Post Number: 1

Group: Members
Posts: 1
Joined: Dec. 2004
Posted on: Dec. 19 2004,18:08 |
After many tryouts I finally made a working booting French Windows-2000 Professional CD-Rom for a friend of my living in France.
At first I had a lot of trouble finding NTLDR and NTDECTECT.COM, but after reading some mails on this forum I changed all path names in CAPITALS and I changed the I386 directory name in the two bin-files in FR2K. The boot-process is working properly now, but when the French setup program finishes inspecting the computers hardware it asks me in French to put the floppy called "CD-ROM Windows 2000 Professional" into drive A:
What am I doing wrong?
Please don't answer in French.
Post Number: 2

Group: Super Administrators
Posts: 849
Joined: Nov. 2003
Posted on: Dec. 19 2004,18:44 |
Please check the presence of the signature file: ========================== 2) copy cdrom_nt.5 to C:\EasyBoot\disk1 for Windows 2000 Professional, copy cdrom_ip.5 to C:\EasyBoot\disk1 for Windows 2000 Server, copy cdrom_is.5 to C:\EasyBoot\disk1 for Windows 2000 Advanced Server, copy cdrom_ia.5 to C:\EasyBoot\disk1 ==============================
Post Number: 3
Incroyable HULK 

Group: Members
Posts: 197
Joined: Oct. 2004
Posted on: Dec. 19 2004,19:08 |
If the above answer doesn't work for you, I have an other explanation. I had a similar issue and I discovered that I had to change my method to obtain my BOOT folder.
I did a comparison of my method and the batch file provided with EasyBoot (w2k.bat) on Windows 2000 Pro SP4 (french version).
Copy theses files from your I386 folder to your BOOT folder (or modify the w2k.bat provided with EasyBoot to do it for you)
Code Sample | c_1252.nl_ c_850.nl_ kbdfr.dll (fr = french version) vga850.fo_
I also have 4 empty signature files (with no extension) but I am not sure they are required. Create them as they doesn't exist in the I386 folder...
Code Sample | disk101 disk102 disk103 disk104
So with this method, you get a perfect boot folder and it should solve your problem sdennis91
Edited by Incroyable HULK on Dec. 19 2004,21:33
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