Forum: EasyBoot Topic: default.ezb started by: vibhore Posted by vibhore on Sep. 10 2004,08:12
Hi!i created an iso using easyboot 5.01. everything works fine but the default.ezb is called on each comp. My normal ezb file has image of 24 bit. and default has 8 bit image. Thats the only difference between the two. So if all version above 5 support 24 bit then why is default one called? i tried the cd on more then 10 comps but on all of them default one is called. Can you tell me whats wrong or why is that happening ? Is some perticular graphics card required for 24 bit one?? Vibhore Posted by xoben on Sep. 10 2004,09:25
640x480x16bit mode is not supported by your video card, so EasyBoot call default.ezb instead.
Posted by vibhore on Sep. 12 2004,15:27
I know that there is some problem related to hardware support , i just wanted to know that is there a way to check that the 16bit mode is supported or not. I mean It i can be a little bit more carefull while buy a graphics card next time if i know how to look for this feature..Vibhore |