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Topic: MultiBoot DVD W2k, WXP, W2003 with all versions< Next Oldest | Next Newest >
 Post Number: 1
igors2 Search for posts by this member.


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PostIcon Posted on: Apr. 08 2005,05:18  Skip to the next post in this topic. Ignore posts   QUOTE

I tried to make MultiBoot DVD W2k Pro; server;advenced server, WXP pro, W2003 standard; enterprise. I suceeded with win2k and win2003 but the xp is making some problems. When I start the dvd and click on my menu to install winXP it stucks on "Setup is Inspecting your computer's Hardware configuration..." and it is standing there. All other windowses work just fine. I tried to make only xp cd with the same configuration but without the other windowses and it worked.

Can anybody help me in some way?

Thanks in Advance
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 Post Number: 2
igors2 Search for posts by this member.


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PostIcon Posted on: Apr. 17 2005,12:18 Skip to the previous post in this topic.  Ignore posts   QUOTE

Here is it step by step guide for Windows 2000/2003/XP on one DVD:

First to get strait with something disk1 is the dir that contains ezboot dir with the boot menu and the images.

Let’s start with Windows 2000 Professional:
1. Copy w2k pro in disk1 into a folder with 4 characters (for example 2KPR), all letters must be upper case.
2. Put w2k.bat (from easyboot dir resource) into 2KPR dir and run it.
3. Then in 2KPR dir you should see TXTSETUP.SIF open it with Notepad or UltraEdit and find the line: SetupSourcePath = "\" make it look like this SetupSourcePath = "\2KPR" (you can use another name for your folder I am just giving an example with the same name not to confuse you) save the file and close it.
4. After that is finished open easyBoot and click Tools and then Replace Text…
a. For File select SETUPLDR.BIN from your 2KPR dir,
b. For Text to find: I386 (or i386 if 0 are found)
c. For Replace with: 2KPR (!ATTENTION! UPPER CASE)
5. In disk1 folder put CDROM_IP.5 and CDROM_NT.5 and if you have service pack put CDROMSP4.TST for SP4, CDROMSP3.TST for SP3
6. In disk1/ezboot folder place w2ksect.bin (from easyBoot folder) and rename to 2KPR.bin. Repeat step 4 for this file.
7. In your boot menu use: run 2KPR.bin to run the image and with that the installation.

Windows 2000 Server and Advanced Server:
Every thing is the same just put it in another folder and use that name.
- Use CDROM_IS.5 for server and put it in to the disk1 folder
- Use CDROM_IA.5 for advanced server and put it in to the disk1 folder

Windows 2003 Standard and Enterprise:
The same just for the 2nd step use w2003.bat from resource folder, use different folder names if you are putting all the operating systems in one DVD.
- Put WIN51 in to the disk1 folder
- Use WIN51IS for standard edition and put it in to the disk1 folder
- Use WIN51IA for enterprise edition and put it in to the disk1 folder

Note: I don’t know how to do this with integrated SP1 so find a clean version of the operating system installation.

Windows XP (all editions):
The same just for the 2nd step use wxp.bat from resource folder, use different folder names if you are putting all the operating systems in one DVD.
- Put WIN51 in to the disk1 folder
- Use WIN51IP for professional edition and put it in to the disk1 folder
The files for the service packs should be included if your CD is with slipstreamed service pack; here are the files:

Note: I don’t know the file for XP Home but you will find it.

If you have questions and/or suggestions be sure to send them on the forum. Also, please someone help me about the the first message on this topic.
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