Forum: EasyBoot Topic: HOw can i boot multiple WinXp's setup started by: naeembabakheil Posted by naeembabakheil on May 24 2014,00:57
Hi !!!i am confused i have copied my WinXp Sp3 file to disk1 Folder now i have another Xp setup disk how can i copy that file becoz both xp cd will load from i386 folder.. Plz help me i want to make multiple WinXp's setup Disk both images are Windows Xp Sp3 Professtional ![]() Posted by balder on May 24 2014,02:53
@naeembabakheilQoute: "Plz help me i want to make multiple WinXp's setup Disk" Sure... ![]() There are a brief explanation how this can be done in helpfile in EasyBoot, but this mainly only works for WinXP original and probably not for WinXP_sp3 ![]() Simplest solution is to use my script 'easyboot-AIO.script' Download is below in every post I write in this forum - or use link < HERE > Extract downloaded zip-file to the root (partition C:) Read carefully 'READ_ME.html' inside folder 'balder'!!! There is also a 'help-button' in script which informs you briefly how to use each script ![]() Note: some antivirus-programs may disturb how script is run. If so, inactivate antivirus while run script(s) The 'easyboot-AIO.script' can only be used to CD\DVD and not from USB drive!!! Run setup of WinXP from USB drive is a total different issue - and also a troublesome experience Note: script support all versions of WinXP (sp1\sp2\sp3) and also support Server-2003 (sp1\sp2) Important! Don't have spaces in path to any folder/files ![]() Use you 'root' (C:) as working area 1. I repeat, take your time and read carefully 'READ_ME.html' in folder balder and also push to 'help-button' in script 2. Use you 'root' (C:) as working area Note: there is also a flash-movie in 'READ_ME.html' (it shows how 'easyboot-ISO.script' is used, but is also helpful how scripts are used) ---------------------- balder Posted by naeembabakheil on May 24 2014,12:52
thanks for reply ..i downladoed your file and use that winbuilder app .. this app make me confused .. after adding script with that app , how can i add anohter windows xp i386 folder should i rename it it only make changes in one i386 folder how can anohter setup is affected ... Plz guide me ![]() I have one windows xp sp3 orignal another in whihch i intregrate my drivers so i want to make choice to select from one of them now the problem is same boht winxp setup has "i386 folder" ![]() ![]() Posted by balder on May 24 2014,15:54
@naeembabakheilQoute: "should i rename it it only" Yes exactly ![]() Let's say you have one XP_sp3 then set a name in box like this: XPS3 (meaning winXP_sp3) Note: always use CAPS (BIG LETTERS) ![]() Push on start button and let script do it things. In the end you automatically get the right menu command to use by script (in this case 'run XPS3.bin') You then set a new name to that different XP (the one with drivers integrated) - set any 4-letters name you like - let's say XPDR (meaning WinXP with integrated drivers). In the end you automatically get the right menu command to use by script (in this case 'run XPDR.bin') Attention! You also must of course change path to this different I386-folders (where ever you have this different folder I386) Note: script also accepts CD\DVD-driver in case you already have a working setup-CD(s) You can also integrate Server-2003 etcetera, again by changing name in text-box and changing path to where this folder I386 related to Server-2003 is put But always make sure there isn't any spaces in path or to folder name where you have your different I386-folders ---------------------- regards balder Posted by naeembabakheil on May 25 2014,01:40
i have put one setup files in disk1 folder so i have to rename other setup files and then run that winbuilder script to navigate to rename folder ...i.e; i386 folder.. man totally confused i have to make disc and i am stuck can u plz make a video on how to make this type of disc ... plz plz share it through PM .. of jst show through screenshoot how can i do that plz help me.......... ![]() Posted by balder on May 25 2014,03:18
@naeembabakheilQoute: "i have put one setup files in disk1 folder " Why are you putting files and folders in EasyBoot\disk1 ![]() Okay, it can be a good idea to put one folder I386 in folder 'disk1' (especially if you have a special I386 that is modified using program such as nLite) --------------------- Note: I don't at present time have any computer that run WinXP so it close to impossible to create any screenshots - I have to use plain text description ![]() Okay... One more time... Method A describing how to integrate two different WinXP into EasyBoot using 'easyboot-AIO.script' Note. only have folder EZBOOT left in EasyBoot (no WinXP-files and folders are needed here) 1. Create a new folder WinXP_sp3 on partition C: (as you can see, now spaces to folder name WinXP_sp3) 2. Copy all files and folders of WinXP_sp3 -setup-files to folder WinXP_sp3 on partition C: 3. Launch 'easyboot-AIO.script' and in script set path to folder WinXP_sp3 on partition C: Note: in script you have 'Scroll to where folder i386 is, don't open folder i386. CD/DVD-unit can also be used' you always must change (set) correct path to where you have setup-folder I386 and files (in this example folder WinXP_sp3 on partition C:) Anyway, in case you don't set correct path script automatically halts and remind you to set correct path to setup-files of WinXP 4. Also make sure in script that path to folder disk1 in EasyBoot is correct Note: in case you have set wrong path to EasyBoot\disk1 folder, script automatically complains and ask for correct path to folder disk1 5. Set name in text-box in script (4-letters name using CAPS=BIG LETTERS) 6. Now push to 'Start-button' in script and let the script do it things. When finished you automatically by script receive what menu command to use in EasyBoot menu 7. Now create a new folder WinXP_drivers on partition C: (as you can see, now spaces to folder name WinXP_drivers) 8. Copy all files and folders of WinXP_sp3 -setup-files that have drivers integrated to folder WinXP_drivers on partition C: 9. Launch 'easyboot-AIO.script' and in script set path to folder WinXP_drivers on partition C: Note: in script you have 'Scroll to where folder i386 is, don't open folder i386. CD/DVD-unit can also be used' you always must change (set) correct path to where you have setup-folder I386 and files (in this second example folder WinXP_drivers on partition C:) Anyway, in case you don't set correct path script automatically halts and remind you to set correct path to setup-files of WinXP 10. Set a new name in text-box in script (4-letters name using CAPS=BIG LETTERS) 11. Now for the second time push to 'Start-button' in script and let the script do it things. When finished you automatically by script receive what menu command to use in EasyBoot menu ---------------------- Method B (using CD\DVD-unit) 1. This method is dependent that you have a working CD with setup-files of your different WinXP-systems (one CD with WinXP-sp3 and one CD with WinXP-drivers integrated) 2. Put CD with WinXP_sp3 in your CD\DVD-unit 3. In script point (set path) to CD\DVD-unit (set correct drive letter which might be D: or E: or F. or whatever the correct letter is) Note: in case you set wrong path, script halts and complains and orders you to set correct path Nothing is destroyed or damaged, script simply halts and if I may say, complains that you are 'fragmented user' 4. Set a new name in text-box in script (4-letters name using CAPS=BIG LETTERS) 5. Check that you have set the correct path to folder 'disk1' in EasyBoot and push to the 'Start-button in script and let the script do it things. When finished you automatically by script receive what menu command to use in EasyBoot menu 6. Change CD and change name in text-box (4-letters name using CAPS=BIG LETTERS) 7. Push to the 'Start-button in script and let the script do it things. When finished you automatically by script receive what menu command to use in EasyBoot menu ---------------------- In case you do have working setup-CD;s then use those, as you don't need to create new folders on C: and copy all those files to these new folders Its far more simpler just using working setup-CD;s In above tutorial I haven't mentioned Unattended part in script - but why not taking advantage of Unattended. Put in your different CD-keys in box for Unattended and you are set ![]() Attention! you have at this stage no use for the 'Manually section' in script as this is optional and not used in this tutorial ![]() ------------ EDIT! I have created two different (or similar) flash Movies download < HERE > And < HERE > Extract and enjoy ![]() regards balder Posted by naeembabakheil on May 26 2014,03:06
Thanks very much i got it how to do that using your script app.. ![]() i want to use 1024x768 image as background and logo what are best settings for photoshop so easyboot load it fast and image quality is also gud.. I made changes in congration settings in easyboot to 1024x768(256colours) background changes, but it says logo image should be not more than 640x460 its already 640x480 but due to 1024x768 in configration it shows this error . ![]() What i done with ISO Image File and i make .iso image test it on VMware but it give me that error shown in below image ![]() another question how i know my iso is working before Buring to DvD...? Posted by balder on May 26 2014,03:33
@naeembabakheilQuote: "Code 5" This is related to how ISO is built and has nothing to do with my script what so ever. This problem pops up from time to time - Google and find solution on Internet ![]() Quote: "how i know my iso is working before Buring to DvD" You can test your ISO-file(s) with 'Virtual tools' Use Microsoft Virtual PC (its free this days) or 'MobaLiveCD' download < HERE > Note1: you don't need to create 'Harddisk Image' (press NO) when MobaLive asks ![]() Note2: MobaLive is a slow process and is built from qemu and might fail ![]() regards balder Posted by naeembabakheil on May 26 2014,06:23
i use same command whuich your AIO script has generated in the end![]() and i also noticed that setup.exe files were not there when i generated sripts on my Xp setup files (Setupexe,) and also it was not in any folder and ISO generated with easyBoot Look here ![]() i test it on Virtual machine but same error ocurred !! ![]() Posted by balder on May 26 2014,07:53
@naeembabakheilATTENTION! First of all, you are using 5-letters to name in text-box in script Only use 4-letters ![]() There is no way this ISO can work correctly even if you pass by the Code 5 problem ![]() -------------------------------- Quote: "i also noticed that setup.exe files were not there when i generated sripts on my Xp setup files (Setupexe,)" Yes this is normal - if you have used some minute reading Help in script (there are clearly a button 'Help' close to the right of the 'Start-button' in script and then studied this help-file you would found this - and I quote: "Benefits include a faster install, no user interaction since you can use an unattended file if you want, and of course you now have plenty of room for other stuff on the cd. The only limitation is you can only use this cd for Clean installs, not upgrades. If you use an unattended file, you also cannot use recovery console or repair windows." You don't need Setup.EXE as it mostly only is used when upgrading from Win98\WinMe Do you still using upgrade from this OP-systems ![]() ![]() About this quote: "Code 5" This is related to how ISO is built This is, if not a common problem, at lest a well known problem that do pop up time to time. I Google and found this links < HERE > Most likely you need some driver to your CD\DVD-reader that is missing in created ISO It's a combination of hardware and software failure Its difficult for me to exactly tell you how to solve this issue As you can notice in link above this problem do happens You could test using UltraIso to create ISO. Create ISO in UltraIso using 'loader.bin' in folder EZBOOT as boot-file in UltraIso Test changing settings in 'File>>Properties' in UltraIso Especially change in 'ISO 9660 FileName Format' in properties - change to 'Windows/Unix(31)' and more testing with different settings I repeat, this has nothing to do with how script works Test with only have one WinXP that script integrate inro EasyBoot (which makes build much less in size - it then fits into one single CD instead of an big DVD) What happens with a more normal sized ISO - does it still fail ![]() -------------------- regards balder Posted by naeembabakheil on May 26 2014,11:43
Thanks buddy that error has gone now i am faceing another file error during copying windows fileslook here ![]() Posted by balder on May 26 2014,12:37
@naeembabakheilQuote: "another file error " Have you bye any chance used nLite to this source (integrated drivers etcetera) of WinXP and then used my script to integrate this nLited WinXP-source to your EasyBoot-build ![]() If this is the case - I cannot do much to solve this error ![]() Note: nLite DO NOT use 'standard procedure' when modifying sources of Windows ![]() You can use 'slipstream' to integrate drivers but if using nLite, the whole scenarion is changed inside source of Windows (WinXP in this case) ![]() -------------------- regards balder Posted by naeembabakheil on May 26 2014,14:17
![]() ![]() ![]() I am using Win764bit i am doing this for poor users who have intel P4 Pc's , they came for drivers to me and cry so i made these disk year ago to solve there driver problem.. ok can u plz tell me where can i get clean and update Xp sp3 setup free. .... ![]() Posted by balder on May 26 2014,15:49
@naeembabakheilQuote: "where can i get clean and update Xp sp3 setup free" Well I have no such sources (maybe in my cellar on some old harddrive) Anyway it would be a heavy illegal act of committing spreading this software around ![]() Are you saying you don't have a backup of a 'standard slipstreamed' source of WinXP_sp3 ![]() If this is the case - I cannot do much to help you But Google is your friend - not impossible to find is my guess ----------------------- Doing some recaps about 12 years ago I created awesome 'multi-AIO'-builds with different WinXP (including optional setup with unattended approach) However we are writing 2014 in the calendar and I'm getting old and replaceable In year 1995 I bought a computer with 1 Gb harddrive and 8 MB RAM and 100MHZ processor - it was a real killer those days ![]() I soon expanded RAM to 32MB - whow!!! Still, it is interesting that WinXP is used that much these days, especially when you consider that WinXP not any longer is supported by Microsoft ![]() Anyway I notice that script did work as suggested when you finally put all strings right - but the end result is a different story (sorry for that) - but that has to be blamed to that nLite thing ![]() -------------------- regards balder Posted by naeembabakheil on May 27 2014,02:12
Thanks for our help .. now plz Pm me Slipstreaming video tutoral on youtube which work with your script 100% .as i said i did this for other users not for me ...they have no drivers and have Branded Pc like Dell and HP etc.. ![]() i am helping those ... ok for slipstreaming what app i use nLite ? ![]() Posted by balder on May 27 2014,03:27
@naeembabakheilQuote: "Slipstreaming video tutorial on youtube which work with your script 100%" I'm not able to create such tutorial as I don't have any computer using WinXP any longer In fact, I don't own such 'low tech' hardware that is needed to support WinXP regarding drivers etcetera Note: some part of the nLite can work okay (integrating drivers may work but other stuff in nLite does not work). It has nothing to do with my script - generally speaking. When using nLite there are some files created related to nLite that is not 'standard'. As we must create separate 'BOOT-folders' and separate 'setup-folders' when integrating several WinXP to EasyBoot, the 'non-standard' procedure of nLite most likely fails ![]() So it isn't script themselves that causing your problems, its the method to have several WinXP on same CD\DVD that is causing you problem ![]() In those 'old days' when I created my 'super-AIO-CD\DVD(s)' with several WinXP mixed together, I even never used nLite to slipstream my service-packs into WinXP I used methods like this < HERE > Or < HERE > These are examples how to correctly integrating service-packs into WinXP I never used nLite ![]() Further more, all drivers was put in a folder and was (if needed) separately installed by the system after the 'main setup'. Reason to this was new motherboards and new hardware that popped up all the time - new harddisks\sound-drivers etcetera every day, which makes drivers etcetera that was integrated out of date anyway! Even if I used a WinXP source with drivers integrated it failed to install correct driver as a new motherboard was used and I was anyway forced to use install-CD related to this new motherboard(s) My point is: 1. Don't use nLite to integrate service-packs into WinXP - use the 'correct original method' 2. Have drivers extracted to a separate folder that after setup of WinXP, easily can be installed by the system itself (you put this folder(s) in folder 'disk1' Yes I can understand the point with drivers fully integrated into setup, but it also has it limits ![]() It's hart-breaking but I cannot do much more than recommend correct way to integrate service-packs and having separate drivers into a folder Note: the service-pack_3 do have updated drivers but of course not all drivers needed ------------------- regards balder Posted by naeembabakheil on May 27 2014,22:06
as i said i not using Xp i am doing for other users ..thanks for your help made some cahnges and now errors are gone .. ![]() and i know that your scirpt has nothing to do with those errors ![]() Thansk for your kind,qiuck feedback i will ask you some more questions if i face any problem ![]() ![]() |