I have found a solution to this when using EasyBoot. Took me a while.. but found it.
Make your CD as normal. Make it using settings such that BartPE will be happy with the first ISO.
IE check only:
Optimize (not DOS 8.3 AND DEFINITLY NOT JOLIET which is required for Knoppix)
Hide Boot Folder
Hide all files in boot folder.
Make your ISO.
Open your ISO in UltraISO.
Go to file-->Properties.
Only ISO 9660 should be checked.
Omit ISO 9960 version number should be checked as well as MAX(221)
Make 2 changes and 2 changes only. Under file-> properties
Check Joliet
Change to Extended[110]
BartPE should now be happy, and Knoppix should be happy as well.
This is by far the easiest method I've seen for making the two live in a happy marriage together...
Very Thx!!!! ~FerrariGuy     God Bless U Atte: z7z 
"You do not really understand something unless you can explain it to your
grandmother." - Albert Einstein
Edited by z7archangel7z on Jan. 08 2007,12:03