Forum: EasyBoot Topic: Replacing Hiren's mini XP started by: EB1000 Posted by EB1000 on Feb. 18 2010,14:34
HiI'm directing this question to balder or madar, as this seems like a call for an expert. OK, I noticed that inside the Hiren's HBCD folder, the biggest file is named XP.CA_. If I rename it to XP.CAB it can be extracted to a folder with an image file named XP.IMG. This file I assume is an uncompressed HD image or RAMdrive image. The XP.IMG file can be extracted using 7zip; and inside there if a mini XP built with i386 folder etc. Now, here are my questions: What exactly is this XP.IMG file in Hiren's bot cd? is it an universal ramdisk image? Can it be replaced/modified? What is the method used in Hiren's cd to boot this XP.IMG? Is it already bootable? Can I replace the XP.IMG file inside the XP.CAB with my own universal XP image' and get an a modified Hiren boot CD with an alternative miniXP? Can i take a liveXP ISO i created (one that boot into ram) and convert it into IMG image (XP.IMG) and use it instead of the one inside Hiren's? Sorry for all the questions, just seem to be very interesting to know. Posted by EB1000 on Feb. 18 2010,14:39
One last question:How can I boot Hiren's miniXP using easyboot directly, without including all other tools from Hiren's CD? I mean, I want to end up with a minimum set of files required to boot Hiren's miniXP directly using EZboot. I ask cause this could be a very useful boot method for universal XP images using EZboot... Thanks Posted by madar on Feb. 18 2010,16:54
Hi dear EB1000A.For your question about how live xp runs in hiren,i should say that it runs on ram. ================================================================== B.If you want to have just mini XP of hiren ,there are several methods,and here i will tell you the way i do by hiren 9.9 that i think will work by hiren 10 too.Do as below: 1.Open hiren9,9 ISO by ultraiso,then delete all files insid HBCD except files below: isolinux.bin isolinux.cfg keyboard.bat menu.c32 uharc.exe uharcd.exe XP XP.BIN XP.DAT XP.CA_ XPLOADER.BIN 2.Extract XP.CA_ from ISO some where then extract cab file you will have XP.img. put it in HBCD folder of ISO and delete XP.CA_ 3.Open file "XP" insid folder HBCD by notepad and change that as below: [SetupData] BootDevice="ramdisk(0)" BootPath="\i386\System32\" OsLoadOptions="/fastdetect /minint /rdexportashd /rdpath=\HBCD\XP.img" 4.Open isolinux.cfg by notepad and change that as below: default /HBCD/menu.c32 prompt 0 timeout 010 menu title MCS Mini XP menu color border 0 #ffffffff #00000000 menu color sel 7 #ffffffff #ff000000 menu color title 0 #ffffffff #00000000 menu color unsel 0 #ffffffff #00000000 menu color disabled 0 #ffffffff #00000000 menu color timeout_msg 0 #ffffffff #00000000 menu color timeout 0 #ffffffff #00000000 menu tabmsg menu timeoutrow 10 menu margin 0 menu indent 5 menu rows 5 label xp menu label Start Mini Windows Xp kernel /HBCD/XP.BIN Save your ISO.Now you have hirenbootCD but just with mini XP on it. ===================================================================== C.If you want to run the iso made above by EasyBoot do as below: 1. copy contents of iso to ...\EasyBoot\disk1 2. Use command below in EasyBoot: bcdw /hbcd/isolinux.bin ====================================================================== thats all Posted by zanerv on Sep. 21 2010,06:52
how can i put some files in XP.img?
Posted by bugme on Jul. 12 2011,06:13
How to edit file XP.bin of hiren bootcd v14.0. I want boot mini XP not in folder HBCD or change folder HBCD to folder example (folder BOOT) ? Can you help ?
Posted by pica on Jul. 12 2011,21:43
"What exactly is this XP.IMG file in Hiren's bot cd? is it an universal ramdisk image? Can it be replaced/modified?"Yes, You can modify it by mounting the image. "Can i take a liveXP ISO i created (one that boot into ram) and convert it into IMG image (XP.IMG) and use it instead of the one inside Hiren's?" Everything is possible, but why? Minixp in v14.0 is definitely a better one, support scsi, sata, wire/wireless connection, etc.. VirtualBox v4 works also within minixp (surprise!) The only problem, HBCD is still using *.uha. If you run any applications within windows, it will create a lot of residue on the HDD. Let say after run HxD application, it will create residue as big as ~1.6 Mb on your HDD. *.exe extension is much better, in some cases no residue at all or very low. "How to edit file XP.bin of hiren bootcd v14.0. I want boot mini XP not in folder HBCD or change folder HBCD to folder example (folder BOOT) ?" Xp.bin is hard coded, you can change it by using hexeditor like HxD Posted by NonExistant on Aug. 02 2011,04:22
I am sorry, I don't understand where you got the Xp.img. I extracted xp.ca_ but got nothing but Used both the Extract and Extract to.. Option for UltraIso, got same results and saw nothing with xp.img or .cab???Never Mind, figured it out. Thank you for the Amazing Help. Posted by acebugner on Oct. 14 2011,12:37
I am trying to add a file to XP.img. I tried several programs, UltraISO, Winmount, 7Zip and I was not able to add a file to it. I always get an error saying either invalid File format or invalid Data or in the case of 7zip which allows me to see the contents of it, when I try to add something, it displays the message "Operation not supported". I know that the file is not corrupted as I was able to modify the XP file and boot from it. I can see the content of the file XP.img but I cannot add anything to it. Does anyone know how add a file to XP.img? Any help would be highly appreciated. Posted by madar on Oct. 19 2011,04:51
Hifor adding some other data to XP.img ,you shoul first open it by WinImage and change it's size. for example if it's size is 256 MB you should change it to for example 512M and save that. after this is done ,you can open XP.img by ultraiso and add it what you need. Posted by siddler on Feb. 10 2012,07:29
(madar @ Feb. 18 2010,21:54) QUOTE Hi dear EB1000 A.For your question about how live xp runs in hiren,i should say that it runs on ram. ================================================================== B.If you want to have just mini XP of hiren ,there are several methods,and here i will tell you the way i do by hiren 9.9 that i think will work by hiren 10 too.Do as below: 1.Open hiren9,9 ISO by ultraiso,then delete all files insid HBCD except files below: isolinux.bin isolinux.cfg keyboard.bat menu.c32 uharc.exe uharcd.exe XP XP.BIN XP.DAT XP.CA_ XPLOADER.BIN 2.Extract XP.CA_ from ISO some where then extract cab file you will have XP.img. put it in HBCD folder of ISO and delete XP.CA_ 3.Open file "XP" insid folder HBCD by notepad and change that as below: [SetupData] BootDevice="ramdisk(0)" BootPath="\i386\System32\" OsLoadOptions="/fastdetect /minint /rdexportashd /rdpath=\HBCD\XP.img" 4.Open isolinux.cfg by notepad and change that as below: default /HBCD/menu.c32 prompt 0 timeout 010 menu title MCS Mini XP menu color border 0 #ffffffff #00000000 menu color sel 7 #ffffffff #ff000000 menu color title 0 #ffffffff #00000000 menu color unsel 0 #ffffffff #00000000 menu color disabled 0 #ffffffff #00000000 menu color timeout_msg 0 #ffffffff #00000000 menu color timeout 0 #ffffffff #00000000 menu tabmsg menu timeoutrow 10 menu margin 0 menu indent 5 menu rows 5 label xp menu label Start Mini Windows Xp kernel /HBCD/XP.BIN Save your ISO.Now you have hirenbootCD but just with mini XP on it. ===================================================================== C.If you want to run the iso made above by EasyBoot do as below: 1. copy contents of iso to ...\EasyBoot\disk1 2. Use command below in EasyBoot: bcdw /hbcd/isolinux.bin ====================================================================== thats all Hi,How do you read "XP" with notepad as per your paragraph 3? Thanks. siddler Posted by balder on Feb. 10 2012,08:22
@siddlerAs this is your first post I say welcome @siddler ![]() I understand you are interested of extracting Hiren MiniXP from Hiren ISO - is this an correct description ![]() Download my set of script (download below) Use 'easyboot-hiren_v14*.script' and check "Only integrate Hiren MiniXP into EasyBoot" ![]() If run Win7 or Vista, you must set 'User-Account-Controll' to lowest level to make script work smooth ![]() Read also 'READ_ME.html' in folder 'balder' carefully ![]() balder Posted by siddler on Feb. 10 2012,12:49
Hi,Thanks for the welcome and prompt reply.I am using an article "can I extract mini XP from hirens bootcd" and came to the part where it said , 3.Open file "XP" inside folder HBCD by notepad and change that as below" [SetupData],I cannot open it with notepad. All I want to do is to make a stand alone CD with Hirens bootcd. Thanks. siddler. Posted by balder on Feb. 10 2012,13:33
@siddlerQuote: "All I want to do is to make a stand alone CD with Hirens bootcd." I guess you mean with 'stand alone' and no EasyBoot involved ![]() Why don't you simply burn Hiren-boot-cd.iso to a CD right away ![]() Or do you wish to 'extract' MiniXP from Hiren and only use this part to your 'stand alone cd' ![]() Or do you wish to use EasyBoot and integrate only Hiren boot-cd as the only object in EasyBoot menu ![]() Please I need some clarifications here ![]() Note: my script 'easyboot-hiren_v14*' can do this if using HirenV14 or later (which is recommended to use for better driver support to new motherboards) However, you need to install EasyBoot OR create 'false folders path' like this: EasyBoot\disk1\ezboot Script extract and create ISO. Open EasyBoot\disk1\iso and there is Hiren MiniXP ready to burn to CD regards balder Posted by siddler on Feb. 10 2012,16:58
Hi,I prefer to use your 'EasyBoot-hiren_V14*',I have dowloaded your script and EasyBoot as this is all new to me I must ask how do I extract the script? I am using Win 7.Refards siddler Posted by balder on Feb. 10 2012,18:04
@siddlerQuote: "how do I extract the script?" First of all - you are recommended to download updated script-collection - was done during this night while you where sleeping ![]() Simply delete folder 'balder' and replace with updated folder 'balder' I updated especially 'easyboot-hiren_v14.script' as changes has been done between hiren_v14 and Hiren_v15 Anyway... You extract folder 'balder' from inside of downloaded zip-file (use any zip-program to extract folder 'balder'). Make sure to put folder 'balder' to the root C:\ Open folder 'balder' and double-click to 'READ_ME.html' - read carefully help and you have it ![]() Note: I repeat, set 'User-Account-Control' to lowest level as command-line tools are frequently used in scripts (typically format.exe or similar command-line tool) ![]() Scripts 'hate' spaces in names to folder and file names. Don't use folder names like: my folder Use instead: my_folder Same to file names. And do not use the desktop as repository for files (hiren.iso as exampel) Desktop is a sub-folder to 'Documents and Settings' (common problem) as you can notice, there is spaces in that name 'Documents and Settings' Instead use a created folder on the root C:\ as repository to files you are interested to use in combination with my scripts! regards balder Posted by siddler on Feb. 11 2012,16:44
Hi,Thanks again for the info,I think I did it right? but now I getting "Warning" " You are not using Hiren ISO -file version 14.0 or higher script cannot intergrate Minixp from ISO-file you chosed please use Hiren Ver 14.0 or higher!" I am using Hirens Ver 15.1. Please advise ![]() Thanks again. Regards. siddler Posted by balder on Feb. 11 2012,17:27
@siddlerQuote: "but now I getting Warning" I downloaded HirenV15.1 (used download link in script) I don't get that message - tested for a couple of minutes ago ![]() If you do get that message - then it is something strange with your Hiren ISO-file ![]() Note: script is checking ISO-file as MINIXP.ISO can only be created using Hiren-version-14 or later If script find out there is something fussy with your ISO-files it stops and you get this message ![]() Check that you do not have spaces to name to Hiren ISO-file and no space to path. Test by simply copy Hiren-ISO-file to the root C:\ and rename ISO to hiren.iso ![]() Hmmm... It's bed time ![]() regards balder Posted by siddler on Feb. 12 2012,15:40
Hi,I downloaded Hirens Boot CD Ver 14 and it worked fine,must thank you for your advice and propt reply's.Now you can have a good sleep. ![]() ![]() Regards. siddler ![]() Posted by Kabilos on Mar. 29 2012,15:28
Greetings Balder, I have followed your instructions, with the script and when I burn the MiniXP.iso file, it includes all of the Hirens tools. After following your script do I have to mount the image in UltraISO and then delete the various programs? MY goal is to create a cd for a bootable windows xp that can be used to surf the net and not affect my client machines. I am using HBCD 15.1 Thank you in advance. Posted by balder on Mar. 29 2012,16:12
@KabilosFirst of all, welcome to this forum @Kabilos ![]() Secondly quote: "I have followed your instructions, with the script and when I burn the MiniXP.iso file, it includes all of the Hirens tools" Hmmm I'm a little bit confused - hope I haven't totally misunderstood what you mean ![]() If your goal is to only integrate a WinXP that makes it possible to surf Internet, then Hiren's 'MiniXP' is a good choice. If you in script check 'Only integrate Hiren MiniXP into EasyBoot' you only get MiniXP and no DOS-tools and no 'Parted-Magic' and no antivirus-stuff etcetera. However you do get MiniXP with some 'tools' that hardly can harm any computer. I'll say you need to have those 'basic tools' in working condition when using MiniXP Note: why not use one of those Linux-systems that can be freely used and can run as 'live-systems' similar to MiniXP! Or why not use 'Ylmf' that is an perfect clone of Windows-XP ![]() In fact, Ylmf can be run from ISO-file directly using my 'kicker-image' ![]() The choice in the end is of course in your hand ![]() balder Posted by Kabilos on Mar. 30 2012,11:45
Ok that makes sense, I did try some of the tools inside of the MINIXP and it did error. (which is good), What I wonder is if there is a way to remove the tool link from the menu, so that it cannot be clicked. Also, do you know of a way to extract MiniXP with all of the tools, it would be nice as a stand alone tech tool for my technicians who don't need to be monkeying with all of the dos tools. So TL:DR 1. Is there a way to remove the programs from view in mini xp 2. is there a way to create a full MiniXP boot cd with all programs. I appreciate your input on this matter. Have a great day. Posted by balder on Mar. 30 2012,12:40
@ KabilosQuote: "1. Is there a way to remove the programs from view in mini xp 2. is there a way to create a full MiniXP boot cd with all programs." 1: This is a hack that must be done when creating file XP.wim which we do not have access to ![]() 2: Hmmm... If you use my script 'EasyBoot-HIREN_v14*' and in script check; "Only integrate Hiren MiniXP into EasyBoot (No DOS-tools etcetera)" - all DOS-tools are removed - including 'Parted magic' and all antivirus tools as well are skipped - left is MiniXP and 'basic tools' included in MiniXP (7z-file manager, Notepad, Disk-Management, Registry manager etcetera) Okay I can understand the point with eliminate 'meddlesome persons' from doing 'bad things' by removing programs could be an idea ![]() However this must in most cases be done when creating XP-wim-file which cannot be changed from my script (or manipulated by Easyboot). So you are stuck to accept tools that are integrated into Hiren's MiniXP ![]() Quote: "Have a great day" Same to you ![]() regards balder Posted by Kabilos on Mar. 30 2012,14:51
What about using your script to Only integrate Hiren MiniXP into EasyBoot with all the dos tools?I suppose I could just use UltraISO and copy all of the tools back into the image right? Posted by balder on Mar. 30 2012,16:23
@ KabilosQuote: "What about using your script to Only integrate Hiren MiniXP into EasyBoot with all the dos tools?" It seems you have missunderstod the function of my script and perhaps how Hiren works ![]() If NOT using checkbox (NOT ticking checkbox) "Only integrate Hiren MiniXP into EasyBoot (No DOS-tools etcetera)" When pushing 'Start-button' script asks for location of Hiren ISO-file. When you double-click to Hiren ISO-file script integrate the whole Hiren build into EasyBoot (and in the end automatically giving you the right menu command to use in EasyBoot menu) If using checkbox (checkbox ticked) "Only integrate Hiren MiniXP into EasyBoot (No DOS-tools etcetera)" When pushing 'Start-button' in script asks for location of Hiren ISO-file. When you double-click to Hiren ISO-file script only integrate the Hiren MiniXP-system into EasyBoot, skipping all DOS-tools and Parted magiq as well (and in the end automatically giving you the right menu command to use in EasyBoot menu). Note: Hiren MiniXP has no access to DOS-tools ![]() Those DOS-tools are used in DOS environment and not in the 32-bit system (MiniXP)! ------------------ Quote: " I suppose I could just use UltraISO and copy all of the tools back into the image right?" Why not simply run the script ![]() Note: script has a lot of 'checkpoint built in. As example, script automatically scan your folder disk1, and if finding an earlier build of Hiren, script clean up and rebuild your Hiren (with or without DOS-tools depending how you use mentioned checkbox) If you use wrong version of Hiren ISO-file you are automatically notified (script halts and clean up in the same moment) ------------------- To sum up... ![]() You have two options: 1. Integrate the whole Hiren build into EasyBoot 2. Only integrate Hirens version of MiniXP, skipping all DOS-tools as you launch the 32-bit system (MiniXP). -------------------- Regards balder Posted by bugme on Sep. 06 2012,09:25
Sorry to resurrect an old post but will this script allow me to make a live usb install of minixp with persistent storage? If not how do I do that? Posted by balder on Sep. 06 2012,11:40
@bugme Quote: "make a live usb install of minixp with persistent storage?" Interesting request - especially as I'm confused what you exactly mean ![]() ![]() A. MiniXP is 'persistent' on the USB drive in the way it is loaded and run from RAM but need USB drive still plugged in to have access to folder HBCD B. But 'surf statistic' or similar 'data' is not 'persistent' as RAM is wiped out when you shut down MiniXP (and\or reboot or shut down) C. MiniXP must have access to folder HBCD (HBCD reduced with only tools left that are related to MiniXP) and can even NOT be hided (tick 'Create Boot Partition' when 'Burn to USB drive in EasyBoot), if using such option, MiniXP cannot find folder HBCD as it is hided Hmmm... Hopefully I haven't totally misunderstood your request - or have I ![]() ![]() regards balder Posted by pica on Sep. 07 2012,15:28
Just wondering why the most like to use it?What is it good for? It create a lot of junk files on your host machine. Just one example you can see the rest of the files in C: drive \%temp%. < > You will find some alternative: 1. LiveXp is not persistent 2. If Im not mistaken, WinPE v.3 has persistence ability. 3. Native boot win7/8 vhd. It functions like full install system and the best system for fixing computer. 4. or Native boot Xp using winvblock functions like #3, portable also just need drivers to run on a lot of computers. I dont think to use it, but it is yours Tutorial: < > Posted by balder on Sep. 07 2012,16:13
@picaSome comments although I guess talk is not addressed to me ![]() ----------------------- I'm NOT using Hiren in any build as I have the exact question, quote: " What is it good for?" I also have the same thought quote: "Just wondering why the most like to use it?" However I created a script because it seems to be so popular to other users... Quote: "You will find some alternative" Exactly!!! By the way... You can find discussion regarding quote: "Native boot win7/8 vhd" in EasyBoot forum Solution how to launch such VHD-file from EasyBoot menu is solved ![]() However as you point out, these decisions is not ours - it is up to the user ![]() Note: I didn't have any acknowledge about tutorial in 'REBOOT' ![]() It's a nice tutorial - however, my script isn't that sophisticated but is on the other hand, fully automated for those that must have Hiren in EasyBoot build ![]() regards balder Posted by rfloubo on Oct. 14 2012,17:05
Well, I want to use MiniXP but I also want to change the path of the HBCD folder. Everything else works fine except MiniXP which fails.I have 15.1. How can one fix this? Posted by balder on Oct. 15 2012,03:40
@rfloubo Welcome to EasyBoot @rfloubo ![]() Quote: "I also want to change the path of the HBCD folder" Unfortunately not that easy to do... ![]() MiniXP (a sort of mini XP-PE) has it's path to programs already set inside wim-file and cannot be changed that easy ![]() ------------------------------------------ Quote: "Everything else works fine except MiniXP which fails" I'm unsure what method you are using (and what the goal is) ![]() However, if you are interested to only use MiniXP, then use my script 'easyboot-hiren_v14*' to solve this issue ![]() Note: you have download below in every post I write in this forum. And please read carefully 'READ_ME.html' inside folder 'balder' before using scripts. This works! balder Posted by rfloubo on Oct. 15 2012,08:49
Thank you balder : ).If I got it correctly your script converts the miniXP to an ISO. It's a good solution. I'm still looking for a simpler solution, either move the folder to the root, boot XP, and then move it back or use grub4dos to 'fool' the XP and make it think that the working directory is /HBCD. Might this be possible? Posted by balder on Oct. 15 2012,09:16
@rfloubo Quote: "If I got it correctly your script converts the miniXP to an ISO" Yes this is partly correct - but the 'LAN-drivers' and some other programs related to MiniXP, must still be reachable from inside of folder HBCD as 'shortcuts' inside MiniXP uses path to folder HBCD - take also attention to that the XP-system is still launched from 'wim-file' (XP.wim) ![]() Quote: "use grub4dos to 'fool' the XP" I cannot see how this could work - looks like 'mission impossible' to me ![]() Quote: "I'm still looking for a simpler solution" Can it be more simple than use script ![]() Moving folders and files here and there do not sound as a 'simple solution' ![]() However the final choice is always the end users choice ![]() balder Posted by rfloubo on Oct. 18 2012,16:33
I meant simpler that it doesn't involve changing the files a lot.I know that the problem is the XP.bin file because if the folder name changes but keeps the same length and I change this file accordingly it all works just fine. But if I change XP.bin size it fails. Is there a way to create a new XP.bin? Can your tools do that? Posted by balder on Oct. 18 2012,17:08
@rflouboQuote: "But if I change XP.bin size it fails" You must use a hex editor to do any changes to such file ![]() Note: I still haven't got the full picture what you want to achieve here ![]() Generally changing size isn't that good idea - as most of these files is sensitive in many ways. However in this particular case we are dealing with Hiren MiniXP that is launched from an wim-file (XP.wim) and not from any ISO What I'm saying is that the specific WinXP-system is launched from a wim-file inside ISO-file I cannot see how you can 'remount' that system, as that system is run in RAM ![]() Quote: "Is there a way to create a new XP.bin? Can your tools do that?" No, my scripts are not designed to modify or create such systems. However 'easyboot-aio.script' can create setup of All-In-One (winXP, server-2003 etcetera) into same EayBoot-build In this case, xp.bin is automatically hex edit by script and in fact, the server-2003_sp1 version of 'setupldr.bin' is also patched before hex edit, otherwise it gets corrupted (all automatically done by script) But this is a different story ![]() If you are interested to create you very own version of MiniXP, there are a lot of solutions to chose from on Internet ![]() But okay, I admit that Hirens MiniXP is pretty small, but take then in consideration that LAN-drivers and some other 'utilities' is hanging around outside the specific XP-wim-file, which makes it not that small overall. Also note that wim-file with MiniXP is compressed, and is automatically expanded to RAM when launched The build is in reality around 150 MB in size when up and run (XP-core-system is run from RAM) and some other parts must also be reachable (LAN-drivers as example) from inside of folder HBCD. balder Posted by rfloubo on Oct. 19 2012,12:58
Yes, I used a hex editor. It worked fine if I just change characters but not size so I guess there might be some size pointers in the bin file.I'm not running this from a ISO. I have the HBCD folder as a normal folder on the drive and just want to move it out of the root. Posted by RogerVador on Dec. 12 2012,01:24
I often use MiniXP extracted from Hiren , the fastest tool for me. As it's Windows Xp 32 bits based, it's not possible to work with GPT partitions. Is there a way to include a soft like GPT Loader from Paragon for example?
Posted by balder on Dec. 12 2012,02:10
@RogerVadorWelcome to EasyBoot @RogerVador ![]() Quote: "GPT Loader from Paragon" Unfortunately I do not have GPT system to any harddisk (don't use such large units at present time) ![]() I don't think it is possible to integrate into 'MiniXP' You must build a new 'MiniXP' But you can most likely launch paragon (the bootable ISO-file) from EasyBoot However if you have paragon ISO-file (the bootable rescue ISO-file) you copy ISO-file to folder EZBOOT and use menu command: run paragon.iso (or what ever name you use to ISO-file). Tick only 'Joliet' when creating ISO Note: this also works from USB drive ![]() Read examples related to paragon in EasyBoot < HERE > and < HERE > EDIT: Personal thoughts on Hiren ![]() I find it hard to understand this obsession to Hiren - some of them even mediocre collection of software - and most likely never needed! Further more, each of these software can anyway be launched from EasyBoot menu without the help of Hiren's Boot CD! Why not build your own 'rescue CD' with exact the 'tools' that may be needed ![]() balder Posted by painiac on Dec. 13 2012,23:41
(balder @ Dec. 12 2012,07:10) QUOTE Personal thoughts on Hiren ![]() I find it hard to understand this obsession to Hiren - some of them even mediocre collection of software - and most likely never needed! I recently discovered FalconFour's Ultimate Boot CD, which was based on an older version of Hiren's but is heavily modified, and is much better thought-out and more useful. FalconFour's MiniXP was heavily customized by him as well. Posted by Jiten on Aug. 14 2013,07:25
Hi I want to install Mini XP from a USB device but when i want to create a bootable drive of mini XP, it says that there are missing files like WINNT32.exe etc. So please suggest me any method to do this, or is there any way to install MINI Xp of Hiren to the HDD? Waiting for your reply Thanks Posted by balder on Aug. 14 2013,09:52
@JitenWelcome to EasyBoot @Jiten ![]() Quote: "install MINI Xp of Hiren to the HDD" Well Hiren's MiniXP is only an WindowsPE and not a full Windows system ![]() You cannot setup a (full) Windows system using an WinPE of a Windows system However, you can launch a WinPE from harddisk - but what is the point with that ![]() Note: Most parts of Hiren's MiniXP is run from RAM and can be used to access any harddisk that use FAT32 or NTFS Purpose with WinPE is to access files and folders if OP-system fails to run (and hopefully replace some file that is damaged in OP-system or similar operation) ![]() Could you please clarify what you mean with "install MINI Xp of Hiren to the HDD" ![]() balder |