Forum: EasyBoot Topic: Win7(32bit)+Win7(64bit) in usb boot up started by: Ezboot Posted by Ezboot on Sep. 04 2013,17:05
i has a file win7(32bit) and win7(64bit) iso,i want to make it in usb,but it has same file name in dir,so i cannot put all file in root at C:\EasyBoot\disk1\EZBOOT,and it cannot do "run bootmgr" to setup,what can i do to solve it?1. win7(32bit) 2. win7(64bit) 3. win XP(if can) Posted by balder on Sep. 05 2013,03:37
@EzbootWelcome to EasyBoot @Ezboot ![]() To solve Win7-32bit and Win7-64bit from USB you are recommended to use a USB harddrive and create several partition to this drive before you start next step Read < HERE > Alternatively you can test to merge 32-bit and 64-bit into same source (install.wim) and use this source folder on the root of USB (folder disk1 in EasyBoot) Examples how to merge Win7 32-bit and 64-bit into same ISO < HERE > And < HERE > Another nice example how to do it < HERE > If you manage this, I can give you a much easier way to solve the whole thing (Win7 and WinXP) ------------------------------- To run setup of WinXP from USB drive is a tricky business Read < HERE > Alternatively you can test this: 1. Use a spare USB stick\thumb drive (at least 1 GB in size) 2. Follow above (using downloaded tool) to setup USB stick to run setup of WinXP from USB 3. Copy all files and folders from USB stick to folder 'disk1' in Easyboot! 4. Download my set of scripts (you have download below) and copy floppy image 'setupxp.img' from folder 'balder\USB_Resources' to folder EZBOOT and use menu command: run setupxp.img ![]() 5. Create ISO in EasyBoot as usual and use 'Burn>Write USB Disk...' balder Posted by Ezboot on Sep. 19 2013,11:02
Thank a lot for helpful suggestion!(because busy and need time to learn,now has time to reply)I finally do it success,thank again. ================================== Summaries step by step for someone use ================================== [1.] make 2 folder,win7(32b) & win7(64b),extract(32bit)(64bit)all file to it. [2.] use Windows Automated Installation Kit “waik” to see which no. you want. < > Imagex.exe/info c:\win7(64b)\sources\install.wim [3.] use Windows Automated Installation Kit “waik” to merge win7(64b) to win7(32b) Under 32 mode,u can not merge two folder to win7(64b) Imagex.exe/export c:\win7(64b)\sources\install.wim 4 c:\win7(32b)\sources\install.wim “Windows 7” [4.] use oscdimg in “waik” to make NEW win7(all).iso Oscdimg.exe –u2 –bc:\win7(32b)\boot\ /lwin7(all) –g –h c:\win7(32b) c:\win7(all).iso [5.] copy all win7(32b) file & folder to easyboot\disk\ [6.] use EasyBoot to burn in USB. < > 1. Setup window7(32bit)(64bit)_run /bootmgr 2. Start from harddisk(in usb)_swap;boot 80 3. Shutdown computer_shutdown 4. Setup window XP(option)_run /ezboot/xp.img (use restore: Ghost11.exe -clone,mode=pload,src=1.1:\XP.gho:1,dst=2:1 -noide -sure -rb) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ BUT in ultraISO to making usb, i find i can not use any HIDING mode,if use, setup can not start,it alway say missing “Window booting file”,even use function “bootpart” , is it a bug of easyboot ?can solve? Other one more question,can i change “description” for other name? E.g.Window 7(32&64). Posted by balder on Sep. 19 2013,12:16
@EzbootQuote: "i find i can not use any HIDING mode" Yes this is perfectly normal ![]() If using hiding the 'root' is hided - only folder EZBOOT is 'visible' for the EasyBoot boot-file 'ezldr' And files like 'bootmgr' is looking to the root and find nothing is there if using 'hide' ![]() So you are stuck to NOT use the option 'hide' in these cases I must say - nice progress you have done - really very good - keep it up ![]() For the WinXP (setup WinXP from USB) you are bound to use method described in post nr;2 above There is no point using 'bootpart' - simply use method described in post nr;2 and use menu command: run winxp.img For the 'can i change “description” for other name' I can't tell ![]() I wouldn't mess with this - instead accept names and that it works - which is your initial goal ![]() regards balder Posted by sendaen on Sep. 22 2013,02:22
Thanks, I am looking for the solution too, it's great!