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Topic: Call for SP cd during inst. Win XP< Next Oldest | Next Newest >
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wil Search for posts by this member.


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PostIcon Posted on: May 29 2006,06:04  Skip to the next post in this topic. Ignore posts   QUOTE

I just registrated on this forum and i've been viewing it for quit a while now. To a lot of EasyBoot questions I found an answer. Thank you!
However now i have a problem that I can’t solve

My goal:
a DVD with 4x windows => Xp_eng, Xp_dutch, 2K_eng & 2K_dutch

So far i did:
For each windowsversion I made a (source) CD with:
SP2 resp. SP4 slipstreamed,and unattended windows installation.
When each CD worked fine I proceed as follows:
Note: To start I only modified XP_eng for now.

I modified Xp_eng installation (i386 --> XPEN) according to instuctions in “EasyBoot Practical Guide”.
(runned WXP.BAT in xpen, taking care of XPEN.BIN, SETUPLDR.BIN and TXTSETUP.SIF)
I also added WIN51IP.SP2 in disk1-folder and WINNT.SIF in xpen-folder.

I (made 1 menu enty and) burned a CD within EasyBoot.
And than with the just burned CD I start to install windows XP (eng).
The text-based part of the installation goes well.
When the graphical part of the installation has started,within a minute a pop-up windows appears:

.   Please insert the compact disk      .
.  labeled "Windows XP Proffesional  .
.  Service Pack 2" into your CDROM    .

Although i'm able to manualy type the path of the files on my CD, it's not the way it should be.
By every file the installation asks where it can be found.
And there are a lot of files, I can tel you that!

When intergrating a Service Pack , a directory is made called D:\i386\ASMS, and the installation can't find that anymore after renaming i386 into XPEN.
I think somewhere I have to chance i386 into XPEN.
But where...

My question is clear:
Could anyone tell me how I can get the installation to work propperly.

Thanks in advance
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 Post Number: 2

PostIcon Posted on: May 29 2006,08:13 Skip to the previous post in this topic. Skip to the next post in this topic. Ignore posts   QUOTE

To wil

Please read here:;f=1;t=1188


 Post Number: 3
Incroyable HULK Search for posts by this member.


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PostIcon Posted on: May 29 2006,08:21 Skip to the previous post in this topic. Skip to the next post in this topic. Ignore posts   QUOTE

Make sure these are correct:

1- Files present at the root of the CD and your Source Folder (at the same level of your i386 folder):

2- HexEditing of i386 and I386 to XPEN

3- Getting the proper boot folder for your localised version of Windows:
Because WXP.bat only works with English version of Windows...

Edited by Incroyable HULK on May 29 2006,08:23

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 Post Number: 4
wil Search for posts by this member.


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PostIcon Posted on: May 30 2006,05:10 Skip to the previous post in this topic. Skip to the next post in this topic. Ignore posts   QUOTE

It works, thank you!

Until now I didn't know about such thing as prim.ROOT and sec.Root. But slowly things getting clear :)

@Incroyable HULK;


3- Getting the proper boot folder for your localised version of Windows:
Because WXP.bat only works with a English version of Windows...

I'm not happy with that  :(

Following the link:
brings not a solution for this moment...

Point is how to get clear witch files got to be copied by WXP.bat in case of a dutch version of windows.

Is it so, that this are the same files as the ones copied to one of those 2 temp.inst dir on the HDD?
In that case I think I can produce a WXP_NL.BAT


Edited by wil on May 30 2006,05:14
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 Post Number: 5

PostIcon Posted on: May 30 2006,08:54 Skip to the previous post in this topic. Skip to the next post in this topic. Ignore posts   QUOTE

To wil

Thanks for nice feedback :D  Please note that my explanation “prim.ROOT and sec.Root” is something I “invented” to make it easier to explain how this stuff works (at least in theory).

Getting the right set of boot-files can be solved (I think or guess) by using right “setup-floppy-set”.
Choose right set from here:
You will be redirected to Microsoft download site. Attention: Don’t forget to choose right language on Microsoft download site (using option “Change Language”) before you finally start downloading floppy-set.

“WindowsXP-KB310994-SP2-Pro-BootDisk-ENU.exe” - This is the English version of setup-floppy-set if you have WinXP slipstreamed with servicepack-2. We are going to use this as an example.

Note: Use winrar (use right mouse button) to extract files from downloaded file. You now have six images and two other files extracted. We are only interested of those six images. Create a folder named BOOT in EasyBoot\disk1\ (I use the name BOOT in this example. You may call it XPEN or WIL3 or whatever 4-digit name you like, but letters must be in CAPS=uppercase)
Use winimage or ultraiso to extract every file from every image to this BOOT-folder.

You now have necessary set of boot-files. ATTENTION: YOU NEED TO DELETE “txtsetup.si_” in folder BOOT AND THEN COPY “txtsetup.sif” FROM YOUR i386-folder TO THIS “BOOT”-folder. Structure should look like this:

EasyBoot\disk1\win51 (and more ident-files)
EasyBoot\disk1\BOOT\ a bunch of boot-files including win51(and more ident-files)
EasyBoot\disk1\BOOT\i386 (in this case slipstreamed with servicepack-2)
Step 1. In folder BOOT. Change setupsourcepath to \BOOT\  inside txtsetup.sif

Step 2. Hexedit setupldr.bin in folder BOOT (use EasyBoot>>Tools>>Replace text>>) from i386 to BOOT

Step 3. Hexedit “w2ksect.bin” in EasyBoot\disk1\ezboot from I386 to BOOT. Note: I suppose you have – or would like to have - a different name on this w2ksect.bin, but you still need to hexedit that file to point to the right “BOOT”-folder.

Attention: don’t forget win51-files according to “prim.ROOT and sec.Root” (take attention to folder structure explained above here).

As option put winnt.sif (unattended file) in BOOT-folder together with the rest of boot-files – in case you want unattended setup.

In EasyBoot set menu as usual: run w2ksect.bin (or whatever name you have to w2ksect.bin)

Regards eureka

 Post Number: 6
wil Search for posts by this member.


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PostIcon Posted on: May 30 2006,10:39 Skip to the previous post in this topic. Skip to the next post in this topic. Ignore posts   QUOTE

So correct me if i'm wrong:

- The files on the floppy sixpack are the "same"  files as the WXP(NL).BAT file should have copy to the prim.ROOT (i.e. XPEN).

- Following the above discription, at the end we have in fact that set of files double, in the original i386(NL) dir. and the set from the floppy's.

- That's about 6.5 MB double, but I can live with that  :;):


By the way:
I've noticed that at my location is 2 Hrs later, then yours
i'm in Holland what's your location, if I may ask?



Edited by wil on May 30 2006,10:43
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 Post Number: 7

PostIcon Posted on: May 30 2006,11:04 Skip to the previous post in this topic. Skip to the next post in this topic. Ignore posts   QUOTE

To wil

Yes wil, you have made the right conclusion. It’s the same files. But you don’t need to run that “noreboot” thing. Some people find it far from convenient to use noreboot method. I just mentioned it if you – or anybody else – would like to use this way to getting boot-files.

If using floppy-setup-set you may want to reduce size on multiboot-CD.
A simple suggestion to reduce size on i386 folder.
You can save disc space with this trick:

Inside folder i386 delete the LANG folder (if you don't need these languages), and you can delete the WIN9XMIG, WIN9XUPG and WINNTUPG folder if you are only doing clean installs. In fact, you only need folder i386 (reduced using method above) and necessary ident-files (win51 and those files).

Or do the “big thing”, make a false install using “gosh method”:

Quote: “I've noticed that at my location is 2 Hrs later, then yours
i'm in Holland what's your location, if I may ask?”

Well, this is Sweden, and I can tell you that I have worked (in earlier stage of life) side by side with people from Holland and it has always been a pleasure :D  

Regards eureka

 Post Number: 8
Incroyable HULK Search for posts by this member.


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PostIcon Posted on: May 30 2006,16:17 Skip to the previous post in this topic. Skip to the next post in this topic. Ignore posts   QUOTE

(wil @ May 30 2006,10:39)
- Following the above discription, at the end we have in fact that set of files double, in the original i386(NL) dir. and the set from the floppy's.

- That's about 6.5 MB double, but I can live with that  :;):

Using the "optimize" feature of EasyBoot, UltraISO or Microsoft CDImage will prevent the increased size caused by duplicated file by storing only once...

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 Post Number: 9
wil Search for posts by this member.


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PostIcon Posted on: May 31 2006,09:17 Skip to the previous post in this topic. Skip to the next post in this topic. Ignore posts   QUOTE

@Incroyable HULK:

Using the "optimize" feature of EasyBoot, UltraISO or Microsoft CDImage will prevent the increased size caused by duplicated file by storing only once...

You're absolutely right!
Thank you...

@ eureka

I have worked side by side with people from Holland and it has always been a pleasure  

I'm glad to hear that, people from holland are not so bad  :)

Then another question:

What about my $OEM$ dir.
At this moment they're located in disk1.
But windows (in XPEN dir.) seems to ignore that.
So I think that $OEM$ need to be located below XPEN.

If so, would be nice, becourse than every windows version can have it's own $OEM$ environment.

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 Post Number: 10
Incroyable HULK Search for posts by this member.


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PostIcon Posted on: Jun. 01 2006,15:08 Skip to the previous post in this topic.  Ignore posts   QUOTE

(wil @ May 31 2006,09:17)
Then another question:

What about my $OEM$ dir.
At this moment they're located in disk1.
But windows (in XPEN dir.) seems to ignore that.
So I think that $OEM$ need to be located below XPEN.

If so, would be nice, becourse than every windows version can have it's own $OEM$ environment.


Your $OEM$ folders must be at the same level as your I386 folder (parallel).

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