Post Number: 1

Group: Members
Posts: 2
Joined: Nov. 2006
Posted on: Nov. 14 2006,15:43 |
I'm confused by the support the version of your product offer.
UltraISO 8.51 was released with ISODrive built in on Sept 29th '06. It also supports the latest 4.x Daemon Tools.
But even though it was relased two weeks after UltraISO, SoftDisc 3.0 isn't totally compatible with version 8.51. It Doesn't recognize the ISODrive that comes with UltraISO, and it comes with (and can only use?) a much older 3.x version of Daemon tools.
So... When would I want to use Daemon Tools over ISODrive?
When will SoftDisc support ISODrive? or the newer versions of Daemon Tools?
It seems to make sense to buy them together, to get the package price, but if they don't work together then why bother???
Post Number: 2

Group: Super Administrators
Posts: 2200
Joined: Nov. 2004
Posted on: Nov. 15 2006,06:04 |
Hello kjcmdonald, are you sure that you are using version 3.0 ? SoftDisc 3.0 does support ISODrive, as well as Daemon-Tools version 4.x .
Tips: Please quit previous version SoftDisc first, then install the new version.
Edited by xoben on Nov. 15 2006,06:30
Post Number: 3

Group: Members
Posts: 2
Joined: Nov. 2006
Posted on: Nov. 15 2006,09:24 |
Yes it's 3.0.
I didn't have Softdisc before downloading it yesterday.
I first installed it by itself. It wanted to install Daemon Tools itself, but the version it wanted to install was 3.x. I let it do that install. Played a bit. Looked like you couldn't do much without UltraISO, so I installed that.
UltraISO seemed to find the Daemon tools 3, so I couldn't find a way to even try out ISODrive.
I uninstalled everything, UltraISO, Daemon Tools, and SoftDisc. Then installed only UltraISO 8.51 That worked well. I tried out ISODrive, was pleased with it. Honestly I couldn't figure out what functionality SoftDisc really added that I didn't have with UltraISO/ISODrive.
To find out, I reinstalled SoftDisc 3.0, I canceled the Daemon Tools install this time. SoftDisc now found UltrraISO easily, but it couldn't find any virtual drive software. I say this because under 'Options->Config' it lists Version as 0.0, and the options like number of drives, etc. are all greyed out.
I still want to try Daemon tools 4.x but my experience so far is that SoftDisc and UltraISO really only work with one Vritual CD program at once. Also I think I read that setting up UltraISO for DaemonTools 4 is a manual process. Given that SoftDisc shipps with DaemonTools 3 still (why?) is it also a manul process to get it to use the latest DeamonTools?
What are the advantages of DaemonTools or ISODrive?
Post Number: 4

Group: Super Administrators
Posts: 2200
Joined: Nov. 2004
Posted on: Nov. 16 2006,09:48 |
SoftDisc is a Daemon-Tools based program, and the bundled V3.47 virtual drive works on 98SE/NT4/2000/XP/2003 systems.
 - If you would like to use V4.x virtual drive, please setup Daemon-Tools first (Using default location is recommanded to avoid possible problems). SoftDisc will not install V3.47 if Version 4 is found.   - SoftDisc 3.0 works with Daemon-Tools and ISODrive simultaneously (UltraISO does the same thing). You can mount/unmount all of the supported virtual drives.  - If Daemon-Tools is not found, the 'Options->Configuration' dialogue will show 'Ver 0.0', even ISODrive exists.  - For Daemon-Tools 4.06, please re-download SoftDisc 3.01 from http://www.ezbsystems.com/dl.php?file=scd3_en.exe , no manul process is needed now.
Edited by xoben on Nov. 16 2006,09:51
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