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Topic: Multiple floppy images...< Next Oldest | Next Newest >
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PostIcon Posted on: Nov. 14 2005,22:30  Skip to the next post in this topic. Ignore posts   QUOTE

Is it possible to take a set of floppy images that are used to boot into 1 thing (for instance the set of XP floppy disks, and no i'm not asking because I need to boot into an XP install... but it's the only thing I think everyone will be familiar with)?  What I need to boot has DISK1.IMG through DISK5.IMG ... it also has the capacity to boot with an ISO image... I already tried extracting the BIF file and placing all files from the original disk in the root of the disk I am creating... but it always errors out.
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 Post Number: 2

PostIcon Posted on: Nov. 15 2005,13:58 Skip to the previous post in this topic. Skip to the next post in this topic. Ignore posts   QUOTE

To VooICPDoo

Quote: “Is it possible to take a set of floppy images….”

Hmm..not sure what you mean?

To initiate installation of a system like XP, you copy folder i386 to EasyBoot\disk1  and then use “w2ksect.bin” (run w2ksect.bin) in menu in EasyBoot. This starts up the whole installation process. Note: you need the complete set of ident files (win51, win51ip and/or different files depending on what servicepack you have integrated into i386) bee sure to put this files on the root (EasyBoot\disk1).

However, I can show you how to reach recovery consol in WinXP from EasyBoot (note: this example shows XP-sp2). This is how it is done: Attention: Don’t forget necessary ident files on the root (EasyBoot\disk1).

To run applications like Acronis different hard disk tools (from five to 8 floppy) – use this tutorial:;t=473

Quote: “What I need to boot has DISK1.IMG through DISK5.IMG “. This won’t work. You can’t use “Acronis way” (mentioned here) to solve this. You have to create a separate “boot-folder” holding the complete set of setup-files. Just to clarify… You won’t have any use of this boot-folder if you not in same time have folder i386 on same CD/DVD (on the root), and if having only one folder (i386) you don’t need any separate boot-folder.


 Post Number: 3
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PostIcon Posted on: Nov. 15 2005,15:47 Skip to the previous post in this topic. Skip to the next post in this topic. Ignore posts   QUOTE

A set as in something requiring you to insert more than one diskett in order to complete a boot process... for instance booting with disk1 then it laters asks you to insert disks 2-whatever...  Again I'm not needing to do anything whatsoever with XP/XP Installs/Recovery Console.  What I'm trying to boot is a bootable virus scanner made (but not supported) by Mcafee called CleanBoot.  I've tried grabbing the boot image off the ISO that you can also create as opposed to the bootable diskettes and moving all files from the CD to the root of the EasyBoot CD but CleanBoot always gives an error about missing a file.
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 Post Number: 4

PostIcon Posted on: Nov. 15 2005,18:17 Skip to the previous post in this topic. Skip to the next post in this topic. Ignore posts   QUOTE

To VooICPDoo

Sorry I thought you wanted disk set according to winXP in one big image.

Hmm…interesting tool…
Anyway, found ISO (3,59 Mb) It didn’t have the latest virus updates, but basically, it should be the same procedure for this one to.

I opened ISO with Winrar and saved every file to EasyBoot\disk1  Then used UltraIso to save bootrecord as “clean.bif” to EasyBoot\disk1\ezboot

Now to the tricky part: I couldn’t start it from the “MainMenu”! You need to create a submenu and start clean.bif from there (run clean.bif). Note: It’s not possible to run it as one big “oversized” image. You need to use method (extract files from ISO file).

I know that EasyBoot creates an “extra unit” using letter X:  (as drive letter). Could be some mismatch according to this – only guess from me, but a reasonable guess.
But it run as expected.

Please test and see if you can make it run from submenu in EasyBoot. Note: Create main menu and “jump” to some submenu of your choice, and start clean.bif from there.


 Post Number: 5
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PostIcon Posted on: Nov. 15 2005,21:45 Skip to the previous post in this topic. Skip to the next post in this topic. Ignore posts   QUOTE

thank you very much I will be trying this as soon as I get home.
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 Post Number: 6
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PostIcon Posted on: Nov. 16 2005,01:50 Skip to the previous post in this topic. Skip to the next post in this topic. Ignore posts   QUOTE

Well I tried it from a submenu but it keeps saying the license file is missing or corrupt.  This is what it shows...


Edited by VooICPDoo on Nov. 16 2005,02:02
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 Post Number: 7

PostIcon Posted on: Nov. 16 2005,03:46 Skip to the previous post in this topic. Skip to the next post in this topic. Ignore posts   QUOTE

To VooICPDoo

Quote: ”The licence file is missing or corrupt” ?????????

To clarify we use same tool. Please download ISO (CD.ISO) from this ftp:

Use tutorial earlier mentioned and see if it works.


 Post Number: 8

PostIcon Posted on: Nov. 16 2005,05:42 Skip to the previous post in this topic. Skip to the next post in this topic. Ignore posts   QUOTE

To VooICPDoo

I refreshed my system (run ghost). I do this several times each week to make sure no Trojans and/or virus has been established in my system.

Now I’m able to run cleanboot from main menu!

Don’t know why? It just runs as h*ll.

Seems that it is easy to get mismatch….


 Post Number: 9
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PostIcon Posted on: Nov. 17 2005,02:36 Skip to the previous post in this topic. Skip to the next post in this topic. Ignore posts   QUOTE

I'm actually using the updated version that actually supports the new DAT files... it's SP1... if you would like an ISO of it I can send it to u.
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 Post Number: 10

PostIcon Posted on: Nov. 17 2005,03:31 Skip to the previous post in this topic.  Ignore posts   QUOTE

To VooICPDoo

Thank you very much for the offer. But you need to update dat-file at least each month. You have cleanboot on CD/DVD. How to upgrade dat-file in there? Well, you can’t. You need to make new ISO with updated cleanboot to have the latest test/protection.

It’s a nice tool, but it has its limits due to the fact, that it is impossible to update already burned CD/DVD (you have to make a new one). Well no harm in that, but I prefer in this case to “ghost” my system. As I pointed out – I do this pretty often, and in same time you get defrag of HD done!

I’m curious. Did you solve problems? I mean runs cleanboot from EasyBoot?


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