondershare liveboot CD has an extra folder(EZYBOOT) having some files 1.ezldr 2.loader.bin 3.setup98.img 4.standard.ctb 5.start.bm1 6.start.bmp 7.start.ezb 8.winpe.bif so plz guide step by step method for making this one. Posted by balder on Oct. 01 2012,14:49
@aayesha2580Welcome to EasyBoot @aayesha2580 ![]() Quote: "DVD including wondershare liveboot cd.but i don't know how to do?" It seems you have found some odd version of wondershare live-cd ![]() Why not use wondersaher-ISO-file as it is - test this: Copy wondershare.iso-file to folder EZBOOT and use menu command in EasyBoot menu: run wondershare.iso (or what ever name you use to ISO-file) Note: you cannot use this method to the setup ISO-file of Win7 - only to 'live-cd' (live-ISO-file) Tick 'Joliet' when creating ISO in EasyBoot Okay you may get an extra EasyBoot menu - but what is the harm with that ![]() EDIT: I forgot to mention it is possible to modify wondershare ISO-file to launch directly (skipping internal EasyBoot menu). Do it this way: 1. Open ISO-file with UltraIso 2. Choose 'Bootable>>Load Boot File' and scroll to you installed EasyBoot\EZBOOT-folder and point to file 'vistaldr.bin' and choose that file as 'BOOT-file' 3. Save changes to ISO-file Note: you can optionally also delete folder EZBOOT inside wondershare-ISO-file as that EasyBoot menu not longer is used in this wondershare.ISO-file balder Posted by aayesha2580 on Mar. 21 2013,02:43
i recently download win7 sp1 all in one(x86 & X64).total size of iso file is 4851398KB(about 4.62 GB) which can burnt only on DVD9.i tried to make multiboot iso using xp sp3+win7 sp1all in one(x86 & X64)+wondersahre liveboot.when i create iso the size was 1.68 GB. i cheked install.wim file size it has only 260mb while original size is 4.25 GB. Plz tell how to make multiboot iso which can be fit on DVD9. THANKS & REGARDS. Posted by balder on Mar. 21 2013,03:37
@aayesha2580Quote: "Plz tell how to make multiboot iso which can be fit on DVD9" I have to make you disappointed regarding this issue ![]() Quote: "size was 1.68 GB" There must be some kind of fundamental problem here when ISO is created ![]() Win7 AIO ISO was 4.62 GB (as reported by you) and Wondershare is most likely less than 300MB in size (or similar size and WinXP_sp3 is less than 700MB) You should end up with a total size of 4.62GB + 300 MB + 700MB = 5.6GB What method did you use to integrate Wondeshare and Win7 AIO into EasyBoot? Did you use ISO-file of Wondershare in EasyBoot as recommended in post nr:2? Note1: as this final ISO is very large - you are moving around the area of 'mission impossible' ![]() Creating multi-ISO of this kind is a hazardous mission - no guaranties it is possible to achieve at all! Note2: I personally have never created such large ISO-file and never used DVD9 as it is such a hazardous mission to achieve. Instead I use USB stick as it is so convenient these days USB stick is also very reliable (no need to create any 'super large' ISO-file at all) However USB stick could be a little bit more tedious to use , but the final results is excellent ![]() And further more - you don't loose anything (no lost of DVD) ![]() ---------------------------- regards balder Posted by aayesha2580 on Mar. 21 2013,03:53
(balder @ Mar. 21 2013,08:37) QUOTE What method did you use to integrate Wondeshare and Win7 AIO into EasyBoot? Did you use ISO-file of Wondershare in EasyBoot as recommended in post nr:2? i have used method for creating wondershare liveboot+win7 which was suggested by you & was successful. i use ISO-file of Wondershare in EasyBoot as recommended in post nr:2. regards. |