Forum: EasyBoot Topic: menu After EXB Menu selection started by: sdc Posted by sdc on Oct. 03 2004,20:05
Probably a newbie question:I have tried several scenarios and several image files, even creating my own. I even get this with the "default.ezb" when I burn to CD. After the Easy Boot Menu selection is made (2) for instance another boot menu is displayed to boot from HD or CD - how do I get rid of this second menu choice? Posted by xoben on Oct. 03 2004,20:58
You can modify 'config.sys' file in .IMG to disable the second DOS menu:1) Open .IMG file by UltraISO 2) Extract config.sys 3) Modify it 4) Overwrite with new config.sys in .IMG 5) Save Posted by sdc on Oct. 05 2004,20:22
I "thought" it was that easy ...image file = boot622.img (DOS 6.22) config.sys: device=himem.sys /testmem:off files=10 buffers=10 dos=high,umb stacks=9,256 lastdrive=z when I format/write to floppy - no menu when I add as EZboot menu option run boot622.imz after selection I still get the Win98 hard drive / cd boot menu. Posted by xoben on Oct. 05 2004,21:04
Is there a system file named jo.sys? Delete it from the floppy image if you do not need this menu.
Posted by sdc on Oct. 07 2004,05:33
That did it (!)It was driving me Crazy. |