with this program. I want to install windows 98 on another machine but i dont have a floppy drive. Can I make the windows cd i have bootable so i wont need a floppy disk?
You need some kind of zip-program installed (I prefer WinRar). Use right mouse button on downloaded “bootmec.exe” and choose to “Extract here” or “Extract to bootmec”. Note: You may receive a “Diagnostic message” when doing this (if using WinRar). Choose to close windows (do not break operation).
Open extracted bootmec.ima with WinImage or UltraIso. Extract Autoexec.bat from bootmec.ima to some temp folder. Now use right mouse on extracted Autoexec.bat and choose to edit.
Edit Autoexec.bat to look like this (delete other text):
;>----- Start of text -----<
@echo off
MSCDEX.EXE Â /D:tomato /L:X PATH=a:\;a:\dos;x:\win98 install.exe
;>----- End of text -----<
Note: It could be that you need to change “install.exe” to “setup.exe” (depends on what version of win98 you have).
When done, save changes in Autoexec.bat Insert (and overwrite) Autoexec.bat back to bootmec.ima (use WinImage or UltraIso). Move bootmec.ima to EasyBoot\disk1\ezboot
Create new folder with the name win98 in EasyBoot\disk1 Copy everything (cab files, install.exe and so on) from your win98 directory (or from Win98CD) to EasyBoot\disk1\win98