Forum: EasyBoot
Topic: Paragon Hard Disk Manager 14 Suite
started by: john57

Posted by john57 on Dec. 26 2013,10:06
hello balder
Please make a boot disk using Paragon Hard Disk Manager 14 Suit explain.

Posted by balder on Dec. 27 2013,00:59

Quote: ” Please make a boot disk using Paragon Hard Disk Manager 14 Suit explain”

Well its Christmas holiday and I’m not home in my residence :)
I don’t have resources this day (or for several days) to present a working solution :(
It takes me at least 3 days before I’m home ???

However have you tried to copy ‘rescue-ISO-file’ of paragon to folder EZBOOT and used menu command:  run paragon14.iso  (or whatever name you use to ISO-file) ???

Please also read < HERE > :O
Tested both 32-bit as 64-bit 'rescue-iso' from a 'real boot'  using USB stick!
Used given solution (run ***.iso) and it worked well
Note: paragon is as told, a Little bit slow in the responce - but working okay.

Regards balder

Posted by krudy33 on Apr. 20 2014,00:36
I am still trying to get this working can you please post new instructions for current version please not sure witch files to extract.
Posted by balder on Apr. 20 2014,10:15

Quote: "I am still trying to get this working..."

I'm a little bit confused here... ???
What kind of Paragon are you using - linux-based or WinPE-based (Win8.1-PE)?
I tested using version "Paragon HardDiskManager14.Pro AR.CD.10.1.x64.WinPE 8.1.iso
This rescue ISO-file is based on Win8.1 and are extremely easy to integrate into Easyboot :;):

This is what I did:

1. Put ISO-file (64-bit rescue-ISO-file) of Paragon64_WinPE to folder EZBOOT

2. Used menu command.  run paragon64.iso  (or whatever name you use to ISO-file)

3. Created ISO in EasyBoot with 'Joliet' checked

4. Used 'Burn' in EasyBoot to USB drive (USB stick as I don't use CD\DVD-burner any more - it is to old - USB is the future)

5. Tested with rebooting computer and choose to boot from USB stick and it worked excellent :)

Note: I have tested some earlier version of Paragon that still used Linux and it worked okay as well - read post nr;2

regards balder

Posted by krudy33 on Apr. 20 2014,16:29
I have done it that way but it says winloader missing or something like that let me get exact message
Posted by krudy33 on Apr. 20 2014,16:39
It works now I wonder if it doesn't like he hidden option checked
Posted by balder on Apr. 21 2014,02:29

Quote: "It works now I wonder if it doesn't like he hidden option checked"

Well if using ISO-file of Paragon it shouldn't matter ???
Again I tested using version 'Paragon Hard Disk Manager 14 Pro Advanced Rescue CD'

This is what I tested:

1. Put one copy of my Paragon rescue ISO-file to the 'root' (inside folder 'Disk1' using menu command:  run /paragon64.iso)

2. Put one copy of my Paragon rescue ISO-file to folder 'EZBOOT' (run paragon64.iso)

3. Ticked 'Joliet' when creating ISO (you always must create new ISO in EasyBoot to make changes take affect)

4. 'Burned' to USB stick using 'USB+HDD+v2' and 'Create Boot Partition' and also 'Deep Hidden' ticked

5. Strangely I could launch ISO-file that was put to folder 'Disk1' even I chose Deep Hidden' :O  
ISO-file in folder 'EZBOOT' also worked fine (which on the other hand was expected) - but the fact I could also launch ISO-file in that hidden part of USB drive (inside folder 'Disk1') was a surprise.

Anyway... It worked okay... :D
However, any kind of WinPE built from a source of an NT6-system is very reliable
Note: NT6-systems are typically, Vista/Win7/Win8/Server-2008 etcetera (NT5-systems are typically WinXP/Server-2003 etcetera)

Nice it worked for you :;):

regards balder

Posted by krudy33 on Apr. 24 2014,00:35
I threw the iso of my paragon 14 in disk1/ezboot folder and used command run paragon14.iso it works fine but if i do hidden or or check hide files in boot folder in easy boot or deep hidden it doesn't work any ideas as i would like to have my folder hidden if possible
Posted by krudy33 on Apr. 24 2014,00:48
Update so if i throw iso in disk1 folder instead of disk1/easyboot it works great with hidden mode but not in ezboot folder ?
Posted by balder on Apr. 24 2014,02:08

Quote: "ISO-file in folder 'EZBOOT' also worked fine (which on the other hand was expected)"

Using folder EZBOOT should work fine regardless if you chose to 'Hide' or not 'Hide' :cool:

It is strange if it doesn't work for you if having ISO(s) in folder EZBOOT, which should work 'bullet proof' ???

Regards balder

Posted by krudy33 on Apr. 24 2014,02:30
mine gives winload.exe error when hidden and in ezboot folder
I will try it again

Posted by krudy33 on Apr. 24 2014,04:48
Balder I dont know whats going on I get one pe iso working then another one says winload.exe error like eset was working then once i got paragon working now eset errors any idea why ?
Posted by balder on Apr. 24 2014,05:08

Quote: "Balder I dont know whats going "

Well its difficult for me to follow what you are doing (or I'll say impossible) ???

However the 'main scenario' is this:

1. ISO-files that can be launched directly (run ***.iso) should be put in folder EZBOOT
Launch such ISO is possible regardless you use 'Hide' or not 'Hide'

2. But if using 'frugal solution' to some ISO-file (example < HERE >), then it most likely won't work if using 'Hide' to the 'root files and folders' :O  
I suggest you check what version of Easyboot and UltraIso you are using - I use EasyBoot_v653.279 and UltraIso_v960.3000 :cool:

Another thing could be to reinstall EasyBoot (overwriting existing 'core files') to make sure nothing is wring there :O

Regards balder

Posted by krudy33 on Apr. 24 2014,06:00
what do you mean create boot partition doesn't it do that itself ?
Posted by balder on Apr. 24 2014,07:28

Quote: "what do you mean create boot partition doesn't it do that itself  "

I mean, put ISO-file to folder EZBOOT should be 'bullet proof' solution regardless if using option 'Create Boot partition' or not :cool:

Even if you use option 'Deep Hidden' ISO-file that is put in folder EZBOOT should work fine with menu command 'run ***.iso' - this shouldn't be any problem whatsoever ???
This of course if you use a ISO-file that can be run directly (run ***.iso) such as MsDart60, Eset etcetera that are built from source of an NT6-system (Vista\Win7\Server-2008 etcetera)
Note: Luckily there are more ISO-files of course that can be run directly - but not all of them - keep that in mind (test and try is the name of the game) :)

Regards balder

Posted by krudy33 on Apr. 24 2014,08:05
Thanks for all of your help i will try reinstalling easyboot I am on latest version and all my winpe iso files are being called from run and name of iso file from ezboot folder seems like only nod32 or paragon have issues if one is working the other does not I replaced iso's to be sure will try different usb media.
Posted by krudy33 on Apr. 24 2014,08:17
Is there some way I can make a donation to you for all your help I really appreciate it.
Posted by balder on Apr. 24 2014,08:29

Quote: "Is there some way I can make a donation to you for all your help I really appreciate it"

Well I do know there are a lot of 'Dollars' in California for sure, but my participation to this forum is solely as a courtesy to other users - including  you my friend :;):

Please also notice that all requests cannot to 100% be solved... :cool:

My best regards

Posted by krudy33 on Apr. 24 2014,20:17
The only winpe isos i use are easeus partition master 10, spotmau gold suite 2012,nod32 rescue, and paragon 14 the only two that fight with each other are nod32 and paragon all the other ones work perfectly. they are all being launched from ezboot folder using run
Posted by balder on Apr. 25 2014,02:01

Quote: "the only two that fight with each other are nod32 and paragon"

I know from my own experience that paragon should be possible to solve (such as 'Paragon-14') :)

As far as I know the 'ESET NOD32 Antivirus' is built from an NT6-source (mostly Server-2008 or similar) ???
Copy 'rescue-ISO-file' of ESET to folder EZBOOT using 'run eset.iso (or whatever name you use to ISO-file)
Such solution should work without hesitating :)

Note: it happens from time to time that ISO-files I have downloaded are corrupted
in some way - keep that in mind :O

You could optionally test given solution in post nr;2 < HERE >

Attention! Please notice this solution cannot be used if having UEFI\GPT hardware (UEFI\GPT is the latest 'invention' and this causes us some problems to solve in the future) :(
However if using hardware with NTFS partitions in combination with the 'standard BIOS' motherboard(s), you still can use given optionally solution


Posted by krudy33 on Jun. 02 2014,02:20
Never did get it to work with hidden I even recreated the boot iso but still have problem where it doesn't boot unless its not hidden don't understand why.
Posted by balder on Jun. 02 2014,03:00

Quote: "it doesn't boot unless its not hidden don't understand why"

Well I tested following scenario :cool: :

1. Copied Eset ISO-file to folder EZBOOT (which is the recommended procedure)

2. Used menu command:  run eset.iso (or whatever name you use to ISO-file)

3. Created ISO in EasyBoot as usual (only ticked 'Joliet')

4. I then 'Burn' to USB flash drive with 'Hide Boot Partition' set to 'Hidden'

This works as expected. Having ISO-file in folder EZBOOT ensure it works :)

Note: I'm currently using EasyBoot_v6.5.5.739 and UltraIso_v9.6.1.3016

regards balder

Posted by krudy33 on Jun. 02 2014,04:18
I go them both working by moving them to disk1 folder instead of easyboot and using run / command
Posted by krudy33 on Jun. 02 2014,04:19
Wondering if you can help with new version of clonezilla also Tired of these people changing the boot stuff all the time. I extracted the live folder to disk1 like older version but when i boot its missing a file.