Forum: EasyBoot Topic: Boot ISO images with easyboot started by: Hilloki Posted by Hilloki on Jan. 05 2004,20:16
How can i boot up iso images using easyboot, can someone please help me ,thank you.
Posted by martinx on Jan. 05 2004,22:33
EasyBoot does not support booting ISO image directly, you can do it this way:1) Open the ISO image by UltraISO - Press F4 to extract all files and folders to c:\easyboot\disk1 - Choose 'Bootable'->'Save boot file' to extract boot image from the ISO, save it as 'c:\easyboot\disk1\ezboot\xxx.bif' 2) Use 'run xxx.bif' as command to load it. Note 1: For ISOLINUX-based systems (including Acronis products), please use 'bootinfotable;run xxx.bif' to avoid checksum errors. Note 2: If the boot file (.BIF) is large than 2.88MB, please refer to < THIS TOPIC >. Posted by Hilloki on Jan. 05 2004,23:51
k , thanks alot.
Posted by fvklaver44 on Jan. 07 2004,05:09
Hello,I understand that at this moment, EasyBoot cannot boot an packed ISO-image. All the files need to be unpacked into the folder 'c:\easyboot\disk1' But if one would have 4 or 5 not too big CD's, which are booting individualy, and all the files would have to be extracted into 'c:\easyboot\disk1', this would make it rather complicated to keep organized. Booting from an ISO-imagefile, with the correct xxx.bif would be a great help. Thnks Fred Posted by Dan Me on Jan. 07 2004,19:11
let's have a number of small bootable it possible to make a single menu boot cd to select which of the above cd to boot? Posted by slipknotfiend569 on Jan. 10 2004,22:25
yea create a(n) bootable image file such as a bin,img,ima,etc... and place it in your ezboot directory and use the run xxx.zzz command to do it thats what im doing ![]() Posted by Oxtie on Jan. 11 2004,15:27
I do not see complications in this one... how many bootable Data can a cd hold? not more then 20 Images (Bin,Img,Ima,Bif) so, whats so complex? Its basically a boot Manager! It makes it easy in all ways still you guys find it hard ![]() ![]() Posted by slipknotfiend569 on Jan. 25 2004,00:09
ive tried this method with two cds ive extracted the bif with ultra iso and extracted the iso to my disk1 dir and to my ezboot dir and also put the bif in the ezboot directory. for one cd b4 easyboot even makes the iso it says "uh oh i can find the folder boot.catalog" when its not a dir but a file. the other one it makes the iso fine but when i boot to it and go to the menu option for it it says "file not found. press any key to continue...." any help here?
Posted by slipknotfiend569 on Jan. 28 2004,20:16
no help here?? i really want to add ERD Commander 2002 to my cd ![]() Posted by xoben on Jan. 29 2004,08:45
ERD Commander 2002 works like Windows 2000/XP. Please see similar topics in this forum. Posted by slipknotfiend569 on Jan. 29 2004,17:31
could someone please explain this to me? i tried it myself and edited the "xp cd setup" thing to correspond to ERD Commander and this is what i came up with:(note my disk1 directory is called nt and the wxp1 directory is ERD2 i changed all the references from i386 to ERD2 and i go to boot it and it says ntldr not found and VMwares Virtual pc gives me an error about the mbr. also where is this bin file in step number 8 is that supposed to be .bif not .bin? ) 1) Under c:\EasyBoot\nt create a subdirectory called ERD2 2) Copy the contents of your ERD CD to the ERD2 directory. 3) Copy the files from the root of your ERD CD to the c:\EasyBoot\nt directory. 4) Use a tool such as UltaISO to save the bootsector from your CD to the c:\Easyboot\nt\ezboot directory. 5) Copy the boot files from the i386 directory to the ERD2 directory. 6) Edit the file setupldr.bin in the ERD2 directory. Change all references of i386 to ERD2. 7) Edit the file txtsetup.sif in the ERD2 directory and change the value for SetupSourcePath from \ to \ERD2. 8) When making your boot menu in EasyBoot use run erd2.bin to run ERD Commander 2002. whats wrong here or is everything right?? Posted by New Guy on Aug. 27 2004,22:47
OK so I followed your instructions in here. I made several Acronis boot CDs, including " Disk Director 9, Migrate Easy, True Image Server 8, Disk Director, Drive Cleaner, Recovery Expert" , the CD booted but once a selection was made it said failed to load Acronis. What did I do wrong, I pulled boot images using UltraISO to bif format. Please help and I will email an ISO of the working CD to you.???
Posted by pivert on Jan. 28 2006,07:25
But what if the several ISOs I want to start with bootinfotable;run bootxxx.bif contain same folder namesexample ISO one has a folder TOOLS and ISO 2 as well ( and of course other files.folders not sharing same name) Extracting bootinfo is no problem. BUT putting the ISOs contents into Disk1 YES because same folder names or files : one of the ISO will overwrite the other. I have looked with a hex editor in the bif files and find nowhere refernce to folder names, so seems I cannot apply replace function of EZB to replace foldername with an alternative one ( such as for Windows installs and the i386 folders) How then ? The ISOs are about 10-30Mb big. ![]() Posted by an0nimen on Mar. 23 2006,06:47
Same problem and same question how to fix .bif file to load a boot image from a subdir? Or if that is not posible what would be a posible sulution to the problem? Posted by Guest on Jun. 14 2006,12:09
![]() Posted by madaya on Jun. 17 2006,05:16
[quote=slipknotfiend569,Jan. 11 2004,03:25][/quote]QUOTE yea create a(n) bootable image file such as a bin,img,ima,etc... and place it in your ezboot directory and use the run xxx.zzz command to do it thats what im doing ![]() Can any one explain me how to create a bootable image file such as a bin,img,ima,etc... I am a biginner Posted by darksimoon on Nov. 12 2006,10:45
hello friendsi have tried many time to extract the contents of the iso of disk director suite from acronis, i couldnt manage it somehow ![]() pls help me !! Posted by sufiyan on Feb. 22 2007,10:22
(Guest @ Mar. 23 2006,11:47) QUOTE (--pivert @ Jan. 28 2006,12:25) QUOTE But what if the several ISOs I want to start with bootinfotable;run bootxxx.bif contain same folder names example ISO one has a folder TOOLS and ISO 2 as well ( and of course other files.folders not sharing same name) Extracting bootinfo is no problem. BUT putting the ISOs contents into Disk1 YES because same folder names or files : one of the ISO will overwrite the other. I have looked with a hex editor in the bif files and find nowhere refernce to folder names, so seems I cannot apply replace function of EZB to replace foldername with an alternative one ( such as for Windows installs and the i386 folders) How then ? The ISOs are about 10-30Mb big. ![]() Same problem and same question how to fix .bif file to load a boot image from a subdir? Or if that is not posible what would be a posible sulution to the problem? ,b Posted by Inzomniac2 on Apr. 11 2007,11:02
bit of a newbie question I know, but could some1 plz tell me how i convert,for example, the XP installation files and folders into an image file in the first place? somebody told me that i could use nero to create a bootable cd/dvd, but is it simply a matter of dragging and dropping the files/folders, or do I need to convert them first into an image file, and then drag/drop the image file into nero to make it bootable? Thanks in advance for any help.
Posted by sir-sentove on Apr. 12 2007,08:09
Hello,what about the workaround, booting isolinux images? i was getting the following error: "could not find kernel image: linux" =( Posted by imranijaz on Apr. 17 2007,03:21
Hello,I am using easyboot from a long time. i have also used bcdw command for linux boot immage and hiren bootcd. Now i am using reatogo windows Xpe . < > it creates ISO immage. it works fine when it is burned on cd or thoruogh microsoft virtual machine. but i want to add this iso immage in my easy boot. i add this iso file in easy boot with bcdw command. But it fails displaying message could not find lNTLDR. then i extract boot file xpe.bif and usr run command for this bif file along with iso. Same message. then i extract complete iso immage. add *.bif option in easy boot but same problem. i also tried bartpe instructions mentioned in forum. but this iso does not have setupldr.bin. what should i do? Posted by imranijaz on Apr. 17 2007,03:22
Hello,I am using easyboot from a long time. i have also used bcdw command for linux boot immage and hiren bootcd. Now i am using reatogo windows Xpe . < > it creates ISO immage. it works fine when it is burned on cd or thoruogh microsoft virtual machine. but i want to add this iso immage in my easy boot. i add this iso file in easy boot with bcdw command. But it fails displaying message could not find lNTLDR. then i extract boot file xpe.bif and usr run command for this bif file along with iso. Same message. then i extract complete iso immage. add *.bif option in easy boot but same problem. i also tried bartpe instructions mentioned in forum. but this iso does not have setupldr.bin. what should i do? Posted by kallstrom_74 on Mar. 19 2008,17:36
any news how to boot os (windows) iso images? can it be done?
Posted by Bartju93 on Jun. 19 2008,06:48
I want to add a opensuse live cd 10.3 to my easyboot dvd. I have created a bif file and I have copied the extracted iso into the EZBOOT directory. I use the command bootinfotable;run suse.bif . I've created the iso and booted it up with Virtual PC 2007. I get the following error:![]() Can somebody help me? I also want to add BartPE. EDIT: The suse iso has not got the ISOLINUX map. the files ISOLINUX.bin an .cfg are in another map, namely /boot/i386/loader . When I add BartPE I get the message EDIT2: It work's! I had a wrong mapping structure. Posted by RIshiz123 on Jun. 19 2008,23:38
Follow the Nin1 cd/dvd with multiple Windows/NT/2000/xp tut in the help file. If nothing comes up, check your bios boot order. The cd-rom has to start before the harddisk. If that doesn't work, try to boot it in another pc. If that also doesn't work, tell me more about the dvd structure.
Posted by JimBart on Apr. 29 2009,15:37
Can anyone explain what QUOTE - Choose 'Bootable'->'Save boot file' to extract boot image from the ISO, save it as 'c:\easyboot\disk1\ezboot\xxx.bif' means (step-by-step). I have another language version and don't know what to do? Posted by TinkerToyz on May 22 2009,15:10
QUOTE Choose 'Bootable'->'Save boot file' to extract boot image from the ISO, save it as 'c:\easyboot\disk1\ezboot\xxx.bif' This is done using UltraISO. My specific problem is that I have a bootable ISO file on my Easyboot CD. This ISO contains a boot file and a number of other files. I start up the ISO using BCDW and it opens the ISO, mounts the boot file as A: then boots from A:. So, A: is now the mounted boot file from the ISO and D: is the original Easyboot CD. How do I access all the files that were stored within my ISO file? TinkerToyz Posted by bozon42 on Jul. 21 2009,02:39
hello i need help i"ve bootble live antivirus iso how to i create multiboot cd plzzz teelme thks in adv Posted by fsaaib on Dec. 19 2009,12:04
(Bartju93 @ Jun. 19 2008,11:48) QUOTE I want to add a opensuse live cd 10.3 to my easyboot dvd. I have created a bif file and I have copied the extracted iso into the EZBOOT directory. I use the command bootinfotable;run suse.bif . I've created the iso and booted it up with Virtual PC 2007. I get the following error: ![]() Can somebody help me? I also want to add BartPE. EDIT: The suse iso has not got the ISOLINUX map. the files ISOLINUX.bin an .cfg are in another map, namely /boot/i386/loader . When I add BartPE I get the message EDIT2: It work's! I had a wrong mapping structure. Hi there Bartju93, Can you please explain how did you acomplished to load the iso file you were trying to load? I´ve got kind of the same problem, here´s the scenario: I´ve built an iso with easyboot with the following options/tools: Windows XP Service Pack 3 (unattended) Hiren´s BootCD 10.1 Wifiway 1.0 Boot from hard disk All is made OK, inside easyboot and tested it on virtualbox (my favorite) everything went smooth and OK, zero problems at all (that should be a DVD build, after i burn it) Now, the problem comes when i try to ¨pass¨ this iso onto balder´s script for transferring easyboot into a UFD, it copies over the iso file and tests it on qemu, its ok. Now, when i go for testing on a ¨real¨ environment (my laptop computer) i changed boot options and selected my UFD as the first option to boot from, it loads the menu, and then i choose load easyboot, it brings up my menu (the one that i made with easyboot) and lets me choose one of the 4 options ive got there, now, when it comes to choose wifiway, and the system is booting up, it gets stuck on the portion of "searching for data folder" and it drops me down an error saying that it cannot find the data folder, somehow (as i guess) it must be a problem with the loading of wifiway, but i don´t know what to do next, i was hoping that you guys shout out some ideas, since this is the only failure that i have come into, and rather liked to solve it. The options for loading each options are the following: for windows xpsp3: run w2ksect.bin for hiren´s bootcd: run hiren.ima (thanks to balder) for wifiway: bcdw /boot/isolinux/isolinux.bin (it works ok on the BUILD i make with easyboot, not with the script for winbuilder) to boot from hard disk: boot 80 here´s a screenshot of the easyboot menu i´ve made so far: ![]() and another screenshot of the folder structure: ![]() I´ll be waiting for some feedback Best regards, fsaaib Posted by balder on Apr. 07 2011,02:41
@Service-post@ to clarifying the original request in this tread (first post by @Hilloki Jan. 2004)Quote: “How can i boot up iso images using easyboot” EasyBoot didn’t - at this point - have reliable “tools” to achieve this. However, things is continuously changing in “our” world ![]() Grub boot manager is such “change”. Grub can easily launch most of ISO-files as they are. However to make it possible to easily implement this into EasyBoot I created a set of scripts (using WinBuilder as script-engine). Scripts are free to use for non-commercial use – but at your own risk (gnu-licence) ![]() And to clarify @fsaaib (Post Number: 31 ) wishes to launch setup of WinXP from USB: It’s a huge difference to run EasyBoot from USB comparing to run EasyBoot from CD/DVD-unit However in most cases it is possible to use EasyBoot menu from USB – but it needs some “workarounds” to solve different “issues” ![]() Launch Hiren is no problem and to launch Paragon, Acronis, Kaspersky and “Live-applications” such as; WinXP-live (BartPE or ERD etcetera) and same to MsDart-applications (Vista\Win7 rescue-ISO-files) can easily be launched from EasyBoot menu run from USB. BUT setup of NT5-systems (WinXP-family using folder i386) from USB device is a huge difference comparing to CD/DVD-unit ![]() To solve this you need a special “out-of-the-box-program” – read < HERE > Unfortunately I haven’t been able to solve the heartbreaking “Wifiway” – this seems to be a hard nut to crack ![]() balder Posted by balder on Apr. 10 2011,03:54
Based on a request from @ wanako1…Create a Multiboot CD with: - WiFiWay 2 - Trinity Rescue Kit.3.4 - SLAX ----------------------------------------- Solution to Trinity: Another of those - in my opinion – stupid linux applications that needs the right “volume label” to make it work ![]() Do it this way: 1. Make a copy of Trinity ISO-file (I used downloaded trinity-rescue-kit.3.4) . 2. Open copy of ISO and extract folder “trk3” to folder disk1 in Easyboot. 3. Delete foilder “trk3” in ISO-files as it is not needed inside ISO-file any more as you now have folder “trk3” (base-files) on the “root” (the root for Easyboot is folder disk1 if you wonder). 4. Save ISO-file (now heavily reduced in size as folder “trk3” is deleted) 5. Use my script easyboot-iso.script to integrate reduced ISO-file (you can use any name in text-box in script – I used TRINITY 6. Use recommended menu command in easyboot given by script and create ISO (check “Joliet” when creating ISO. 7. Now open ISO created by EasyBoot (I use UltraIso for this operation) and choose “File>>Properties>>and choose “Label” and then change “Volume” to exactly: TRK_3.4 8. Save changes to ISO-file (if using UltraIso choose “File>>Save") That’s it! Note: I only tested using “Run from RAM” in Trinity menu ![]() ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Similar solution can be used to wifiway-2.0.1.iso Follow instructions 1 to 6 above But here you instead extract folder “wifiway” to folder disk1 in Easyboot and delete folder “wifiway” in ISO-file as is not needed there anymore. -------------------------------------------- Solution to slax can be found < HERE > balder Posted by wanako1 on Apr. 12 2011,02:09
Balder..I Have a Problem with your script WinBuilder, gives me an error ![]() What Am Doing Wrong? I Used EasyBoot-ISO, I also Tried All the Options!! I Remember You had a diferent one long time ago, was working Perfect with Avast, Eset, Kaspersky (that what I Remember) Thanks Posted by balder on Apr. 12 2011,02:28
@wanako1Quote: ”I Have a Problem with your script WinBuilder, gives me an error” I didn’t see the full log file (right part is not showed). However did you read “READ_ME.html” from download ![]() About spaces in files and folder names. Don’t use folders like “Program files”. Folder "Documents and settings" has spaces in name - not good. Generally - do not use desktop (Note: your desktop is a sub-folder to "Documents and settings". Not good). Please use the root [C:\] and not your desktop as working area! Best results is to have EasyBoot installed on the root [C:\] The same to folder "Winbuilder_complete" Put ISO-files that you later want to integrate into EasyBoot, in a folder on the root - or at least somewhere in some folder that DO NOT have spaces in name. Make sure to avoid spaces in names to ISO-file(s) DO NOT have spaces in file name (ISO-file) and DO NOT have spaces in folder name where you keep ISO-file ![]() You cannot use a file name like this: Fedora 14 i686-Live Desktop.iso it must be like this: Fedora-14-i686-Live-Desktop.iso Same to folder where you keep your ISO-files - please no spaces ![]() As told; use the root in your system which means [C:] balder Posted by wanako1 on Apr. 13 2011,01:03
Thanks Man!!Now Is Working Good !! WinBuilder and EasyBoot on C:\ I Just Turn Off Eset Smart Security... because this send the img to Quarentine hahaha.. But Thanks Now I Have to work on My Project. Thanks a Lot!!! Posted by wanako1 on Apr. 15 2011,00:08
Again Linux.... LinuxWhat I gonna Do? Now This is My problem with Trinity ![]() When I Use the original .iso everything is Perfect,... When I Use EasyBoot give me an error. see image above! Doesn't matter is i extract to C:\EasyBoot\disk1 or Rebuild the iso. Always gives me the same error. Thanks For Help!!! Posted by balder on Apr. 15 2011,00:37
@wanako1Quote: “When I Use EasyBoot give me an error” Did you modify ISO created by EasyBoot as stated in tutorial in post nr; 35 ![]() Read especially point; 7 and 8 in tutorial in post nr; 35 ![]() 7. Now open ISO created by EasyBoot (I use UltraIso for this operation) and choose “File>>Properties>>and choose “Label” and then change “Volume” to exactly: TRK_3.4 8. Save changes to ISO-file (if using UltraIso choose “File>>Save") Note: Trinity is another of these – in my opinion – stupid ![]() ![]() ------------------------------------------------------- If you still have problem to change ”Volume label” to created ISO in EasyBoot you can instead use my script “easyboot-iso-grub.script” to create an ISO with right setting to “Volume label” in ISO. Attention! You must do a new download of updated scripts and use the newly updated script-collection. When done follow tutorial: Do as told in post nr; 35 but skip point 7 and 8 Use easyboot-iso-grub.script and in text-box "Set name to new Grub-ISO-file here” you put in exactly TRK_3.4 Make sure you have checkboxes; "Remove previously copied files - when starting new build (normally checked)" and "Integrate EasyBoot-files" checked! The same to “ISO-options”, as these must be used in same way as in EasyBoot – which in your case is to have “Joliet” checked and nothing else as far as I can notice in your build. Note: if having Hiren integrated in EasyBoot you of course also must check “Allow lower case” as well. Push “Start-button” Script creates an ISO-file with grub as boot-manager, but you can then choose EasyBoot as boot-manager in grub menu and from there launch your Trinity-application ![]() Tested and working balder Posted by wanako1 on Apr. 22 2011,01:55
Thanks Balder...![]() ![]() Now Is Ok... Working Perfect I Did the Same steps of Trinity with Slax. You are the best man!! ![]() |