Forum: EasyBoot Topic: easyboot and erd commander-please help started by: kapa Posted by kapa on Aug. 17 2004,14:27
I have some problems with erd commander 2003 and with partition magic. How exactly do i put erd commander and partition magic on a bootable cd. I know that this topics were discussed before. I folow that advices but with no use. Erd commander and partition magic simply won't boot. I want to include this programs to a bootable cd made with easyboot. Please take some time to answer me.If someone have time to give details i would apreciate.Sorry about my english
Posted by xoben on Aug. 18 2004,09:49
For partition magic, please use a sample image from < > .ERD 2003 works as windows nt/2000/xp, you can find guide from help file. Posted by kapa on Aug. 18 2004,16:14
it is correct for erd commander to copy i386 folder to easyboot-disk1 and set command as run w2ksect.bin? I'm sorry to bother you about this problem but simply i cant manage to make a bootable cd with erd commander and i read the practical guide, i think that only i can't understand how to do it, maybe i am not so smart ![]() Posted by eureka on Aug. 18 2004,17:54
Sorry if I’m crushing in here, but what about testing following example?Creating dos-environments – here showing pqmagic. Create a folder named pqm in easyboot\disk1 and put necessary files according to pqmagic in this “pqm”-folder. Use WinXP (or WinMe, Win98) to create a bootable floppy, or download from Internet. This boot floppy was made thru WinXP-pro. l------------------------------------------------- Note: I have left out country codes with “?” They are automatically inserted in an appropriated way when WinXP creates the boot floppy. But you still need to do some changes in autoexec.bat and config.sys. You also need to put in two other files in this boot floppy. The two files are: VIDE-CDD.SYS (or similar) and MSCDEX (or similar). However Autoexec.bat should look like this: loadhigh MSCDEX /D:MSCD001 /L:X mode con codepage prepare=((???) ega.cpi) mode con codepage select=??? keyb ??,,keybrd.sys loadhigh mouse loadhigh mouseusb PATH=a:\;a:\dos;x:\pqm loadhigh pqmagic.exe -------------------------------------------------- Config.sys should look like this: DOS=HIGH,UMB buffers=40 device=display.sys con=(ega,,1) DEVICE=VIDE-CDD.SYS /D:MSCD001 -------------------------------------------------- Download Winimage from: < > or use UltraISO and create the bootable image using this floppy as source. Use this image in Easyboot to start pqmagic. As you can figure out above, the CD/DVD-reader unit is “renamed” with a DOS-command to letter X. That means you have to start from unit one of CD/DVD-readers, not the second unit (in case there are several CD/DVD units). Note: In this example VIDE-CDD.SYS is used to support CD/DVD-reader in DOS, and of course MSCDEX . You may need/use (or own) another SYS-file supporting your CD/DVD-reader, but you always need MSCDEX (or similar) in autoexec.bat to support CD/DVD-reader in DOS. Sorry about my fragmented English – hope you don’t mind? Posted by eureka on Aug. 18 2004,18:05
He, he – forgot a little code. I also put in mouse support – as you can see in the autoexec.bat-file. Mouse support for PS/2 and mouse connected thru usb. You should be able to find this files on Internet (search “free dos”). You can also as option, remove the two command lines according to mouse support.
Posted by kapa on Aug. 19 2004,02:16
but what about erd commander 2003 how can i make it boot from the bootable cd made with easyboot?what files files should i copy in easyboot folder and what command do i have to set?
Posted by xoben on Aug. 19 2004,02:36
1) Copy i386 folder to c:\easyboot\disk12) Use 'run w2ksect.bin' to load Posted by kapa on Aug. 19 2004,05:45
I copy i386 to easyboot/disk1 and i set command to "run w2sect.bin" but it say "press any key to return" and when i press a key it returns to the main menu. Please if you have time try to experiment yourself with erd commander because it doesn't work. I'ts not just erd commander, recovery manager from winternals is the same and other programs like these. I'm sorry to bother you with this problem but i spend a lot of time with that problem and i couldn't resolve it.
Posted by kapa on Aug. 19 2004,05:48
i have no hardware configurations problem because other programs work and erd commander image is good i have try it
Posted by shakko on Aug. 19 2004,09:24
I followed the instructions on this page and finally made ERD commander < > go to the "EDR Commander 2003" section Dont forget to follow the instructions on the "Testing & Burning" section to make the ISO. The tools needed are in the "Download" section. (CDimage) For some reason when I made the ISO with EasyBoot ERD booted but not all the programs worked. This is the batch file I used to make the ISO. This is all in only a single line inside the batch file. cdimage.exe -lMULTI_BOOT -t08/23/2001,09:00:00 -bC:\EasyBoot\disk1\ezboot\loader.bin -h -j1 -o -m C:\EasyBoot\disk1 C:\EasyBoot\iso\MULTI_BOOT.iso hope this helps later... Posted by kapa on Aug. 19 2004,11:35
I am interested how to make erd commander load from the easyboot menu and not to make multiple boot cd with other programs.Please tell me how to make erd commander to boot from easyboot menu what files should be copy or modified and what command have to be set. Anyway thank you for the informations.
Posted by shakko on Aug. 19 2004,13:07
hello againAfter you design your menu and save it do the following: 1) Copy ALL files and folders in the root of the ERD CD to your EasyBoot\disk1 folder and rename the i386 folder to ERD1 2) use Ultraiso to save the boot file from the ERD CD and name it ERD1.dat (without the Quotes) save it in the EasyBoot\disk1\ezboot folder. It should be a 2k file. 3) now you must hex edit the following 2 files: a) ERD1.dat b) Setupldr.bin found in the ERD1 folder, it is read only you must remove that attribute before editing. c) and edit (not hex edit) the file Txtsetup.sif also found in the ERD1 folder, it is read only also so you must remove that attribute before editing. Edit these 3 files as outlined here: < > Files ERD1.dat and Setupldr.bin MUST be Hex edited. A good Hex editor can be found here: < > it is the one used at the site above. How to edit these files is also at that site so i will not go into too much detail here, just keep in mind that when you hex edit them you must change the references in them from "i386" to ERD1 all in CAPITAL letters. ERD1.dat will have one reference and Setupldr.bin will have 4. leave them in the same folder. When you edit (not hex edit) Txtsetup.sif change this line from: SetupSourcePath = "\" to: SetupSourcePath = "\ERD1\" (with the Quotes) just do a search for SourcePath to locate this line. Now that you edited the 3 files and put them back in their rightful place, open EasyBoot again, if it is not open already, and go to the tab named "MENU" and click on the ERD Menu item towards the bottom of the window, At the top of this same window where it says "command" type in run ERD1.DAT arrange everything else the way you like and save. Now make the iso with Cdimage.exe with this batch cdimage.exe -lERD_EZB -t08/23/2001,09:00:00 -bC:\EasyBoot\disk1\ezboot\loader.bin -h -o -m -j1 C:\EasyBoot\disk1 C:\EasyBoot\iso\ERD_EZB.iso all in a single line. The reason I use Cdimage and not EasyBoot to make the iso is that when i made the iso with EasyBoot some of the programs in ERD Commander did not work properly but when I made it with Cdimage they worked. Hope this helps (again) later... Posted by kapa on Aug. 19 2004,18:46
i follow exactly your instructions but with no use. when i press enter to run ERD.dat it just boot to windows. i don' t know what to do, any idea? (i hope you have one ![]() Posted by shakko on Aug. 20 2004,02:54
The file structure should look like this:c:\Easyboot disk1 -Documents and settings -ERD1 -Fonts -Help -Inf -Msagent -System32 -Winsxs Biosinfo.inf Bootfix.bin (remove this one) Setupldr.bin (hex edited) Spcmdcon.sys Txtsetup.sif (edited) -ezboot loader.bin ERD1.DAT menu.ezb (your menu file) (and the other files) WIN51 WIN51IP WIN51IP.SP1 WINBOM.INI XPBOOT.BIN Make sure the files are where they should be bvefore making the iso. Follow the steps carefully and it should work, it did for me.
I noticed you said that when you loaded "ERD.DAT" in my instructions I sugested to name it "ERD1.DAT", you can name it "ERD.DAT" but make sure you "HEX EDIT" like it says here: < > if you do that it will work. I modified my previous post to direct you to the correct page that shows you how to Hex edit the necessary files. Dont forget to make the iso like i said in my previous post. later... Posted by kapa on Aug. 20 2004,08:53
i don't know what do do anymore, i folow the instructions i verified many times the steps for making erd commander bootable i hex edited the setupldr.bin and ERD1.dat and edited textsetup.sif i set command to "run ERD1.dat" in the easyboot menu i verified them there is no mistake i make the iso using cdimage and i burn the cd using nero but it happens the same thing it just boot to windows when i want to run the image. what is wrong? i think i'm going to quit because it seems that i couldn't do it
Posted by kapa on Aug. 20 2004,09:27
i have the folowing files in ERD1 folder:FONTS, HELP, INF, MSAGENT, SYSTEM32,WINSXS, BIOSINFO, NDETECT, SETUPLDRSPCMDCON, TEXTSETUP, WINBOM and in disk1/ezboot i have ERD1.dat, WIN51ip.sp1, WIN51 and WIN51IP of course i rename I386 in ERD1 all the files are in disk above are in disk1/ezboot folder Posted by shakko on Aug. 20 2004,11:25
This is where the problem is, some files are in the wrong place. These folders Must be in the disk1 folder DOCUMENTS AND SETTINGS ERD1 (renamed from i386) ezboot and these files Must be in the disk1 folder WIN51 WIN51IP WIN51IP.SP1 WINBOM.INI These folders Must be in the ERD1 folder, FONTS HELP INF MSAGENT SYSTEM32 WINSXS and these files also in the ERD1 folder BIOSINFO.INF BOOTFIX.BIN (remove this one so that ERD boots directly without pressing a key) NTDETECT.COM SETUPLDR.BIN (already hex edited) SPCMDCON.SYS TXTSETUP.SIF (already edited) XPBOOT.BIN also these files Must be in the ezboot folder LOADER.BIN ERD1.DAT MENU.EZB (use the one you used to make your menu) plus all the other files that are normally there The final structure should look like the one in my previous post. use this batch to make the iso cdimage.exe -lERD_EZB -t08/23/2001,09:00:00 -bC:\EasyBoot\disk1\ezboot\loader.bin -h -j1 -o -m C:\EasyBoot\disk1 C:\EasyBoot\iso\ERD_EZB.iso also make sure that your computer is set to boot from the cd-rom first in the bios. later... Posted by Oxtie on Aug. 21 2004,10:55
Kapa, looking at your text, I understand you are frustrated... perhaps, you never tried or saw PE Builder in action. Check out this thing here... I assume you might want to try out something new there instead of just a normal ERD Commander< > And ofcourse, when you're amazed you might want to add this thing in your menu, search for PE Builder using that big Search button at the top. I assume you will not be disappointed. Anyways, I'll be back soon with action! If this matter did not get solved ;) |