Forum: EasyBoot Topic: running dos exe files? started by: StayAlive Posted by StayAlive on Apr. 09 2004,15:42
hi,i have a few dos exe files here (normal *.exe files, but you can only run them at dos, e.g. ghost.exe (norton ghost 03, also included on the norton ghost 03 cd, you can boot with the cd and this file is started)). now my problem is, that i have no idea, how to run those files with easyboot? as command, i tried run/start ghost.exe and simply ghost. i have no more ideas, pls help, thx in advance! btw:i have no bootable floppy image of ghost and i also cant create one (theres no option in the program for this). Posted by StayAlive on Apr. 09 2004,16:33
ok, got a working,bootable floppy of norton ghost 03 (well you can create one in norton ghost 03 under windows).now my problem is, that i cant get it run with easyboot... made a disk image with ultraiso (easyboot didnt work, dont know why, always got read error, ultraiso worked without problems...), converted it with easyboot to *.img, added run pls help! thx! Posted by marbo on Apr. 09 2004,23:28
You need to create an image file of the DOS bootable floppy the edit autoexec.bat. And ghost.exe at the end of the batch file.HTH Posted by StayAlive on Apr. 10 2004,06:09
doesnt work, there is already "ghost.exe" (without "") at the end of the file and no theres nothing like cd or so and the ghost.exe is in the right hmm location...why cant i simply run dos exe files with a command like start ghost.exe or ghost or ghost.exe? if you are in dos and enter it it works... ![]() Posted by xoben on Apr. 12 2004,10:36
Please see a previous topic < Run DOS-based tool with EasyBoot >.
Posted by Gork on May 16 2004,17:11
I just wanted to post a similar problem I had with Ghost 2002 and found a solution for. The floppy .IMG file I'd create wouldn't work when I tried to run it from the EasyBoot menu on a bootable DVD. After much trial I finally figured out that if I used Ghost 2002 to make a bootable floppy using MS-DOS instead of IBM DOS the corresponding image would work properly with EasyBoot. I have also had weird problems with an image of the IBM Disk Manager floppy, which also uses IBM DOS, as well when executing it from the EasyBoot menu. So, now I'm wondering if EasyBoot somehow has issues with IBM DOS. I'm going to see if I can somehow run IBM Disk Manager on an MS-DOS floppy in order to possibly rid myself of the problems I'm having. (I don't know anything about such things, so this may be an experiment in futility.) I have also had strange problems with the mouse after booting a floppy image with the EasyBoot menu. I kind of wish there was an option in EasyBoot to disable mouse support. One odd thing, though. I haven't been able to run FDISK and posted this fact awhile back. I was told that EZBsys was aware of the issue. I recently upgraded my computer to a new motherboard/CPU, though, and now FDISK seems to work fine! Weird... |