Forum: EasyBoot Topic: make winXp2 + Win8_X86_X64 Multiboot dvd started by: Nitesh kamal Posted by Nitesh kamal on Mar. 03 2013,05:04
Plz anyone write the correct stepsthanks in advance Posted by balder on Mar. 03 2013,05:36
@Nitesh kamalWelcome to EasyBoot @Nitesh kamal ![]() Quote: "Plz anyone write the correct steps" WinXP is described all over EasyBoot forum so it really is not that hard to find ![]() Anyway use these simple steps: 1. Copy all files and folders from source of WinXP_sp2 (or extract from ISO-file) to folder disk1 2. Use menu command in EasyBoot menu: run W2KSECT.BIN Note: check that you do have file 'W2KSECT.BIN' in folder EZBOOT it should be there Don't tick anything when creating ISO in EasyBoot (I mean don't tick Joliet' etcetera as it isn't needed) ------------------------- The Win8_X86_X64 case You must find a 'complete source' (a ISO-file that we usually call AIO All-In-One) that already has Win8_x86 and Win8_x64 slipstreamed together Read typically example < HERE > 1. When ISO-file has been correctly created, you simply copy all files and folders (or extract from ISO-file) to folder disk1 2. Use menu command in EasyBoot menu: run /bootmgr Don't tick anything when creating ISO in EasyBoot (I mean don't tick Joliet' etcetera as it isn't needed) --------------------- balder Posted by Nitesh kamal on Mar. 03 2013,07:08
plz give me complete stepi m novice about easyboot can we delete all file present in ezboot folder first or not becoz it contain bootmgr & win8 iso also contain bootmgr my xp sp2 iso doesnot contain w2ksect.bin where it present i dont understand what balder script contain Posted by balder on Mar. 03 2013,08:55
@Nitesh kamalQuote: "can we delete all file present in ezboot folder first" No you cannot Sorry, I was a little bit confused ![]() I have changed to the correct procedure (it's to folder 'disk1' you copy files and folders when creating 'setup'-procedure to WinXP and Win8) This also means you don't need to delete anything inside folder EZBOOT ![]() Quote: "i dont understand what balder script contain" You don't need my collection of script to solve this issue - so leave those for the moment ![]() You are recommended to read the excellent 'missing manual' written by @AltairAC Read < HERE > balder Posted by Nitesh kamal on Mar. 04 2013,00:45
I have succsessfully built win8 + win xpsp2 multiboot dvdits not /bootmgr for win8 it only run bootmgr i delete the previous bootmgr which is present in ezboot folder then cut the bootmgr from disk1 folder then paste it in ezboot folder & i succeded what will be written run ....... for win xp sp3 I want to make multiboot of winxpsp2 + winxpsp3+ win7 Posted by balder on Mar. 04 2013,03:35
@Nitesh kamalQuote: "its not /bootmgr for win8 it only run bootmgr" Hmmm... I disagree ![]() You can for sure use folder EZBOOT and use menu command: run bootmgr But recommended is to copy files and folders to folder 'disk1' and use menu command: run /bootmgr Note: I tested for a couple of minutes ago Win8 and it worked correctly ![]() Anyway - most important is that you solved it your self - well done ![]() ----------------------------------- Quote: "I want to make multiboot of winxpsp2 + winxpsp3+ win7" Yes this is possible to achieve You already know how to solve Win7 (read in post nr; 2) To solve WinXP I recommend to test my script 'easyboot-aio.script' Read carefully 'READ_MEhtml' in folder 'balder' before you start using scripts Important note: if run Win7 or Win8, then set UAC (User-Account-Controll) to lowest level - otherwise scripts halts (it is well described in 'READ_ME.html') You can also push to 'Help' in script for more information... Scripts automatically creates a new setup-folder with the name you set in textbox in script You don't need to use the 'manually section' (only used if you decide to do the whole process manually as described in 'The missing manual' < HERE > Note: avoid using spaces in name to files and folders (or to any path or location) as scripts can not work correctly if it finds a space in such path or name to file\folder ---------------------------------- The PCLoginNow case I have a solution for that as well - but by some reason you removed that request while I was looking for a solution ![]() If you still are interesting I do have a solution for PCLoginNow ![]() ---------------------------------- balder Posted by Nitesh kamal on Mar. 04 2013,05:35
if u know how to add pc login now then tell the step
Posted by balder on Mar. 04 2013,05:49
@Nitesh kamalQuote: "if u know how to add pc login now then tell the step" That PCLoginNow_Full.iso I have found is close to 60 MB in size (to make sure we use the same ISO-file) Easiest way to include this ISO is to use 'frugal solution' which is this way: 1. Open PCLoginNow_Full.iso with your favourite ISO edit-program (I use UltraISO to open such files) 2. Extract files; 'LIVECD.' and file 'ROOT.DAT' to folder disk1 (folder 'disk1' is the root in EasyBoot if you wonder) 3. Copy PCLoginNow_Full.iso to folder EZBOOT 4. Use menu command in EasyBoot menu: run PCLoginNow_Full.iso 5. Create ISO as usual in EasyBoot Optionally you can delete file 'ROOT.DAT' inside ISO-file as we now have that file on the 'root' in EasyBoot This makes ISO-file much less in size - not needed - only an option ![]() Note: PCLoginNow_Full.iso has some peculiarities ![]() It didn't work when run in 64-bit hardware - but worked correctly when run in 32-bit hardware Perhaps my 64-bit hardware has some ' peculiarities ' and is an exception - I don't know ![]() ------------------ balder Posted by Nitesh kamal on Mar. 04 2013,05:55
@Nitesh kamalQuote: "XP SP3 NOT WORKING WHILE XPSP2 & WIN7 WORKS PERFECTLY" What method did you use to include WinXP_sp3 ![]() Did you do it manually or using script ![]() Note: script never fails ![]() ------------------ regards balder Posted by balder on Mar. 04 2013,06:56
@Nitesh kamalQuote: "BUT PCLOGIN NOW NOT RUN" What happened when launching PCLOGIN ![]() ![]() You may need to use a CD-RW (burn to CD-RW) and test in 'reality' ![]() ------------------ balder Posted by Nitesh kamal on Mar. 04 2013,07:18
@Nitesh kamalQuote: "I USE .BIF METHOD" Please use method described in post nr;8 That method do work correctly and is pretty easy to follow ![]() ------------------ Eeee.... One more thing - you don't need to 'shout' - please don't use CAPS when writhing - it looks like you are shouting ![]() regards balder Posted by Nitesh kamal on Mar. 05 2013,01:04
Dear Baldersome times before win7+winxpsp2+winxpsp3 works fine after adding the pcloginnow i overwrite my iso with new one then xpsp3 gives error halcpi.dll couldnot loaded and pcloginnow full gives error image file too large in virtual pc why plz reply Posted by balder on Mar. 05 2013,01:23
@Nitesh kamalQuote: "pcloginnow full gives error image file too large in virtual pc" Please test booting from your computer ![]() Don't test in Virtual PC as that test system doesn't fully support this pcloginnow software ![]() You could also test ticking 'Joliet' when creating ISO (but shouldn't be necessary in this case - but test anyway - no harm in testing a different track) Please also note that you are pretty close to what you can fit into a DVD (I'm referring to that the final build is pretty large if you have win7+winxpsp2+winxpsp3 AND pcloginnow into same ISO) This could create problems ![]() Attention! Please also test using a simple CD-RW and only have pcloginnow integrated into EasyBoot (temporarily skipping win7+winxpsp2+winxpsp3) This is only to make sure pcloginnow works okay Note: you must reboot computer and boot from your burned CD-RW and NOT using Virtual PC ------------------------- I'm out for a short trip on the road so I won't be accessible until 6 ours or something - you have plenty of time to test my suggestions above ![]() regards balder Posted by Nitesh kamal on Mar. 05 2013,05:04
what is the meaning of joliet , allow lowercase etc
Posted by balder on Mar. 05 2013,07:08
@Nitesh kamalQuote: ” what is the meaning of joliet , allow lowercase etc" and run it To clarify… Well ‘Allow Lower Case’ is as it sounds ![]() ISO is created accepting ‘lower case’ to file and folder names But this affect setup of WinXP as example (you must run ‘uppercase’ to all files and folders to make setup of WinXP work at all if ‘Allow Lower Case’ is ticked) ![]() Generally we never tick the ‘Allow Lower Case’ as it is extremely rare to use to make ‘things’ work correctly But the ‘Joliet’ is frequently ticked as it is needed when Linux is used in build (you will notice this later) ![]() -------------------- Regards balder Posted by Nitesh kamal on Mar. 08 2013,02:01
how to make multiboot of pcloginnow & pccmos cleanerplz write required steps Posted by balder on Mar. 08 2013,05:06
@Nitesh kamalQuote: " how to make multiboot of pcloginnow & pccmos cleaner" Well you are pointing to a common problem ![]() Programs created by the same company use the same 'standard solution' (same name to 'base-file') which creates problems for us ![]() However, in 'normal' case we should be able to boot such ISO directly using grub4dos isoemulation (launch ISO as it is with as special version of my 'grub-kicker-image') Unfortunately we can't use grub4dos isoemulation for booting PCCMOSCleaner. Reason to above mentioned problem is that PCCMOSCleaner, PCDiskEraser, PCRegedit and PCLoginNow are all programs of the same developer/company. They all use a old and crippled made version of the Gparted CD. We therefore are bound to only have one of those program on CD at same time ![]() Basically only one of such program using the 'frugal solution' mentioned in post nr;8 < HERE > is what I can offer you ![]() BUT maybe you can solve it using solution given < HERE > balder Posted by Nitesh kamal on Mar. 08 2013,07:13
can we make multiboot dvd of win7 + win8 in 4.7gb dvd disc if we use optimize option then both contain install.wim file they overwrite each other how to overcome this kind of problem Posted by balder on Mar. 08 2013,07:29
@Nitesh kamalQuote: "can we make multiboot dvd of win7 + win8 in 4.7gb dvd disc" There is now 'general solution' to this request ![]() This is an common request, and it is even worse to not have a 'handy solution' to grab and write a tutorial to (its very frustrating to not be able to easily solve this) ![]() Question is if it even is possible to have both these OP-systems at all to same DVD ![]() It is a question of size (or oversized may be the word to use) Win7 with integrated (updated) drivers gets pretty big and the same to Win8. It won't fit in to a 'standard' DVD These OP-systems is getting really big these days, you must move more to USB-solutions to solve such request ![]() Quote: "use optimize option then both contain install.wim file they overwrite each other" Unfortunately you cannot use 'Optimize' to such files as this is NT6-systems (compare to WinXP\server-2003 etcetera, which are NT5-based OP-systems where you can use 'Optimize' to some respect) And please also notice that 'wim-files' already are compressed and cannot be 'Optimized' in any respect ![]() balder Posted by Nitesh kamal on Mar. 09 2013,00:52
Dear balderI m recently install xp sp3 i give key during installatation but after installing it says activation pending how to solve this problem without reinstalling the xpsp3 again plz tell Posted by balder on Mar. 09 2013,03:08
@Nitesh kamalQuote: "but after installing it says activation pending" Well to 99,99% this has nothing to do with how EasyBoot behaves - it must be related to source of setup-files in WinXP_sp3 ![]() This makes it close to impossible for me to analyze and solve ![]() Again I recommend you to use my script 'easyboot-aio.script'. If installation from build that has WinXP_sp3 integrated into EasyBoot build using my script doesn't work correctly - well, then there is something wrong with your source of WinXP_sp3 ![]() Script also include a 'standard unattended file' (winnt.sif) that are very reliable in its behaviour ![]() All you need to do is to put in your 'CD-key' in script and set path to where your source of WinXP_sp3 are placed (files and folder i386) and finally set path to where EasyBoot\disk1 is installed This unfortunately means you are bound to reinstall WinXP_sp3 one more time (doesn't take many minutes and can be done 'unattended' anyway) Some things can be done smooth and some things needs reworking of the whole process - that's life in a nutshell ![]() regards balder Posted by Nitesh kamal on Mar. 11 2013,04:07
i make unattended cd of winxp sp2 1. copy & extract it 2. delete all files except setup.exe 3. run setup.exe & change the cd key or everything what is needed 4. rename unattended.txt to winnt.sif save it to i386 folder & make iso file when i ran it with cd it gives some error Posted by balder on Mar. 11 2013,04:45
@Nitesh kamalQuote: "when i ran it with cd it gives some error" What errors ![]() I still think you should give my script (using in script internal winnt.sif-file) a chance to solve this issue ![]() regards balder Posted by Nitesh kamal on Mar. 11 2013,08:19
no its is my mistake i use this cd as degrade of os win7 to xp then it doesnot work when i try on winxp based os then it shows no error one thing balder i want to ask u if u know plz answer that I make a new unattended windows xp cd sp2 & i was want to check this on my computer my purpose is only check the cd not installing the windows when installing device blue page appears i remove the cd now it searches for cd everytime ? how can i stop this & go in our preinstalled window i use F8 key but nothing happens what should i do Posted by balder on Mar. 11 2013,09:31
@Nitesh kamalQuote: "i use F8 key but nothing happens" Well to be able to use F8-key you must have a 'full' source (not reduced in the way my script creates) and you CANNOT use unattended if you goal is to have 'F8-option' included in build ![]() If you pushed to 'help-button' in my script ' easyboot-aio.script' you would read - and I quote from help-file: "If you use an unattended file, you also cannot use recovery console or repair windows." ![]() To solve this you can have the 'full' folder i386 on the root (without any Winnt.sif in folder i386) and secondly use my script 'easyboot-aio.script' to create a separate setup-folder (let script reduce and create a unattended source as an option) ![]() In above case you can use (tick) 'Optimize' when creating ISO in EasyBoot as this heavily reduce size to the final ISO ![]() regards balder Posted by joebaslover on Jun. 10 2013,09:15
any one help me on easyboot 6.53 rendering iso into 7.65 GB can only write 4 gb? the size on disk 1 is 7.65 GB so it possible the iso is 7.65 something. iwant to render ISO because i am using 8.5 dual layer DVD.. please give me to fix this error is there settings on easyboot that will need to change...?? |