Namron Corp 

Group: Members
Posts: 1
Joined: Oct. 2005
Posted on: Oct. 26 2005,05:47 |
Hello to the people of this "EZB Forum!".
I have a basic system pc:
Microsoft Win XP Pro v2002 SP2 Compaq Computer Corporation Evo D510 SFF Intel[R] Celeron[R]CPU 2.00GHz 1.99 GHz, 248 MB of RAM
"All In One Bootable CD".
"When will it come?"
Most BootCD's lack the effort of accessing disk drives=A: B: C: etc Due to the fight of the BIOS Bootup or PXE Bootup Conflicts are always a pain but"A lesson to be learnt" due to updates,viruses,trojans etc
Similar Symptoms for a sick pc:
System freezing, hanging, or simply shuting down
Symptoms to a dead pc:
System DEAD!!! lol but really Booting up a dead pc is like giving it a simple command, a simple script, a simple objective which Ultimately Accesses Your PC from:
Boot Failures, No Operating System Found,No DOS(due to Lost Bios Pwd etc) and other problems relating to Start-Up Issues.
I guess my question is?
When will it come? The Ulimate Boot CD for Win? Nope, tried it found it rejecting my BootCD. Reatogo-X-PE? Nope, you need more dowloads to make it fully operational. BartPE? Nope, definitely need more downloads to make it work. Hiren's? Nope, another that needs extra downloads.
Wheres the Already Made "ALL IN 1 BootCD img etc"?
ISO's are abit hmm a problem especially when you get the RockRidge error(thats jus 1).
Can someone help me find an already made BOOTABLE CD or if you have completed one file of the such "All In 1 BootCD" Could I have a copy? Definitely saves time,since time has limitations to a Dead PC!