Forum: EasyBoot Topic: Adding command to menu started by: Creepy Posted by Creepy on Sep. 13 2004,11:37
Hello!I searched the forum to find the answer (see title) but didn't succeed. So hopefully many know it! I wonder: how'd one add external command to menu in EasyBoot? Example: Norton Commander, Partition Manager etc. All I found was info on how'to do it with bins/imgs or PC commands - reboot, load from HD... Many thanxx. 谢谢。 Posted by xoben on Sep. 13 2004,20:38
EasyBoot cannot run .EXE/.BAT files directly, a floppy image including DOS environment MUST be created first.Sample image for PQMagic: < > Posted by Creepy on Sep. 14 2004,01:02
Thanks xoben.'Now I know'. So as I understood, as many menu items I plan to add to EasyBoot main menu - exactly that many boot disk images must be created? Isn't it waste of space? And then, why need option to create submenus... Not to place every OS on Earth imaginable I think? DOS utilities count many (some of them quite useful before installing a new OS! or just using PC without any system installed) - QV Pro for watching MPEG4 movies under DOS, Partition Manager(s) to operate with HDD's, unerase/unformat utilities, just filemanagers. Multiply their number with 1.44? Pls tell what you think about all this. And thanks again, xoben, your method solves issue anyway. Posted by xoben on Sep. 14 2004,01:17
Yes for EasyBoot. You can try BCDW for better solution ( |