Forum: EasyBoot
Topic: ACTIVE@ Boot Suit Problem
started by: farzanmicrosoft

Posted by farzanmicrosoft on Apr. 30 2013,01:08
After add some iso file to easy boot [ that wase create by the software of Active@ Partition Recovery Enterprise 8.0 or Active@ Undelete Enterprise 8.5 or Active@ Boot Disk7.3 ] i get this error in each file :< Error >

i read the instruction of post here :

<;f=1;t=3474 >

but still have problem,when i use only one image in vmware i have no problem.but in easy boot with this comand i have problem
run Active@ Partition Recovery Enterprise 8.0.iso or run /ezboot/isofiles/activebootdisk/activebootdisk.img
or run act.bif

What should i do to fix this problem?

Posted by balder on Apr. 30 2013,02:11

Quote: "i read the instruction of post here"

EasyBoot is updated in several ways :cool:

Test using 'run ***.iso' in EasyBoot menu
You don't - in this case - need my script 'easyboot-iso.script' :;):
However script still should run ISO correctly, but no harm test using the new original menu command that is implemented into EasyBoot :)
Note: recommended is to update Easyboot to at least version Version :cool:

regards balder

Posted by farzanmicrosoft on Apr. 30 2013,02:42
Yes i have easy boot v
and i use easy boot-iso script but i stil have problem
the problem is for licens of active boot disk appears wehn i use that image in easy boot,if i sue the image alone i have no problem

Posted by balder on Apr. 30 2013,02:55

Quyote: "and i use easy boot-iso script"

Yes but avoid using my script and simply copy ISO-file(s) to folder EZBOOT and use menu command:
run active7.iso  (or whatever name you use to ISO-file)

Note: test with NOT ticking anything when creating ISO in EasyBoot (not ticking 'Joliet' etcetera) :O

regards balder

Posted by farzanmicrosoft on Apr. 30 2013,04:29
i did all you told me but i cant success
please tell me step by step what should i do

Posted by balder on Apr. 30 2013,06:53

Quote: "when i use only one image in vmware i have no problem"

I recommend you to test ISO-build in 'reality' skipping test using vmvare :O

In case you have a USB stick in your position, then test 'Burn' to USB stick and reboot computer to test Active-boot-disk :;):
Or use a CD-RW to test (reboot computer) :cool:

regards balder

Posted by farzanmicrosoft on Apr. 30 2013,08:42
MR Balder
Did you ever test Active Boot Disk in easyboot with the other project?
I use your script-iso and I have test my project with cd and USB flash memory but I have still problem and Active Boot Disk ask me about license !!!
What shod I do ?  :(

Posted by balder on Apr. 30 2013,08:59

Quote: "Did you ever test Active Boot Disk in easyboot with the other project?"

Yes but only activebootdisk5.iso - which works greate :)

Note: I do not have higher version of activebootdisk - however there is no major difference as version_5 is built using Vista and version_7 most likely is built using Win7 ???  

This means it over all works the same as both mentioned systems are NT-6 :cool:
Why it fails for you is still a mystery ???

Anyway, I'll see if I can find your versions of ISO-file somewhere and come back to you :;):

regards balder

Posted by farzanmicrosoft on Apr. 30 2013,09:43
here you are < active boot disk 7.1.0 >

the password :;):

Posted by balder on Apr. 30 2013,10:20

Thank you for your concerns, but I cannot use such download as I get this message:

Quote: "You can just download with an Iranian IP"

This means I cannot use this download :(

However I'm on the track to solve this issue :)

Meanwhile test this:

Copy (extract from ISO-file) text-file 'BOOTDISK.KEY' to folder 'disk1' (folder disk1 is the root in EasyBoot if you wonder)

This solve your problem. But also create a new problem, as you need several text-files of 'BOOTDISK.KEY' on the root :O
I suggest you test to edit text-file 'BOOTDISK.KEY' (use notepad) and insert all used CD-keys to see if all different activeboot-disk can validate names using same file 'BOOTDISK.KEY'.

Meanwhile I'll try to find several of activebootdisk softwares (I already found Active@ Undelete Enterprise 8.5) and trying to find Active@ Boot Disk7.3 or similar)

regards balder

Posted by balder on May 01 2013,13:06

I edited you post (to protect original license owner) - hope you don't mind :;):

I did found ActiveBootDisk_6.5

I tried to integrate both active-undelete.iso and active-boot-disk.iso followed by edit BOOTDISK.KEY (that is copied to folder disk1 in EasyBoot)

But this didn't work as expected :(
Only one of ISO-files worked correctly and always the one with the first user name in text-file BOOTDISK.KEY

The second name an serial key wasn't recognized by the second ISO-file :angry:

This means we are bound to only have one ISO of this kind in EasyBoot

I have a solution to this problem :laugh:
To make it work, we need to implement the correct 'BOOTDISK.KEY' into file 'BOOT.WIM' inside ISO-file

This means you must 'mount' BOOT.WIM-file and overwrite existing BOOTDISK.KEY with correct user name and serial-key
And to 'mount' WIM-file I have a nice script that helps you.

1. Download script (zip-file) from < HERE > and extract to the root (harddisk C:)

2.  Launch (double-click to WinBuilder.exe) and point to script 'Mount WIM-file in WinPE'

3. Push on 'Start-button' in script and follow instruction that pops up (text-file)

4. Open folder ''C:\temporary_mount" and overwrite 'BOOTDISK.KEY' with the correct 'BOOTDISK.KEY' (with correct user name and serial number)

5. Leave ''C:\temporary_mount" (don't have that folder opened in Explorer or in any window - return to the root (C:) in Explorer.

6. Close text-file with instructions (script now 'unmount' WIM-file and cleans up)

7. Open folder 'balder_temporary' and open folder 'sources'. Use this modified 'BOOT.WIM'-file and overwrite existing in original ISO-file of the active-boot-disk-iso-file

8. Copy modified ISO-file to folder EZBOOT and use menu command: run activebootdisk.iso (or whatever name you use to ISO-file)

In case you are asked for 'Password' (which happend to one of the ISO-files) you can use 'standard procedure' which is following:

Extract all files and folders from ISO-file to folder EasyBoot\disk1 and use menu command:  run /bootmgr

But of course, you can only use this solution to one of the ISO-files (don't forget to also copy 'BOOTDISK.KEY' to folder disk1) :O

regards balder