Forum: EasyBoot Topic: Creating help file started by: binh25 Posted by binh25 on Aug. 12 2004,20:07
is it possible to create a help file for the menuI try with F1 and I put in command help.bat which is a standart batch file with echo etc but it doesnt seem to work... What are the command to call up a bat file or I have to create a special file Easyboot can understand? Thanks Binh Posted by xoben on Aug. 12 2004,20:59
You may create a submenu with all text strings and a 'Return' menu item, save it as help.ezb.On cdmenu.ezb, switch to 'Misc' page, add a F1 'function key' item using 'run help.ezb' as command. On help.ezb, use 'run cdmenu.ezb' to return back. |