So I've made a Windows install DVD with English, Japanese, and Korean versions of XP SP2 using Shurid's method as mentioned here but I'm having some troubles.
The English and Japanese installations can be launched fine but when I launch the Korean installation it always freezes at the "Setup is inspecting your computer's hardware configuration..." screen and never gets to the blue install screen.
All the installs have been setup the same way. They are all launching from a modded i386 directory taken from their respective original CDs. I have even tried 2 different Korean XP install CDs. One had been modded for RAID drivers and the other was a plain SP2 slipstream and both of them got stuck at the same point.
I am quite baffled here. I don't have any idea why it would freeze at that point; no errors or anything. I'm going to keep playing with it, but if anyone has any ideas I would love to hear them.
Group: Super Administrators
Posts: 849
Joined: Nov. 2003
Posted on: Mar. 23 2005,09:01
Something is strange ... just a few suggestions: please try ro keep Korean version unchanged in root directory, but modify English and Japanese version as needed.