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Topic: not "EASY"Boot< Next Oldest | Next Newest >
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thehackerdude Search for posts by this member.


Group: Members
Posts: 4
Joined: Jul. 2007
PostIcon Posted on: Jul. 19 2007,18:15   Ignore posts   QUOTE

Truth is, Easy Boot isn't "Easy".  I have to add files and images to this folder, extract, changes files, repack, extract again. Making the boot menu is easy, getting it to work is hard,  we have to enter the boot commands. How are normal people supposed to know the command to get things running.

What I think would make Easy boot "Easy":

Select images that you want to be on disk and Easyboot figures out what to modify and what command to execute when you hit the button.

It configures image to boot with other options (ex. noemuboot, dosstart, ect.) during the process above.

Basicly, I should be able to give it 4 or 5 images. It analizes  the images, modifies what needs to be modified, then gives you a list of possible command.  Select a command, change its menu item to your choice, Then go on to the next command.

There should also be a simple and advanced mode.
Simple mode: Give it the images, does what it has to do, builds the menu for you, and creates the iso, all in one swoop.

Advanced mode: Much more customizable version of simple mode.

Thanks, Just wanted to let you know what would be cool.

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