Post Number: 1

Group: Members
Posts: 3
Joined: Jun. 2005
Posted on: Jun. 28 2005,13:53 |
The Recovery Console from Windows Xp can be extracted from I386 and launched from EasyBoot Menu ? If yes, how this works and what I must to do ? ...can't find anything similary in this forum... Maybe you can help me . Thanks !
Post Number: 2
Posted on: Jun. 29 2005,03:08 |
Hello saintlaur
Step 1. Download Windows XP 6 Disk Setup Set, (XP Home/Pro Original/SP1/SP2) from: http://www.bootdisk.com/bootdisk.htm Don’t forget to choose YOUR language when downloading “Disk Setup Set”.
Step 2. Create a folder named  i386  in EasyBoot\disk1 (It should now look like this: EasyBoot\disk1\i386)
Step 3. Extract “Disk setup set”. Open each image (using winimage or similar). Extract every file from each image to i386 folder in EasyBoot. Now you have a complete “boot folder, holding necessary files to reach consol.
Step 4. Use “wk2sect.bin” (comes with EasyBoot) as bootfile:  run wk2sect.bin  as command in EasyBoot (or change name to  consol.bin  if you find this more convenient).
Attention: If having setup folder already named i386 (holding windows setup files), you have to hexedit (change name) on this “consol folder”. If this is the case – let me now and I tell you how to fix this.
Post Number: 3

Group: Members
Posts: 3
Joined: Jun. 2005
Posted on: Jun. 29 2005,05:38 |
Ok. That's fine ! Make all steps . Now, how i expected, a problem occured because the're two folders with same name. Let's say like I renamed I386 (containing files from recovery console) into "cons" and w2ksect.bin to rc.bin (from my reason). Now , what I must to modify with a hex editor ?
Post Number: 4
Posted on: Jun. 29 2005,09:11 |
Hello again saintlaur
Do it this way:
Attention: Before we go ahead, please rename folder “cons” to uppercase (caps) like this: CONS
Now to “hex edit” (the “easy way”).
Step 1. Start EasyBoot and choose “Tools >> Replace Text”.  Find your bin file (rc.bin) in ezboot, and in “Text to find” you insert  I386  and in “Replace with”  you insert CONS  and then push “Replace”  Attention: Use uppercase (caps) with name CONS. Note: only one text string should be replaced.
Step 2. Again use “Tools >> Replace Text” and find Setupldr.bin in folder  CONS  but now  insert i386 (not I386) in “Text to find” and in “Replace with”  you insert as usual CONS (don’t forget, uppercase here to). Push Replace. Note: Four text strings should be replaced here if you have done right.
That’s it!  It’s okey to use separate hex editor (I mostly do so) but no harm in using “Tools >> Replace Text”.
Post Number: 5

Group: Members
Posts: 3
Joined: Jun. 2005
Posted on: Jun. 29 2005,13:30 |
Thank You ! Thank You ! Thank You ! By few weeks lookin' for this resolving mode, but can't find anything until now, thanks to you !
PS: this technic can be applied and in case of ERD Commander for example, because this program have a same folder named i386 ?
Post Number: 6
Posted on: Jun. 29 2005,14:21 |
Thank you saintlaur for nice feedback
Good to hear that you fixed this problem of yours.
Keep up the god work…
Regards eureka