Forum: EasyBoot Topic: Bootable CD not loading EasyBoot started by: MuadDib Posted by MuadDib on Aug. 16 2004,17:20
Dear everybody who reads this.Seems like I've got a little problem. I created a few menu-options in Easyboot v5.01 including some sub-menu's. All these files including the needed .img files for booting Partition Magic, Disk Manager, Memtest etc. are placed in the disk1\EZBOOT directory. Then I tell the program to MAKE ISO. After that it requires the CD File DIR. here I point to DISK1 it also requires a Boot image (This is where I go wrong) (Let me rephraze: This is where I think something goes wrong, this is the point where something I do is incorrect but I don't know what). I pointed this to a dead-ordinary windows 98 boot disk. This didn't work. I also tried pointing to loader.bin because the FAQ says that loader.bin will load the menu so i thought I had to try it. After the ISO is created I use Nero Burning Rom 6.3.something to burn it. After that I try to boot from the disk and it boots my dead-ordinary windows 98 boot disk (From CD, yes) but does not load the Easyboot menu. How do I correct this problem? Thnx in advance. Posted by Mandraker on Aug. 16 2004,17:27
i aint really sure but don't u have to make an image of the bootdisk and point easyboot to that image like u say here " it also requires a Boot image (This is where I go wrong). I pointed this to a dead-ordinary windows 98 boot disk. " Posted by MuadDib on Aug. 16 2004,17:36
make an image of the bootdisk (What bootdisk do you mean with this?) and point Easyboot to that image I tried a win98 bootdisk I've got an Idea. Maybe by replacing jo.sys on the win98 bootdisk with loader.bin that might just work. Report in a few minutes.. Thnx for the help for now. But keep those comments coming please! Posted by MuadDib on Aug. 16 2004,17:42
Sorry, This didn't help.Any other ideas? Posted by MuadDib on Aug. 16 2004,17:48
Seems I didn't try hard enough. It works. Only problem I have now is that it doesn't respond to my keyboard. That's next to be solved! Posted by Mandraker on Aug. 16 2004,17:52
i mean in easyboot u have the " tools " button and that points to " make floppy image " maybe u need to make a floppy image of your win98 bootdisk and use that.