Forum: EasyBoot Topic: eastboot screen started by: Gandalf Posted by Gandalf on May 23 2004,22:05
when i make a iso file the boot screen will not load i even tryed to run the sample screen but it wont lode ethere i have read the help a lot of times and have read the forms but i cant find what is rong i have all the files that came with it heres the listback.bm1 back.bmp cdmenu.ezb ebback.bmp eblogo.bmp loader.bin logo.bm1 logo.bmp setup98.img w2ksect.bin i'm running xp on my computer i dont know what im doing rong would you please help me i would be most gratful ![]() Posted by xoben on May 24 2004,07:00
Please try it out this way:1) Download and setup EB 2) Run EB, do not modify anything, just click 'Make ISO' 3) Emulated c:\easyboot\iso\mycd.iso by VMWare, or burn it to a CD-RW disc and test again Posted by Gandalf on May 24 2004,23:23
i have tryed that i have deamon tools to run isos and have burned it to a cd-rw but all it dose is open the drive and show the easyboot folder and the files in it it dosent boot something is missing and i dont know what if anybody could help i would be grateful ![]() Posted by xoben on May 25 2004,04:52
Do you mean 'autorun'? - just like a windows XP setup CD, if you put this disc into your CD-ROM under windows, a popup menu will come out.'boot cd' works another way: it startup your PC before any other OS. Posted by Gandalf on May 27 2004,03:52
ok i see i thought i could set it up like a autorun cd so i could chose witch program i wonted to install is there a way to use it that way if so can you explane how i would be grateful ![]() Posted by xoben on May 27 2004,10:17
Sorry, EasyBoot is a bootable CD/DVD making program, you can use other tools such as AutoRun Builder to do so.