Post Number: 1

Group: Members
Posts: 26
Joined: Jul. 2004
Posted on: Nov. 24 2005,01:53 |
now I am beginning again to try build an easybott CD, with several multidisks floppies.
Have managed it for the PartitionMagic pair this night
Now question is : when this program has executed and I quit it, I fall back to a black DOS screen showing A: as in old times.
I would like to ( as in some bootable "repair" CDs) fall back to the Main Menu, or at least be able to call again that Menu
Possible ? How? Or do I have toreboot to do it ?
It is frequent when using such disks that several of them need to be executed ( eg backup vital data, recover some, then temper with partitions, etc)
TIA to all EasyBoot Masters
Post Number: 2
Posted on: Nov. 24 2005,16:59 |
To pivert
Quote: ” ………….fall back to the Main Menu”. I don’t think this is possible (but it would be a nice option for sure).
Copy “reboot.com” from EasyBoot\resource and inject this to any image of choice. Set end line in autoexec.bat to reboot.com. Example autoexec.bat in partitionmagiq:
@ECHO Off PROMPT $P$G SET RAMDRIVE=r XMSDSK 4096 r: /y SET TEMP=%RAMDRIVE%:\ SET TMP=%RAMDRIVE%:\ Copy A:\unrar.exe R:\ R: UNRAR x A:\files.rar R:\ R:\PQMAGIC.exe reboot.com
There is one more interesting dos-program in EasyBoot\resource and that is “wboot.com”. If you use this instead of “reboot.com” computer starts up Windows (WinXP or whatever) skipping boot-sequence.
Post Number: 3

Group: Members
Posts: 26
Joined: Jul. 2004
Posted on: Nov. 25 2005,14:32 |
Thanks. Your suggestion is usefull, but of course what I wanted is be able to launch EZB Menu, from there launch "an app" image, then once exiting that program fall back to the menu, so I can launch other apps in sequence ( as is often the case : you try something, doesn't work, try something else OR have to perform things in sequence). Reboot takes not that much time, but it does time some.
It should be possible since some bootCDs I have used can do it ( but not allways : sometimes return to DOS like screen)
OR give a way to type "menu" to come back to the EZB menu ?
Perhaps it will be possible later on
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