Forum: EasyBoot Topic: Creating a restore disk W/ghost started by: mflowers Posted by mflowers on Dec. 23 2003,21:50
I am having trouble with the command part of the program, I would like to boot the PC then be able to choose #1 for get to a dos prompt (a:> ) then run Symantec Ghost from there to restore a PC back to the orig. condition.Can I list the commands as...c:\;cd ghost;ghostpe.exe... and then have a seperate image file on the cd containing the ghost image? Thanks Posted by martinx on Dec. 24 2003,00:23
You should make a floppy image first, or get one from here: < >
Posted by mflowers on Dec. 27 2003,11:19
Is this floppy image used to boot the pc or is that done by Ezboot?Sorry I'm not understanding just how it all works. Posted by Hannes on Dec. 28 2003,17:56
Pretend for a moment that EasyBoot is not even in the picture. What you want to do is create a floppy that boots DOS and then runs Ghost. You can put whatever commands you want into the CONFIG.SYS and the AUTOEXEC.BAT. Customize the floppy so that it runs just as you want it to run.Next, use EasyBoot to create an image of that floppy. Let's say you call the image "GHOST.IMG". Place the image file in the Easyboot\disk1\ezboot directory. Now, when you have a menu item in EasyBoot that you want to use to run ghost use the command "run ghost.img". EasyBoot is simply launching this floppy image now. In other words, you are not using EasyBoot to pass commands to the program like changing directories, etc. as your first post indicated. This is handled using the Autoexec.bat file. Does that help? If you need any further clarification please post back and I'd be happy to help further. Hannes Posted by mflowers on Dec. 29 2003,15:18
I have been working with this for several days and love the program. In the end I would like to have a disk that could restore a pc to "like new". I am deploying several notebooks to a remote location with no on site support. In the event of a crash I would like to have the users to "pop in the cd and start over", I am finding that the ghost image is going to be to large for a CD...what next DVD? Again thanks for the patience and help. Posted by Hannes on Dec. 29 2003,23:33
You mention that your images are too big to fit on a CD. This should not be a problem. If you use ghost to create images directly to a CD burner then it will span discs. Otherwise, you can specify the size of segments that ghost should create. You can then take each segment and burn it to a seperate disc. If you are not using ghost to create your image directly to CD or DVD then you can create a ghost boot floppy and then use Easy CD Creator or Nero to make the first CD in your set bootable. Simply use Easy CD Creator or Nero to create a Bootable CD and use floppy emulation. It will read in your ghost floppy. Copy the first segment of your backup to this CD as well. Copy additional ghost segments to additional CDs. If you want even more flexibility you can use EasyBoot to launch the floppy image and then restore your backups from your CDs. One word of caution: If you use EasyBoot for this I would suggest making the default action boot from the HD. It would be bad if the default was to restore the notebook to "like new" condition and the user simply accidentally leaves the CD in the system! Also, you mention DVD - if these laptops have DVD drives then by all means, make a bootable DVD! You might need only one disc then. Hannes Posted by Automating Ghost Restoration on Feb. 18 2005,12:22
what if i want to restore in an automated fashion using ghost.
Posted by eureka on Feb. 18 2005,15:07
"what if i want to restore in an automated fashion using ghost"Loading ghost-image using Easyboot. ----------------------------------------------- Create your ghost-image, in this example named system.gho Move ghost-image (system.gho) to folder: EasyBoot\disk1. Create a folder named ghost in easyboot\disk1 and copy ghost.exe to this folder. NOTE!!! You cannot use Ghost32, only Ghost.exe intended to be used in DOS-environments. Ghost v.8 works fine and supports NTFS. Download "Windows Me Custom, No Ramdrive" bootdisk from < HERE > Run bootmec.exe to create boot floppy. Open Autoexec.bat on floppy. (use right mouse button and choose to edit). Edit Autoexec.bat to look like this (delete other text): (Note: leave out the switch “–sure” if you want to being prompted to continue cloning). ;>----- Start of text -----< @echo off MSCDEX.EXE /D:tomato /L:X PATH=a:\;a:\dos;x:\ghost ghost.exe -clone,mode=load,src=X:\system.gho,dst=1:1 -fx -sure –rb ;>----- End of text -----< Save your edited Autoexec.bat Download and install WinImage from here: < > Start WinImage and choose to “read disk”. When done save this new image with the name ghost.ima to EasyBoot\disk1\ezboot Attention: File format must be IMA not IMZ or VFD. Note: This cloning method reboots (-rb) computer automatically when done. Use command: run ghost.ima in EasyBoot to start cloning. It should work fine from DVD too. Posted by GenesisBoy on Jul. 09 2005,22:15
" i want to restore in an automated fashion using ghost "i have ready created the the image file from floppy disk all files with GHOST.exe included,... but i have no idea how can i change the settings and to modify of AUTOEXEC.bat and in the same time to have all drivers included like USB, FireWire, LPT, etc,... I have try to download this file from this link but seems to be broken link,... < > Maybe someone can help me to modify this files and to send me to my EMAIL >>> ----------------------------------------------------------- Here you can see the folder content ,... ![]() Here you will find some IMAGE Files into ISO & IMG extenssion < Ghost ISO Image > < Ghost IMG File > ---------- DESCRIPTION OF AUTOEXEC.bat --------------- @echo off SET TZ=GHO-01:00 GUEST.EXE LPT\PARALINK.COM /i MOUSE.COM echo Loading... cls if %config% == FROMFLPY goto FLPYBOOT if %config% == FROMCD goto CDBOOT goto FAILED :FLPYBOOT echo Insert Ghost boot disk 2 (containing Ghost.exe) pause if exist a:\ghost\ghost.exe goto GHOSTFND goto FLPYBOOT :CDBOOT echo Insert Ghost boot disk 2 (containing Ghost.exe) pause if not exist b:\ghost\ghost.exe goto CDBOOT b: goto GHOSTFND :GHOSTFND cd \ghost echo Loading... GHOST.EXE goto END :FAILED echo Unknown boot menu selection goto END :END ---------------------------- END -------------------------- Best Regards, Bogdan VOICU Posted by eureka on Jul. 10 2005,07:16
Hello GenesisBoyYes I have noticed that < > is a “Dead link”. However; Start with creating a folder named ghost in easyboot\disk1 and copy ghost.exe to this folder. Download ”Windows Me Custom, No Ramdrive” from here: < > Run bootmec.exe to create boot floppy. Open Autoexec.bat on floppy. (use right mouse button and choose to edit). Edit Autoexec.bat to look like this (delete other text): Note: leave out the switch “–sure” if you want to being prompted to continue cloning or only use “ghost.exe” if you find this more convenient. ;>----- Start of text -----< @echo off LPT\PARALINK.COM /i ctmouse.exe MSCDEX.EXE /D:tomato /L:X PATH=a:\;a:\dos;x:\ghost ghost.exe -clone,mode=load,src=X:\system.gho,dst=1:1 -fx -sure –rb ;>----- End of text -----< Open Config.sys (use notepad) Edit Config.sys to look like this (delete other text): ;>----- Start of text -----< FILES=30 BUFFERS=20 DEVICE=cd1.SYS /D:tomato DEVICE = usb\uhci.exe DEVICE = usb\ohci.exe DEVICE = fwr\aspi1394.sys /int /all rem DEVICE = aspi2dos.sys ; Note: If you need support from this file, delete “rem” rem DEVICE = aspi8dos.sys ; Note: If you need support from this file, delete “rem” rem DEVICE = aspi4dos.sys ; Note: If you need support from this file, delete “rem” rem DEVICE = aspi8u2.sys ; Note: If you need support from this file, delete “rem” rem DEVICE=cd1.SYS /D:tomato /P:1f0,14 rem DEVICE=cd1.SYS /D:tomato /P:170,15 rem DEVICE=cd1.SYS /D:tomato /P:170,10 rem DEVICE=cd1.SYS /D:tomato /P:1e8,12 rem DEVICE=cd1.SYS /D:tomato /P:1e8,11 rem DEVICE=cd1.SYS /D:tomato /P:168,10 rem DEVICE=cd1.SYS /D:tomato /P:168,9 LASTDRIVE=Z ;>----- End of text -----< We need to create some space on this floppy for your “special” files and folders. Delete following files on floppy: Xcopy32.mod, Xcopy32.exe, Xcopy.exe,, Scanreg.exe, Scandisk.exe, Move.exe,,,, Extract.exe and finally Insert to floppy from your “ghost.iso” following: Folder Fwr, folder Lpt and folder Usb. Continue with files: aspi8u2.sys, aspi8dos.sys, aspi4dos.sys and finally aspi2dos.sys. Download a better P/S-2 mouse support (Cutemouse) from here: < > I suggest you download “The latest alpha version in the 2.0 branch is v2.0 alpha 4.” Extract file ctmouse.exe and copy this mouse support to floppy. Start EasyBoot and choose Tools>Make floppy image Change name in “Output file name” from boot.img to ghost.img Use command “run ghost.img” (no quotes) in EasyBoot as usual. eureka Posted by GenesisBoy on Jul. 10 2005,11:44
Thankyou for your answer,.EUREKA about GHOST IMAGE... the problem is to create this files or to make some changes, i have no floppy drive to my NoteBook is not verry easy can you do one favor for me, i have lost alll my CD's of Panasonic Notebook and now i have to create the new one. and i need for that can you create for me and to send me email Just if you have that pleasure, i know is strange to ask you that but is not very easy for me,... Best Regards,... Posted by eureka on Jul. 10 2005,12:58
Hello GenesisBoyQuote: ” lost all my CD's of Panasonic Notebook”. Well I can’t help you with this stuff, that’s far behind my capabilities, but I can help you to create a bootable CD without using any floppy unit (I suppose you have some “burning tool” to create this CD?). Please, download “Winimage 6.10” and use this tool to create and/or to edit image files. Download link: < > (scroll down to you find “Winimage 6.10”. With this tool you won’t need any floppy (nice tool to have in your case). You can easily extract and/or insert files in images with this tool. Extract downloaded bootmec.exe (use winrar or similar). Inside you will find bootmec.IMA this is all you need. Open bootmec.IMA with winimage, delete earlier named files to create some extra space, and then extract Autoexec.bat and Config.sys to some temp folder. Make changes to Autoexec.bat and Config.sys, and insert them back to bootmec.IMA. Finally, insert folders and files named earlier in this topic. When done, rename bootmec.IMA to ghost.ima. Copy or move ghost.ima to EasyBoot\disk1\ezboot Use run ghost.ima as command in EasyBoot as usual. Burn your bootable CD and your problems are solved (or at least you now have a bootable CD with Ghost). I have deleted support according to floppy unit (as you probably already have noticed!) We don’t need floppy support, because you even don’t have a floppy unit! eureka Posted by tashammer on Aug. 18 2005,12:52
< >will give you the bootdisks. Sometimes you can find things that may have been moved by backspacing to the next "/" along the url and seeing what you can find Posted by eureka on Aug. 18 2005,13:25
To tashammerYes you have right there, but people are “lazy” (He, he like myself) or shell I say “confused” (as you can notice in topic). It seems they need links that works at once and without problems. Thanks anyway. Regards eureka Posted by max1168 on Nov. 07 2005,04:41
I have a toshiba notebook with no floppy drive. what do I need to do to create a bootable CD that will work as the bootable floppy created by Ghost?Thanx Ennis Posted by eureka on Nov. 07 2005,08:27
To max1168 (Ennis)Step 1. Download ”Windows Me Custom, No Ramdrive” from here: < > Use right mouse button on “bootmec.exe” and with help of your Zip-program (Winrar?) you choose: “Extract to bootmec”. Note: You might receive a “diagnostic error” when doing this – but it’s okay. You now have a new folder named “bootmec” and inside of this you have image-file “bootmec.ima”. We are going to edit this one. Step2. Download and install WinImage from here: < > Step 3. Open “bootmec.ima” with winimage and choose to “Extract” autoexec.bat to some folder (use this new folder “bootmec”) Keep winimage running, don’t close it. Open extracted Autoexec.bat in folder “bootmec” (use right mouse button and choose to edit). Edit Autoexec.bat to look like this (delete other text): (Note: leave out the switch “–sure” if you want to being prompted to continue cloning or only use ghost.exe if you want to run ghost without switches). @echo off MSCDEX.EXE /D:tomato /L:X PATH=a:\;a:\dos;x:\ghost ghost.exe -clone,mode=load,src=X:\system.gho,dst=1:1 -fx -sure –rb ;>----- End of text -----< Save your edited Autoexec.bat Note: This cloning method reboots (-rb) computer automatically when done. Now “pull” autoexec.bat back to the still running winimage. Answer yes to question! When done, use the option “Save as” (with the name ghost.ima or whatever). Note: make sure to save this “ghost.ima” to EasyBoot\disk1\ezboot Attention: Make sure to use “ima” and not “imz” at the end of file name when saving image file in winimage. Must be ghost.ima AND NOT ghost.imz Step 4. Create a folder with the name ghost in EasyBoot\disk1 Put Ghost.exe in folder Ghost. It should now look like this: EasyBoot\disk1\ghost\ghost.exe And like this EasyBoot\disk1\ezboot\ghost.ima (and some more of your stuff of course). NOTE!!! You cannot use Ghost32, only Ghost.exe intended to be used in DOS-environments. Ghost v.8 works fine and supports NTFS. As usual in EasayBoot, use the command: run ghost.ima Create ISO and burn it to media of your choice (CD-RW?). As you can notice: no need for floppy. eureka Posted by deity on Dec. 25 2005,21:49
Happy Holidays!Here are two template for running a DOS gui based Ghost v7 and another for either Ghost 2003 or Ghost 8.2. Just use Winimage to open it and then inject or drag and drop the GHOST.EXE file into the open img file. They are the same thing except one image is made to handle the bigger size of Ghost v2003 and v8.2. Everything else should be the same. How To Download Scroll Down and choose the button that says free. Wait for the "Download-Ticket reserved. Please wait ? seconds. Seconds to run down before you download. DOS Ghost v7.00 img Template. Size 1,440 KB < > DOS Ghost v2003 or v8.2 Template. Size 2,880 KB < > Here is a screenshot of the contents. Directory layout without the Ghost.exe ![]() Posted by deity on Dec. 29 2005,18:40
here are some screenshots of the final. You can download zip Image template above.![]() ![]() ![]() Posted by D8TA on Dec. 30 2005,16:51
My ghost image is larger than one CD so I have place the other image on another CD for a total of 2. The CD boots fine and ghost launches but when ghost gets finished with the first image on the CD it doesn't ask me to put in the other CD but rather just tells me user aborted and brings me to a C> prompt. What command do I need so ghost will prompt be for the other spanned image which is on the 2nd CD?
Posted by deity on Dec. 31 2005,14:42
Im sorry but I dont have an answer. I based the image on someones elses floppy image. I dont know the command to do what you ask. I think the CD options are if you only have 1 CD with one single image and not a spanned one. If someone has a command that I could add I can add to the Floppy image please let me know and I will add it and update the image.Thanks. Sorry D8TA! Posted by viper6702 on Mar. 14 2006,12:55
hey i am new to easyboot i would like to know how to make a mulitboot cd i know how to layout everything but i dont know how to put the image in the menu i make 5 diffrent option but i want to put in the image now that what i dont know to do please help me thank u Posted by viper6702 on Mar. 17 2006,09:48
i have easyboot as the boot option but i dont know how to put the image like for instant i have alot of ghostimage on my computer it is for windows200o xp and more. now i want to put it on the cd with ezboot how do i do that thank you Posted by mjxplant on Mar. 29 2006,09:36
Eureka, I followed your post to the T. the system boots up with the CD and the autoexec runs, and my CD Rom is X. However when it tries to run x:\ghost.exe it comes back Bad command or File name. When I dir the x drive nothing is there, however in windows I see that there is 4.12 GB on the DVD but Still I cannot see anything in windows either. Any Ideas? Posted by eureka on Mar. 29 2006,12:10
To mjxplantQuote: ”when it tries to run x:\ghost.exe”. Make sure that you only have this in autoexec.bat @echo off MSCDEX.EXE /D:tomato /L:X PATH=a:\;a:\dos;x:\ghost ghost.exe (if wanted, followed by switches) Do not set this command in autoexec.bat “x:\ghost.exe” I just tested, and the system “went out in space”. Quote: “cannot see anything in windows either”. Well I don’t now how you created this DVD. But if having winrar you should be able to see inside iso-file (created by EasyBoot). Inside this iso-file, ghost-folder and ezboot-folder normally is visible – (if using winrar to open iso-file). Note: If ghost image is larger than 2 000 Mb, you could be in trouble. I don’t think ghost supports images larger than 2000 Mb (~2Gb). Please test with only starting ghost without switches, to see if ghost start. Use only this in autoexec.bat @echo off MSCDEX.EXE /D:tomato /L:X PATH=a:\;a:\dos;x:\ghost ghost.exe Regards eureka Posted by teslanet on Apr. 04 2006,03:50
Hi , all friends, i've a problem but, i think it is basic operation of easy boot.i want to add ghost to menu ezbsystem. ( no need to automatically run ) i made this step 1. Make Directory Ghost to easyboot\disk1\.. as " easyboot\disk1\ghost" 2.Add ghost.exe ( it is sure Dos Version ) easyboot\disk1\ghost \ "easyboot\disk1\ghost\ghost.exe" 3.Make with boot.ima by using bootmec & edit using with winamage to autoexec.bat as @echo off MSCDEX.EXE /D:tomato /L:R PATH=a:\;a:\dos;R:\ghost ghost.exe And save as with ghost.ima into easyboot\disk1\ezboot\... as "easyboot\disk1\ezbbot\ghost.ima 4.At ezb menu, i add menu ghost and command as " run ghost.ima" 5.make cd But Boot From CD " Errloading myboot.ez " is show and can't boot. Thats all , i think i miss one step of making process, making directory of ghost. Is't need to declare on other files? Such as "replace to......? Help me pls. Sorry for my idiot question. Tesla Posted by dulap on Jan. 11 2007,04:54
(deity @ Dec. 29 2005,23:40) QUOTE here are some screenshots of the final. You can download zip Image template above. link is dead, is possible a reupp please thx Posted by ts4s on Aug. 11 2007,15:13
ok, I figure out how to buid a cd to run ghost. Now i'm trying to figure out how to add the 2 .gho files and put all of this on a dvd. I've looked around but haven't found any info on this. thanks for any help
Posted by alxtorrentazos on Aug. 15 2007,00:35
Hi, surfing the net I realized that maybe your program is part of the solution I´ve been looking for.....with a little help, of course.I have a new HP 9500t notebook with SATA hdd that windows XP installation disk and norton ghost (for DOS) cannot "see"...I want to know if it´s possible to create a boot cd where I can "insert" the chipset drivers for my SATA controller (intel ichm8), so I could run ghost from cd and make a backup image or install windows XP in a "normal" way. I apologize for my poor english, my mother tongue is spanish. Thanks for any help you could provide. Pepe Posted by morci on Jun. 17 2008,20:37
< >< > Hi All, The post by 'deity' is perfect for Ghost GUi menu. Does anyone have the updated links for the ghost image? < > -> link dead < > -> link dead Your help is GREATLY APPRECIATED to ALL ! Morci |