Forum: EasyBoot
Topic: How to add [F1] - [12] keys to run...
started by: radiokid

Posted by radiokid on Aug. 11 2004,01:56
Hi I was wondering if there is a way to make EasyBoot accept the keys [F1] - [F12] to load an image?

I have one menu that ueses all the alphabet and numbers but I also want to use the Function keys to load help files.

Posted by xoben on Aug. 11 2004,05:04
You can add this kind of action at 'Misc' page, which support F1-F12 as 'Func Key'.
Posted by radiokid on Aug. 11 2004,07:24
Thanks, I didnt even think about that. EasyBoot just gets better each time I use it  :D
