Forum: EasyBoot Topic: EZLDR is missing error started by: Zuzuitu Posted by Zuzuitu on Mar. 03 2015,06:44
Hello guys. I got stucked at the finish process, the bootable usb.I finished my project wich is like almost 8gb iso and i tried to make a bootable usb on a 16gb usb flash with the easyboot option inside, both write and express write, but after when i bot into bios says that "EZLDR is missing", but that file is inside. Any help please ? Thanks. Posted by balder on Mar. 03 2015,07:27
@ZuzuituQuote: "when i bot into bios says that "EZLDR is missing" Hmmmm... Strange behaviour I must say ![]() Please make sure you in EasyBoot press the 'Make ISO' button before pressing 'Burn' However I notice quote: "is like almost 8gb" Hmmm I have my doubts this can work correctly ![]() Please try to keep the final ISO less than 4 GB (I prefer even less than 2 GB) in size when creating and 'Burn' to DVD or USB drive. A trick I use if 'Burn to USB is this example: Let's say I want a 'fully loaded' Win8.1 to be a part of my EasyBoot build I now have a problem as this files (win-8.1) occupies 4.5 GB and the rest of the build is already 2.5 GB which makes the total size to 7GB Creating such large ISO creates problems. How to solve it? This is what I did: 1. Created my build as usual (including menu entry to launch setup of win8.1) 2. I have the rest of my build inside folder disk1 but not the files related to win8.1 3. Create ISO (now less than 2.5 GB) and finally burn to USB drive 4. Manually copied all files and folders related to win8.1 to the root of USB drive 5. Voila! ![]() So test solution removing files or ISO's that you later manually can copy over to the USB drive. Tip! If having ISO's like MsDart60/65/70 or similar ISO's built from source of an NT6-systems, you can have this ISO's directly in folder 'disk1' (which is the same as the root on the USB drive) but use menu command: run /msdart60 (compare with the standard menu command if having iso in folder ezboot: run msdart60 is then used) You can after 'Burn' to USB drive manually copy ISO's to the root of USB drive If still not working - reinstall EasyBoot overwriting existing EasyBoot 'core-files' Note: this doesn't affect your build or files that already exist in folder 'disk1/ezboot' folder ![]() Only the 'core'-files relate to EasyBoot is refreshed. balder Posted by Zuzuitu on Mar. 03 2015,17:39
I was thinking on this method but if it's 2,5gb, easyboot will format it in fat32 right ? How can i then copy my stuffs wich outside iso are almost 16gb (my large one file is 6gb and others are couple mb are some gigs)?! I need the usb to be ntfs right ?Gonna try now but i don't think will work. Thank you for your time, regards. Posted by balder on Mar. 04 2015,03:05
@ZuzuituQuote: "I need the usb to be ntfs right" Yes you are right - FAT32 has a 4 GB file size limit so you are bound to use NTFS ![]() Some info: 1. EasyBoot use FAT32 if USB drive is larger than 500 MB (which most likely always is the case nowadays). If USB drive is less than 1 GB (500 MB) Easyboot switch to FAT16. But in your case it will be FAT32 always which makes it impossible to put any file larger than 4 GB to the USB drive! 2. EasyBoot must use FAT (FAT16/FAT32) to launch its 'ezldr' file. EasyBoot can not launch this file at present time when run from NTFS. You are stuck to use FAT32 if using the method EasyBoot use to 'Burn' to USB drive. 3. Alternative method is to use my script 'easyboot-USB_v2.script' (or similar method) by simply launch ISO that EasyBoot create. There are some limits to this method and the worst limit is to launch ISO from a computer (Motherbord) that use UEFI boot sequence - compare with the 'old' BIOS with its MasterBootRecord (MBR is not used to motherboards that only use UEFI boot sequence). Luckily most motherboards can alternate between UEFI and BIOS (at least so far). However my guess is that this is a matter of time before BIOS (MBR-sequence) completely disappear and you are to 100% bound to only use UEFI boot sequence! BUT we are not there yet - we can for sure still use BIOS and MBR-coded hard disk units. So what is the method in you case to solve your issue? Test this: 1. Create your Menu in EasyBoot as usual Tip! ISO's that can be launched directly using menu command: run ***.iso can still be put inside folder EZBOOT as usual. But you are recommended to use method mentioned in post nr;2 and I quote: "If having ISO's like MsDart60/65/70 or similar ISO's built from source of an NT6-systems, you can have this ISO's directly in folder 'disk1' (which is the same as the root on the USB drive) but use menu command: run /msdart60 (compare with the standard menu command if having iso in folder ezboot: run msdart60 is then used) You can after 'Burn' to USB drive manually copy ISO's to the root of USB drive" 2. When finished with Menu in Easyboot you create ISO as usual 3. Use my script 'easyboot-USB_v2.script' and in script tick the box; 'Force format to NTFS' and when script asking you chose to use ISO and finally point to ISO created by EasyBoot and then manually copy all your files to the USB drive Note1: There are some problems using my script (script use command lines launched by batch files). To make this work smooth in OP-system such as Vista\win7\win8 you must set UAC (User-Account-Control) to lowest setting while using script, You also must only have only one USB drive (the target for the script) connected to computer. But the USB drive can have several partitions and script still can find the first partition (which is the target to make USB drive bootable). Note2. If run Win8 you must do more to set UAC to lowest level read < HERE > But this temporarily will make all metro apps stop working (which I love) I hate Win8 and currently run Win7_sp1 ------------------------------- Hope I pointed you to the right direction Files these days are so big and creates new problems - but we are all working to find some solutions, hopefully you at least can solve this issue of yours regards balder Posted by Zuzuitu on Mar. 04 2015,19:09
That did the trick, it boots. The problem is that the rest of my iso's run, but on the win7 and 8.1 nothing does, it freezes. All my iso's are in disk1 folder with run /test.iso (also tried run /test)Any fix ? Thanks Posted by balder on Mar. 05 2015,02:28
@ZuzuituQuote: "That did the trick, it boots" Great, so far so good ![]() The trick here is to keep ISO created by EasyBoot as small as possible - only having menu commands and the rest of EasyBoot files inside ISO and the rest of files later copied to the root of USB drive ![]() --------------------------- Quote: "but on the win7 and 8.1 nothing does, it freezes" I'm unsure what you mean here... ![]() Scenario A: If these ISO's (win7/win8) are 'repair' ISO's (msdart60 etcetera), they for sure can easily be launched using menu command: run/msardt60.iso (having ISO's on the 'root' of USB drive) Scenario B: If this ISO's are meant to run as 'setup' of Win7\8 it won't work - you cannot run setup of Win7\8 from ISO this way in EasyBoot. You must extract Win7 OR Win8 files and folders to the root of the USB drive, which limit you to have only ONE system (Win7 OR Win8) on the same partition. If using a USB hard disk unit you can have up to 4 partitions (more versatile than USB stick\thumb drive). My question is hereby this; What ISO's are we dealing with here ![]() ------------------ regards balder Posted by Zuzuitu on Mar. 05 2015,04:36
Yes, both are setups of windows.. When i select those two blocks my bios and stays like that.Ok, only one partition, got it. Let's make it work with one setup and then i will make more partitions for the others windows setup. You write that i must extract those folders and files from the iso of win7/8.1 Ok, but then, how i will make them work in easyboot ? How the commands will be ? Also, the others iso's i will have inside easybot, will then work also ? Thank you for your time, regards. Alex Posted by balder on Mar. 05 2015,07:40
@ZuzuituQuote: "How the commands will be" Here is solution to launch setup of NT6-systems (Vista\Win7\Win8\Server-2008) from EasyBoot menu: 1. Download my script-collection (if you not already have done so) 2. Copy 'grub-kicker-image' setupntwin7.img and setupwin8.img from folder balder/USB_Resources to folder EZBOOT 3. Use menu command in EasyBoot: run setupntwin7.img and run setupwin8.img to launch setup of these two different windows system you have copied to your different partitions (it doesn't matter on which partition you have copied the files of Win7 respectively Win8). 4. Create ISO as usual in EasyBoot when you are finished with the menu layout 5. Use my script 'easyboot-USB_v2.script' (Important! Tick 'Force format to NTFS in script) to make USB drive bootable and getting the ISO created by EasyBoot to the USB drive. 6. Copy (or extract from ISO) all files and folders related to Win7 to one of the partitions and copy (or extract from ISO) all files and folders related to Win8 to another different partition Note: you can easily have 4 partitions if using USB hard drive 7. Rename 'bootmgr' that belongs to your Windows7 files on USB hard disk to the name: setupwin7 8. Rename 'bootmgr' that belongs to your Windows8 files on USB hard disk to the name: setupwin8 ---------------- Quote: " Also, the others iso's i will have inside easybot, will then work also" First of all: "There are no such things as a free lunch'" What I mean is that not all ISO's can be launched with 'run ***.iso'. Some ISO's needs 'special treatment' ![]() Generally all ISO's that are WinPE and built from a NT6 source (NT6 is typically Vista\Win7\Win8\Server-2008). So WinPE built from such source can always be launched with 'run ***.iso' (MsDart60/70 as example). Also Acronis and Paragon ISO's mostly works okay and some Knoppix (Linix) ISO's as well (but not all Linux ones) ISO's like Bitdefender and kaspersky needs 'frugal solution' (poor mans solution) by simply extract some core components to the root of EasyBoot (same as to the root of USB drive=first partition) During this process (frugal solution) we also delete files and folders that was extracted from ISO as these now isn't needed any more inside ISO file. This make also the modified ISO much less in size. regards balder Posted by Zuzuitu on Mar. 05 2015,18:04
wow..buddy, you lost me ![]() So..what you think ? I really need this help as i lost lot of time to make this project... I can pay you something if you want.. Thanks in advance, Alex. Posted by balder on Mar. 06 2015,02:53
@ZuzuituQuote: "wow..buddy, you lost me" Well as told when dealing with a lot of different OP-system and different ISO's "There are no such things as a free lunch" ![]() I suggest you start with only ONE component in your EasyBoot build. Tell me what ISO(s) you are interested to have in your build and when solved these ones we go forward and solve next issue ![]() Every time we manage to launch some ISO we then remove that ISO temporarily from the build (as we now know it works) to speed up testing and solutions to the total build. What I mean is this; don't create the whole 'superbuild' at once, do it step by step ![]() The only thing you can do from the beginning is to create your complete EasyBoot menu (including possible - if wanted) submenu(s) and backgrounds in place. The total size of an such menu (including background pictures) is less than a couple of MB and ends up with a ISO less than a couple of MB - which are our goal. You also must confirm you understand and can use my script 'easyboot-USB_v2.script' (we need to use this script to use NTFS to your USB drive) ![]() ------------------------- Follow this: 1. Make sure you can run my script 'easyboot-USB_v2.script' (have you downloaded script-collection and also read the 'READ_ME.html' inside folder balder from download?) 2. Create final menu in EasyBoot with possible submenu(s) but without any files at this point (no ISO's or Win7/8 files and folders at this stage) Attention! depending what ISO's or other 'odd' OP-system you integrate into the build you are recommended to tick 'Joliet' in EasyBoot when creating ISO 3. Test and confirm that the basic ISO created by EasyBoot launch correctly and that menu shows up and seems to work correctly as well Tip! In my script you also have a button to run a basic test if USB drive can launch ISO from EasyBoot and you hereby can get the menu up and run correctly. Note: you can not test all kinds of OP-system but most ISO's can be tested this way - but as told - this test is mainly to check if the menu is up and run correctly Come back with the first ISO to get a solution from me - step by step we solve this issues of yours (even it might be a 'bumpy road' I'm confident most of it will be solved) ![]() ------------------- regards balder Posted by Zuzuitu on Mar. 06 2015,04:29
The problem is that i dont have time to test and build step by step..with this project i stayed like a year to have the time to finish it. My build includes windows xp (edited), 7 aio (edited), 8.1 aio (edited) and some tools. So, are you willing to help me step by step if i upload the iso, and make a tutorial ? This way we can speed the process and i will understand better. And i know then i;m not the only one that want this kind of help for this kind of project. Waiting for an positive answer, my regards. PS: You can give me a pm with the answer, if you want. thanks again. Posted by balder on Mar. 06 2015,07:04
@ZuzuituFirst of all - I must urge you to keep this discussion on this forum as it helps other users as well and further more; this requires much time and engagement on my part - time I do not have in the foreseeable future ![]() I can, however, bit by bit guide you forward - but expect setbacks and lots of rework ![]() You are hereby recommended to use a USB hard drive - yes in fact you have to use a hard drive for best results. Using a USB stick is really not recommended - far too tedious with USB stick. And a reason for this is the WinXP case and also Win7 and Win8 in same build ![]() ---------------------------- Quote: "My build includes windows xp (edited), 7 aio (edited), 8.1 aio" Launch setup of WinXP from USB can not be performed the same way as run setup from CD\DVD-unit. This makes things even more complicated for you - but not impossible Note: WinXP was never intended to be used from USB drive. You need a special 'help-program' to fix issue with WinXP from USB - download < HERE > If using this program you copy file 'setupxp.img' from my script-folder 'balder\USB_resources' to folder EZBOOT and use menu command 'run setupxp.img' --------------- But you can also test this download < HERE > If using this program you still can use my 'run setupxp.img'-file but we need to do some simple edit inside this file to make it work (very easily done though) ----------------- So the 'ball' is in your hands - start with the tedious WinXP issue (we must start with WinXP as it is so special - not intended to run setup from USB drive at all but can be solved) ![]() You already now should create menu entries in EasyBoot menu (we can later fill in the exact command lines to each menu entry) but you need background etcetera to be finished and menu entries enough to launch all your different stuff you like to have in the final build ![]() ---------------- regards balder Posted by balder on Mar. 07 2015,02:07
@ZuzuituQuote: "So, are you willing to help me step by step if i upload the iso, and make a tutorial ?" I can give you step by step instructions but I do not want any ISO's or files from you - I already have these in my position. If they are edited in your case it still shouldn't have any impact to my instructions ![]() I have tested to run setup of Win7 and Win8 from same USB harddisk, practicing tutorial given in post nr; 8 (having setup files and folders from respectively OP-system - Win7 and Win8.1 - put on to different partitions and launched setup from EasyBoot menu using my 'kicker-images' mentioned in post nr;8 and this worked excellent) But as WinXP also is currently intended to be integrated in your build I suggest you use a USB hard disk and create 4 partitions. Make Partition 1 as FAT32 and make sure that partition 2 and 3 and 4 are large enough to hold your win7 and/or Win8 files and folders. Note it doesn't matter on witch partition respectively win7\Win8 files and folders later are copied to - as long as they are put to separate partitions of course ![]() So start with a USB harddisk and create 4 partitions; part-1 FAT32 (make this part-1 as 'active'), part-2 NTFS, part-3 NTFS and finally part-4 NTFS (though it's enough with 3 partition) ----------------------------- Note: I'm occupied this weekend. Must hurry me to my oldest daughter and help to change the locks and more on her big house ![]() I will present instructions after the weekend. In the meantime, I want to know which other ISO's you had intended to include in your building (ISO's for repairs, etc. might or what?) ![]() ----------------- EDIT! Attention! It's impossible to use a USB stick\thumb drive in this case - you must use a USB hard drive. Reason is that we must put setup of WinXP to the first partition and we must use FAT32 to this first partition as well to make it possible to run file ezldr (using folder EZBOOT) on that partition. And if using USB stick\thumb drive, then partition 2 and 3 and 4 is not visible to Windows and when launching setup of Win7/8 the 'WinPE' launches alright but halts later as it cannot find the setup files as these are hided to the Windows-PE. This is not the case if using an USB hard drive. You need a USB hard drive - do you have such one in your position? ------------------------------ regards balder Posted by Zuzuitu on Mar. 09 2015,16:50
Sorry for late response, busy all the time...Ok, first of all i tried to boot xp to see if he works with easyboot. It did but at some time i had an error that amdbusdr,sys is missing and that i need to rr the pc. Here i think is my xp problem, right ? i will look tomorrow maybe for this error. Second, i did all the 4 partitions of the hdd. 1. FAT32 primary active (for Xp maybe, right ?) 2. NTFS primary (win7 ?) 3. NTFS primary (win8.1) 4. NTFS primary also (for other tools, see photo) Ok, i have all this till now. Please explain again my next step and hope i will understand what to do ![]() ![]() Thanks in advance, Alex PS: This is < my project > Posted by balder on Mar. 10 2015,05:40
@ZuzuituQuote: " Please explain again my next step and hope i will understand what to do" Okay I'm drawing the conclusion that you use a USB hard disk unit and not a USB stick drive - we must use USB hard drive ![]() However we still need a USB stick to collect the WinXP setup files. But at this point we must performe some preparations to your USB harddrive We start with 'section A' Section A. 1. Only have your USB harddrive plugged in to computer. Run my script 'easyboot-USB_V2.script' and point to any ISO - preferable a small tiny one when script asking for a file (we really don't need this file, this script-process is only done to create a grub MBR including needed grub files to the USB drive). Note: script automatically find the right USB drive and also automatically find the first partition - script do not make any changes at all to other possible partitions to your USB drive. Attention! You also must set UAC (User-Account-Control) to lowest settings if running any NT6-system (Vista/Win7/win8 or server-2008). 2. If all went well you now have file 'grldr' and a text-file 'menu.lst' and that file (ISO or floppy image) on your USB drives first partition (the FAT32-partition) Now delete all files and folders except files grldr and menu.lst 3. Open 'menu.lst' (notepad works fine) and delete all text and replace with this text: find --set-root --ignore-floppies /EZBOOT/ezldr chainloader --raw /EZBOOT/ezldr Save changes to menu.lst 4. Create menu in EasyBoot (typically 'run setupxp.img', 'run setupwin7.img', 'run setupwin8.img' and other menu commands or whatever you use to your menu Note: if having other large ISO-files (WinPE or some repair ISO's that are pretty large in size, you use menu command 'run /***.iso' and later copy these ISO's to the first partition of your USB drive (read post nr;2) You must already here copy 'setupxp.img', 'setupwin7.img' and 'setupwin8.img' from my folder 'balder/USB_Resources' to folder EZBOOT - we need these 'kicker-images' 5. When you are finished with your menu you create a ISO (to make changes take affect). Note: you don't need to have all those ISO's in folder 'disk1' only have folder EZBOOT that is very small which ends up with a small ISO. 6. Now open ISO created by EasyBoot and extract folder EZBOOT to partition one on your USB drive (the FAT32-partition). Test if USB drive can launch EasyBoot menu (use my script 'easyboot-USB_v2.script' and push button 'Test USB device in qemu'. This is a basic test to check if file 'ezldr' is launched correctly which then launch EasyBoot menu. 7. From this point we don't need to use ISO created in EasyBoot anymore. 8. Copy your ISO's to USB drive (the first partition) 9. Reboot computer and set USB drive to boot. Does it boot correctly including EasyBoot menu. Can you launch your ISO's correctly etcetera... If above works let's go to section B -------------------------- The WinXP setup section Section B. 1. Download 'WinSetupFromUSB_0-2-3.exe' (if not already done so) from < HERE > and install it to the root (C:) 2. Already at this point you must have a separate folder with all extracted setup files and folders from your original winxp (or the edited version of WinXP) - this is the 'source' you browse and point to in program 'WinSetupFromUSB'. Attention! You must use original folder name to WinXP (original name to setup folder of WinXP is 'i386' - don't use a different name to this folder) 3. Unplug the USB hard drive and plug in an clean USB stick (formatted to FAT32). Run 'WinSetupFromUSB' It take a while to create setup files to the USB stick (and skip the call from program to use NTFS and keep FAT32 as it is). 4. If all went well you now have folder ' $WIN_NT$.~BT' and folder ' $WIN_NT$.~LS' and a bunch of other files and perhaps some folder you have in build as well. 5. Plug in your USB hard drive and copy all files and folders from USB stick to the first partition on your USB hard drive (the FAT32-partition) - this can take some time... 6. You can use my script to test if WinXP setup is launched correctly from Easyboot menu -------------------- The final part... Section C. 1. Copy (or extract from ISO) all files and folders related to Win7 to one of the partitions and copy (or extract from ISO) all files and folders related to Win8 to another different partition Note: you can easily have 4 partitions if using USB hard drive 2. Rename 'bootmgr' that belongs to your Windows7 files on USB hard disk to the name: setupwin7 3. Rename 'bootmgr' that belongs to your Windows8 files on USB hard disk to the name: setupwin8 Test by rebooting if you can launch setup of these OP-system (you can always abort setup to not destroy your working OP-system) ----------------- Some information that can be handy to know... If making changes to EasyBoot menu you only need to push to 'Save' in EasyBoot and then copy your main menu ' DEFAULT.ezb' (or whatever name you use to your ***.ezb-file) to folder EZBOOT on USB drive - overwriting existing menu (you must force overwriting ***.ezb-file on USB drive) This makes it extremely easy to edit the ***.ezb-file that is used on USB drive. Only remember to push to 'Save' button in EasdyBoot to make changes take affect to menu and then copy '''.ezb file to the USB drive inside folder EZBOOT overwriting existing ***.ezb file) In case you get "Error 60: File for drive emulation must be in one contiguous disk area" when launching some ISO: you use 'easyboot-USB_v2.script' and push the 'Defrag' button in 'Defrag Section' in script. Script then tries to make all ISO's found on that USB partition contiguous (you can read about this if pushing 'Help' button in script) ----------------- Okay let's see how far this works for you ![]() By the way - nice project you are working on I notice Hiren is onboard ![]() Hiren can not run directly from ISO (only some parts of it works this way) And now I notice you want Trinity as well - that is a hard nut to crack - but I'm sure I can crack the Trinity issue when you are ready We can return to these issues later... ![]() ------------------ regards balder Posted by Zuzuitu on Mar. 10 2015,15:46
Hello. All good till now, just finished section A and test with qemu and it boots well, hurray!Before i go to section B, some questions ![]() 1. I noticed in all post n15 that later i need to copy win7 to second partition and win8.1 to 3rd partition, and i think my 4 is for tools (i guess trinity maybe inside with hiren). My doubt, what iso's to copy (you said at the end on section A) to my first partition FAT32 ?! 2. As well, what to launch in boot and test since i don't have already my isos inside and is not finished. THANKS Posted by balder on Mar. 10 2015,18:48
@ZuzuituQuote: " and i think my 4 is for tools (i guess trinity maybe inside with hiren" No you cannot use part-4 to Trinity but maybe Hiren can be run from part-4 but not recommende method to use Note: EasyBoot menu can only launch ISO's or any other program from part-1 and not from a different partition. To launch ISO that is put on let's say part-4 you need a grub-kicker-image ![]() Same type of kicker-image we use to launch setup of Win7/8 from part-2 or part-3 or part-4 We can easily modify kicker-image to launch any ISO from let's say part-4 But Trinity must be put to part-1 (the FAT32-partition) Of course the most easy way to do it is to have all ISO's on part-1 and further more, most Linux distro's must be run from FAT (FAT32 is most used and works well), as NTFS mostly prohibit Linux from run smoothly ![]() If I where in your position, I would use first partition and 'save' part-4 to future use. I would most likely put other 'utilities (only ISO's) like MsDart or active-boot-disk.iso and similar nice tools/utility or any other ISO's that can be run from an NTFS partition. To make this possible, you make an copy of the 'setupxp.img' you have in my folder 'balder/USB-Resources' and rename this kicker-image to a new name like 'msdart60.img' and then open that image (I use always UltraIso) and extract text-file 'menu.lst' and edit text to look like this: find --set-root --ignore-floppies /msdart60.iso map /msdart60.iso (hd32) map --hook chainloader (hd32) boot Save changes to menu.lst and inject it back to the floppy image msdart60.img Copy kicker-image to folder EZBOOT and use menu command: run msdart60.img Make changes to USB drive accordingly and finally copy msdart60.iso to part-4 (you must use name msdart60.iso as this is used in menu.lst) Don't forget to copy msdart60.img to folder EZBOOT on USB drive and to replace ***.ezb-file in folder EZBOOT on USB drive with the new menu command in Easyboot menu You can continue making copies and modifying text-file menu.lst in that kicker-image (Only change name to ISO-name in menu.lst and put it back to kicker-image to make changes take affect inside kicker-image) Further more, you can create a new folder inside folder EZBOOT and put kicker-images inside that folder to have a more clean environment inside folder EZBOOT Let's say you name new folder to 'images' and you copy msdart60.img to folder images inside folder EZBOOT. The menu command to launch msdart60.img is then changed from the normal 'run msdart60.img' to this: run /ezboot/images/msdart60.img This launch kicker-image and in this case menu.lst points to a ISO-file with the name msdart60.iso As grub is used to kicker-image, grub scan all four partitions for a file msdart60.iso that is on the root of any partition - grub then launch ISO-file. All done from part-1 and the EZBOOT-folder with its grub-kicker-images - not bad ----------------- Conclusion: You must put Trinity on the first partition and best is to do the same to Hiren Note: both Trinity and Hiren need 'special treatment' to work correctly. Tell me when you are ready for this part. But other ISO's (especially ISO's based on NT6-systems) can be put to any partition and launched using kicker-images. I'm pretty sure the Acronis ISO could be launched from part-4 using kicker-image (give it a try if you like) But I recommend part-1 because it is much more simple to solve using EasyBoot menu: run /acronis.iso and put ISO to the root of part-1 ------------------------------- Quote: "As well, what to launch in boot and test since i don't have already my isos inside and is not finished" I'm unsure what you mean by this ![]() The point is to test if the USB drive booted at all (which it seems to do) then you can put Acronis ISO-file to part-1 and test that one - using menu command: run /acronis.iso (or whatever name you use to acronis ISO-file). You cannot run Trintity ISO-file as it is - needs 'special treatment ![]() And you cannot run Hiren ISO-file as it is - needs special treatment ![]() But as told - it's possible Acronis might work - test and see -------------------- regards balder Posted by Zuzuitu on Mar. 11 2015,01:35
Sorry balder, still confused..In section b you said that i need to copy cp to partition 1 which is fat32, i did it and then in section c ypu said that i need to copy the files from win 7 to partition 2 and files from win 8.1 to partition 3 and now in the last reply you said that i need to copy all isos to partition 1 so that easyboot to work better. And now, my question, where do i have to copy all my isos ? To partition 1 or like you told in section C ?! Which steps ? Thanks and sorry for giving you headache... ![]() Posted by balder on Mar. 11 2015,03:59
@ZuzuituQuote: "Sorry balder, still confused.." Sorry if I made you confused ![]() The point is this: You CANNOT launch ISO that is put on part-2 or part-3 or part-4 from EasyBoot menu using 'standard menu command' which is 'run ***.iso' (this menu command can only be used if ISO's are put to part-1 same where folder EZBOOT is put into) However you can still put ISO's to part-2, part-3 and part-4 and launch this ISO's from EasyBoot menu, but to solve this you must use 'grub-kicker-images' designed by me. Further more; let's say you want to use 'YLMF.ISO' (which is an WinXP clone based on Linux), this ISO can be launched as it is using a very special prepared kicker-image that I have created, but there's a catch, YLMF.ISO can only run from FAT32 (99% of the Linux distro's needs FAT32 - NTFS is not any option in such case). Above means following in your case: Linux based ISO's can only (in your case), run from part-1 (as you use FAT32 to this partition) Windows based or isolinux-based ISO's can be launched from all partitions but again, there's a catch ![]() In many cases we need to practice 'frugal solution' ('poor mans solution' described in post nr;8) and 'frugal solution' can only be used to part-1 (the 'real root') Such ISO's where we extract some folder and files to the root ('frugal solution') to make it work, must use part-1 as the OP-system (Linux or whatever) mostly looks/search in the 'root' to find its files/folders as the root is part-1. The sum becomes: you can NOT put some ISO to part-2 or part-3 or part-4 and simply use EasyBoot menu command; run ***.iso (this can never work as EasyBoot is not able to find such ISO) ------------------------------- Section B is only about WinXP Setup Files Section C is 'easy as pie' but take some time to perform (a lot of files to copy over) ------------------------------- Okay I know, there is a lot to absorb in a short time, but let's keep it to your present build Just trying to help you avoid the pitfalls many users fall into ![]() Do section B which only is about WinXP setup-files Test and see if it works alright and then we continue with Acronis, Trinity and finally Hiren ![]() regards balder Posted by Zuzuitu on Mar. 12 2015,15:24
Ok now, everything looks so easy when i did it myself and tested .. ![]() Some problems..i'm a lucky guy, as usual.. 1. Since my xp, well, has 3 xp's inside the iso, it's a modified like i told, the WinSetupFromUSB didn't saw it like a xp (it's normally i know) since it looks like this: < > The setupldr.bin are in folder xp01, 02 and 03. And since i want all 3 and not separately i was then thinking (dummy me) then i can only copy the iso of this xp into root of 1st partition (fat32) with the simple command run /winxp.iso and that's it, piece of cake. After that i test it and everything works good and starts to boot and enter in setup but my problem is that is giving me an error after some little time that amdbusdr.sys could not be found, or something like that. Any solution ? Any idea ? 2. I did the section C as told and extract my files of win 7 and 8.1 into partition 2 and 3 and renamed those bootmgr and then i also test it but when i enter to setup 7 or 8.1 keeps saying Starting chain ... and nothing happens. Means that he can't find the files right ? Solutions ? Thanks again. Posted by balder on Mar. 13 2015,05:20
@ZuzuituQuote: "Any solution ? Any idea ?" The WinXP cannot be solved as long as you not use the original folder name (i386) ![]() Program 'WinSetupFromUSB' expecting to find a folder i386 and that is not what you offer the program in this case. You are stuck as long you use a different name to folder i386 ![]() Attention! You cannot run setup of WinXP from its ISO as setup-files are 'hard-coded'. Setup sure launches but cannot find the 'core-files' and there you are stuck ![]() The solution could be this: 1. Rework your WinXP to have setup folder with its original name 'i386' 2. Create your 3 different WinXP with its different OEM-folders and unattended file etcetera, but keep original folder name 'i386' ![]() 3. Run program 'WinSetupFromUSB' as usual but the second time you run 'WinSetupFromUSB', program will halt and give you 3 options - you choose option 2 (NO) - you choose to rename existing folders and files on your USB stick. 4. Do the same third time you run 'WinSetupFromUSB' (third different WinXP you have). --------------------------- A problem now occurs. My kicker-image 'setupxp.img' points to folder name '$WIN_NT$.~BT' but you now on USB stick also have a folder $WIN_00$.~BT and a folder $WIN_01$.~BT as well (if all went well with 'WinSetupFromUSB'). How to solve this issue? Do it this way: 1. Open kicker-image 'setupxp.img' (use UltraISO) and extract text file 'menu.lst' to somewhere. 2. Right-click to extracted 'menu.lst' and chose to edit (or choose to 'open with') use notepad. 3. Rename folder names $WIN_NT$.~BT to $WIN_00$.~BT in both text lines in 'menu.lst' and save changes. Example how to modify text lines: From original: find --set-root --ignore-floppies /$WIN_NT$.~BT /SETUPLDR.BIN chainloader /$WIN_NT$.~BT/SETUPLDR.BIN to this find --set-root --ignore-floppies /$WIN_00$.~BT/SETUPLDR.BIN chainloader /$WIN_00$.~BT/SETUPLDR.BIN (notice bold letters which is the only part that needs to be modified) 4. Insert back modified 'menu.lst' to setupxp.img and in UltraIso choose 'Save As' and give setupxp.img a new name 'setupxp2.img' (or whatever name you choose). Copy modified kicker-image to folder EZBOOT as usual, and use menu command as usual; run setupxp2.img 5. Do the same (modify text in menu.lst) to $WIN_01$.~BT and create a third setupxp.img (setupxp3.img or whatever name you prefer). Copy to folder EZBOOT and use menu command as usual; run setupxp3.img From original: find --set-root --ignore-floppies /$WIN_NT$.~BT /SETUPLDR.BIN chainloader /$WIN_NT$.~BT/SETUPLDR.BIN to this find --set-root --ignore-floppies /$WIN_01$.~BT/SETUPLDR.BIN chainloader /$WIN_01$.~BT/SETUPLDR.BIN --------------------------- Okay this should solve your problems with WinXP -------------------------- I have to come back to the Win7/8 issue later as I'm occupied with renovations of my house residence which took much more time than estimated - however I guess my age is an factor here as well ![]() ----------------- regards balder Posted by Zuzuitu on Mar. 17 2015,17:43
Got the xp working, waiting for the others. Thanks
Posted by balder on Mar. 18 2015,04:12
@ZuzuituQuote: "Got the xp working, waiting for the others" The win7/8 issue... I have tested this before - and I would be more than happy to test it again - however I'm sure solution in post nr;15 < HERE > do work This works BUT ONLY if the size is reasonable to build You cannot use setup file 'install.wim' (inside folder 'sources') that is to big (4GB is the absolute maximum) and having sizes to 'install.wim' that are larger then 3 GB can cause problems Quote from post nr;20 : "when i enter to setup 7 or 8.1 keeps saying Starting chain" It seems the setup file 'setupwin7' (you changed name from 'bootmgr' to 'setupwin7') is launched but the setup sequence then is halted by some reason I cannot understand for the moment - let's leave this issue for the moment and focus to Hiren respectively Trinity ------------------ Try this Hiren solution: Open Hiren ISO-file (use UltraIso) and extract folder 'HBCD' to the root of your USB hard drive (the 'root' is part-1) Optionally you can also extract file 'Menu.cmd' to the 'root' (part-1) on your USB hard drive File 'Menu.cmd' launch built-in utilities that Hiren is full of (nice 'tools' there) And can be handy to have onboard your build ![]() Use menu command: run /hbcd/grldr Push 'Save' in EasyBoot to make changes take place to menu and do as before, copy saved menu ***.ezb to folder EZBOOT on the USB drive, overwriting existing ***.ezb file Now you can test if Hiren works ![]() Note: best is to reboot computer and do a 'real test' from the USB drive ------------------- The Trinity solution - which is rather 'circumstantial' to solve... ![]() Test this solution: 1. Download 'xbootvs1.0beta14.exe' from < HERE >(or whatever download you can find) 2. Use a clean spare USB stick (format to FAT32 so it is clean before run xboot) 3. Launch xboot and 'drag-and-drop' trinity ISO to xboot window and press to 'Create USB' (lower right corner) 4. Select USB drive and press OK - xboot is doing 'its things' 5. Copy folders 'boot', 'images' and finally folder 'trk3' from USB stick to the 'root' of your USB hard drive (root is part-1) Attention! If folder 'boot' is used already (or will later be used) then you must merge folders boot. If already folder 'boot' is used, do it this way: from inside of folder boot on your 'spare USB stick' you simply copy folder 'grub4dos' and folder 'syslinux' to inside folder 'boot' on your USB hard drive. You might need to do the same with folder 'images' (merge files to folder images if needed) 6. Create menu in EasyBoot as usual and use menu command: run /images/trinityrescuekitbuild.iso 7. Again save changes to EasyBoot menu and copy ***.ezb to USB drive overwriting existing menu. 8. THE FINAL AND MOST IMPORTANT PART! Right-click to your USB hard drive and choose 'properties' and change name to your drive - use name XBOOT. Right-click to USB stick and notice name to USB stick - it is changed to exactly XBOOT as you can notice, and we must do the same to your USB hard drive Trinity is one of those stupid distro's that need the exact drive letter name to work correctly - stupid but needed. --------------------- Test above and see if you can make it work alright I know - there is again a lot of stuff to absorb. As told before - 'there is no such thing as free lunch' ![]() regards balder Posted by Zuzuitu on Mar. 18 2015,11:20
Thank you for your time balder. I will be glad to give you a donation if you give me your paypal email.As it's too much for my time i'm going to watch google for a simple better solution for my project, maybe easy2boot. Again, thank you for your time, cheers. Alex |