Forum: EasyBoot
Topic: Readable date is currupted
started by: Jords

Posted by Jords on Aug. 10 2004,12:06
I have put together a lot of tools for a diagnostic cd that I need for work.  All of the bootable functions work well, but if trying to access any data on the cd it says it is unreadable or corrupted.  You can see the data on the cd through both windows and dos but cannot access it or change anything.  These are simple just data files that I am tryin to access (i.e. drivers).  

I have put all the data files in the disk1 folder.  Then I make the iso.  In the iso I have full access to all of the data(except the hidden boot files), but after burning, I cannot access those files anymore.  I have tried different burners.  Tried burning the iso file and taking it to another computer and burning it,didn't work either.  I have both nero and roxio easy cd creator.  I tried the make cd button within easy boot and still does the same thing.  I tried about 50 different times to get this thing working and I am not getting anywhere.  Anyone have any advice on why everytime i burn the iso image it is non readable?  Appreciate the help.
Posted by xoben on Aug. 10 2004,19:44
This problem has been fixed at version 5.01, please download the latest version from links on our website.