Forum: EasyBoot Topic: EasyBoot - The "missing" manual started by: AltairAC Posted by AltairAC on May 09 2011,19:56
![]() Since I have finished my projects it is time to release all the notes I gathered. The easyboot manual is not very informative when it comes to make mixed multiboot DVD's so I decided to go through all the 59 pages and gather all the "specific situation" tutorials and other useful information which should make your multiboot live easier. What does it contain? The < Main folder > contains everything you need to get started with Easyboot, from basics to advanced examples of multiboot projects. Download 'Main folder' < HERE > The balder folder contains updates scripts from our advanced user balder which will allow you to integrate Live Systems, Distro's, Hiren's Boot CD and other stuff with just a few clicks. EDIT by @balder Always use latest updated download of my scipt collection, which can be found in the end of every post I write in this forum ![]() ------------------------------ The Graphics folder contains few tutorials for making your boot menu's look nicer, a pack of nice backgrounds, a tutorial to create a GFX menu and a video tutorial about how to create a compatible background for easyboot in photoshop. The < Tools and other > folder contains files which you will need in specific cases to integrate specific OS'es (when you read the tutorials in the main folder and you see that it describes to downlaod and use a file, check out the Tools and other folder and the needed file can be found there), various applications to launch your multiboot projects from USB and tools like the HEX editor XVI32, Aero Studio and many other useful stuff. Other tools you need which are not included in this archive: - Easyboot of course - UltraISO (prefered) or other similar tools which can extract boot information and open .iso and .img files - Photoshop or other similar tools if you wish to add custom graphics for your boot menus. I prefer < PhotoFiltre Studio > or you can use < GIMP >, it's up to you. - VirtualBox - one of the most important tools, you will use it to create a virtual machine and test your easyboot projects and it is freeware! Download it < here >. You may also use VMware Work station or Virtual PC. - Notepad++ - although the notepad you get with windows is actually enough to edit the files which need some changes, notepad++ provides additional features like automatic search through a folder and makes it possible to change all occurrence's of a specific line of text with something different with ease, this app is a must have! Download it < here >. Other tools which are optional (depending on your preferences): - < Daemon tools > - used to create virtual drives and mounting .iso and other image files (UltraISO does this too, so if you have UltraISO, you don't need this tool) - < MobaLiveCD > - this would be something like a light version of an virtual machine emulator, basically, if you don't want VirtualBox, this tool should do the trick - < WinISO > - if you don't like UltraISO, try WinISO A good place to find your menu graphics is < wallbase > and for all your distro needs you should visit < Distrowatch >, there you will find different distro's for different purposes and with valid download links. And now let's get started with easyboot. The Basics To understand how easyboot works you will need to read the easyboot manual provided by the author of this software. You can view it by clicking on the Help button and then click on Contents (Easyboot File tab) or open the copy provided in my tutorial collection, the file name is EasyBoot.chm. After you read the manual and get the idea of how it works you can proceed to the next step. That means creating your first multiboot project. You should start with integrating multiple XP systems. You don't have to keep it or burn it, it just serves for testing and training purposes which will help you to better understand how easyboot works. So you should start with the following tutorials which can be found in my tutorial collection folder: 1. INSTRUCTIONS.txt 2. Configuring Multiple Operating Systems With EasyBoot.txt 1. The first .txt file will teach you how to integrate just one Windows XP live system in easyboot. 2. The second .txt file takes it not one but few steps further and shows you not one but few methods to integrate Windows XP, Windows 2000 and Server 2003 in easyboot and as a bonus you will find how to integrate Acronis products and Norton Ghost. NOTE: Some tutorials may not work with current versions of software since the tutorials deal with various software ranging from software more than 5 years old to tutorials for software from the current year so if some of the tutorials don't work, it doesn't mean that you are doing something wrong so be always sure to ask in the forums before you give up and always provide as much information as possible when you ask a question in the forums. The next thing you should do is to review the files which contain "ADD - ..." and "MULTIBOOT - ..." in their file names. The files which contain "ADD - ..." are just for a specific software or software version and in many cases they contain more than one method about how to integrate the software in easyboot so if one method doesn't work for you, you can try another one. The files containing "MULTIBOOT - ..." in their file names represent specific cases of multiboot projects. For example you have: MULTIBOOT - WinXP + Win7.txt and MULTIBOOT - WinXP Pro + LiveXP.txt The first one will show you how to integrate Windows XP and Windows 7 in one multiboot project. The second one will show you how to integrate Windows XP and a "Live" version of Windows XP but in this case you are able to combine them so you can use the first tutorial to integrate Windows XP and Windows 7 and one part of the second tutorial to integrate a "Live" version of Windows XP so that you have Windows XP, Windows 7 and Windows XP Live in one multiboot project (of course if the final size of the project fits your needs). So in many cases you can combine those tutorials but in some cases you can't because the files of one OS will interfere with the files of another OS and you will receive error's when trying to boot your systems. In one case you will maybe succeed to create a multiboot project containing 10+ OS'es and applications without problems and everything will work but on the other hand they can be cases where even 2 or 3 OS'es/Applications just can't "live" with each other and you will receive error's when trying to launch them so again be sure to ask in the forums in those cases. Two more things left to say about the Basic stuff. First, the "EAZYBOOT GUIDE TO LINUX 4 NEWBIES". This guide will show you in a detailed way on how to deal with GNU/Linux Distro's and after you read it (maybe a few times to be sure) you should be able to integrate as much Distro's as you want (well, almost, there are always limits, the final size of the project and the interference of similar files because most Distro's are based on some other Distro). You can read the guide < here > or find it in my tutorial collection, the name of the file is "Easyboot Linux guide.txt". Second, balder's script collection. This is a very useful script collection and it will make your life much easier so be sure to familiarize yourself with it. You will find it in the root folder of my tutorial collection. The folder name is "balder". Open it and read the READ_ME.html and you should be good to go but make sure to test it by yourself and this script collection can do many things but it can't integrate everything so don't forget to read the various tutorials I included! NOTE: I packed all these manual's and guides in .txt files since it is easier to handle with plain text but if you find it difficult to read, you can always open a manual/tutorial, press "ctrl + a" (without "+") and paste the text in your favorite word processor (Microsoft Word, Open Office, etc.). Now I will show you 4 examples/projects I have done by myself so you can get an idea how easyboot works in action. < EasyBoot - Project 1 > < EasyBoot - Project 2 > < EasyBoot - Project 3 > < EasyBoot - Project 4 > Posted by AltairAC on May 09 2011,19:57
![]() What does it contain? This easyboot project contains: - Windows XP SP0 - Windows XP SP2 - Windows XP SP3 - Windows XP SP2 x64 - TinyXP Youtube preview < here >. Part 1: Preparing the folders and files. 1. Make sure you have easyboot installed (usually: C:\EasyBoot) and go to the following folder "C:\EasyBoot\disk1" as this is the so called "root folder" 2. Adding Windows XP SP0 a) Create a folder called "XPEN" and open it. ![]() b) Copy all the files from the Windows XP SP0 install disc or .iso file to folder "XPEN". NOTE: Only folder I386 and files WIN51, WIN51IP, etc. are necessary in order for the Windows version to work with easyboot, everything else like DOCS, SUPPORT folder, Setup.exe and similar files and folders are optional but you can add them if you wish! ![]() c) Copy files WIN51 and WIN51IP to disk1 (root) folder ![]() d) Copy wxp.bat from "C:\EasyBoot\resource" to "C:\EasyBoot\disk1\XPEN" and run it (double click on wxp.bat in XPEN folder). Wait until the .bat file copies the necessary files from I386 folder to XPEN folder (when it's done the .bat file window will close automatically). ![]() e) Open the XP .iso file or the CD/DVD drive in which Windows XP is with UltraISO by clicking on "File" > "Open..." and find you XP .iso file and open it or if your XP system is in a drive click on "File" > "Open CD/DVD...", select your CD/DVD device and click on "Open", extract boot information by clicking on "Bootable" > "Save Boot File..." and save it in "C:\EasyBoot\disk1\ezboot" with the name "XPEN.bif". NOTE: Everything without qoutes! ![]() ![]() f) Open Easyboot, select "File" tab and click on click "Tools" > "Replace Text" , browse for file browse file "C:\EasyBoot\disk1\ezboot\XPEN.bif" Specify "I386" as "Text to Replace", "XPEN" as "Replace to", then click "Replace", 1 occurrence should be replaced. ![]() g) Do step f) for file "C:\EasyBoot\disk1\XPEN\SETUPLDR.BIN" but specify "i386" as "Text to Replace", "XPEN" as "Replace to", then click "Replace", 4 occurrence's should be replaced. ![]() NOTE: in step f) we have uppercase "I386" and in step g) lowercase "i386". h) Open "C:\EasyBoot\disk1\XPEN\txtsetup.sif" with notepad or notepad++, search for "SetupSourcePath", and change [SetupSourcePath = "\"] to [SetupSourcePath = "\XPEN"] (don't include []) . Save it! ![]() The easyboot command will be: "run XPEN.bif" NOTE: Now when we add WinXP SP2/SP3/x64 and TinyXP you will notice same files in the disk1 (root) folder: WIN51, WIN51IP, etc. When you copy them you don't have to overwrite them because they are the same! Just copy the ones you don't have in your disk1 (root) folder and you can rename the WIN51 files in uppercase if you wish because you will notice in WinXP SP2 that it has a win51ip.SP2 file which can be renamed to uppercase just fo the case you don't like it so: win51ip.SP2 > WIN51IP.SP2 Example: We added files WIN51 and WIN51IP from XP SP0 already to the disk1 folder so when we add XP SP2, we only need to add WIN51IP.SP1 and WIN51IP.SP2 to disk1 folder because we already have WIN51 and WIN51IP BUT and this is very important: YOU NEED STILL ALL THE WIN51, WIN51IP, etc. FILES IN THE SUB FOLDERS (XPEN, XPS2, ...) . It should something like this (depending on your XP versions and modifications). < SP Files example > 3. Adding Windows XP SP2 We will do basically the same as for SP0 but there is some difference! I won't add all pictures as most steps are the same! a) Create a folder called "XPS2" and open it. b) Copy all the files from the Windows XP SP2 install disc or .iso file to folder "XPS2". NOTE: Only folder I386 and files WIN51, WIN51IP, WIN51IP.SP1 and WIN51IP.SP2 are necessary in order for the Windows version to work with easyboot, everything else like DOCS, SUPPORT folder, Setup.exe and similar files and folders are optional but you can add them if you wish! < Files which are necessary! > c) Copy files WIN51, WIN51IP, WIN51IP.SP1 and WIN51IP.SP2 to disk1 (root) folder. d) Copy wxp.bat from "C:\EasyBoot\resource" to "C:\EasyBoot\disk1\XPS2" and run it (double click on wxp.bat in XPS2 folder). Wait until the .bat file copies the necessary files from I386 folder to XPS2 folder (when it's done the .bat file window will close automatically). e) Open the XP SP2 .iso file or the CD/DVD drive in which Windows XP SP2 is with UltraISO by clicking on "File" > "Open..." and find you XP SP2 .iso file and open it or if your XP SP2 system is in a drive click on "File" > "Open CD/DVD...", select your CD/DVD device and click on "Open", extract boot information by clicking on "Bootable" > "Save Boot File..." and save it in "C:\EasyBoot\disk1\ezboot" with the name "XPS2.bif". NOTE: Everything without qoutes! f) Open Easyboot, select "File" tab and click on click "Tools" > "Replace Text" , browse for file browse file "C:\EasyBoot\disk1\ezboot\XPS2.bif" Specify "I386" as "Text to Replace", "XPS2" as "Replace to", then click "Replace", 1 occurrence should be replaced. g) Do step f) for file "C:\EasyBoot\disk1\XPS2\SETUPLDR.BIN" but specify "i386" as "Text to Replace", "XPS2" as "Replace to", then click "Replace", 4 occurrence's should be replaced. NOTE: in step f) we have uppercase "I386" and in step g) lowercase "i386". h) Open "C:\EasyBoot\disk1\XPS2\txtsetup.sif" with notepad or notepad++, search for "SetupSourcePath", and change [SetupSourcePath = "\"] to [SetupSourcePath = "\XPS2"] (don't include []) . Save it! The easyboot command will be: "run XPS2.bif" 4. Adding Windows XP SP3 We will do basically the same as for SP0 but there is some difference! I won't add all pictures as most steps are the same! a) Create a folder called "XPS3" and open it. b) Copy all the files from the Windows XP SP3 install disc or .iso file to folder "XPS3". NOTE: Only folder I386 and files WIN51, WIN51IP and WIN51IP.SP3 are necessary in order for the Windows version to work with easyboot, everything else like DOCS, SUPPORT folder, Setup.exe and similar files and folders are optional but you can add them if you wish! < Files which are necessary! > c) Copy files WIN51, WIN51IP and WIN51IP.SP3 to disk1 (root) folder. d) Copy wxp.bat from "C:\EasyBoot\resource" to "C:\EasyBoot\disk1\XPS3" and run it (double click on wxp.bat in XPS3 folder). Wait until the .bat file copies the necessary files from I386 folder to XPS3 folder (when it's done the .bat file window will close automatically). e) Open the XP SP3 .iso file or the CD/DVD drive in which Windows XP SP3 is with UltraISO by clicking on "File" > "Open..." and find you XP SP3 .iso file and open it or if your XP SP3 system is in a drive click on "File" > "Open CD/DVD...", select your CD/DVD device and click on "Open", extract boot information by clicking on "Bootable" > "Save Boot File..." and save it in "C:\EasyBoot\disk1\ezboot" with the name "XPS3.bif". NOTE: Everything without qoutes! f) Open Easyboot, select "File" tab and click on click "Tools" > "Replace Text" , browse for file browse file "C:\EasyBoot\disk1\ezboot\XPS3.bif" Specify "I386" as "Text to Replace", "XPS3" as "Replace to", then click "Replace", 1 occurrence should be replaced. g) Do step f) for file "C:\EasyBoot\disk1\XPS3\SETUPLDR.BIN" but specify "i386" as "Text to Replace", "XPS3" as "Replace to", then click "Replace", 4 occurrence's should be replaced. NOTE: in step f) we have uppercase "I386" and in step g) lowercase "i386". h) Open "C:\EasyBoot\disk1\XPS3\txtsetup.sif" with notepad or notepad++, search for "SetupSourcePath", and change [SetupSourcePath = "\"] to [SetupSourcePath = "\XPS3"] (don't include []) . Save it! The easyboot command will be: "run XPS3.bif" Posted by AltairAC on May 09 2011,19:57
5. Adding Windows XP SP2 x64NOTE: Adding a 64-bit XP is slightly different because XP SP2 x64 contains an ADM64 folder and this also involves some hex editing but it is not that hard! We will do basically the same as for SP0 but there is some difference! I won't add all pictures as most steps are the same! a) Create a folder called "XP64" and open it. b) Copy all the files from the Windows XP SP2 x64 install disc or .iso file to folder "XP64". NOTE: Only folders: I386 and AM64, and files: WIN51, WIN51AP and win51ap.SP2 are necessary in order for the Windows version to work with easyboot, everything else like DOCS, SUPPORT folder, Setup.exe and similar files and folders are optional but you can add them if you wish! c) Copy files WIN51, WIN51AP and win51ap.SP2 to disk1 (root) folder. d) Copy everything in folder C:\EasyBoot\disk1\XP64\AMD64\ to folder C:\EasyBoot\disk1\XP64\ Copy everything in folder C:\EasyBoot\disk1\XP64\I386\ to folder C:\EasyBoot\disk1\XP64\ (copy just the System32 folder from AMD64 folder and merge the folders "lang" from both and I386 and AMD64 folder) e) Open the XP SP2 x64 .iso file or the CD/DVD drive in which Windows XP SP2 x64 is with UltraISO by clicking on "File" > "Open..." and find you XP SP2 x64 .iso file and open it or if your XP SP2 x64 system is in a drive click on "File" > "Open CD/DVD...", select your CD/DVD device and click on "Open", extract boot information by clicking on "Bootable" > "Save Boot File..." and save it in "C:\EasyBoot\disk1\ezboot" with the name "XP64.bif". NOTE: Everything without qoutes! f) Now the Hex editing part. If you already didn't, download my tutorial collection and in the folder "Tools and other" you will find "", extract it in a folder and run XVI32.exe. NOTE: You can use any other Hex editor or download xvi32 < here >. 1 - open the SETUPLDR.BIN file in root (C:\EasyBoot\disk1\XP64 folder) with your hex editor ![]() 2 - Go to the hex address 0x2060, click on "74" ![]() 3 - replace value 74 03 with EB 1A ![]() 4 - Save the file g) Open Easyboot, select "File" tab and click on click Tools" > "Replace Text" , browse for file browse file "C:\EasyBoot\disk1\ezboot\XP64.bif" Specify "I386" as "Text to Replace", "XP64" as "Replace to", then click "Replace". Specify "AMD64" as "Text to Replace", "XP64" as "Replace to", then click "Replace". h) Open Easyboot, select "File" tab and click on click Tools" > "Replace Text" , browse for file browse file "C:\EasyBoot\disk1\XP64\SETUPLDR.BIN" Specify "i386" as "Text to Replace", "XP64" as "Replace to", then click "Replace". Specify "I386" as "Text to Replace", "XP64" as "Replace to", then click "Replace". Specify "AMD64" as "Text to Replace", "XP64" as "Replace to", then click "Replace". i) Open "C:\EasyBoot\disk1\XP64\txtsetup.sif" with notepad or notepad++, search for "SetupSourcePath", and change [SetupSourcePath = "\"] to [SetupSourcePath = "\XP64"] (don't include []) . Save it! j) Open "C:\EasyBoot\disk1\XP64\AMD64\txtsetup.sif" with notepad or notepad++, search for "SetupSourcePath", and change [SetupSourcePath = "\"] to [SetupSourcePath = "\XP64"] (don't include []) . Save it! The easyboot command will be: "run XP64.bif" 6. Adding TinyXP a) Copy everything from TinyXP .iso file to disk1 folder ![]() b) Open the TinyXP .iso file or the CD/DVD drive in which TinyXP is with UltraISO by clicking on "File" > "Open..." and find you TinyXP .iso file and open it or if your TinyXP system is in a drive click on "File" > "Open CD/DVD...", select your CD/DVD device and click on "Open", extract boot information by clicking on "Bootable" > "Save Boot File..." and save it in "C:\EasyBoot\disk1\ezboot" with the name "tiny.bif". NOTE: Everything without qoutes! That's it! The easyboot command will be: "run tiny.bif" Part 2: Creating the images for EasyBoot a) Creating the boot logo. NOTE: You can find a tutorial for photoshop in my tutorial collection. It is in the folder Graphics and filename is: "Easyboot background tutorial.mp4" or you can view it < here >. Launch Photofiltre Studio and open your stock image. Then click on Image > Mode > Indexed Color. Check 256 colors, Diffusion and click OK. ![]() Resize the image by clicking Image > Image size to 640 x 480 ![]() NOTE: If you want to keep the aspect ratio edit the canvas size. On this picture to get a 4:3 ratio we would reduce the width of the picture to 1600 (from 1920) and adjust the image size to 640x480 with "Preserve aspect ratio checked". Save the image to C:\EasyBoot\disk\ezboot\ folder in BMP format with the name LOGOWIN.BMP ![]() b) Create main menu image. Do the same steps as for the boot logo. Launch Photofiltre Studio and open your stock image. Then click on Image > Mode > Indexed Color. Check 256 colors, Diffusion and click OK. Resize the image by clicking Image > Image size to 640 x 480 Save the image to C:\EasyBoot\disk\ezboot\ folder in BMP format with the name START.BMP c) Create images for sub-menu's (3 x images). Launch Photofiltre Studio and open your stock image. Resize the image by clicking Image > Image size to 1024 x 768 Save the image to C:\EasyBoot\disk\ezboot\ folder in BMP format with the name MENU3.BMP Resize the image by clicking Image > Image size to 800 x 600 Save the image to C:\EasyBoot\disk\ezboot\ folder in BMP format with the name MENU2.BMP Click on Image > Mode > Indexed Color. Check 256 colors, Diffusion and click OK. Resize the image by clicking Image > Image size to 640 x 480 Save the image to C:\EasyBoot\disk\ezboot\ folder in BMP format with the name MENU1.BMP Posted by AltairAC on May 09 2011,19:58
Part 3: Creating the EasyBoot Start Menua) Open EasyBoot click on Files tab and click New! ![]() b) Make sure the menu type is "Main Menu". You may or may not check the Wait time depending on your preferences. I don't check it. Check Logo Image and add value "LOGOWIN.BMP" to it. Check Background Image and add value "START.BMP" to it. Check "Select" or "Run Directly" for Accelerate Key depending on your preferences. What does this do? Basically, you will attach for every menu item a keyboard key and this is called an accelerate key. When you hit an accelerate key it automatically selects or launches the menu item depending on what you selected in the Accelerate Key options. ![]() c) Click on the Text tab. Add a new line of text by clicking on insert. Select the newly created Line of text and add your values. Here are mine (first you need to click on insert and activate it by selecting it). ![]() d) Click on Menu tab and click 3 times on Insert. Next adjust your menu items depending on your needs. My Values: #1 ; Command: run menu1.ezb ; Menu Text: 640x480 ; Acc. Key: 1 ; Upper Left: Row: 200 Col: 500 ; Lower Right: Row: 225 Col: 600 ; Highlight: Back: White - Fore: White ; Normal: Back: Black - Fore: Black ; #2 ; Command: run menu2.ezb ; Menu Text: 800x600 ; Acc. Key: 2 ; Upper Left: Row: 225 Col: 500 ; Lower Right: Row: 250 Col: 600 ; Highlight: Back: White - Fore: White ; Normal: Back: Black - Fore: Black ; #3 ; Command: run menu3.ezb ; Menu Text: 1024x768 ; Acc. Key: 3 ; Upper Left: Row: 250 Col: 500 ; Lower Right: Row: 275 Col: 600 ; Highlight: Back: White - Fore: White ; Normal: Back: Black - Fore: Black ; ![]() NOTE: The Highlight color values indicate the color when you select a menu item and the Normal color values when the item is not selected. Having the same values for Back and Fore give you a transparent effect so that you see only text and no box shaped backgound in the back of the text. If you don't understand what I say try to add different color values for Back and Fore and you will understand it! < The Result! > e) The Misc tab. Here you can add custom "Function keys". For example attach restart to button F1, so when the user presses F1 it will automatically restart the PC but this will be shown later. Also here you can add a progress bar and adjust the counter visibility. Example < here >. f) Go to File tab and click on save. Save it as "start.ezb" without quotes. Part 4: Creating the EasyBoot Sub Menu's Sub Menu 1: a) Open EasyBoot click on Files tab and click New! b) Make sure the menu type is "Sub Menu". Don't put a tick on Wait Time! Don't put a tick on Logo Image! Check Background Image and add value "MENU1.BMP" to it. Accelerate Key value can be whatever you like. I put it always on Select. ![]() Optional: You can add some text in the Text tab by clicking on insert, selecting the text line (under the "#" symbol click on a text line you created) and add your text. Example: < The Values > < The Result > Under the Misc tab you can add your Key functions by pressing insert, selecting the newly created item (under "#" symbol) clicking on the Func. Key field and then pressing the key you want to attach. Then you add the command in the Command field. Example of values < here >. reboot - command for restarting the PC boot 80 - command for booting from first Hard Disk boot 81 - command for booting from second Hard Disk c) The menu items. Now we need all the commands we have gathered in Part 1. Click on Menu tab and click 7 times on Insert. Next adjust your menu items depending on your needs. My Values: #1 ; Command: run XPEN.bif ; Menu Text: Windows XP ; Acc. Key: 1 ; Upper Left: Row: 225 Col: 200 ; Lower Right: Row: 250 Col: 350 ; Highlight: Back: White - Fore: White ; Normal: Back: Black - Fore: Black ; #2 ; Command: run XPS2.bif ; Menu Text: Windows XP SP2 ; Acc. Key: 2 ; Upper Left: Row: 250 Col: 200 ; Lower Right: Row: 275 Col: 350 ; Highlight: Back: White - Fore: White ; Normal: Back: Black - Fore: Black ; #3 ; Command: run XPS3.bif ; Menu Text: Windows XP SP3 ; Acc. Key: 3 ; Upper Left: Row: 275 Col: 200 ; Lower Right: Row: 300 Col: 350 ; Highlight: Back: White - Fore: White ; Normal: Back: Black - Fore: Black ; #4 ; Command: run XP64.bif ; Menu Text: Windows XP SP2 x64 ; Acc. Key: 4 ; Upper Left: Row: 300 Col: 200 ; Lower Right: Row: 325 Col: 350 ; Highlight: Back: White - Fore: White ; Normal: Back: Black - Fore: Black ; #5 ; Command: run tiny.bif ; Menu Text: TinyXP ; Acc. Key: 5 ; Upper Left: Row: 225 Col: 400 ; Lower Right: Row: 250 Col: 550 ; Highlight: Back: White - Fore: White ; Normal: Back: Black - Fore: Black ; #6 ; Command: boot 80 ; Menu Text: Boot from HDD ; Acc. Key: 6 ; Upper Left: Row: 250 Col: 400 ; Lower Right: Row: 275 Col: 550 ; Highlight: Back: White - Fore: White ; Normal: Back: Black - Fore: Black ; #7 ; Command: reboot ; Menu Text: Reboot ; Acc. Key: 7 ; Upper Left: Row: 275 Col: 400 ; Lower Right: Row: 300 Col: 550 ; Highlight: Back: White - Fore: White ; Normal: Back: Black - Fore: Black ; A picture of the values can be found < here > and a picture of the end result < here >. d) Go to File tab and click on save. Save it as "menu1.ezb" without quotes. Sub Menu 2: Basically the same as for sub menu 1 but we will do something slightly different. We will allow sub menu 2 to use more colors. a) Open EasyBoot click on Files tab and click New! b) Make sure the menu type is "Sub Menu". Don't put a tick on Wait Time! Don't put a tick on Logo Image! Accelerate Key value can be whatever you like. I put it always on Select. Check Background Image and add value "MENU2.BMP" to it. You will get an error ![]() Click on Options > Configuration. The default value for Screen Mode is 256Color (8bits), change it to 64K Color(16bits). The default value for Screen Resolution is 640x480, change it to 800x600. Click OK. ![]() Optional: You can add some text in the Text tab by clicking on insert, selecting the text line (under the "#" symbol click on a text line you created) and add your text. Example: < The Values > < The Result > Under the Misc tab you can add your Key functions by pressing insert, selecting the newly created item (under "#" symbol) clicking on the Func. Key field and then pressing the key you want to attach. Then you add the command in the Command field. Example of values < here >. reboot - command for restarting the PC boot 80 - command for booting from first Hard Disk boot 81 - command for booting from second Hard Disk c) The menu items. Now we need all the commands we have gathered in Part 1. Click on Menu tab and click 7 times on Insert. Next adjust your menu items depending on your needs. My Values: #1 ; Command: run XPEN.bif ; Menu Text: Windows XP ; Acc. Key: 1 ; Upper Left: Row: 275 Col: 250 ; Lower Right: Row: 300 Col: 400 ; Highlight: Back: White - Fore: White ; Normal: Back: Black - Fore: Black ; #2 ; Command: run XPS2.bif ; Menu Text: Windows XP SP2 ; Acc. Key: 2 ; Upper Left: Row: 300 Col: 250 ; Lower Right: Row: 325 Col: 400 ; Highlight: Back: White - Fore: White ; Normal: Back: Black - Fore: Black ; #3 ; Command: run XPS3.bif ; Menu Text: Windows XP SP3 ; Acc. Key: 3 ; Upper Left: Row: 325 Col: 250 ; Lower Right: Row: 350 Col: 400 ; Highlight: Back: White - Fore: White ; Normal: Back: Black - Fore: Black ; #4 ; Command: run XP64.bif ; Menu Text: Windows XP SP2 x64 ; Acc. Key: 4 ; Upper Left: Row: 350 Col: 250 ; Lower Right: Row: 375 Col: 400 ; Highlight: Back: White - Fore: White ; Normal: Back: Black - Fore: Black ; #5 ; Command: run tiny.bif ; Menu Text: TinyXP ; Acc. Key: 5 ; Upper Left: Row: 275 Col: 500 ; Lower Right: Row: 300 Col: 650 ; Highlight: Back: White - Fore: White ; Normal: Back: Black - Fore: Black ; #6 ; Command: boot 80 ; Menu Text: Boot from HDD ; Acc. Key: 6 ; Upper Left: Row: 325 Col: 500 ; Lower Right: Row: 350 Col: 650 ; Highlight: Back: White - Fore: White ; Normal: Back: Black - Fore: Black ; #7 ; Command: reboot ; Menu Text: Reboot ; Acc. Key: 7 ; Upper Left: Row: 350 Col: 500 ; Lower Right: Row: 375 Col: 650 ; Highlight: Back: White - Fore: White ; Normal: Back: Black - Fore: Black ; A picture of the values can be found < here > and a picture of the end result < here >. d) Go to File tab and click on save. Save it as "menu2.ezb" without quotes. Sub Menu 3: Basically the same as for sub menu 1 but we will do something slightly different. We will allow sub menu 3 to use more colors. a) Open EasyBoot click on Files tab and click New! b) Make sure the menu type is "Sub Menu". Don't put a tick on Wait Time! Don't put a tick on Logo Image! Accelerate Key value can be whatever you like. I put it always on Select. Click on Options > Configuration. The default value for Screen Mode is 256Color (8bits), change it to 64K Color(16bits). The default value for Screen Resolution is 640x480, change it to 1024x768. Click OK. Check Background Image and add value "MENU3.BMP" to it. Optional: You can add some text in the Text tab by clicking on insert, selecting the text line (under the "#" symbol click on a text line you created) and add your text. Example: < The Values > < The Result > Under the Misc tab you can add your Key functions by pressing insert, selecting the newly created item (under "#" symbol) clicking on the Func. Key field and then pressing the key you want to attach. Then you add the command in the Command field. Example of values < here >. reboot - command for restarting the PC boot 80 - command for booting from first Hard Disk boot 81 - command for booting from second Hard Disk c) The menu items. Now we need all the commands we have gathered in Part 1. Click on Menu tab and click 7 times on Insert. Next adjust your menu items depending on your needs. My Values: #1 ; Command: run XPEN.bif ; Menu Text: Windows XP ; Acc. Key: 1 ; Upper Left: Row: 375 Col: 350 ; Lower Right: Row: 400 Col: 500 ; Highlight: Back: White - Fore: White ; Normal: Back: Black - Fore: Black ; #2 ; Command: run XPS2.bif ; Menu Text: Windows XP SP2 ; Acc. Key: 2 ; Upper Left: Row: 400 Col: 350 ; Lower Right: Row: 425 Col: 500 ; Highlight: Back: White - Fore: White ; Normal: Back: Black - Fore: Black ; #3 ; Command: run XPS3.bif ; Menu Text: Windows XP SP3 ; Acc. Key: 3 ; Upper Left: Row: 425 Col: 350 ; Lower Right: Row: 450 Col: 500 ; Highlight: Back: White - Fore: White ; Normal: Back: Black - Fore: Black ; #4 ; Command: run XP64.bif ; Menu Text: Windows XP SP2 x64 ; Acc. Key: 4 ; Upper Left: Row: 450 Col: 350 ; Lower Right: Row: 475 Col: 500 ; Highlight: Back: White - Fore: White ; Normal: Back: Black - Fore: Black ; #5 ; Command: run tiny.bif ; Menu Text: TinyXP ; Acc. Key: 5 ; Upper Left: Row: 375 Col: 600 ; Lower Right: Row: 400 Col: 750 ; Highlight: Back: White - Fore: White ; Normal: Back: Black - Fore: Black ; #6 ; Command: boot 80 ; Menu Text: Boot from HDD ; Acc. Key: 6 ; Upper Left: Row: 425 Col: 600 ; Lower Right: Row: 450 Col: 750 ; Highlight: Back: White - Fore: White ; Normal: Back: Black - Fore: Black ; #7 ; Command: reboot ; Menu Text: Reboot ; Acc. Key: 7 ; Upper Left: Row: 450 Col: 600 ; Lower Right: Row: 475 Col: 750 ; Highlight: Back: White - Fore: White ; Normal: Back: Black - Fore: Black ; A picture of the values can be found < here > and a picture of the end result < here >. d) Go to File tab and click on save. Save it as "menu3.ezb" without quotes. Part 5: Creating the ISO file and testing it with Virtual Box a) Click on Easyboot File tab and click on Make ISO. b) The default values should be OK if you worked with the default folders. CD File Dir: C:\EasyBoot\disk1 Boot Image: C:\EasyBoot\disk1\ezboot\loader.bin Options: Check only "Optimize" What this does is that it analyzes all the files and folders and if it encounters 2 or more same files it will use only one so you will save a lot of space. Example: This project is a perfect example. When you extract all the files and follow this tutorials the end size of the disk1 folder will be around 6.3GB. When you create the .iso file and check the Optimize feature, the end .iso file will be cca 2.15GB so you can put 6.3GB on a 4.7GB DVD without problems! NOTE: With the Optimize feature checked, the whole process may take several hours and don't worry if easyboot window says "Not responding..." don't worry, it's still working and everything will be fine! Click "Make"! ![]() c) After the process has finished you will have mycd.iso here: C:\EasyBoot\iso\ and it is time to test it before burning to DVD. Mount your .iso file with Daemon tools, UltraISO or any other similar tool to a virtual drive. If you don't know how to do this, you should search for video tutorials on youtube, here are some examples: < Daemon Tools > < UltraISO > d) If you already haven't installed VitualBox (download < here >) then it's the perfect time to do it. Launch VirtualBox and click on "New". ![]() Make a Virtual Machine that fits your needs or follow my guide < here >. Start the Virtual Machine by selecting the machine and clicking on Start. ![]() The First Run Wizard will appear. Click Next, select the drive where you mounted the .iso file, click next. ![]() Now click finish and your .iso file/easyboot project should successfully boot and you can test it. If everything works you can now burn your .iso file with Nero, ImgBurn, UltraISO or any other tool which can handle .iso files. If you don't know how to do this check out tutorials on youtube, examples: < ImgBurn > < Nero Express > NOTE: The final .iso files should be burnt at a slow burning rate, 2x or 4x, not faster! Posted by AltairAC on May 09 2011,19:58
![]() What does it contain? This easyboot project contains: - Ubuntu 9.10 - Ubuntu 10.10 - Ubuntu 11.04 - WinXP Live! DVD Youtube preview < here >. Part 1: Preparing the folders and files. 1. Make sure you have easyboot installed (usually: C:\EasyBoot) and go to the following folder "C:\EasyBoot\disk1" as this is the so called "root folder" 2. Adding Ubuntu 9.10, 10.10 and 11.04 Thanks to balder adding those Distro's will be a easy task. a) Download Ubuntu 9.10, 10.10 and 11.04. They all should be named like: < ubuntu-9.10-desktop-i386.iso > < ubuntu-10.10-desktop-i386.iso > < ubuntu-11.04-desktop-i386.iso > If you already have any of those Distro's burnt on CD, you don't have to download it again. You can make a ISO file by yourself using UltraISO. Just insert the CD, open UltraISO, click Tools, then "Make CD/DVD Image...", click "Make" and the .iso will be created. b) Rename ubuntu-9.10-desktop-i386.iso to UBUNTU9.ISO Rename ubuntu-10.10-desktop-i386.iso to UBUNTU.ISO Rename ubuntu-11.04-desktop-i386.iso to UBUNTU11.ISO c) Copy UBUNTU9.ISO, UBUNTU.ISO and UBUNTU11.ISO to disk1 folder It should look like this: ![]() d) Go to folder "Tools and other" (in my Tutorial collection folder) and extract the file ubuntu.ima from (use 7-zip or WinRAR). Make 3 copies of ubuntu.ima to C:\Easyboot\disk\ezboot\ folder. Leave one ubuntu.ima file as it is. Rename one ubuntu.ima file to ubuntu9.ima . Rename one ubuntu.ima file to ubuntu11.ima . e) Make a zip file from the ubuntu.ima with 7-zip or WinRAR. Open ubuntu9.ima with UltraISO, extract MENU.LST and delete it from ubuntu9.ima. ![]() Open MENU.LST with Notepad++ ![]() Replace UBUNTU.ISO with UBUNTU9.ISO ![]() Save it and put the MENU.LST back to the ubuntu9.ima with UltraISO by clicking on Actions, Add Files..., locate the MENU.lST and add it. Save everything in UltraISO. ![]() Now make a zip file from ubuntu9.ima with 7zip or WinRAR. Open ubuntu11.ima with UltraISO, extract MENU.LST and delete it from ubuntu11.ima. Open MENU.LST with Notepad++ Replace UBUNTU.ISO with UBUNTU11.ISO Save it and put the MENU.LST back to the ubuntu11.ima with UltraISO by clicking on Actions, Add Files, locate the MENU.lST and add it. Save everything in UltraISO. Now make a zip file from ubuntu11.ima with 7zip or WinRAR. At the end it should look like this: ![]() The Commands will be: memdisk memdisk memdisk 3. Adding WinXP Live! DVD Copy all files and folders expect the EZBoot folder to C:\EasyBoot\disk1\ Open the WinXP Live! EZBoot folder and copy everything expect cdmenu.ezb, loader.bin and W2KSECT.BIN to folder C:\EasyBoot\disk1\ezboot\ ![]() Open the WinXP Live! DVD .iso file with UltraISO and extract the boot information to C:\EasyBoot\disk1\ezboot\ by clicking on "Bootable" and "Save Boot File...". Save it as live.bif. Command will be: "run live.bif" Posted by AltairAC on May 09 2011,19:58
Part 2: Creating the images for EasyBoota) Creating the boot logo. NOTE: You can find a tutorial for photoshop in my tutorial collection. It is in the folder Graphics and filename is: "Easyboot background tutorial.mp4" or you can view it < here >. Launch Photofiltre Studio and open your stock image. Then click on Image > Mode > Indexed Color. Check 256 colors, Diffusion and click OK. Resize the image by clicking Image > Image size to 640 x 480 Save the image to C:\EasyBoot\disk\ezboot\ folder in BMP format with the name LOGOWIN.BMP b) Create main menu image. Do the same steps as for the boot logo. Launch Photofiltre Studio and open your stock image. Then click on Image > Mode > Indexed Color. Check 256 colors, Diffusion and click OK. Resize the image by clicking Image > Image size to 640 x 480 Save the image to C:\EasyBoot\disk\ezboot\ folder in BMP format with the name START.BMP c) Create images for sub-menu's (3 x images). Launch Photofiltre Studio and open your stock image. Resize the image by clicking Image > Image size to 1024 x 768 Save the image to C:\EasyBoot\disk\ezboot\ folder in BMP format with the name MENU3.BMP Resize the image by clicking Image > Image size to 800 x 600 Save the image to C:\EasyBoot\disk\ezboot\ folder in BMP format with the name MENU2.BMP Click on Image > Mode > Indexed Color. Check 256 colors, Diffusion and click OK. Resize the image by clicking Image > Image size to 640 x 480 Save the image to C:\EasyBoot\disk\ezboot\ folder in BMP format with the name MENU1.BMP Part 3: Creating the EasyBoot Start Menu a) Open EasyBoot click on Files tab and click New! b) Make sure the menu type is "Main Menu". You may or may not check the Wait time depending on your preferences. I don't check it. Check Logo Image and add value "LOGOWIN.BMP" to it. Check Background Image and add value "START.BMP" to it. Check "Select" or "Run Directly" for Accelerate Key depending on your preferences. c) Click on the Text tab. Add a new line of text by clicking on insert. Select the newly created Line of text and add your values. Here are mine (first you need to click on insert and activate it by selecting it). ![]() d) Click on Menu tab and click 3 times on Insert. Next adjust your menu items depending on your needs. My Values: #1 ; Command: run menu1.ezb ; Menu Text: 640x480 ; Acc. Key: 1 ; Upper Left: Row: 100 Col: 275 ; Lower Right: Row: 125 Col: 375 ; Highlight: Back: White - Fore: White ; Normal: Back: Black - Fore: Black ; #2 ; Command: run menu2.ezb ; Menu Text: 800x600 ; Acc. Key: 2 ; Upper Left: Row: 125 Col: 275 ; Lower Right: Row: 150 Col: 375 ; Highlight: Back: White - Fore: White ; Normal: Back: Black - Fore: Black ; #3 ; Command: run menu3.ezb ; Menu Text: 1024x768 ; Acc. Key: 3 ; Upper Left: Row: 150 Col: 272 ; Lower Right: Row: 175 Col: 375 ; Highlight: Back: White - Fore: White ; Normal: Back: Black - Fore: Black ; ![]() NOTE: The Highlight color values indicate the color when you select a menu item and the Normal color values when the item is not selected. Having the same values for Back and Fore give you a transparent effect so that you see only text and no box shaped backgound in the back of the text. If you don't understand what I say try to add different color values for Back and Fore and you will understand it! Result: ![]() e) The Misc tab. Here you can add custom "Function keys". For example attach restart to button F1, so when the user presses F1 it will automatically restart the PC but this will be shown later. Also here you can add a progress bar and adjust the counter visibility. Example < here >. f) Go to File tab and click on save. Save it as "start.ezb" without quotes. Part 4: Creating the EasyBoot Sub Menu's Sub Menu 1: a) Open EasyBoot click on Files tab and click New! b) Make sure the menu type is "Sub Menu". Don't put a tick on Wait Time! Don't put a tick on Logo Image! Check Background Image and add value "MENU1.BMP" to it. Accelerate Key value can be whatever you like. I put it always on Select. ![]() Optional: You can add some text in the Text tab by clicking on insert, selecting the text line (under the "#" symbol click on a text line you created) and add your text. Example: < The Values > < The Result > Under the Misc tab you can add your Key functions by pressing insert, selecting the newly created item (under "#" symbol) clicking on the Func. Key field and then pressing the key you want to attach. Then you add the command in the Command field. Example of values < here >. reboot - command for restarting the PC boot 80 - command for booting from first Hard Disk boot 81 - command for booting from second Hard Disk c) The menu items. Now we need all the commands we have gathered in Part 1. Click on Menu tab and click 6 times on Insert. Next adjust your menu items depending on your needs. My Values: #1 ; Command: memdisk ; Menu Text: [1] Ubuntu 9.10 ; Acc. Key: 1 ; Upper Left: Row: 200 Col: 25 ; Lower Right: Row: 225 Col: 175 ; Highlight: Back: Cyan - Fore: Cyan ; Normal: Back: White - Fore: White ; #2 ; Command: memdisk ; Menu Text: [2] Ubuntu 10.10 ; Acc. Key: 2 ; Upper Left: Row: 225 Col: 25 ; Lower Right: Row: 250 Col: 175 ; Highlight: Back: Cyan - Fore: Cyan ; Normal: Back: White - Fore: White ; #3 ; Command: memdisk ; Menu Text: [3] Ubuntu 11.04 ; Acc. Key: 3 ; Upper Left: Row: 250 Col: 25 ; Lower Right: Row: 275 Col: 175 ; Highlight: Back: Cyan - Fore: Cyan ; Normal: Back: White - Fore: White ; #4 ; Command: run live.bif ; Menu Text: [4] WinXP Live! DVD ; Acc. Key: 4 ; Upper Left: Row: 225 Col: 450 ; Lower Right: Row: 250 Col: 639 ; Highlight: Back: Cyan - Fore: Cyan ; Normal: Back: White - Fore: White ; #5 ; Command: boot 80 ; Menu Text: Boot from HDD ; Acc. Key: 5 ; Upper Left: Row: 250 Col: 450 ; Lower Right: Row: 275 Col: 639 ; Highlight: Back: Cyan - Fore: Cyan ; Normal: Back: White - Fore: White ; #6 ; Command: reboot ; Menu Text: Reboot ; Acc. Key: 6 ; Upper Left: Row: 275 Col: 450 ; Lower Right: Row: 300 Col: 639 ; Highlight: Back: Cyan - Fore: Cyan ; Normal: Back: White - Fore: White ; A picture of the values can be found < here > and a picture of the end result < here >. d) Go to File tab and click on save. Save it as "menu1.ezb" without quotes. Sub Menu 2: Basically the same as for sub menu 1 but we will do something slightly different. We will allow sub menu 2 to use more colors. a) Open EasyBoot click on Files tab and click New! b) Make sure the menu type is "Sub Menu". Don't put a tick on Wait Time! Don't put a tick on Logo Image! Accelerate Key value can be whatever you like. I put it always on Select. Click on Options > Configuration. The default value for Screen Mode is 256Color (8bits), change it to 64K Color(16bits). The default value for Screen Resolution is 640x480, change it to 800x600. Click OK. Check Background Image and add value "MENU2.BMP" to it. Optional: You can add some text in the Text tab by clicking on insert, selecting the text line (under the "#" symbol click on a text line you created) and add your text. Example: < The Values > < The Result > Under the Misc tab you can add your Key functions by pressing insert, selecting the newly created item (under "#" symbol) clicking on the Func. Key field and then pressing the key you want to attach. Then you add the command in the Command field. Example of values < here >. reboot - command for restarting the PC boot 80 - command for booting from first Hard Disk boot 81 - command for booting from second Hard Disk c) The menu items. Now we need all the commands we have gathered in Part 1. Click on Menu tab and click 6 times on Insert. Next adjust your menu items depending on your needs. My Values: #1 ; Command: memdisk ; Menu Text: [1] Ubuntu 9.10 ; Acc. Key: 1 ; Upper Left: Row: 250 Col: 50 ; Lower Right: Row: 275 Col: 200 ; Highlight: Back: Cyan - Fore: Cyan ; Normal: Back: White - Fore: White ; #2 ; Command: memdisk ; Menu Text: [2] Ubuntu 10.10 ; Acc. Key: 2 ; Upper Left: Row: 275 Col: 50 ; Lower Right: Row: 300 Col: 200 ; Highlight: Back: Cyan - Fore: Cyan ; Normal: Back: White - Fore: White ; #3 ; Command: memdisk ; Menu Text: [3] Ubuntu 11.04 ; Acc. Key: 3 ; Upper Left: Row: 300 Col: 50 ; Lower Right: Row: 325 Col: 200 ; Highlight: Back: Cyan - Fore: Cyan ; Normal: Back: White - Fore: White ; #4 ; Command: run live.bif ; Menu Text: [4] WinXP Live! DVD ; Acc. Key: 4 ; Upper Left: Row: 250 Col: 575 ; Lower Right: Row: 275 Col: 750 ; Highlight: Back: Cyan - Fore: Cyan ; Normal: Back: White - Fore: White ; #5 ; Command: boot 80 ; Menu Text: Boot from HDD ; Acc. Key: 5 ; Upper Left: Row: 275 Col: 575 ; Lower Right: Row: 300 Col: 750 ; Highlight: Back: Cyan - Fore: Cyan ; Normal: Back: White - Fore: White ; #6 ; Command: reboot ; Menu Text: Reboot ; Acc. Key: 6 ; Upper Left: Row: 300 Col: 575 ; Lower Right: Row: 325 Col: 750 ; Highlight: Back: Cyan - Fore: Cyan ; Normal: Back: White - Fore: White ; A picture of the values can be found < here > and a picture of the end result < here >. d) Go to File tab and click on save. Save it as "menu2.ezb" without quotes. Sub Menu 3: Basically the same as for sub menu 1 but we will do something slightly different. We will allow sub menu 3 to use more colors. a) Open EasyBoot click on Files tab and click New! b) Make sure the menu type is "Sub Menu". Don't put a tick on Wait Time! Don't put a tick on Logo Image! Accelerate Key value can be whatever you like. I put it always on Select. Click on Options > Configuration. The default value for Screen Mode is 256Color (8bits), change it to 64K Color(16bits). The default value for Screen Resolution is 640x480, change it to 1024x768. Click OK. Check Background Image and add value "MENU3.BMP" to it. Optional: You can add some text in the Text tab by clicking on insert, selecting the text line (under the "#" symbol click on a text line you created) and add your text. Example: < The Values > < The Result > Under the Misc tab you can add your Key functions by pressing insert, selecting the newly created item (under "#" symbol) clicking on the Func. Key field and then pressing the key you want to attach. Then you add the command in the Command field. Example of values < here >. reboot - command for restarting the PC boot 80 - command for booting from first Hard Disk boot 81 - command for booting from second Hard Disk c) The menu items. Now we need all the commands we have gathered in Part 1. Click on Menu tab and click 6 times on Insert. Next adjust your menu items depending on your needs. My Values: #1 ; Command: memdisk ; Menu Text: [1] Ubuntu 9.10 ; Acc. Key: 1 ; Upper Left: Row: 350 Col: 50 ; Lower Right: Row: 375 Col: 250 ; Highlight: Back: Cyan - Fore: Cyan ; Normal: Back: White - Fore: White ; #2 ; Command: memdisk ; Menu Text: [2] Ubuntu 10.10 ; Acc. Key: 2 ; Upper Left: Row: 375 Col: 50 ; Lower Right: Row: 400 Col: 250 ; Highlight: Back: Cyan - Fore: Cyan ; Normal: Back: White - Fore: White ; #3 ; Command: memdisk ; Menu Text: [3] Ubuntu 11.04 ; Acc. Key: 3 ; Upper Left: Row: 400 Col: 50 ; Lower Right: Row: 425 Col: 250 ; Highlight: Back: Cyan - Fore: Cyan ; Normal: Back: White - Fore: White ; #4 ; Command: run live.bif ; Menu Text: [4] WinXP Live! DVD ; Acc. Key: 4 ; Upper Left: Row: 350 Col: 775 ; Lower Right: Row: 375 Col: 1000 ; Highlight: Back: Cyan - Fore: Cyan ; Normal: Back: White - Fore: White ; #5 ; Command: boot 80 ; Menu Text: Boot from HDD ; Acc. Key: 5 ; Upper Left: Row: 375 Col: 775 ; Lower Right: Row: 400 Col: 1000 ; Highlight: Back: Cyan - Fore: Cyan ; Normal: Back: White - Fore: White ; #6 ; Command: reboot ; Menu Text: Reboot ; Acc. Key: 6 ; Upper Left: Row: 400 Col: 775 ; Lower Right: Row: 425 Col: 1000 ; Highlight: Back: Cyan - Fore: Cyan ; Normal: Back: White - Fore: White ; A picture of the values can be found < here > and a picture of the end result < here >. d) Go to File tab and click on save. Save it as "menu3.ezb" without quotes. Part 5: Creating the ISO file and testing it with Virtual Box a) Click on Easyboot File tab and click on Make ISO. b) The default values should be OK if you worked with the default folders. CD File Dir: C:\EasyBoot\disk1 Boot Image: C:\EasyBoot\disk1\ezboot\loader.bin Options: Check only "Joliet" It is needed for Ubuntu 9 to work properly. Since you deal with .ISO files and only one XP system, the "Optimize" feature won't help you at all so there is no need to check it. Click "Make"! ![]() c) After the process has finished you will have mycd.iso here: C:\EasyBoot\iso\ and it is time to test it before burning to DVD. Mount your .iso file with Daemon tools, UltraISO or any other similar tool to a virtual drive. If you don't know how to do this, you should search for video tutorials on youtube, here are some examples: < Daemon Tools > < UltraISO > d) If you already haven't installed VitualBox (download < here >) then it's the perfect time to do it. Launch VirtualBox and click on "New". Make a Virtual Machine that fits your needs or follow my guide < here >. Start the Virtual Machine by selecting the machine and clicking on Start. The First Run Wizard will appear. Click Next, select the drive where you mounted the .iso file, click next. Now click finish and your .iso file/easyboot project should successfully boot and you can test it. If everything works you can now burn your .iso file with Nero, ImgBurn, UltraISO or any other tool which can handle .iso files. If you don't know how to do this check out tutorials on youtube, examples: < ImgBurn > < Nero Express > NOTE: The final .iso files should be burnt at a slow burning rate, 2x or 4x, not faster! Now I will show you 2 more of my projects but they will only contain the crucial parts and things not seen in the first 2 project and by now you should understand how this works. Posted by AltairAC on May 09 2011,19:58
![]() What does it contain? This easyboot project contains: - GNU/Linux Live CD's: -- Fedora 14 -- SAM 2010 -- TAILS 0.7 -- Ubuntu 10.10 - Windows Live CD's: -- LiveSeven -- Windows 7PE Live CD -- Windows 7 Repair Disc x86 -- Windows 7 Repair Disc x64 -- Windows XP Lite Youtube preview < here >. Before you start, a quick example on how to use balder's scripts. a) Open the folder "balder" in my Tutorials collection folder. There you will find a folder named "winbuilder_complete". Copy the folder to C:\ b) Go to C:\winbuilder_complete\ and launch WinBuilder.exe. c) Expand Easyboot scripts ![]() d) Click on EasyBoot-ISO (example for LiveSeven) Set the name you wish to use for the .iso file. It's always a good habit to use 4 characters and they MUST be uppercase. Click the Start button. ![]() e) When prompted click OK, locate your .iso file, select it and click OK. ![]() f) The script will now copy LiveSeven to C:\EasyBoot\disk1\ISO\ folder, rename it to LIV7 and give you the needed command in a notepad windows. ![]() g) Copy the command (in this case "memdisk LIV7.img.gz") to your EasyBoot menu item, close the notepad windows and click OK. ![]() You're done! Part 1: Preparing the folders and files. 1. Add Fedora 14 a) Open UltraISO, open the Fedora 14 .iso file. Extract folder “LiveOS” from fedora-iso-file to folder C:\EasyBoot\disk1\ b) Delete folder “LiveOS” in fedora-iso-file c) Extract file “isolinux.cfg” from folder EFI\boot in this now reduced Fedora-ISO-file to a temporary folder and use notepad to replace all occurrences of text CDLABEL=Fedora-14-i686-Live-Desktop to CDLABEL=BootMenu . d) Inject back the modified file to EFI\boot and do the same for “isolinux.cfg” in folder “isolinux” and inject back changed “isolinux.cfg” and finally saved changes to ISO-file. e) Use balders script: easyboot-iso.script to integrate reduced and modified Fedora-ISO-file to EasyBoot. Command: "memdisk fd14.img.gz" 2. Add SAMity 2010 a) Open the SAMity 2010 iso file with UltraISO and extract “livecd.sqfs” to folder C:\EasyBoot\disk1\. b) Delete “livecd.sqfs” in ISO-file and save reduced ISO-file with the name samity.iso to somewhere. c) Use balders script: easyboot-iso.script to integrate the reduced “samity.iso” to EasyBoot. Command: "memdisk samy.img.gz" 3. Add Tails 0.7 a) Open tails 0.7 .iso file with UltraISO. b) Extract folder: “.disk”, folder “isolinux” and folder “live” to folder c:\EasyBoot\disk1\. c) Save BOOT-file from “tails-i386-0.7.iso” by opening the .iso file in UltraISO, clicking on Bootable, then Save Boot File... and save it as tail.bif in folder: C:\EasyBoot\disk1\ezboot\ Command: "bootinfotable;run tail.bif" 4. Add Ubuntu 10.10 a) Download Ubuntu 10 .iso file and rename it to UBUNTU.ISO (must be uppercase!). b) Copy the UBUNTU.ISO file to C:\EasyBoot\disk1\ folder. c) Go to the Tools and other folder from my Tutorial collection and copy the file "" to C:\EasyBoot\disk1\ezboot\ Command: "memdisk" 5. Add LiveSeven a) Use balders script: easyboot-iso.script to integrate the LiveSeven .iso file. Command: "memdisk liv7.img.gz" 6. Add Windows 7PE LiveCD a) Use balders script: easyboot-iso.script to integrate the Windows 7PE LiveCD .iso file. Command: "memdisk w7pe.img.gz" 7. Add Windows 7 Repair Disc x86 a) Use balders script: easyboot-iso.script to integrate the Windows 7 Repair Disc x86 .iso file. Command: "memdisk w732.img.gz" 8. Add Windows 7 Repair Disc x64 a) Use balders script: easyboot-iso.script to integrate the Windows 7 Repair Disc x64 .iso file. Command: "memdisk w764.img.gz" 9. Add Windows XP Lite a) Open Windows XP Lite .iso file with UltraISO and extract everything (folder's: $OEM$, I386 - files: WIN51, WIN51IP and WIN51IP.SP3) to C:\EasyBoot\disk1\ b) Extract boot information from Windows XP Lite by opening the .iso file in UltraISO, clicking on Bootable, then Save Boot File... and save it as xplt.bif in folder: C:\EasyBoot\disk1\ezboot\ Command: "run xplt.bif" Part 2: Creating the EasyBoot Sub Menu's I skipped creating the images and the main menu because if you followed the first 2 tutorials/projects you should be able to do it without problems. I will only add the crucial thing here. Sub Menu 1: a) Open EasyBoot click on Files tab and click New! b) Make sure the menu type is "Sub Menu". Don't put a tick on Wait Time! Don't put a tick on Logo Image! Check Background Image and add value "MENU1.BMP" to it. Accelerate Key value can be whatever you like. I put it always on Select. ![]() c) The menu items. Now we need all the commands we have gathered in Part 1. Click on Menu tab and click 11 times on Insert. Next adjust your menu items depending on your needs. My Values: #1 ; Command: memdisk fd14.img.gz ; Menu Text: Fedora 14 ; Acc. Key: 1 ; Upper Left: Row: 150 Col: 50 ; Lower Right: Row: 175 Col: 200 ; Highlight: Back: White - Fore: White ; Normal: Back: Black - Fore: Black ; #2 ; Command: memdisk samy.img.gz ; Menu Text: SAMity 2010 ; Acc. Key: 2 ; Upper Left: Row: 175 Col: 50 ; Lower Right: Row: 200 Col: 200 ; Highlight: Back: White - Fore: White ; Normal: Back: Black - Fore: Black ; #3 ; Command: memdisk bootinfotable;run tail.bif ; Menu Text: TAILS 0.7 ; Acc. Key: 3 ; Upper Left: Row: 200 Col: 50 ; Lower Right: Row: 225 Col: 200 ; Highlight: Back: White - Fore: White ; Normal: Back: Black - Fore: Black ; #4 ; Command: memdisk ; Menu Text: Ubuntu 10.10 ; Acc. Key: 4 ; Upper Left: Row: 225 Col: 50 ; Lower Right: Row: 250 Col: 200; Highlight: Back: White - Fore: White ; Normal: Back: Black - Fore: Black ; #5 ; Command: memdisk liv7.img.gz ; Menu Text: LiveSeven ; Acc. Key: 5 ; Upper Left: Row: 330 Col: 50 ; Lower Right: Row: 355 Col: 200 ; Highlight: Back: White - Fore: White ; Normal: Back: Black - Fore: Black ; #6 ; Command: memdisk w7pe.img.gz ; Menu Text: Windows 7PE LiveCD ; Acc. Key: 6 ; Upper Left: Row: 355 Col: 50 ; Lower Right: Row: 380 Col: 200 ; Highlight: Back: White - Fore: White ; Normal: Back: Black - Fore: Black ; #7 ; Command: memdisk w732.img.gz ; Menu Text: Windows 7 Repair Disc x86 ; Acc. Key: 7 ; Upper Left: Row: 380 Col: 50 ; Lower Right: Row: 405 Col: 300 ; Highlight: Back: White - Fore: White ; Normal: Back: Black - Fore: Black ; #8 ; Command: memdisk w764.img.gz ; Menu Text: Windows 7 Repair Disc x64 ; Acc. Key: 8 ; Upper Left: Row: 405 Col: 50 ; Lower Right: Row: 430 Col: 300 ; Highlight: Back: White - Fore: White ; Normal: Back: Black - Fore: Black ; #9 ; Command: run xplt.bif ; Menu Text: Windows XP Lite ; Acc. Key: 9 ; Upper Left: Row: 430 Col: 50 ; Lower Right: Row: 455 Col: 250 ; Highlight: Back: White - Fore: White ; Normal: Back: Black - Fore: Black ; #10 ; Command: boot 80 ; Menu Text: Boot from HDD ; Acc. Key: 0 ; Upper Left: Row: 380 Col: 400 ; Lower Right: Row: 405 Col: 550 ; Highlight: Back: White - Fore: White ; Normal: Back: Black - Fore: Black ; #11 ; Command: reboot ; Menu Text: Restart ; Acc. Key: r ; Upper Left: Row: 405 Col: 400 ; Lower Right: Row: 430 Col: 550 ; Highlight: Back: White - Fore: White ; Normal: Back: Black - Fore: Black ; A picture of the values can be found < here > and a picture of the end result < here >. d) Go to File tab and click on save. Save it as "menu1.ezb" without quotes. Sub Menu 2: a) Open EasyBoot click on Files tab and click New! b) Make sure the menu type is "Sub Menu". Don't put a tick on Wait Time! Don't put a tick on Logo Image! Check Background Image and add value "MENU1.BMP" to it. Accelerate Key value can be whatever you like. I put it always on Select. ![]() c) The menu items. Now we need all the commands we have gathered in Part 1. Click on Menu tab and click 11 times on Insert. Next adjust your menu items depending on your needs. My Values: #1 ; Command: memdisk fd14.img.gz ; Menu Text: Fedora 14 ; Acc. Key: 1 ; Upper Left: Row: 185 Col: 50 ; Lower Right: Row: 210 Col: 200 ; Highlight: Back: White - Fore: White ; Normal: Back: Black - Fore: Black ; #2 ; Command: memdisk samy.img.gz ; Menu Text: SAMity 2010 ; Acc. Key: 2 ; Upper Left: Row: 210 Col: 50 ; Lower Right: Row: 235 Col: 200 ; Highlight: Back: White - Fore: White ; Normal: Back: Black - Fore: Black ; #3 ; Command: memdisk bootinfotable;run tail.bif ; Menu Text: TAILS 0.7 ; Acc. Key: 3 ; Upper Left: Row: 235 Col: 50 ; Lower Right: Row: 260 Col: 200 ; Highlight: Back: White - Fore: White ; Normal: Back: Black - Fore: Black ; #4 ; Command: memdisk ; Menu Text: Ubuntu 10.10 ; Acc. Key: 4 ; Upper Left: Row: 260 Col: 50 ; Lower Right: Row: 285 Col: 200; Highlight: Back: White - Fore: White ; Normal: Back: Black - Fore: Black ; #5 ; Command: memdisk liv7.img.gz ; Menu Text: LiveSeven ; Acc. Key: 5 ; Upper Left: Row: 385 Col: 50 ; Lower Right: Row: 410 Col: 200 ; Highlight: Back: White - Fore: White ; Normal: Back: Black - Fore: Black ; #6 ; Command: memdisk w7pe.img.gz ; Menu Text: Windows 7PE LiveCD ; Acc. Key: 6 ; Upper Left: Row: 410 Col: 50 ; Lower Right: Row: 435 Col: 200 ; Highlight: Back: White - Fore: White ; Normal: Back: Black - Fore: Black ; #7 ; Command: memdisk w732.img.gz ; Menu Text: Windows 7 Repair Disc x86 ; Acc. Key: 7 ; Upper Left: Row: 435 Col: 50 ; Lower Right: Row: 460 Col: 300 ; Highlight: Back: White - Fore: White ; Normal: Back: Black - Fore: Black ; #8 ; Command: memdisk w764.img.gz ; Menu Text: Windows 7 Repair Disc x64 ; Acc. Key: 8 ; Upper Left: Row: 460 Col: 50 ; Lower Right: Row: 485 Col: 300 ; Highlight: Back: White - Fore: White ; Normal: Back: Black - Fore: Black ; #9 ; Command: run xplt.bif ; Menu Text: Windows XP Lite ; Acc. Key: 9 ; Upper Left: Row: 485 Col: 50 ; Lower Right: Row: 510 Col: 250 ; Highlight: Back: White - Fore: White ; Normal: Back: Black - Fore: Black ; #10 ; Command: boot 80 ; Menu Text: Boot from HDD ; Acc. Key: 0 ; Upper Left: Row: 460 Col: 400 ; Lower Right: Row: 485 Col: 600 ; Highlight: Back: White - Fore: White ; Normal: Back: Black - Fore: Black ; #11 ; Command: reboot ; Menu Text: Restart ; Acc. Key: r ; Upper Left: Row: 485 Col: 400 ; Lower Right: Row: 510 Col: 600 ; Highlight: Back: White - Fore: White ; Normal: Back: Black - Fore: Black ; A picture of the values can be found < here > and a picture of the end result < here >. d) Go to File tab and click on save. Save it as "menu2.ezb" without quotes. Sub Menu 3: a) Open EasyBoot click on Files tab and click New! b) Make sure the menu type is "Sub Menu". Don't put a tick on Wait Time! Don't put a tick on Logo Image! Check Background Image and add value "MENU1.BMP" to it. Accelerate Key value can be whatever you like. I put it always on Select. ![]() c) The menu items. Now we need all the commands we have gathered in Part 1. Click on Menu tab and click 11 times on Insert. Next adjust your menu items depending on your needs. My Values: #1 ; Command: memdisk fd14.img.gz ; Menu Text: Fedora 14 ; Acc. Key: 1 ; Upper Left: Row: 235 Col: 70 ; Lower Right: Row: 260 Col: 270 ; Highlight: Back: White - Fore: White ; Normal: Back: Black - Fore: Black ; #2 ; Command: memdisk samy.img.gz ; Menu Text: SAMity 2010 ; Acc. Key: 2 ; Upper Left: Row: 260 Col: 70 ; Lower Right: Row: 285 Col: 270 ; Highlight: Back: White - Fore: White ; Normal: Back: Black - Fore: Black ; #3 ; Command: memdisk bootinfotable;run tail.bif ; Menu Text: TAILS 0.7 ; Acc. Key: 3 ; Upper Left: Row: 285 Col: 70 ; Lower Right: Row: 310 Col: 270 ; Highlight: Back: White - Fore: White ; Normal: Back: Black - Fore: Black ; #4 ; Command: memdisk ; Menu Text: Ubuntu 10.10 ; Acc. Key: 4 ; Upper Left: Row: 310 Col: 70 ; Lower Right: Row: 335 Col: 270; Highlight: Back: White - Fore: White ; Normal: Back: Black - Fore: Black ; #5 ; Command: memdisk liv7.img.gz ; Menu Text: LiveSeven ; Acc. Key: 5 ; Upper Left: Row: 485 Col: 70 ; Lower Right: Row: 510 Col: 270 ; Highlight: Back: White - Fore: White ; Normal: Back: Black - Fore: Black ; #6 ; Command: memdisk w7pe.img.gz ; Menu Text: Windows 7PE LiveCD ; Acc. Key: 6 ; Upper Left: Row: 510 Col: 70 ; Lower Right: Row: 535 Col: 270 ; Highlight: Back: White - Fore: White ; Normal: Back: Black - Fore: Black ; #7 ; Command: memdisk w732.img.gz ; Menu Text: Windows 7 Repair Disc x86 ; Acc. Key: 7 ; Upper Left: Row: 535 Col: 70 ; Lower Right: Row: 560 Col: 350 ; Highlight: Back: White - Fore: White ; Normal: Back: Black - Fore: Black ; #8 ; Command: memdisk w764.img.gz ; Menu Text: Windows 7 Repair Disc x64 ; Acc. Key: 8 ; Upper Left: Row: 560 Col: 70 ; Lower Right: Row: 585 Col: 350 ; Highlight: Back: White - Fore: White ; Normal: Back: Black - Fore: Black ; #9 ; Command: run xplt.bif ; Menu Text: Windows XP Lite ; Acc. Key: 9 ; Upper Left: Row: 585 Col: 70 ; Lower Right: Row: 610 Col: 270 ; Highlight: Back: White - Fore: White ; Normal: Back: Black - Fore: Black ; #10 ; Command: boot 80 ; Menu Text: Boot from HDD ; Acc. Key: 0 ; Upper Left: Row: 560 Col: 600 ; Lower Right: Row: 585 Col: 800 ; Highlight: Back: White - Fore: White ; Normal: Back: Black - Fore: Black ; #11 ; Command: reboot ; Menu Text: Restart ; Acc. Key: r ; Upper Left: Row: 585 Col: 600 ; Lower Right: Row: 610 Col: 800 ; Highlight: Back: White - Fore: White ; Normal: Back: Black - Fore: Black ; A picture of the values can be found < here > and a picture of the end result < here >. d) Go to File tab and click on save. Save it as "menu3.ezb" without quotes. Part 3: Creating the ISO file and testing it with Virtual Box a) Click on Easyboot File tab and click on Make ISO. b) The default values should be OK if you worked with the default folders. CD File Dir: C:\EasyBoot\disk1 Boot Image: C:\EasyBoot\disk1\ezboot\loader.bin Options: Check only "Joliet" Click "Make"! ![]() c) After the process has finished you will have mycd.iso here: C:\EasyBoot\iso\ and it is time to test it before burning to DVD. Mount your .iso file with Daemon tools, UltraISO or any other similar tool to a virtual drive. If you don't know how to do this, you should search for video tutorials on youtube, here are some examples: < Daemon Tools > < UltraISO > d) If you already haven't installed VitualBox (download < here >) then it's the perfect time to do it. Launch VirtualBox and click on "New". Make a Virtual Machine that fits your needs or follow my guide < here >. Start the Virtual Machine by selecting the machine and clicking on Start. The First Run Wizard will appear. Click Next, select the drive where you mounted the .iso file, click next. Now click finish and your .iso file/easyboot project should successfully boot and you can test it. If everything works you can now burn your .iso file with Nero, ImgBurn, UltraISO or any other tool which can handle .iso files. If you don't know how to do this check out tutorials on youtube, examples: < ImgBurn > < Nero Express > NOTE: The final .iso files should be burnt at a slow burning rate, 2x or 4x, not faster! Posted by AltairAC on May 09 2011,19:59
![]() My final and biggest project. I am a big fan of the game Assassin's Creed and because of that the name: The Assassin's Toolbox. This project contains a lot of useful and for some people not so useful stuff. It can be helpful in some cases but I must admit, the reason I created it was to see if I am able to do it, rather than the actual functional use of this multiboot DVD. I will show you how I dealt with so many menu's because you will notice it contains 4 sub menu's x 3 resolutions + 3 x Main menu's + Start Menu for resolution choose. I will describe how to add all these OS'es, Distro's, ... and which commands should be used for them and how. I will attach my values of all the menu's. I won't show how to create pictures and configure EasyBoot because it is already described in detail in the Project 1 and Project 2 tutorial so if you don't know how to configure EasyBoot to fit your needs, check the first and second tutorial. What does it contain? This easyboot project contains: - AV Resuce Disk's: -- Avira Rescue Disk -- Kaspersky Rescue Disk 10 - CrackOS: -- BackTrack 3 -- LiveHacking CD mini -- OPHCrack Vista -- OPHCrack XP - GNU/Linux Tiny: -- Damn Small Linux 4.4.10 -- Puppy Lucid 5.2.5 -- Slitaz 3.0 -- Tiny Core Linux 3.5.1 - Tools & Utilities: -- Active@ Boot Disk -- Hirens Boot CD 13.2 -- Parted Magic 6 -- Partition Wizzard Home Edition 5.2 -- RIPLinuX 12.0 -- UBCD 5.03 Youtube preview < here >. Part 1: Preparing the folders and files. 1. AV Resuce Disk's -- Avira Rescue Disk a) Open the Avira Rescue Disk .iso file with UltraISO. b) Extract everything from the .iso file to C:\EasyBoot\disk1\ c) Extract boot information by opening the Avira Rescue Disk .iso file with UltraISO, click on "Bootable", then click on "Save Boot File..." and save the file as avir.bif to C:\EasyBoot\disk1\ezboot\ Command: "bootinfotable;run avir.bif" -- Kaspersky Rescue Disk 10 a) Make a copy of Kaspersky ISO. b) Open .iso file with UltraISO and extract files: image.squashfs, folder rescue and livecd to C:\EasyBoot\disk1\ c) Delete files: image.squashfs, folder rescue and livecd in .iso file and save ISO-file (ISO is now less in size). d) Use easyboot-iso.script to integrate reduced ISO-file (do not check “Run from RAM”). Command: "memdisk kd10.img.gz" 2. CrackOS -- BackTrack 3 a) Open BackTrack 3 .iso file with UltraISO. b) Copy everything from the .iso file to C:\EasyBoot\disk1\ c) Rename the copied "boot" folder to BACK d) Extract Boot information from BackTrack .iso file with UltraISO (Bootable > Save Boot File... > bt3.bif) to C:\EasyBoot\disk1\ezboot\ e) Open file bt3.bif with a hex editor. Search for "boot/" and rename it to "BACK/". f) Open file isolinux.bin (C:\EasyBoot\disk1\BACK\) with a hex editor. Search for "boot/" and rename it to "BACK/". g) Open Notepad++. Click Search > Find in files... Values: Find what: boot/ Replace with: BACK/ Directory: C:\EasyBoot\disk1\BACK\ Check "Match case" and click on "Replace in files". ![]() When everything is done, click OK. Command: "bootinfotable;run bt3.bif" -- LiveHacking CD mini a) Copy LiveHacking CD mini .iso file to folder C:\EasyBoot\disk1\ b) Rename it to: UBUNTU.ISO c) Copy "" from folder "Tools and other" (which is included in my Tutorial collection) to folder C:\EasyBoot\disk1\ezboot\ Command: memdisk -- OPHCrack Vista and OPHCrack XP a) Create a temporary folder with the name ophcrack-temp on C:\ and make a copy of ophcrack-xp-livecd-2.3.1.iso and ophcrack-vista-livecd-2.3.1.iso in this folder. b) Open ophcrack-xp-livecd-2.3.1.iso in C:\ophcrack-temp\ with UltraISO and delete folder “TABLES” c) Save .iso file with name ophcrack-XP to folder ophcrack-temp d) Launch balder's script easyboot-iso.script and use name in text-box: OPXP (point to ophcrack-XP.iso in folder ophcrack-temp) e) Do the same procedure with ophcrack-vista-livecd-2.3.1.iso (use name OPVS) f) Copy(extract) folder “TABLES” from original ophcrack-xp-livecd-2.3.1.iso to C:\EasyBoot\disk1\ g) Open folder “TABLES” in original ophcrack-vista-livecd-2.3.1.iso and copy folder “vista_free” to inside folder “TABLES” in C:\EasyBoot\disk1\TABLES\ Commands: memdisk opvs.img.gz memdisk opxp.img.gz 3. GNU/Linux Tiny -- Damn Small Linux 4.4.10 a) Open Slitaz .iso file with UltraISO, extract everything to C:\EasyBoot\disk1\ b) Rename folder "boot" to "dsli" c) Extract Boot information from the Damn Small Linux .iso file with UltraISO (Bootable > Save Boot File... > dsli.bif) to folder C:\EasyBoot\disk\ezboot\ d) Open file dsli.bif with a hex editor. Search for "boot/" and rename it to "dsli/". e) Open file isolinux.bin (C:\EasyBoot\disk1\dsli\isolinux\) with a hex editor. Search for "boot/" and rename it to "dsli/". f) Open Notepad++. Click Search > Find in files... Values: Find what: boot/ Replace with: dsli/ Directory: C:\EasyBoot\disk1\dsli\ Command: bootinfotable;run dsli.bif NOTE: Damn Small Linux contains a KNOPPIX folder. We can leave it as it is because we don't have any additional distro's with a KNOPPIX folder but if you do, you can rename the folder "KNOPPIX" to "DSLINUX" and change all "KNOPPIX" values in the .bif and .bin file to "DSLINUX". Then do step f) again but with with values: Find what: KNOPPIX/ - Replace with: DSLINUX/ - directory stays the same. -- Puppy Lucid 5.2.5 a) Create a folder named PUPPY in C:\EasyBoot\disk1\ b) Open Puppy .iso file with UltraISO and extract all files to the newly created PUPPY folder in the disk1 easyboot folder Command: "bcdw /puppy/isolinux.bin /puppy/vmlinuz initrd=/puppy/initrd.gz" -- Slitaz 3.0 a) Open Slitaz .iso file with UltraISO, extract everything to C:\EasyBoot\disk1\ b) Rename folder "boot" to "slit" c) Extract Boot information from the Slitaz .iso file with UltraISO (Bootable > Save Boot File... > slit.bif) to folder C:\EasyBoot\disk\ezboot\ d) Open file slit.bif with a hex editor. Search for "boot/" and rename it to "slit/". e) Open file isolinux.bin (C:\EasyBoot\disk1\slit\isolinux\) with a hex editor. Search for "boot/" and rename it to "slit/". f) Open Notepad++. Click Search > Find in files... Values: Find what: boot/ Replace with: slit/ Directory: C:\EasyBoot\disk1\slit\ Check "Match case" and click on "Replace in files". When everything is done, click OK. Command: "bootinfotable;run slit.bif" -- Tiny Core Linux 3.5.1 a) Open Tiny Core Linux .iso file with UltraISO, extract everything to C:\EasyBoot\disk1\ b) Rename folder "boot" to "tiny" c) Extract Boot information from the Tiny Core Linux .iso file with UltraISO (Bootable > Save Boot File... > tiny.bif) to folder C:\EasyBoot\disk\ezboot\ d) Open file tiny.bif with a hex editor. Search for "boot/" and rename it to "tiny/". e) Open file isolinux.bin (C:\EasyBoot\disk1\tiny\isolinux\) with a hex editor. Search for "boot/" and rename it to "tiny/". f) Open Notepad++. Click Search > Find in files... Values: Find what: boot/ Replace with: tiny/ Directory: C:\EasyBoot\disk1\tiny\ Check "Match case" and click on "Replace in files". When everything is done, click OK. Command: "bootinfotable;run tiny.bif" 4. Tools & Utilities -- Active@ Boot Disk a) Open Active@ .iso file with UltraISO and extract all files and folders to C:\EasyBoot\disk1\ b) Extract boot information from the .iso file (Bootable > Save Boot File... > act5.bif) to C:\EasyBoot\disk1\ezboot\ Command: "run act5.bif" -- Hirens Boot CD 13.2 a) Patch your Hiren's Boot .iso file b) Open the patched .iso file with UltraISO c) Extract folder HBCD to C:\EasyBoot\disk1\ Command: "bcdw /hbcd/isolinux.bin /hbcd/linux initrd=/hbcd/boot.gz" Note: I tried to integrate it with balder's Hiren's Boot script (Click on EasyBoot-ISO script and on the right side of the Start Button there is a Start button just for Hiren's Boot CD integration) but it didn't work with version 13.2 so I used the bcdw command. Balder's script works with version 10.6 (I didn't test other versions). -- Parted Magic 6 a) Open Parted Magic .iso file with UltraISO, extract everything to C:\EasyBoot\disk1\ b) Rename folder "boot" to "PMAG" c) Extract Boot information from the Parted Magic .iso file with UltraISO (Bootable > Save Boot File... > pmag.bif) to folder C:\EasyBoot\disk\ezboot\ d) Open file pmag.bif with a hex editor. Search for "boot/" and rename it to "PMAG/". e) Open file isolinux.bin (C:\EasyBoot\disk1\PMAG\syslinux\) with a hex editor. Search for "boot/" and rename it to "PMAG/". f) Open Notepad++. Click Search > Find in files... Values: Find what: boot/ Replace with: PMAG/ Directory: C:\EasyBoot\disk1\PMAG\ Check "Match case" and click on "Replace in files". When everything is done, click OK. Command: "bootinfotable;run pmag.bif" -- Partition Wizzard Home Edition 5.2 a) Open Partition Wizard .iso file with UltraISO, extract everything to C:\EasyBoot\disk1\ b) Rename folder "boot" to "PW52" c) Extract Boot information from the Partition Wizard .iso file with UltraISO (Bootable > Save Boot File... > pw52.bif) to folder C:\EasyBoot\disk\ezboot\ d) Open file pw52.bif with a hex editor. Search for "boot/" and rename it to "PW52/". e) Open file isolinux.bin (C:\EasyBoot\disk1\PW52\ISOLINUX\) with a hex editor. Search for "boot/" and rename it to "PW52/". f) Open Notepad++. Click Search > Find in files... Values: Find what: boot/ Replace with: PW52/ Directory: C:\EasyBoot\disk1\PW52\ Check "Match case" and click on "Replace in files". When everything is done, click OK. Command: "bootinfotable;run pw52.bif" -- RIPLinuX 12.0 a) Open RIPLinux .iso file with UltraISO, extract everything to C:\EasyBoot\disk1\ b) Rename folder "boot" to "RIPX" c) Extract Boot information from the RIPLinux .iso file with UltraISO (Bootable > Save Boot File... > ripx.bif) to folder C:\EasyBoot\disk\ezboot\ d) Open file ripx.bif with a hex editor. Search for "boot/" and rename it to "RIPX/". e) Open file isolinux.bin (C:\EasyBoot\disk1\RIPX\ISOLINUX\) with a hex editor. Search for "boot/" and rename it to "RIPX/". f) Open Notepad++. Click Search > Find in files... Values: Find what: boot/ Replace with: RIPX/ Directory: C:\EasyBoot\disk1\RIPX\ Check "Match case" and click on "Replace in files". When everything is done, click OK. Command: "bootinfotable;run ripx.bif" -- UBCD 5.03 a) Integrate the UBCD .iso file with balder's EasyBoot-ISO script. Command: "memdisk ubcd.img.gz" Part 2: Menu's and sub menu's We have 16 menu's all together. The structure looks like this: start.ezb [choose resolution for Main menu] < [EXAMPLE] > menu1.ezb [Main menu with resolution 640 x 480] < [EXAMPLE1] > menu2.ezb [Main menu with resolution 800 x 600] < [EXAMPLE2] > menu3.ezb [Main menu with resolution 1024 x 768] < [EXAMPLE3] > sub11.ezb [AV Resuce Disk's menu with resolution 640 x 480] < [EXAMPLE1] > sub12.ezb [AV Resuce Disk's menu with resolution 800 x 600] < [EXAMPLE2] > sub13.ezb [AV Resuce Disk's menu with resolution 1024 x 768] < [EXAMPLE3] > sub21.ezb [CrackOS menu with resolution 640 x 480] < [EXAMPLE1] > sub22.ezb [CrackOS menu with resolution 800 x 600] < [EXAMPLE2] > sub23.ezb [CrackOS menu with resolution 1024 x 768] < [EXAMPLE3] > sub31.ezb [GNU/Linux Tiny menu with resolution 640 x 480] < [EXAMPLE1] > sub32.ezb [GNU/Linux Tiny menu with resolution 800 x 600] < [EXAMPLE2] > sub33.ezb [GNU/Linux Tiny menu with resolution 1024 x 768] < [EXAMPLE3] > sub41.ezb [Tools & Utilities menu with resolution 640 x 480] < [EXAMPLE1] > sub42.ezb [Tools & Utilities menu with resolution 800 x 600] < [EXAMPLE2] > sub43.ezb [Tools & Utilities menu with resolution 1024 x 768] < [EXAMPLE3] > Part 3: Menu commands start.ezb #1 ; Command: run menu1.ezb ; Menu Text: 640 x 480 ; Acc. Key: 1 ; Upper Left: Row: 125 Col: 275 ; Lower Right: Row: 150 Col: 400 ; Highlight: Back: White - Fore: White ; Normal: Back: Black - Fore: Black ; #2 ; Command: run menu2.ezb ; Menu Text: 800 x 600 ; Acc. Key: 2 ; Upper Left: Row: 150 Col: 275 ; Lower Right: Row: 175 Col: 400 ; Highlight: Back: White - Fore: White ; Normal: Back: Black - Fore: Black ; #3 ; Command: run menu3.ezb ; Menu Text: 1024 x 768 ; Acc. Key: 3 ; Upper Left: Row: 175 Col: 272 ; Lower Right: Row: 200 Col: 400 ; Highlight: Back: White - Fore: White ; Normal: Back: Black - Fore: Black ; A picture of the values can be found < here >. menu1.ezb #1 ; Command: run sub11.ezb ; Menu Text: AV Rescue Disks ; Acc. Key: 1 ; Upper Left: Row: 200 Col: 325 ; Lower Right: Row: 225 Col: 500 ; Highlight: Back: Red - Fore: Red ; Normal: Back: White - Fore: White ; #2 ; Command: run sub21.ezb ; Menu Text: Crack OS ; Acc. Key: 2 ; Upper Left: Row: 225 Col: 325 ; Lower Right: Row: 250 Col: 500 ; Highlight: Back: Red - Fore: Red ; Normal: Back: White - Fore: White ; #3 ; Command: run sub31.ezb ; Menu Text: Small Distro's ; Acc. Key: 3 ; Upper Left: Row: 250 Col: 325 ; Lower Right: Row: 275 Col: 500 ; Highlight: Back: Red - Fore: Red ; Normal: Back: White - Fore: White ; #4 ; Command: run sub41.ezb ; Menu Text: Tools & Utilities ; Acc. Key: 4 ; Upper Left: Row: 275 Col: 325 ; Lower Right: Row: 300 Col: 500 ; Highlight: Back: Red - Fore: Red ; Normal: Back: White - Fore: White ; #5 ; Command: boot 80 ; Menu Text: Boot from HDD ; Acc. Key: 5 ; Upper Left: Row: 300 Col: 375 ; Lower Right: Row: 325 Col: 550 ; Highlight: Back: Red - Fore: Red ; Normal: Back: White - Fore: White ; #6 ; Command: reboot ; Menu Text: Restart ; Acc. Key: 6 ; Upper Left: Row: 325 Col: 375 ; Lower Right: Row: 350 Col: 550 ; Highlight: Back: Red - Fore: Red ; Normal: Back: White - Fore: White ; A picture of the values can be found < here >. menu2.ezb #1 ; Command: run sub12.ezb ; Menu Text: AV Rescue Disks ; Acc. Key: 1 ; Upper Left: Row: 250 Col: 425 ; Lower Right: Row: 275 Col: 600 ; Highlight: Back: Red - Fore: Red ; Normal: Back: White - Fore: White ; #2 ; Command: run sub22.ezb ; Menu Text: Crack OS ; Acc. Key: 2 ; Upper Left: Row: 275 Col: 425 ; Lower Right: Row: 300 Col: 600 ; Highlight: Back: Red - Fore: Red ; Normal: Back: White - Fore: White ; #3 ; Command: run sub32.ezb ; Menu Text: Small Distro's ; Acc. Key: 3 ; Upper Left: Row: 300 Col: 425 ; Lower Right: Row: 325 Col: 600 ; Highlight: Back: Red - Fore: Red ; Normal: Back: White - Fore: White ; #4 ; Command: run sub42.ezb ; Menu Text: Tools & Utilities ; Acc. Key: 4 ; Upper Left: Row: 325 Col: 425 ; Lower Right: Row: 350 Col: 600 ; Highlight: Back: Red - Fore: Red ; Normal: Back: White - Fore: White ; #5 ; Command: boot 80 ; Menu Text: Boot from HDD ; Acc. Key: 5 ; Upper Left: Row: 350 Col: 475 ; Lower Right: Row: 375 Col: 600 ; Highlight: Back: Red - Fore: Red ; Normal: Back: White - Fore: White ; #6 ; Command: reboot ; Menu Text: Restart ; Acc. Key: 6 ; Upper Left: Row: 375 Col: 475 ; Lower Right: Row: 400 Col: 600 ; Highlight: Back: Red - Fore: Red ; Normal: Back: White - Fore: White ; A picture of the values can be found < here >. menu3.ezb #1 ; Command: run sub13.ezb ; Menu Text: AV Rescue Disks ; Acc. Key: 1 ; Upper Left: Row: 350 Col: 550 ; Lower Right: Row: 375 Col: 700 ; Highlight: Back: Red - Fore: Red ; Normal: Back: White - Fore: White ; #2 ; Command: run sub23.ezb ; Menu Text: Crack OS ; Acc. Key: 2 ; Upper Left: Row: 375 Col: 550 ; Lower Right: Row: 400 Col: 700 ; Highlight: Back: Red - Fore: Red ; Normal: Back: White - Fore: White ; #3 ; Command: run sub33.ezb ; Menu Text: Small Distro's ; Acc. Key: 3 ; Upper Left: Row: 400 Col: 550 ; Lower Right: Row: 425 Col: 700 ; Highlight: Back: Red - Fore: Red ; Normal: Back: White - Fore: White ; #4 ; Command: run sub43.ezb ; Menu Text: Tools & Utilities ; Acc. Key: 4 ; Upper Left: Row: 425 Col: 550 ; Lower Right: Row: 450 Col: 700 ; Highlight: Back: Red - Fore: Red ; Normal: Back: White - Fore: White ; #5 ; Command: boot 80 ; Menu Text: Boot from HDD ; Acc. Key: 5 ; Upper Left: Row: 450 Col: 600 ; Lower Right: Row: 475 Col: 750 ; Highlight: Back: Red - Fore: Red ; Normal: Back: White - Fore: White ; #6 ; Command: reboot ; Menu Text: Restart ; Acc. Key: 6 ; Upper Left: Row: 475 Col: 600 ; Lower Right: Row: 500 Col: 750 ; Highlight: Back: Red - Fore: Red ; Normal: Back: White - Fore: White ; A picture of the values can be found < here >. sub11.ezb #1 ; Command: bootinfotable;run avir.bif ; Menu Text: Avira Rescue Disk ; Acc. Key: 1 ; Upper Left: Row: 175 Col: 50 ; Lower Right: Row: 200 Col: 250 ; Highlight: Back: Red - Fore: Red ; Normal: Back: Black - Fore: Black ; #2 ; Command: memdisk kd10.img.gz ; Menu Text: Kaspersky Rescue Disk 10 ; Acc. Key: 2 ; Upper Left: Row: 200 Col: 50 ; Lower Right: Row: 225 Col: 250 ; Highlight: Back: Red - Fore: Red ; Normal: Back: Black - Fore: Black ; #3 ; Command: run menu1.ezb ; Menu Text: Back to Main Menu ; Acc. Key: 3 ; Upper Left: Row: 275 Col: 480 ; Lower Right: Row: 300 Col: 620 ; Highlight: Back: Red - Fore: Red ; Normal: Back: Black - Fore: Black ; #4 ; Command: boot 80 ; Menu Text: Boot from HDD ; Acc. Key: 4 ; Upper Left: Row: 300 Col: 480 ; Lower Right: Row: 325 Col: 620 ; Highlight: Back: Red - Fore: Red ; Normal: Back: Black - Fore: Black ; #5 ; Command: reboot ; Menu Text: Restart ; Acc. Key: 5 ; Upper Left: Row: 325 Col: 480 ; Lower Right: Row: 350 Col: 620 ; Highlight: Back: Red - Fore: Red ; Normal: Back: Black - Fore: Black ; A picture of the values can be found < here >. sub12.ezb #1 ; Command: bootinfotable;run avir.bif ; Menu Text: Avira Rescue Disk ; Acc. Key: 1 ; Upper Left: Row: 175 Col: 50 ; Lower Right: Row: 200 Col: 250 ; Highlight: Back: Red - Fore: Red ; Normal: Back: Black - Fore: Black ; #2 ; Command: memdisk kd10.img.gz ; Menu Text: Kaspersky Rescue Disk 10 ; Acc. Key: 2 ; Upper Left: Row: 200 Col: 50 ; Lower Right: Row: 225 Col: 250 ; Highlight: Back: Red - Fore: Red ; Normal: Back: Black - Fore: Black ; #3 ; Command: run menu2.ezb ; Menu Text: Back to Main Menu ; Acc. Key: 3 ; Upper Left: Row: 375 Col: 600 ; Lower Right: Row: 400 Col: 750 ; Highlight: Back: Red - Fore: Red ; Normal: Back: Black - Fore: Black ; #4 ; Command: boot 80 ; Menu Text: Boot from HDD ; Acc. Key: 4 ; Upper Left: Row: 400 Col: 600 ; Lower Right: Row: 425 Col: 750 ; Highlight: Back: Red - Fore: Red ; Normal: Back: Black - Fore: Black ; #5 ; Command: reboot ; Menu Text: Restart ; Acc. Key: 5 ; Upper Left: Row: 425 Col: 600 ; Lower Right: Row: 450 Col: 750 ; Highlight: Back: Red - Fore: Red ; Normal: Back: Black - Fore: Black ; A picture of the values can be found < here >. sub13.ezb #1 ; Command: bootinfotable;run avir.bif ; Menu Text: Avira Rescue Disk ; Acc. Key: 1 ; Upper Left: Row: 175 Col: 50 ; Lower Right: Row: 200 Col: 250 ; Highlight: Back: Red - Fore: Red ; Normal: Back: Black - Fore: Black ; #2 ; Command: memdisk kd10.img.gz ; Menu Text: Kaspersky Rescue Disk 10 ; Acc. Key: 2 ; Upper Left: Row: 200 Col: 50 ; Lower Right: Row: 225 Col: 250 ; Highlight: Back: Red - Fore: Red ; Normal: Back: Black - Fore: Black ; #3 ; Command: run menu3.ezb ; Menu Text: Back to Main Menu ; Acc. Key: 3 ; Upper Left: Row: 475 Col: 800 ; Lower Right: Row: 500 Col: 950 ; Highlight: Back: Red - Fore: Red ; Normal: Back: Black - Fore: Black ; #4 ; Command: boot 80 ; Menu Text: Boot from HDD ; Acc. Key: 4 ; Upper Left: Row: 500 Col: 800 ; Lower Right: Row: 525 Col: 950 ; Highlight: Back: Red - Fore: Red ; Normal: Back: Black - Fore: Black ; #5 ; Command: reboot ; Menu Text: Restart ; Acc. Key: 5 ; Upper Left: Row: 525 Col: 800 ; Lower Right: Row: 550 Col: 950 ; Highlight: Back: Red - Fore: Red ; Normal: Back: Black - Fore: Black ; A picture of the values can be found < here >. sub21.ezb #1 ; Command: bootinfotable;run bt3.bif ; Menu Text: BackTrack 3 ; Acc. Key: 1 ; Upper Left: Row: 175 Col: 50 ; Lower Right: Row: 200 Col: 250 ; Highlight: Back: Red - Fore: Red ; Normal: Back: Black - Fore: Black ; #2 ; Command: memdisk ; Menu Text: Live Hacking Mini CD ; Acc. Key: 2 ; Upper Left: Row: 200 Col: 50 ; Lower Right: Row: 225 Col: 250 ; Highlight: Back: Red - Fore: Red ; Normal: Back: Black - Fore: Black ; #3 ; Command: memdisk opvs.img.gz ; Menu Text: OPHcrack Vista ; Acc. Key: 3 ; Upper Left: Row: 225 Col: 50 ; Lower Right: Row: 250 Col: 250 ; Highlight: Back: Red - Fore: Red ; Normal: Back: Black - Fore: Black ; #4 ; Command: memdisk opxp.img.gz ; Menu Text: OPHcrack XP ; Acc. Key: 4 ; Upper Left: Row: 250 Col: 50 ; Lower Right: Row: 275 Col: 250 ; Highlight: Back: Red - Fore: Red ; Normal: Back: Black - Fore: Black ; #5 ; Command: run menu1.ezb ; Menu Text: Back to Main Menu ; Acc. Key: 5 ; Upper Left: Row: 275 Col: 480 ; Lower Right: Row: 300 Col: 620 ; Highlight: Back: Red - Fore: Red ; Normal: Back: Black - Fore: Black ; #6 ; Command: boot 80 ; Menu Text: Boot from HDD ; Acc. Key: 6 ; Upper Left: Row: 300 Col: 480 ; Lower Right: Row: 325 Col: 620 ; Highlight: Back: Red - Fore: Red ; Normal: Back: Black - Fore: Black ; #7 ; Command: reboot ; Menu Text: Restart ; Acc. Key: 7 ; Upper Left: Row: 325 Col: 480 ; Lower Right: Row: 350 Col: 620 ; Highlight: Back: Red - Fore: Red ; Normal: Back: Black - Fore: Black ; A picture of the values can be found < here >. sub22.ezb #1 ; Command: bootinfotable;run bt3.bif ; Menu Text: BackTrack 3 ; Acc. Key: 1 ; Upper Left: Row: 175 Col: 50 ; Lower Right: Row: 200 Col: 250 ; Highlight: Back: Red - Fore: Red ; Normal: Back: Black - Fore: Black ; #2 ; Command: memdisk ; Menu Text: Live Hacking Mini CD ; Acc. Key: 2 ; Upper Left: Row: 200 Col: 50 ; Lower Right: Row: 225 Col: 250 ; Highlight: Back: Red - Fore: Red ; Normal: Back: Black - Fore: Black ; #3 ; Command: memdisk opvs.img.gz ; Menu Text: OPHcrack Vista ; Acc. Key: 3 ; Upper Left: Row: 225 Col: 50 ; Lower Right: Row: 250 Col: 250 ; Highlight: Back: Red - Fore: Red ; Normal: Back: Black - Fore: Black ; #4 ; Command: memdisk opxp.img.gz ; Menu Text: OPHcrack XP ; Acc. Key: 4 ; Upper Left: Row: 250 Col: 50 ; Lower Right: Row: 275 Col: 250 ; Highlight: Back: Red - Fore: Red ; Normal: Back: Black - Fore: Black ; #5 ; Command: run menu2.ezb ; Menu Text: Back to Main Menu ; Acc. Key: 5 ; Upper Left: Row: 375 Col: 600 ; Lower Right: Row: 400 Col: 750 ; Highlight: Back: Red - Fore: Red ; Normal: Back: Black - Fore: Black ; #6 ; Command: boot 80 ; Menu Text: Boot from HDD ; Acc. Key: 6 ; Upper Left: Row: 400 Col: 600 ; Lower Right: Row: 425 Col: 750 ; Highlight: Back: Red - Fore: Red ; Normal: Back: Black - Fore: Black ; #7 ; Command: reboot ; Menu Text: Restart ; Acc. Key: 7 ; Upper Left: Row: 425 Col: 600 ; Lower Right: Row: 450 Col: 750 ; Highlight: Back: Red - Fore: Red ; Normal: Back: Black - Fore: Black ; A picture of the values can be found < here >. sub23.ezb #1 ; Command: bootinfotable;run bt3.bif ; Menu Text: BackTrack 3 ; Acc. Key: 1 ; Upper Left: Row: 175 Col: 50 ; Lower Right: Row: 200 Col: 250 ; Highlight: Back: Red - Fore: Red ; Normal: Back: Black - Fore: Black ; #2 ; Command: memdisk ; Menu Text: Live Hacking Mini CD ; Acc. Key: 2 ; Upper Left: Row: 200 Col: 50 ; Lower Right: Row: 225 Col: 250 ; Highlight: Back: Red - Fore: Red ; Normal: Back: Black - Fore: Black ; #3 ; Command: memdisk opvs.img.gz ; Menu Text: OPHcrack Vista ; Acc. Key: 3 ; Upper Left: Row: 225 Col: 50 ; Lower Right: Row: 250 Col: 250 ; Highlight: Back: Red - Fore: Red ; Normal: Back: Black - Fore: Black ; #4 ; Command: memdisk opxp.img.gz ; Menu Text: OPHcrack XP ; Acc. Key: 4 ; Upper Left: Row: 250 Col: 50 ; Lower Right: Row: 275 Col: 250 ; Highlight: Back: Red - Fore: Red ; Normal: Back: Black - Fore: Black ; #5 ; Command: run menu3.ezb ; Menu Text: Back to Main Menu ; Acc. Key: 5 ; Upper Left: Row: 475 Col: 800 ; Lower Right: Row: 500 Col: 950 ; Highlight: Back: Red - Fore: Red ; Normal: Back: Black - Fore: Black ; #6 ; Command: boot 80 ; Menu Text: Boot from HDD ; Acc. Key: 6 ; Upper Left: Row: 500 Col: 800 ; Lower Right: Row: 525 Col: 950 ; Highlight: Back: Red - Fore: Red ; Normal: Back: Black - Fore: Black ; #7 ; Command: reboot ; Menu Text: Restart ; Acc. Key: 7 ; Upper Left: Row: 525 Col: 800 ; Lower Right: Row: 550 Col: 950 ; Highlight: Back: Red - Fore: Red ; Normal: Back: Black - Fore: Black ; A picture of the values can be found < here >. sub31.ezb #1 ; Command: bootinfotable;run dsli.bif ; Menu Text: Damn Small Linux 4.4.10 ; Acc. Key: 1 ; Upper Left: Row: 30 Col: 200 ; Lower Right: Row: 60 Col: 420 ; Highlight: Back: Black - Fore: Red ; Normal: Back: Black - Fore: Brown ; #2 ; Command: bcdw /puppy/isolinux.bin /puppy/vmlinuz initrd=/puppy/initrd.gz ; Menu Text: Puppy Linux Lucid 5.2.5 ; Acc. Key: 2 ; Upper Left: Row: 90 Col: 200 ; Lower Right: Row: 90 Col: 420 ; Highlight: Back: Black - Fore: Red ; Normal: Back: Black - Fore: Brown ; #3 ; Command: bootinfotable;run slit.bif ; Menu Text: SliTaz GNU/Linux 3.0 ; Acc. Key: 3 ; Upper Left: Row: 90 Col: 200 ; Lower Right: Row: 120 Col: 420 ; Highlight: Back: Black - Fore: Red ; Normal: Back: Black - Fore: Brown ; #4 ; Command: bootinfotable;run tiny.bif ; Menu Text: Tiny Core Linux 3.5.1 ; Acc. Key: 4 ; Upper Left: Row: 120 Col: 200 ; Lower Right: Row: 150 Col: 420 ; Highlight: Back: Black - Fore: Red ; Normal: Back: Black - Fore: Brown ; #5 ; Command: run menu1.ezb ; Menu Text: Back to Main Menu ; Acc. Key: 5 ; Upper Left: Row: 150 Col: 200 ; Lower Right: Row: 180 Col: 420 ; Highlight: Back: Black - Fore: Brown ; Normal: Back: Black - Fore: Red ; #6 ; Command: boot 80 ; Menu Text: Boot from HDD ; Acc. Key: 6 ; Upper Left: Row: 180 Col: 200 ; Lower Right: Row: 210 Col: 420 ; Highlight: Back: Black - Fore: Brown ; Normal: Back: Black - Fore: Red ; #7 ; Command: reboot ; Menu Text: Restart ; Acc. Key: 7 ; Upper Left: Row: 210 Col: 200 ; Lower Right: Row: 240 Col: 420 ; Highlight: Back: Black - Fore: Brown ; Normal: Back: Black - Fore: Red ; A picture of the values can be found < here >. sub32.ezb #1 ; Command: bootinfotable;run dsli.bif ; Menu Text: Damn Small Linux 4.4.10 ; Acc. Key: 1 ; Upper Left: Row: 30 Col: 300 ; Lower Right: Row: 60 Col: 520 ; Highlight: Back: Black - Fore: Red ; Normal: Back: Black - Fore: Brown ; #2 ; Command: bcdw /puppy/isolinux.bin /puppy/vmlinuz initrd=/puppy/initrd.gz ; Menu Text: Puppy Linux Lucid 5.2.5 ; Acc. Key: 2 ; Upper Left: Row: 90 Col: 300 ; Lower Right: Row: 90 Col: 520 ; Highlight: Back: Black - Fore: Red ; Normal: Back: Black - Fore: Brown ; #3 ; Command: bootinfotable;run slit.bif ; Menu Text: SliTaz GNU/Linux 3.0 ; Acc. Key: 3 ; Upper Left: Row: 90 Col: 300 ; Lower Right: Row: 120 Col: 520 ; Highlight: Back: Black - Fore: Red ; Normal: Back: Black - Fore: Brown ; #4 ; Command: bootinfotable;run tiny.bif ; Menu Text: Tiny Core Linux 3.5.1 ; Acc. Key: 4 ; Upper Left: Row: 120 Col: 300 ; Lower Right: Row: 150 Col: 520 ; Highlight: Back: Black - Fore: Red ; Normal: Back: Black - Fore: Brown ; #5 ; Command: run menu2.ezb ; Menu Text: Back to Main Menu ; Acc. Key: 5 ; Upper Left: Row: 150 Col: 300 ; Lower Right: Row: 180 Col: 520 ; Highlight: Back: Black - Fore: Brown ; Normal: Back: Black - Fore: Red ; #6 ; Command: boot 80 ; Menu Text: Boot from HDD ; Acc. Key: 6 ; Upper Left: Row: 180 Col: 300 ; Lower Right: Row: 210 Col: 520 ; Highlight: Back: Black - Fore: Brown ; Normal: Back: Black - Fore: Red ; #7 ; Command: reboot ; Menu Text: Restart ; Acc. Key: 7 ; Upper Left: Row: 210 Col: 300 ; Lower Right: Row: 240 Col: 520 ; Highlight: Back: Black - Fore: Brown ; Normal: Back: Black - Fore: Red ; A picture of the values can be found < here >. sub33.ezb #1 ; Command: bootinfotable;run dsli.bif ; Menu Text: Damn Small Linux 4.4.10 ; Acc. Key: 1 ; Upper Left: Row: 30 Col: 400 ; Lower Right: Row: 60 Col: 620 ; Highlight: Back: Black - Fore: Red ; Normal: Back: Black - Fore: Brown ; #2 ; Command: bcdw /puppy/isolinux.bin /puppy/vmlinuz initrd=/puppy/initrd.gz ; Menu Text: Puppy Linux Lucid 5.2.5 ; Acc. Key: 2 ; Upper Left: Row: 90 Col: 400 ; Lower Right: Row: 90 Col: 620 ; Highlight: Back: Black - Fore: Red ; Normal: Back: Black - Fore: Brown ; #3 ; Command: bootinfotable;run slit.bif ; Menu Text: SliTaz GNU/Linux 3.0 ; Acc. Key: 3 ; Upper Left: Row: 90 Col: 400 ; Lower Right: Row: 120 Col: 620 ; Highlight: Back: Black - Fore: Red ; Normal: Back: Black - Fore: Brown ; #4 ; Command: bootinfotable;run tiny.bif ; Menu Text: Tiny Core Linux 3.5.1 ; Acc. Key: 4 ; Upper Left: Row: 120 Col: 400 ; Lower Right: Row: 150 Col: 620 ; Highlight: Back: Black - Fore: Red ; Normal: Back: Black - Fore: Brown ; #5 ; Command: run menu3.ezb ; Menu Text: Back to Main Menu ; Acc. Key: 5 ; Upper Left: Row: 150 Col: 400 ; Lower Right: Row: 180 Col: 620 ; Highlight: Back: Black - Fore: Brown ; Normal: Back: Black - Fore: Red ; #6 ; Command: boot 80 ; Menu Text: Boot from HDD ; Acc. Key: 6 ; Upper Left: Row: 180 Col: 400 ; Lower Right: Row: 210 Col: 620 ; Highlight: Back: Black - Fore: Brown ; Normal: Back: Black - Fore: Red ; #7 ; Command: reboot ; Menu Text: Restart ; Acc. Key: 7 ; Upper Left: Row: 210 Col: 400 ; Lower Right: Row: 240 Col: 620 ; Highlight: Back: Black - Fore: Brown ; Normal: Back: Black - Fore: Red ; A picture of the values can be found < here >. sub41.ezb #1 ; Command: run act5.bif ; Menu Text: Active@ Boot Disk 5.1.3 ; Acc. Key: 1 ; Upper Left: Row: 30 Col: 200 ; Lower Right: Row: 60 Col: 420 ; Highlight: Back: Black - Fore: Red ; Normal: Back: Black - Fore: Brown ; #2 ; Command: bcdw /hbcd/isolinux.bin /hbcd/linux initrd=/hbcd/boot.gz ; Menu Text: Hiren's Boot CD 13.2 ; Acc. Key: 2 ; Upper Left: Row: 90 Col: 200 ; Lower Right: Row: 90 Col: 420 ; Highlight: Back: Black - Fore: Red ; Normal: Back: Black - Fore: Brown ; #3 ; Command: bootinfotable;run pmag.bif ; Menu Text: Parted Magic 6 ; Acc. Key: 3 ; Upper Left: Row: 90 Col: 200 ; Lower Right: Row: 120 Col: 420 ; Highlight: Back: Black - Fore: Red ; Normal: Back: Black - Fore: Brown ; #4 ; Command: bootinfotable;run pw52.bif ; Menu Text: Partition Wizard 5.2 ; Acc. Key: 4 ; Upper Left: Row: 120 Col: 200 ; Lower Right: Row: 150 Col: 420 ; Highlight: Back: Black - Fore: Red ; Normal: Back: Black - Fore: Brown ; #5 ; Command: bootinfotable;run ripx.bif ; Menu Text: RipLinux 12 ; Acc. Key: 5 ; Upper Left: Row: 150 Col: 200 ; Lower Right: Row: 180 Col: 420 ; Highlight: Back: Black - Fore: Red ; Normal: Back: Black - Fore: Brown ; #6 ; Command: memdisk ubcd.img.gz ; Menu Text: UBCD 5.0.3 ; Acc. Key: 6 ; Upper Left: Row: 180 Col: 200 ; Lower Right: Row: 210 Col: 420 ; Highlight: Back: Black - Fore: Red ; Normal: Back: Black - Fore: Brown ; #7 ; Command: run menu1.ezb ; Menu Text: Back to Main Menu ; Acc. Key: 7 ; Upper Left: Row: 150 Col: 200 ; Lower Right: Row: 180 Col: 420 ; Highlight: Back: Black - Fore: Brown ; Normal: Back: Black - Fore: Red ; #8 ; Command: boot 80 ; Menu Text: Boot from HDD ; Acc. Key: 8 ; Upper Left: Row: 180 Col: 200 ; Lower Right: Row: 210 Col: 420 ; Highlight: Back: Black - Fore: Brown ; Normal: Back: Black - Fore: Red ; #9 ; Command: reboot ; Menu Text: Restart ; Acc. Key: 9 ; Upper Left: Row: 210 Col: 200 ; Lower Right: Row: 240 Col: 420 ; Highlight: Back: Black - Fore: Brown ; Normal: Back: Black - Fore: Red ; A picture of the values can be found < here >. sub42.ezb #1 ; Command: run act5.bif ; Menu Text: Active@ Boot Disk 5.1.3 ; Acc. Key: 1 ; Upper Left: Row: 30 Col: 300 ; Lower Right: Row: 60 Col: 520 ; Highlight: Back: Black - Fore: Red ; Normal: Back: Black - Fore: Brown ; #2 ; Command: bcdw /hbcd/isolinux.bin /hbcd/linux initrd=/hbcd/boot.gz ; Menu Text: Hiren's Boot CD 13.2 ; Acc. Key: 2 ; Upper Left: Row: 90 Col: 300 ; Lower Right: Row: 90 Col: 520 ; Highlight: Back: Black - Fore: Red ; Normal: Back: Black - Fore: Brown ; #3 ; Command: bootinfotable;run pmag.bif ; Menu Text: Parted Magic 6 ; Acc. Key: 3 ; Upper Left: Row: 90 Col: 300 ; Lower Right: Row: 120 Col: 520 ; Highlight: Back: Black - Fore: Red ; Normal: Back: Black - Fore: Brown ; #4 ; Command: bootinfotable;run pw52.bif ; Menu Text: Partition Wizard 5.2 ; Acc. Key: 4 ; Upper Left: Row: 120 Col: 300 ; Lower Right: Row: 150 Col: 520 ; Highlight: Back: Black - Fore: Red ; Normal: Back: Black - Fore: Brown ; #5 ; Command: bootinfotable;run ripx.bif ; Menu Text: RipLinux 12 ; Acc. Key: 5 ; Upper Left: Row: 150 Col: 300 ; Lower Right: Row: 180 Col: 520 ; Highlight: Back: Black - Fore: Red ; Normal: Back: Black - Fore: Brown ; #6 ; Command: memdisk ubcd.img.gz ; Menu Text: UBCD 5.0.3 ; Acc. Key: 6 ; Upper Left: Row: 180 Col: 300 ; Lower Right: Row: 210 Col: 520 ; Highlight: Back: Black - Fore: Red ; Normal: Back: Black - Fore: Brown ; #7 ; Command: run menu2.ezb ; Menu Text: Back to Main Menu ; Acc. Key: 7 ; Upper Left: Row: 150 Col: 300 ; Lower Right: Row: 180 Col: 520 ; Highlight: Back: Black - Fore: Brown ; Normal: Back: Black - Fore: Red ; #8 ; Command: boot 80 ; Menu Text: Boot from HDD ; Acc. Key: 8 ; Upper Left: Row: 180 Col: 300 ; Lower Right: Row: 210 Col: 520 ; Highlight: Back: Black - Fore: Brown ; Normal: Back: Black - Fore: Red ; #9 ; Command: reboot ; Menu Text: Restart ; Acc. Key: 9 ; Upper Left: Row: 210 Col: 300 ; Lower Right: Row: 240 Col: 520 ; Highlight: Back: Black - Fore: Brown ; Normal: Back: Black - Fore: Red ; A picture of the values can be found < here >. sub43.ezb #1 ; Command: run act5.bif ; Menu Text: Active@ Boot Disk 5.1.3 ; Acc. Key: 1 ; Upper Left: Row: 30 Col: 400 ; Lower Right: Row: 60 Col: 620 ; Highlight: Back: Black - Fore: Red ; Normal: Back: Black - Fore: Brown ; #2 ; Command: bcdw /hbcd/isolinux.bin /hbcd/linux initrd=/hbcd/boot.gz ; Menu Text: Hiren's Boot CD 13.2 ; Acc. Key: 2 ; Upper Left: Row: 90 Col: 400 ; Lower Right: Row: 90 Col: 620 ; Highlight: Back: Black - Fore: Red ; Normal: Back: Black - Fore: Brown ; #3 ; Command: bootinfotable;run pmag.bif ; Menu Text: Parted Magic 6 ; Acc. Key: 3 ; Upper Left: Row: 90 Col: 400 ; Lower Right: Row: 120 Col: 620 ; Highlight: Back: Black - Fore: Red ; Normal: Back: Black - Fore: Brown ; #4 ; Command: bootinfotable;run pw52.bif ; Menu Text: Partition Wizard 5.2 ; Acc. Key: 4 ; Upper Left: Row: 120 Col: 400 ; Lower Right: Row: 150 Col: 620 ; Highlight: Back: Black - Fore: Red ; Normal: Back: Black - Fore: Brown ; #5 ; Command: bootinfotable;run ripx.bif ; Menu Text: RipLinux 12 ; Acc. Key: 5 ; Upper Left: Row: 150 Col: 400 ; Lower Right: Row: 180 Col: 620 ; Highlight: Back: Black - Fore: Red ; Normal: Back: Black - Fore: Brown ; #6 ; Command: memdisk ubcd.img.gz ; Menu Text: UBCD 5.0.3 ; Acc. Key: 6 ; Upper Left: Row: 180 Col: 400 ; Lower Right: Row: 210 Col: 620 ; Highlight: Back: Black - Fore: Red ; Normal: Back: Black - Fore: Brown ; #7 ; Command: run menu3.ezb ; Menu Text: Back to Main Menu ; Acc. Key: 7 ; Upper Left: Row: 150 Col: 400 ; Lower Right: Row: 180 Col: 620 ; Highlight: Back: Black - Fore: Brown ; Normal: Back: Black - Fore: Red ; #8 ; Command: boot 80 ; Menu Text: Boot from HDD ; Acc. Key: 8 ; Upper Left: Row: 180 Col: 400 ; Lower Right: Row: 210 Col: 620 ; Highlight: Back: Black - Fore: Brown ; Normal: Back: Black - Fore: Red ; #9 ; Command: reboot ; Menu Text: Restart ; Acc. Key: 9 ; Upper Left: Row: 210 Col: 400 ; Lower Right: Row: 240 Col: 620 ; Highlight: Back: Black - Fore: Brown ; Normal: Back: Black - Fore: Red ; A picture of the values can be found < here >. Part 3: Creating the ISO file and testing it with Virtual Box a) Click on Easyboot File tab and click on Make ISO. b) The default values should be OK if you worked with the default folders. CD File Dir: C:\EasyBoot\disk1 Boot Image: C:\EasyBoot\disk1\ezboot\loader.bin Options: Check only "Joliet" Click "Make"! ![]() c) After the process has finished you will have mycd.iso here: C:\EasyBoot\iso\ and it is time to test it before burning to DVD. Mount your .iso file with Daemon tools, UltraISO or any other similar tool to a virtual drive. If you don't know how to do this, you should search for video tutorials on youtube, here are some examples: < Daemon Tools > < UltraISO > d) If you already haven't installed VitualBox (download < here >) then it's the perfect time to do it. Launch VirtualBox and click on "New". Make a Virtual Machine that fits your needs or follow my guide < here >. Start the Virtual Machine by selecting the machine and clicking on Start. The First Run Wizard will appear. Click Next, select the drive where you mounted the .iso file, click next. Now click finish and your .iso file/easyboot project should successfully boot and you can test it. If everything works you can now burn your .iso file with Nero, ImgBurn, UltraISO or any other tool which can handle .iso files. If you don't know how to do this check out tutorials on youtube, examples: < ImgBurn > < Nero Express > NOTE: The final .iso files should be burnt at a slow burning rate, 2x or 4x, not faster! That's it!!! The only 2 things left to do is the FAQ and Final Notes! Posted by AltairAC on May 09 2011,20:00
![]() Do I need a Multiboot DVD? This depends on the problems you encounter in your daily computer live. One CD with a Live Distro may be enough to fit your needs when it comes to backup/save data or other actions but EasyBoot is a very powerful and easy to use tool and you may encounter a situation where a Live Distro can't help. I had a case where Win7 didn't want to boot but the problem was that all my Windows XP CD's and Ubuntu CD's wouldn't boot either and I thought everything was lost but I got it to work with a customized Windows XP SP2 and after installing it and cleaning the PC with A/V software everything worked fine. It took me hours to get it to work and now imagine to have a Rescue Multiboot DVD for such cases. It could contain Kaspersky Rescue Disk, Avira Resuce Disk a few Distro's and other useful tools which may save you hours and hours of work. Or in the case you have a big collection of Operating Systems. Wouldn't it be easier to carry 1-3 DVD's with you than 10-20 CD's? Of course these days, the use of DVD's is decreasing as External HDD's become cheaper and you maybe found some tutorials to add any kind of installation to USB flash drives but it usually involves formatting the whole USB flash drive for just one OS. With EasyBoot and balder's scripts you could integrate a bunch of systems you need on one flash drive, so instead of carrying CD's/DVD's/multiple USB sticks you can put it all on one small flash drive. I found a error in this tutorial, what should I do? Send me a private message or post a reply containing information about the error you found. Don't open a new topic if the error is related to this tutorial, post a reply here! I need help with integrating some other Operating Systems, what should I do? Make a new topic with as much details as you can! Post all the options you checked when creating the .iso file, add screenshots, simply anything you think could help other user's to identify and finally solve your problem. Why did you create a 640x480 menu with low details (256 Color(8bits)) and the other two menus in higher color details (64K Color(16bits)) ? Some systems may not be compatible with 64K Color(16bits) and because of that I think it is the best decision to make the boot logo, start menu and one main menu in 640x480 resolution and Screen Mode: 256 Color(8bits). The other 2 menu's are for the most cases where you shouldn't have any trouble booting into the menu's and 64K Screen Mode looks far more better on a 1024x768 resolution than the 256 Screen Mode. NOTE: A little tip, always and I mean always make sure you use the correct spelling in your commands and adjustments. Uppercase and Lowercase is very important when you arrange your files and folders so keep that in mind! Is it possible to create a EasyBoot .iso file with UltraISO? Yes, here is how: a) Open UltraISO b) Click on File > New > Bootable CD/DVD Image... c) You will be prompted to load a boot file. Choose "loader.bin". The file is located here: C:\EasyBoot\disk1\ezboot\ . "Select loader.bin" and click Open. d) Now click Actions > Add files... and add all the files in the C:\EasyBoot\disk1\ folder. Don't add the disk1 folder, add everything what is inside the disk1 folder! e) Click on File > Options. There you will find various options and values to add so you can adjust everything like in EasyBoot but UltraISO takes it few steps further and offers way more options than EasyBoot ISO maker f) When you're done editing options, click OK then File > Save As... and save your .iso file where you want. The data processing will start and when it's done you can test you .iso file in VirtualBox or burn it to DVD. Bonus Downloads: < Boot Disks Collection > < DAT & IMA files, BOOT folders > < EasyBoot images >: The images I used for my projects and a few more. Preview < here >. < Mission Impossible USB >: Tools and a detailed guide to create a massive USB multiboot project. ![]() I think I pretty much covered everything. As I mentioned in the first post, this tutorial was created to help new users to get started because I lost 2 weeks in browsing through the forum (~60 pages) to get the info I actually need. I think that there is no need for new users go to through the same process as I did so I decided to create this EasyBoot tutorial. EasyBoot is a very easy to use app but the main documentation lacks a bit in information if you ask me and I hope this guide will make everything clear to new users. I tried to explain everything in a detailed way and I hope anybody will be able to understand what I tried to say. I know it's not perfect and if you find any error's or would like to add something feel free to contact me or post a reply here and that's it. Enjoy! NOTE: Special thanks goes to balder for his awesome scripts and support. Posted by balder on May 09 2011,23:40
@AltairACThank you @AltairAC for your awesome tutorial ![]() You have recently participated (Registration Date: Apr. 10 2011 ) to this forum, and here already showed your capacity, devotion and skills, which is highly appreciated ![]() I decided to at once pin this excellent topic of yours ![]() Again thank you ![]() Regards balder Posted by AltairAC on May 10 2011,09:54
(balder @ May 10 2011,04:40) QUOTE @AltairAC Thank you @AltairAC for your awesome tutorial ![]() You have recently participated (Registration Date: Apr. 10 2011 ) to this forum, and here already showed your capacity, devotion and skills, which is highly appreciated ![]() I decided to at once pin this excellent topic of yours ![]() Again thank you ![]() Regards balder Thank you for your feedback and for pinning my tutorial! I just hope I explained everything well and understandable. Posted by gallomk on Dec. 28 2011,23:50
I have a problem with ubuntu 11.10, no boot.the error I get is this: ![]() follow the steps for Ubuntu 10.04 any solution?? Thanks for the tutorial. Posted by balder on Dec. 29 2011,07:36
@ gallomkQuote: "I have a problem with ubuntu 11.10, no boot" Test this: I downloaded desktop version of UBUNTU-11 from < HERE > ![]() Put ISO directly in folder 'disk1' and rename ISO to exactly UBUNTU11.ISO (you MUST use BIG LETTERS to name) Download my customized 'kicker-image" from < HERE > Put downloaded floppy image 'ubuntu11.img' in folder 'ezboot' ![]() In EasyBoot use menu command: run ubuntu11.img Attention! Check 'Joliet' when creating ISO in EasyBoot ![]() regards balder Posted by gallomk on Dec. 29 2011,18:25
very grateful for your help!follow the steps as already added details and ubuntu. Happy new year!! Posted by gallomk on Jan. 28 2012,19:56
All the downloads are for < >could upload to another server. thank you very much! Posted by vago on May 14 2012,02:46
(AltairAC @ May 10 2011,00:56) QUOTE ![]() Since I have finished my projects it is time to release all the notes I gathered. The easyboot manual is not very informative when it comes to make mixed multiboot DVD's so I decided to go through all the 59 pages and gather all the "specific situation" tutorials and other useful information which should make your multiboot live easier. First you should download this: CODE What does it contain? The < Main folder > contains everything you need to get started with Easyboot, from basics to advanced examples of multiboot projects. The balder folder contains updates scripts from our advanced user balder which will allow you to integrate Live Systems, Distro's, Hiren's Boot CD and other stuff with just a few clicks. The Graphics folder contains few tutorials for making your boot menu's look nicer, a pack of nice backgrounds, a tutorial to create a GFX menu and a video tutorial about how to create a compatible background for easyboot in photoshop. The < Tools and other > folder contains files which you will need in specific cases to integrate specific OS'es (when you read the tutorials in the main folder and you see that it describes to downlaod and use a file, check out the Tools and other folder and the needed file can be found there), various applications to launch your multiboot projects from USB and tools like the HEX editor XVI32, Aero Studio and many other useful stuff. Other tools you need which are not included in this archive: - Easyboot of course - UltraISO (prefered) or other similar tools which can extract boot information and open .iso and .img files - Photoshop or other similar tools if you wish to add custom graphics for your boot menus. I prefer < PhotoFiltre Studio > or you can use < GIMP >, it's up to you. - VirtualBox - one of the most important tools, you will use it to create a virtual machine and test your easyboot projects and it is freeware! Download it < here >. You may also use VMware Work station or Virtual PC. - Notepad++ - although the notepad you get with windows is actually enough to edit the files which need some changes, notepad++ provides additional features like automatic search through a folder and makes it possible to change all occurrence's of a specific line of text with something different with ease, this app is a must have! Download it < here >. Other tools which are optional (depending on your preferences): - < Daemon tools > - used to create virtual drives and mounting .iso and other image files (UltraISO does this too, so if you have UltraISO, you don't need this tool) - < MobaLiveCD > - this would be something like a light version of an virtual machine emulator, basically, if you don't want VirtualBox, this tool should do the trick - < WinISO > - if you don't like UltraISO, try WinISO A good place to find your menu graphics is < wallbase > and for all your distro needs you should visit < Distrowatch >, there you will find different distro's for different purposes and with valid download links. And now let's get started with easyboot. The Basics To understand how easyboot works you will need to read the easyboot manual provided by the author of this software. You can view it by clicking on the Help button and then click on Contents (Easyboot File tab) or open the copy provided in my tutorial collection, the file name is EasyBoot.chm. After you read the manual and get the idea of how it works you can proceed to the next step. That means creating your first multiboot project. You should start with integrating multiple XP systems. You don't have to keep it or burn it, it just serves for testing and training purposes which will help you to better understand how easyboot works. So you should start with the following tutorials which can be found in my tutorial collection folder: 1. INSTRUCTIONS.txt 2. Configuring Multiple Operating Systems With EasyBoot.txt 1. The first .txt file will teach you how to integrate just one Windows XP live system in easyboot. 2. The second .txt file takes it not one but few steps further and shows you not one but few methods to integrate Windows XP, Windows 2000 and Server 2003 in easyboot and as a bonus you will find how to integrate Acronis products and Norton Ghost. NOTE: Some tutorials may not work with current versions of software since the tutorials deal with various software ranging from software more than 5 years old to tutorials for software from the current year so if some of the tutorials don't work, it doesn't mean that you are doing something wrong so be always sure to ask in the forums before you give up and always provide as much information as possible when you ask a question in the forums. The next thing you should do is to review the files which contain "ADD - ..." and "MULTIBOOT - ..." in their file names. The files which contain "ADD - ..." are just for a specific software or software version and in many cases they contain more than one method about how to integrate the software in easyboot so if one method doesn't work for you, you can try another one. The files containing "MULTIBOOT - ..." in their file names represent specific cases of multiboot projects. For example you have: MULTIBOOT - WinXP + Win7.txt and MULTIBOOT - WinXP Pro + LiveXP.txt The first one will show you how to integrate Windows XP and Windows 7 in one multiboot project. The second one will show you how to integrate Windows XP and a "Live" version of Windows XP but in this case you are able to combine them so you can use the first tutorial to integrate Windows XP and Windows 7 and one part of the second tutorial to integrate a "Live" version of Windows XP so that you have Windows XP, Windows 7 and Windows XP Live in one multiboot project (of course if the final size of the project fits your needs). So in many cases you can combine those tutorials but in some cases you can't because the files of one OS will interfere with the files of another OS and you will receive error's when trying to boot your systems. In one case you will maybe succeed to create a multiboot project containing 10+ OS'es and applications without problems and everything will work but on the other hand they can be cases where even 2 or 3 OS'es/Applications just can't "live" with each other and you will receive error's when trying to launch them so again be sure to ask in the forums in those cases. Two more things left to say about the Basic stuff. First, the "EAZYBOOT GUIDE TO LINUX 4 NEWBIES". This guide will show you in a detailed way on how to deal with GNU/Linux Distro's and after you read it (maybe a few times to be sure) you should be able to integrate as much Distro's as you want (well, almost, there are always limits, the final size of the project and the interference of similar files because most Distro's are based on some other Distro). You can read the guide < here > or find it in my tutorial collection, the name of the file is "Easyboot Linux guide.txt". Second, balder's script collection. This is a very useful script collection and it will make your life much easier so be sure to familiarize yourself with it. You will find it in the root folder of my tutorial collection. The folder name is "balder". Open it and read the READ_ME.html and you should be good to go but make sure to test it by yourself and this script collection can do many things but it can't integrate everything so don't forget to read the various tutorials I included! NOTE: I packed all these manual's and guides in .txt files since it is easier to handle with plain text but if you find it difficult to read, you can always open a manual/tutorial, press "ctrl + a" (without "+") and paste the text in your favorite word processor (Microsoft Word, Open Office, etc.). Now I will show you 4 examples/projects I have done by myself so you can get an idea how easyboot works in action. < EasyBoot - Project 1 > < EasyBoot - Project 2 > < EasyBoot - Project 3 > < EasyBoot - Project 4 > Hi! The Megauploadot closed, if you upload elsewhere. I would like to download, please send me the link! Thank you in advance. Vago ![]() Posted by kiln2914 on May 14 2012,15:29
sorry but this link is not open in Pakistan< > Please replace it thanks in advance Posted by AltairAC on May 29 2012,19:45
Just to let you know, I haven't forgotten about this but I just hadn't enough time in the last few months to play with easyboot. If everything goes like planned, everything will be updated within 1-2 months... Posted by anandrocks on Jun. 29 2012,04:53
Hi AltairAC i am really very impresssed by your work with this outstanding manual ![]() I am trying to make two DVDs mostly they are:- Disc 1: 1) Windows XP Professional SP2 2) Windows 7 Ultimate 3) Ubuntu11.10 4) Mandriva InstantOn Disc 2: 1) Easeus Todo Backup 3.5 Winpe (I Would be greatfull if you can supply the Easeus Todo Backup 3.5 linux free version tutorial also) 2) Kaspersky Rescue Disc 10 3) MiniTool Partition Wizard 4) Opcrack Vistas 5) Proteus 1.1 (This is a new one so if you dont have it please give the tutorial of slax since they are nearly the same type) 6) Windows 7 32-bit Recovery Disc 7) Wondershare Liveboot 2012 If possible can you also give the tutorial for Win 7 live DVD Tutorial I am greatfull for your this manual only as it has taught me a lot espicially the 64-bit complication which i could not find anywhere and in any site. THANKS IN ADVANCE ![]() Incase of any queries my email ID is : Posted by numpha0 on Aug. 10 2012,09:17
Hi I tried to download this file but the site is not opening it says FBI RESTICTION MESSAGE APPEARSI NEED THIS FILE SO PLEASE PROVIDE THE ALTERNATE LINK THANK YOU IN ADVANCE... < > Posted by TAREKAMIN on Aug. 10 2012,20:16
Dear AltairACmegauplaupload closed down Please upload your folder in other site Thanks Posted by numpha0 on Aug. 16 2012,08:13
Hi!If AltairAC is not free and busy in creating new staff then any other member who have downloaded the file from megaupload previously, can do the favour by uploading it again in some other site and post the valid link... on behalf of AltairAC... Apart from this Yesterday I was looking for this on internet and I found one interesting software Called Xboot. This is an wonderful software for making Multi Boot DVD but not as good as Easyboot, But good in a means of creating multiboot DVD because it is user friendly...i.e. it is very easy in compare to Easyboot. The only this I want from the expert's of this forum is that how can I include this one single Multiboot DVD iso into Easy Boot. In short I want to include this single ISO file into easy boot. so I want that how can I run this iso file in easy boot. So I request the experts of this forum to help me to run this file in Easy Boot. I want the step by step tutorial that how can i include this iso file in easy boot.. Sample iso link created by xboot is attached with this comment < > Thanks to all the member who will be helping me to run this single iso through easy boot software.... Thanks Posted by bee4u on Sep. 04 2012,21:17 is the most wanted AltairAC Tutorial collection is dead for ever....! i have uploaded it and is 174 mb in size... ![]() ![]() download it and share it....(@ balder you can save it can be uploaded again for this forum if link is down)... ![]() < AltairAC Tutorial > AltairAC Tutorial collection...Uploaded by Bee4u....Enjoy.. ![]() ![]() Posted by Nirliq on Sep. 04 2012,22:32
Awesome, thank you for the upload and link. Very much appreciated and I will put it to good use learning the in and outs of EasyBoot. Posted by bee4u on Sep. 04 2012,22:45
Posted by balder on Sep. 05 2012,10:42
@bee4uThank you for providing us with this download - excellent done ![]() ---------------------------------------------------------- To users of @AltairAC [EasyBoot - The "missing" manual] Please replace folder 'balder' with latest updated scripts ![]() There has been some vital modifications to fully support EasyBoot_v6.5.2.695 ![]() Download folder balder below ![]() balder Posted by bee4u on Sep. 05 2012,12:27
@ balder u welcome problem..THX
Posted by jordan4x on Jan. 30 2013,05:29
i am new to this forum, but i used easyboot successfuly to integrate Win 98se and XP for yars ago!but now, i want to integrate 4 versions of XP sp3 + Hiren's bootcd in ONE DVD! i followed the tutorial above litterally but nothing works exept hiren's bootcd! all my XPs shows in virtualbox the message "CANNOT CONTINUE. NTLDR NOT FOUND" can you help me PLEASE!!!! Posted by balder on Jan. 30 2013,09:24
@jordan4xWelcome to EAsyBoot @jordan4x ![]() Quote: "now, i want to integrate 4 versions of XP sp3 + Hiren's bootcd in ONE DVD!" Yes this is a challenge - but most likely possible ![]() It was years ago I did this to my WinXP source(s) - and to achieve this in an easier way, I constructed a script that do it automatically ![]() Download my script collection (you have download below in every post I write in this forum) Extract folder 'balder' to the root (C:) Open folder 'balder' and double-click to 'READ_ME.html' to get basic instructions how to use scripts. Note: there is also a link in READ_ME.html with a flash movie that clearly shows how to active scripts etcetera When done with reading instructions, test this: Use 'easyboot-AIO.script' to integrate your different versions of WinXP. Make sure you don't use spaces in name to folder where your different WinXP-sources is placed. You cannot use folder names like My WinXP Instead use names like this: My_WinXP to folder name where source(s) of your different WinXP is put. Then simply change name in text-box 'Set new name to folder i386' in script, using 4 letters or numbers. Push start-button and enjoy Note: script is equipped with option to use Unattended file (winnt.sif) - including use your personally designed winnt.sif-file However, there might be problem if you have used nLight to the source of WinXP. But you can always test one nLighted source to see if it works alright ![]() Anyway, if it works, you are recommended to not tick 'Optimize' when creating ISO in EasyBoot (shouldn't be needed as you use a large DVD) On the other hand - why not also test ticking 'Optimize' which heavily reduce the final ISO-build. Attention! You must tick 'Joliet' as 'Parted Magic' (Linux based) is used in Hiren's later releases. Final note: Script has also a manually section where those that are skilled can do it 'manually' But the script doesn't fail ![]() Hopefully script can be to some help balder Posted by jordan4x on Jan. 30 2013,14:27
Thank you for responding so quickly!!!!I did exactly what you said about : Folders with no spaces, Joliet, etc... But i build this compil manually. I have downloaded your scripts yesterday but didn't use it except for integrating Hiren's BootCD! Now, i will restart from scratch and use 'easyboot-AIO.script' ! By the way, what means "Disconnect Unattended Installation"? THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!!!! Posted by balder on Jan. 30 2013,15:12
@jordan4xQuote: "what means "Disconnect Unattended Installation" - This is only a option ![]() Anyway... It means NOT using unattended installation - which force you to manually answer all questions you get from the setup during installation ![]() Personally I prefer to use unattended (winnt.sif) ![]() But as told - nLight could be a trouble-maker ![]() Give script a chance and see if it can handle the situation ![]() regards balder Posted by jordan4x on Jan. 31 2013,20:20
Finally, i did it manually!4 versions of xp integrated. Hiren's boot cd integrated. Added 150000 Drivers DVD. Added some other stuff... TWO things left: 1/ i added restart command but didn't works. 2/ When i ran miniXP in Hiren's bootcd it said "Not enough memory". Is it because i gave only 128MB to VirtualPC or what? Can you please help me with that final touch? THANK YOU!!! N.B: i forgot to say that it worked cause i renamed all the commands "run XPEN.bif" by "run XPEN.bin" like i did years ago! Posted by balder on Feb. 01 2013,00:27
@jordan4xQuote: "Is it because i gave only 128MB to VirtualPC or what" Yes, you are on the right track there ![]() Hiren miniXP is run from RAM and VirtualPC need at least 250 MB assigned RAM (recommended is 500 MB) Later when and if you integrate a NT6-PE (typically MsDART60 or similar based on Vista\Win7 etcetera) you must at least use 500 MB RAM in virtualPC (recommended is 1000 MB) Note: if you are using the 'whole' hiren there is no point trying integrate hiren MiniXP as it is a part of Hiren concept ![]() Attention! The script 'easyboot-hiren_v14*' is only compatible up to Hiren_v15.1 (hiren_v15.2 fails regarding MiniXP and I haven't been able to find out what causing this problem) Quote: "added restart command but didn't works" Did you use reboot as menu command? You only need to write reboot as menu command and nothing else ![]() And Shutdown is used as it is - write shutdown as menu command! Nice you made it the 'manually way' - I like challengers ![]() Every time I manage to overcome such issues I step out to the sun and notice it shines even brighter Only problem is that it is snowing this time of the year - nothing is perfect ![]() Final note: please download and replace folder 'balder' as I yesterday refreshed help-file and folder 'USB_Resources' Simply delete existing folder 'balder' and replace with downloaded folder 'balder' regards balder Posted by Samir Ray on Mar. 23 2013,15:03
< >as megaupload is no more, could any one plz upload the files again... ![]() ![]() Posted by balder on Mar. 24 2013,04:10
@Samir RayQuote: "as megaupload is no more, could any one plz upload the files again" Thank you for reminding me about this problem ![]() I created a new download link from my own server (including edited original download) ![]() Link is also < HERE > regards balder Posted by farzanmicrosoft on Mar. 26 2013,09:04
HiI have problem with some win xp sp3 ! when i use my iso in vm or virtualbox i get this error !!! < > < > and plz explain how i should use hex editor in this picture ? the post is = 5. Adding Windows XP SP2 x64 by AltairAC < > thx every one Posted by balder on Mar. 26 2013,09:41
@farzanmicrosoftQuote: "I have problem with some win xp sp3 ! when i use my iso in vm or virtualbox i get this error" Important basic question! Is this source of WinXP by any chance modified using nLight? Please, use an original 'clean' source of setup-files to make sure it works at all ![]() ---------------------------------------- Quote: "plz explain how i should use hex editor in this picture" Well it is a kind of struggle for me to explain how to use hex editor - I'm sorry, this is hardly my 'task' ![]() Instead I recommend you to use my script 'easyboot-aio.script and use the 'Manually Section' and push to the button 'Manually patch setupldr.bin' Note: script automatically ask for the location of setupldr.bin and in that moment you double-click to setupldr.bin, it is automatically patched Attention! Make sure to not have spaces in path to file (make an copy setupldr.bin and put file on the root C: and patch/hex edit that file) ![]() When setupldr.bin has been patched, you can go ahead and do the rest of hex edit procedure manually, as it please you ![]() balder Posted by Zuzuitu on Nov. 27 2013,15:02
(balder @ Mar. 24 2013,09:10) QUOTE @Samir Ray Quote: "as megaupload is no more, could any one plz upload the files again" Thank you for reminding me about this problem ![]() I created a new download link from my own server (including edited original download) ![]() Link is also < HERE > regards balder It's dead even this one, please re-up again, use to upload it to several servers, thanks! Posted by balder on Nov. 27 2013,16:51
@ZuzuituQuote: "It's dead even this one, please re-up again, use to upload it to several servers, thanks!" Created download from my mediafire account - download < HERE > regards balder Posted by Zuzuitu on Nov. 28 2013,12:01
@balderQUOTE File Blocked for Violation. The file you requested has been blocked for a violation of our Terms of Service. Still have questions, or think we've made a mistake? Please contact support for further assistance. ![]() Posted by balder on Nov. 28 2013,12:14
@ZuzuituQuote: "File Blocked for Violation" It seems I can only have files less than 100MB in size on that server ![]() I'll make a split of the 178MB large zip-file ![]() Takes half an our to load up... ![]() regards balder Posted by Zuzuitu on Nov. 28 2013,14:44
Waiting, thanks for your time, cheers!
Posted by balder on Nov. 28 2013,15:02
@ZuzuituI created a download < HERE > ![]() regards balder Posted by Zuzuitu on Nov. 28 2013,17:11
Works like a charm, thanks a bunch. I will try to upload it also for other users. Have a nice day!
Posted by muhammad15 on Dec. 12 2013,06:37
(balder @ Nov. 28 2013,20:02) QUOTE @Zuzuitu I temporarily created a download that will last for 7 days ![]() Download part_1 < > Tutorial.7z.001 Download part_2 < > Tutorial.7z.002 Hopefully it works this time ![]() regards balder is this video tutorial or same as on 1st page...... if video tutorial then plz update the links??? Posted by balder on Dec. 12 2013,07:34
@muhammad15Quote: "is this video tutorial or same as on 1st page......" Yes it is the same tutorial... In fact, download is the tutorial ('main folder') created by the eminent @AltairAC ![]() Sorry to say that @AltairAC has not been active lately on this forum ![]() Let us hope @AltairAC can 'waist some time' on this forum later on ![]() regards balder Posted by muhammad15 on Dec. 13 2013,15:32
balder do u have that tutorial... i want that tutorial... can any 1 update the links... all links r dead now......
Posted by balder on Dec. 14 2013,04:59
@muhammad15Quote: "all links r dead now" I have fixed download to the tutorial - also < HERE > ![]() regards balder Posted by muhammad15 on Dec. 14 2013,05:12
thank you balder.... u r very precious member of this forum...dont ever leave us... keep it up buddy ![]() |