Forum: EasyBoot Topic: Good News - Run TrueImage 7 with EasyBoot 4.55 started by: martinx Posted by martinx on Dec. 15 2003,06:42
1) download a sample image from < > , extract 'acroseed.img' from it and rename to 'timage7.img'2) Make a temporary folder such as 'c:\temp', open the 5 floppy images created by Acronis, using WinImage or UltraISO to extract all files to 'c:\temp' 3) Open 'timage7.img' by WinImage, and add five files named 'c:\temp\timage1.bin' , 'c:\temp\timage2.bin' ..., 'c:\temp\timage5.bin'. Then, you can use timage7.img in menu command. Posted by Hannes on Dec. 15 2003,10:10
Absolutely amazing!!!Thanks for your help with this. I'm traveling out of town today, but I'm taking my notebook PC with me so I can try this tonight. BTW, I simply love this product. I have a DVD now with Windows XP Pro Retail and Volume License, Windows 2000 Server, Advanced Server and Pro, Windows Server 2003, all 5 versions in both Retail and Volume License editions. I especially love how the program optimizes all the files that are duplicates and stores them only once on the disc. Thanks again for your outstanding help! BTW, I'm just curious about how you create these seed images. Is there any sort of public utility that can help to create these? I plan on using EasyBoot a lot and I have a deeling I'll run into other applications that could benefit from creation of a proper seed image. Hannes Posted by Lutz on Dec. 15 2003,11:34
Acronis write his emergency-data to any removable device. I use my usb-stick to let acronis write his data , and put this data via winimage in the 11 mb DOS-image from here.At the last i must replace the bootimage whit this from the acro5670.ima from works. Hope, i can help Posted by Lutz on Dec. 15 2003,21:24
Ups, sorry This method was for True Image 6. But the variant to let Acronis write his data to usb-stick works. Then i must only the timage1.bin (one big file) transfer in the acroseed.img from top of this topic. Posted by martinx on Dec. 15 2003,21:35
Seed image is always created by native systems, and EasyBoot has the power to enlarge the image size and to keep the boot sector information correctly. Acroseed.img mentioned above is created by EasyBoot 4.55, use floppy #1 of TrueImage 6 as seed image. Boot sector of TrueImage 7 does CRC check for MBR, but version 6 does not, that's why it works now. Posted by Hannes on Dec. 15 2003,21:46
Thanks for the information. I posted another question regarding the seed image before I saw this post. Sorry for the duplication.Thanks again for your help. Hannes Posted by Hilloki on Jan. 05 2004,19:29
how do i get the 5 floppy images from acronis , the program does not give me the images it can only write to a cd/floppy.Sorry i have resolved this problem , nevermind. [EDIT] Sorry i thought i had fixed it but when i boot up and select the acronis true image 7 from the boot menu , it boots up allite then asks for disk 2. [EDIT] Posted by mistiko on Jan. 15 2004,04:13
I have the same problem. Acronis TrueImage 7 stop loading and ask to insert the 2nd disk. Any suggestion?Thanx! Posted by xoben on Jan. 15 2004,05:34
Please provide detailed information about what you did, i will try to give you some suggestions. Posted by WHEEZ on Jan. 23 2004,10:50
I used the USB-Stick method to get Acronis PartitionExpert2003, TrueImage7 and Recovery Export on my bootdisk. Everything works fine so far - but I have trouble to boot Acronis OS Selector 8 when I use the same way I did with the 3 tool above. I used the acroseed.img, changed the the .bin file and changed the filename in BOOTWIZ.CFG. When I try to boot OS Selector - it goes in some kind of endless loop. The original bootwiz.cfg from oss is: [BootMgr] AUTOMATIC ON QUIET ON [OS Selector] ECHO Installationsassistent wird gestartet... RUN RUN ramdisk.exe /d oss VGA VESA RUN y:\ RUN y:\oss_inst.exe RESTART and I use the patched file like this: [BootMgr] AUTOMATIC ON QUIET ON [TrueImage] ECHO Installationsassistent wird gestartet... RUN RUN ramdisk.exe /d oss.bin VGA VESA MBRCRCS ON INITRD y:\ramdisk.dat /S KERNEL y:\kernel.dat quiet has anyone an Idea how to make the configuration for OS Selector? Posted by omario on Jan. 24 2004,17:24
I am a new user of easy boot!I want to use Acronis Partitioner Expert 2003 German and Acronis True Image 7 German on one single CD! I have already created the startmenu with Easy Boot! Can somebody tell me how the structur of the CD should look like (which files in the ezboot directory and which files in the main directory of the CD?) Thanks for any solutions! Posted by CDGUY on Jan. 28 2004,13:55
Hi,i tried this way with True imge 7.0 server (5 disk image) and put in Acroseed.img but i got msg say "NON-Syetem Disk" is there any clue?? Posted by SomeUser on Feb. 01 2004,13:54
i have the same problem!!has any body done that without any problem?? Posted by CDGUY on Feb. 12 2004,15:34
i wonder if any boddy found out a way to fix TrueImage 7.0 to work with EZB 4.55 ...if any one did figure how to do it please let me know..thanks Posted by Sanfoor on Feb. 18 2004,07:38
I had a messege to place disk 3Is there a way to fix that ... Best Regards Sanfoor Posted by EasyBoot-USER on Feb. 28 2004,11:39
Hello,i tried every way in this thread...none of them working all right something missed cant be done right with TRUE IMAGE 7.0[B] hope someone find a clue.. Posted by Oxtie on Mar. 02 2004,11:07
Well, What can I say, getting my attention ![]() ![]() <;t=3 > Posted by khmersovann on Mar. 26 2004,07:03
I cannot add file to acroseed.img (7.03Mb). I use WinImage 6.10.6100 to open acroseed.img and inject timage1.bin (6.97Mb) I got an error message (The file....cannot be injected.the image is full.) then what I gonna do? Please help me! (qing qiu bang mang!) Posted by duke on Mar. 27 2004,20:27
yep, that image is too small for the current trueimage 7.0.Follow my steps in this thread - that will solve your problem: <;t=110 > Posted by Mike B on Jun. 19 2004,14:59
I have the same problrm - after timage5 it says that there is no space for timage6I use UltraIso 7 ME I don't have a flash-stick, so I can't follow your steps How do I enlarge image size or where can I download the complete image timage7 ? or maybe someone could send me the solution ( Posted by xoben on Jun. 19 2004,22:45
You can create a large image up to 46.08MB this way:1) Click 'Tools'->'Create New Image' on EasyBoot's main page 2) Use acroseed.img as seed image, and set the filename and size of target image 3) Click 'Create' 4) Add files to the newly created image by UltraISO or WinImage Posted by marky on Jul. 17 2004,06:30
The instructions don't work, it appears to be a hoax!
Posted by urie on Jul. 17 2004,09:06
It does work even on the new disk director suite and you don't even need yo use the old acronis seed disk you can make your own you just need to use mediabuilder on the first disk. read this hope it helps.1 download cenatek Ramdisknt 2 Install Ramdisknt 3 Open Cenatek ramdisknt 4 In Disk Type, Select 1.44MB Floppy 5 Drive letter B or any drive that you are not using 6 click START button (minimize ramdisknt) 7 Start the acronis product 8 choose full version 9 Select the ramdisk drive (for example) 10 Click next 11 When acronis wizzard indicates Proceed, maximize ramdisknt 13 click STOP Button 14 in Disk Type, select Hard Disk 15 click START button (minimize ramdisknt) 16 In acronis wizard select proceed buton Thats all you have a IMA FILE that you can use with BCDW and Boot Scriptor ======================================================== The way to do TI7 is to use TrueImage mediabuilder twice: first time around, select floppy disks, but only copy the first one of six. Use EasyBoot 4.55 or 4.56 to read the disk1 image and increase its size to at least 8,640KB (Tools>Create new image). This will give you a seed image with the capacity you need, but maintain the MBR, which Acronis checks. Second go; use a USB stick, or other larger removable media and create the 7.33+ MB bootable image in one go. Now use Winimage to inject all of the newly-created files into your seed floppy image - call it ti7.wbt or something similar. 2. Disk Director does run all tools from a unified front end. The image can be made exactly as described above, but be aware that it requires 15.7MB of space, so a 16MB USB drive is not big enough; you need at least 32. Works great in multiboot and means that I can remove 3 other boot options. |