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Topic: HOW TO RUN BART PE AND ERD COMMANDER, I Need Help< Next Oldest | Next Newest >
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blaze85 Search for posts by this member.


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PostIcon Posted on: Aug. 05 2005,16:42  Skip to the next post in this topic. Ignore posts   QUOTE

I am trying to add Bart PE and other installations to my multiboot cd.  i have read through the forums and nothing seems to help me.  I cannot add my files directly to the disk1\ezboot folder because i already have an I386 folder in there.  I am trying to extract all files to a seperate folder in the disk1 folder called bart. how do i get EasyBoot to recognize that all the files are in a seperate folder and where do i put the .bif file(in the ezboot folder or the bart folder.) please help me fast. thank you.

Edited by blaze85 on Aug. 05 2005,17:22
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 Post Number: 2

PostIcon Posted on: Aug. 05 2005,17:47 Skip to the previous post in this topic. Skip to the next post in this topic. Ignore posts   QUOTE

Hello blaze85

Please follow tutorial in this topic:;t=146

Tutorial will guide you how to change path to BartPe, leaving space to a second i386 folder.
Bye the way, you should always put boot-file (bif or bin or img/ima-file) in ezboot folder (ezboot is the “boot-folder”). Put “BART folder” in the root (EasyBoot\disk1). Like this: EasyBoot\disk1\BART and/or EasyBoot\disk1\i386


 Post Number: 3
blaze85 Search for posts by this member.


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PostIcon Posted on: Aug. 08 2005,18:48 Skip to the previous post in this topic. Skip to the next post in this topic. Ignore posts   QUOTE

Ok, i have all that done in the forum, but what im confused by is the placement of everything.  do all the folders and files except BART go in the ezboot folder.  I seems that in the forum i was directed to that is how they are explaining it.  Or do all the files/folders go into the /disk1 folder.  please help me with the placement of all the files/folders/*bin files.  thank you
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 Post Number: 4

PostIcon Posted on: Aug. 09 2005,04:04 Skip to the previous post in this topic. Skip to the next post in this topic. Ignore posts   QUOTE

Hi blaze85

Every file that deals with starting up any “boot-sequence” should generally be placed in ezboot folder (boot image sub directory ).

I quote from help file: “The whole piece compact disc only needs one 'ezboot' directory, puts all boot file image including the sub-menu xxx.ezb document under this directory.
Note: EasyBoot automatically search boot image file under 'ezboot' directory, so you must put all boot image under this directory”.

EasyBoot\disk1 directory is the root (CD file directory, or compare with [C:] in your computer). If you are planning to use “Bart” on your CD/DVD, this “BART-folder” (and “programs” folder) must be placed in EasyBoot\disk1  but “starting up boot-sequence” according to “BART”, is done from EasyBoot\disk1\ezboot folder, in here you put bart.bin (or whatever you name it), witch you hopefully already edited to point to “BART”, instead of normal path (i386).

The point is that we have to change name on BART folder from i386 to something else with four capital letters (BART), because you can’t have two folders with same name in EsyBoot\disk1 (the root folder) if you planning to have Windows XP setup folder (i386) on same CD/DVD.

Let’s say you have some kind of boot floppy (win98 start floppy or whatever) and would like to use this in EasyBoot. Start EasyBoot and choose >Tools>Make floppy image  
In “Output Filename” you can see that EasyBoot put this bootable floppy image in the “boot folder” (ezboot folder).
Note: This kind of images is normally started in ”DOS emulation mode”.

If you planning to put some kind of “utilities” or other nice programs (Windows Commander or whatever)  on same CD/DVD, put this files (or different folders) in EasyBoot\disk1 (the root folder).

Okey, I can agree that the help file isn’t a kind of “masterpiece”, but it sure helps to read that stuff, before you go ahead.

Hope my explanations help in some way…


 Post Number: 5
blaze85 Search for posts by this member.


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PostIcon Posted on: Aug. 10 2005,14:09 Skip to the previous post in this topic. Skip to the next post in this topic. Ignore posts   QUOTE

Hey eureka thanks for the fast reply.  I am new at this program but Ii appreciate you helping me.  It is working great.
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 Post Number: 6

PostIcon Posted on: Aug. 10 2005,14:47 Skip to the previous post in this topic. Skip to the next post in this topic. Ignore posts   QUOTE

To blaze85

Thanks for nice feedback. He, he in the end are we al “beginners”, you will soon be a kind of “old-timer” – “as times go bye…”

Keep up the good work!

Regards eureka

 Post Number: 7
blaze85 Search for posts by this member.


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PostIcon Posted on: Aug. 13 2005,02:39 Skip to the previous post in this topic. Skip to the next post in this topic. Ignore posts   QUOTE

I have one more question you might be able to help me with. Bart Pe will launch and the menu will come up, but a lot of the programs I have associated with it in the start menu wont run (they are grayed out) but will run off the stand alone bart pe I have created.  Any ideas would be appreciated.  thanks again.
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 Post Number: 8

PostIcon Posted on: Aug. 13 2005,03:49 Skip to the previous post in this topic. Skip to the next post in this topic. Ignore posts   QUOTE

Hello blaze85

Quote: ” they are grayed out”.
Did you put folder “programs” (witch belongs to BartPe) on the root (EasyBoot\disk1)? If not, you will experience this kind of behaviour.

Please, make sure that path to BartPe-programs-folder is like this: EasyBoot\disk1\programs  then create ISO.
Attention: Do not change name on folder programs to something else, it must have the name programs.

Question from me: Is every program greyed out? If not any single program icon shows up in the menu indicates that something is wrong with the path to folder programs, that holds programs related to BartPe.

Question 2: When you start BartPe from EasyBoot, can you open folder programs on CD (“X:”) and start any program this way?


 Post Number: 9
blaze85 Search for posts by this member.


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PostIcon Posted on: Aug. 15 2005,13:22 Skip to the previous post in this topic. Skip to the next post in this topic. Ignore posts   QUOTE

Yes, All of the programs are grayed out or are not working.  I do have the name of the folder as PROGRAMS.  is it not supposed to be in caps.  i did not change the name, that is how it came up.  and yes, it is in the disk1 folder.  No, i cannot access the X:\ drive.  is their some setting i am supposed to change, or that i may have changed, and am not supposed to.  please help. thank you
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 Post Number: 10

PostIcon Posted on: Aug. 15 2005,14:59 Skip to the previous post in this topic.  Ignore posts   QUOTE

To blaze85

About caps: it doesn’t matter if folder is named PROGRAMS or programs, not in this case. You have 100% right there!

It seems to me that you have activated Joliet and/or DOS(8.3) when creating ISO-file in EasyBoot.
Please uncheck Joliet and DOS(8.3). Only activate “Optimize” when creating ISO-file in EasyBoot.


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