Forum: Graphics Topic: Tips for using custom font and size for menu text started by: xoben Posted by xoben on Nov. 25 2004,08:48
Since version 5.05, EasyBoot supports a new feature named 'Use Image Text'. Here is some tips:1) Create an bitmap image by third-party image processing program (such as PhotoShop, ACDSee), put menu text in any font and size, but using SINGLE color value (named color1 later) for text string, save it as back.bmp 2) Start EasyBoot, and specify back.bmp as the background image 3) Use 'Options'->'Configuration' to define the value of text color (color1). PS: It is recommaned to pick this color from background image, so it matches the text color on background image exactly. 4) Create a menu item, check 'Use Image Text' option, then select defined text color (color1) as foreground color of 'Normal status', and specify foreground color of 'Highlight status' as wanted 5) Do as steps 3-4 for background color, or simply make both background color for 'Normal status' and 'Highlight status' the same (any) color to achieve 'transparent' effect 6) When boot menu comes out, EasyBoot will re-map color pairs between Normal and Highlight according to mouse movement Posted by Max on Dec. 01 2004,19:20
Can you please provide an example I am confused as to how to do it because easyboot already has a bitmap image called back.bmp and if i make anotherone it will overwrite the current image...Thank You Max Posted by xoben on Dec. 01 2004,19:47
There is a sample ISO image at < > . You can extract the files to harddisk by UltraISO or test it by VMWare or Virtual PC.
Posted by Incroyable HULK on Dec. 02 2004,16:56
What is the difference between .BM1 and BM2 created by EasyBoot?
Posted by xoben on Dec. 02 2004,21:08
.BM1 is for 256 color bitmap image, .BM2 is for 65536 (16bit) colors.
Posted by Max on Dec. 02 2004,22:24
Thanks I got it now... Posted by Incroyable HULK on Dec. 02 2004,23:00
Thanks! I should have noticed by myself... ![]() Posted by prathapml on Jan. 14 2005,14:41
Many times I see the .BM1 previously made to be incompatible, and has to be re-generated (by disabling logo then enabling it back).What is the format of BM1 actually? (its same size as original BMP, so I assume its just a few bytes changed/scrambled) Is it possible to get easyboot use the BMP directly? (without needing to convert to BM1/BM2) Posted by a_ccct on Aug. 18 2005,03:22
Can anyone send me a nice layout CD for Easy boot.I'm very lazy to do it ... thanks Posted by ajy0903 on Jul. 11 2007,14:44
ummm...xoben.... when i downloaded it, unzipped, and opened it with Ultra ISO, i has nothing..... or is it only me that sees nothing there? Posted by xoben on Jul. 12 2007,05:01
(ajy0903 @ Jul. 11 2007,18:44) QUOTE ummm... xoben.... when i downloaded it, unzipped, and opened it with Ultra ISO, i has nothing..... or is it only me that sees nothing there? Burn to a CD-RW or emulate it by VMWare. Posted by ajy0903 on Aug. 01 2007,20:02 is so great!!!!!!!!!! can you tell me how to do it please? even i read ur post about how to make it, in the post #1, i still dont get how to do it. and, i love your menu!!!!!!!!!!! Posted by ajy0903 on Aug. 03 2007,17:33
Never mind.I just found way to do it. And i modified ur back ground to make my own menu. So, im so happy with that u gave us this example that you put Posted by farzanmicrosoft on Oct. 31 2011,13:46
hi every one and thanks for all site admins[QUOTE] XOBEN " Since version 5.05, EasyBoot supports a new feature named 'Use Image Text'. Here is some tips: 1) Create an bitmap image by third-party image processing program (such as PhotoShop, ACDSee), put menu text in any font and size, but using SINGLE color value (named color1 later) for text string, save it as back.bmp 2) Start EasyBoot, and specify back.bmp as the background image 3) Use 'Options'->'Configuration' to define the value of text color (color1). PS: It is recommaned to pick this color from background image, so it matches the text color on background image exactly. 4) Create a menu item, check 'Use Image Text' option, then select defined text color (color1) as foreground color of 'Normal status', and specify foreground color of 'Highlight status' as wanted 5) Do as steps 3-4 for background color, or simply make both background color for 'Normal status' and 'Highlight status' the same (any) color to achieve 'transparent' effect 6) When boot menu comes out, EasyBoot will re-map color pairs between Normal and Highlight according to mouse movement " who can help me in this article ?i couldn't make like that project mr xboen was uploaded. plz make and upload a little flash movie to me , so i can understand perfectly Posted by peleus on May 13 2012,15:31
Hi bud. I guess you need to pay someone to do it.
Posted by ricfil on Oct. 06 2012,20:36
Hello all. Although an old tread I decided to post here as the help I need is related to the tread topic. Hope soemone can help out. I´ve decided to add some custom font text menus to my build. I´ve already done the background images, added the text to my liking, confirmed that the comands work on each menu. The problem I´m having has to do with the menu text colour highlights... I cannot for the love of me make the menus change colour when mouse cursor (or directional keys) select each menu. It detects each specific menu, selects it, running the comand whithout problem. But the colour change never happens. I´ve already tried picking the exact same colour on the original background image text, confirming it is indeed the same configuration on easyboot menu, but still no colour change happens... Any idea of what might be wrong here? Any help is much apreciated. ![]() Thanks for that. |