Forum: EasyBoot Topic: Multiple USB with WinPE an Linux started by: sangiovese Posted by sangiovese on Apr. 11 2014,09:46
Hello,first thanks that I get a member of this forum. Naturally I hope that you may help to make an ISO with EasyBoot. What is my problem? I have the following images (separate bootable USB!) and I will use these with only one bootable USB stick with - Win8AIO.iso (32Bit, 64Bit, Core and Professional) - Backupper.iso (AOMEI-Backupper Pro 2.0 WinPE 8.1) - Partitioner.iso (AOMEI-Partition-Assistent Pro 5.5 WinPE 8.1) - BlueCon.iso (O&O BlueCon 11 WinPE 8.1) - Knoppix.iso (Knoppix 7.0 Linux) I know how to make a bootable USB, but not how to create the EasyBoot files. May anyone help to me? greetings sangiovese Posted by balder on Apr. 11 2014,12:03
@sangioveseWelcome to EasyBoot @sangiovese ![]() Quote: "I have the following images..." Well its a heavy task you are trying to perform - not impossible, but a little bit 'sweaty' to solve ![]() Note: I do not have all this software in my position, but it seems 'Backupper.iso' and 'Partitioner.iso' and finally 'BlueCon.iso' are built as WinPE based on NT6-system (Win8 in this case) If above is the case, you can use ISO-files as they are (no need to extract anything from ISO-files), simply use ISO-files straight forward ![]() Test this to mentioned ISO-files: 1. Copy 'BlueCon.iso' to folder EZboot and use menu command: run BlueCon.iso (or whatever name you use to ISO-file) 2. Do the same to 'Backupper.iso' and finally also to the 'Partitioner.iso' 3. Create ISO in EasyBoot 4. Test with 'burn' to a USB stick and see if it works okay (hopefully it will) -------------------------------- Solution to the 'Win8AIO.iso (32Bit, 64Bit, Core and Professional)' case should bee this: 1. Extract all files and folders in ISO to folder 'disk1' in EasyBoot (folder 'disk1' is the 'root' in EasyBoot if you wonder) 2. Use menu command: run \bootmgr 3. Create ISO in EasyBoot 4. Test with 'burn' to a USB stick and see if it works okay (hopefully it will) --------------------------------- The knoppix case... We are going to use a 'frugal solution' to KNOPPIX I found a KNOPPIX_V7.0.4.iso-file to test with 1. Open KNOPPIX ISO-file and extract folder 'KNOPPIX' to folder 'disk1' in EasyBoot (I used UltraISO to this operation) 2. Still having ISO opened in UltraISO you can delete folder 'KNOPPIX' as it is not needed in ISO any longer Note: this is optional and not needed. but reduce size ISO-file (we don't need folder 'knoppix' in two places at same time) 3. Save changes (choose 'Save As') to ISO and save to folder EZBOOT using name knoppix7.iso (or whatever name you prefer) 4. Use menu command: run knoppix7.iso (or whatever name you used to ISO when saved) 5. Create ISO in EasyBoot with 'Joliet' checked!!! 6. Burn to USB and test ------------------------------------ Please test each solution as a 'stand-alone-operation' - don't do all stuff at once. Test each solution before doing the complete build ![]() It is also a good idea to test in 'reality' (reboot computer and start from USB stick) ![]() ------------ balder Posted by sangiovese on Apr. 11 2014,13:32
@Balder:Thanks for the quick help. I will test it soon. sangiovese |