Forum: Suggestions Topic: A great suggestion for EasyBoot -> Data Protection started by: Alegom Posted by Alegom on Mar. 03 2008,15:22
Hi.I have one suggestion for EasyBoot program. Usually, when I create multi-boot CD's and DVD's, I allways fear for those who can copy all my work in seconds if they have access to the Disk. So, my suggestion is to implement a new opcion like there is, for example, in Autoplay Media Studio, that is when we finish our project and select create autorun file, it creates a .cdd file, unable to edit and to view the contents, that contains the project "secrets". Meaning, EasyBoot should have a function that do the same, that instead having the EZBoot folder, with all the Backgrounds, projects, and hard work on the everyones sight, we have a simple, complex and uneditable and unviewable file. It would be usefull to avoid that we have lots of hard work, and then cames one person and changes it like she wants and presents it like it was his own work.... Alegom Posted by xoben on Mar. 03 2008,20:04
Thank you Alegom for your suggestion.
Posted by Alegom on Mar. 04 2008,09:25
(xoben @ Mar. 04 2008,01:04) QUOTE Thank you Alegom for your suggestion. Is it an idea to consider to include on the program? Just to know... ;) Posted by xoben on Mar. 04 2008,18:23
Sorry, we do not provide uncertain information about the future.
Posted by Alegom on Mar. 05 2008,10:31
Ok, thank you any way.