Forum: EasyBoot
Topic: A Little Assistance would be :)
started by: Oxtie

Posted by Oxtie on Oct. 15 2004,09:45
Is there a utility that can make Floppy Images (*.IMG) to boot from Hard Disk? for example, when computer starts, the utility can start *.IMG from hard disk itself and continue the boot regularly.

Any help would be great :) :D

Posted by xoben on Oct. 16 2004,10:17
VFloppy works under Windows NT/2000/XP:

1) Download VFloppy from < >
2) Decompress to c:\ by WinZIP
3) Run vconfig.bat and vboot.bat
4) Restart windows, a menu item 'Boot from Virtual Floppy' will appear

1) The floppy image is c:\boot\dos.img (1.44MB/2.88MB)
   Run vconfig.bat at least once if this file is changed to custom floppy image
2) VFloppy works in FAT16/FAT32/NTFS partition

Posted by Oxtie on Oct. 16 2004,14:44
Xoben, you continue to save my day! Thumbs Up dude! :D Grabbing it right away!

There is something wrong with the way my BIOS works these days, I made a Recovery CD long time back with Sound Card Drivers fully batched on *.IMG. now the #### thing does not work and it says "cannot allocate 4 mb boundry...... try reducing size of vDisk..... load smartdrv after driver" (SBLIVE) ??? Last night I figured that this is due to the change I've made in BIOS (shifting Reserved SYS memory (15-16) to add-on cards). I'm trying my ass out to make this thing work and cannot nag on CD-WR all the time! You really saved my bytes man!