Forum: EasyBoot
Topic: bartpe, knoppix and damnsmalllinux
started by: scorpi

Posted by scorpi on Mar. 29 2004,18:05

first i try the search funktion, but it didn't help me.
i try to put these 3 os to easyboot. i know how to put in bartpe and this is working, but how do i get the 2 linux in.
where do i have to put the files in (dir) and which on. every linux has a boot.img, and a knoppix (must i rename or edit something). i'm a newbie in linux. so a little step by step would be helpfull

every help is welcome
Posted by martinx on Mar. 30 2004,01:35
Please see a previous topic here:

<;f=1;t=38 >
Posted by BennyB on Mar. 31 2004,05:39
I'm german and hope you understand me.

I followed the topic but no answer for knoppix is given. I copied all Files from the CD to disk1 an the boot image file in the ezboot directory. I named the file knoppix.bif. The Image file started but doesn't find the needed files.

file structure:

Code Sample


can anybody help me, perhaps a german one?!
Posted by scorpi on Mar. 31 2004,15:19

i tried like shown in the link, but it doesnt work for me. knoppix starts and the there is a error. knoppix cant find the files and start a small shell thats all


also ich hab nix umbenannt, bartpe startet ganz normal, aber wie krieg ich knoppix dazu. mach das mit bartpe mal wie hier beschrieben.

<;f=1;t=29 >

mit knoppix hab ich auch probleme, es fängt dann zu starten und und dann geht nix mehr weil es die datein nicht finden kann.
Posted by BennyB on Apr. 01 2004,08:24
@ Scorpi

BartPE funktionert, aber Knoppix nicht, genau das selbe Problem wie du hab ich. Kleine Shell und sonst nichts wegen den Dateien. :(
Posted by philkry on May 13 2004,15:45
hi there!

got the same prob. i'm trying to create a 2000,2003,xp,bartpe,knoppix dvd.

everything is working just fine but knoppix doesn't boot.
i get the following error:

isolinux: Image checksum error. sorry...

i extracted the knoppix files via ultraiso and winimage.. both with the same result.

the knoppix files are directly in cd root i.e:
Code Sample


so i don't get the error mentioned in the posts above.
any ideas how to solve this problem?


p.s. i'm german too. but english board english language ;)
Posted by xoben on May 16 2004,04:58
Please use 'bootinfotable;run knoppix.bin' to run isolinux based systems.
Posted by philkry on May 16 2004,09:00
thanks alot xoben!

works fine :)

Posted by netzwuehler on Jun. 03 2004,04:21
Hi there,

i have tried several times to boot knoppix (and got all the errors yet discribed :o( )

I read in a threat

"Please use 'bootinfotable;run knoppix.bin' to run isolinux based systems."

now I am confused:

where shall i put this?
Posted by xoben on Jun. 04 2004,10:48
where shall i put this?

Because ISOLINUX based bootable CDs use a special technology named 'bootinfotable'.
Posted by netzwuehler on Jun. 05 2004,06:07

I dont really understand this but i confirm to be a Linux-DAU  ???

So just for a DAU:

The only thing i have to to is to place the knoppix.iso in \disk1 and run it with "bootinfotable;knoppix.iso"?

Could it be just that simple???

Did this work for somebody???

der netzwuehler
Posted by xoben on Jun. 06 2004,05:33
The only thing i have to to is to place the knoppix.iso in \disk1 and run it with "bootinfotable;knoppix.iso"?

This will not work. Please search previous topics to get the right answer.
Posted by jcmint on Jun. 17 2004,09:51
I'm trying to add dammnsmalllinux to my cd but it's not working.
I read about using command 'bootinfotable;run knoppix.bin' but I don't understand how to do that. Can someone explain it to me in detail... [U]
Posted by xoben on Jun. 19 2004,22:49
dammnsmalllinux does use floppy boot image.

Please extract the boot file from the ISO image by EasyBoot, and use run xxx.bif to load.
Posted by jcmint on Jun. 20 2004,12:27
Thanks, xoben...
At the first time I use CDMage to extract bootimage from DSL but it's not work and because you said run xxx.bif so I guess you use UltraISO.
I do as you said and test the iso file with Microsoft VirtualPC and it's works
( I got some problem with my CD-RW...).
Posted by Paladin on Jun. 23 2004,17:46
Hi there,

messing up with knoppix!! :angry:

i used knoppix 3.4 (cebit edition)

what i did: - knoppix.bin created
              - placed it in "disk1"
              - run it with bootinfotable;run knoppix.bin (as proposed)
         Does not work

              - knoppix.bin placed in disk1/ezboot
              - run it with bootinfotable;run knoppix.bin
         Does also not work

what did i do wrong? any proposals or other ways to run knoppix from easyboot? i ran out of my latain  :;):
Posted by humbledone on Sep. 10 2004,15:18
For 2weeks I have searched previous topics search net and found no detailed or clear answer on how to add knoppix to my AIO dvd.

Here is what I am using: UltraIso 7.21, EasyBoot 5.02, Nero 6.3, VMware workstation 4.5.2 build-8848.Running Everything on winxpsp2.

ON my all in One dvd:WinUBCD(Modified BARTPE),Win98,WinXP w/sp1, WinXP w/sp2, and KNOPPIX 3.4.

Everything except KNOPPIX works. I Extracted entire KNOPPIX.ISO to Disk1 using UltraISO. Saved Bootfile to ezboot (dir). Run with: "bootinfotable;run KNOPPIX.bin.

Ive tried creating a knoppix dir. no luck. adding knoppix to working luck.

Could someone please write a detailed description of how they got knoppix to work. I would really appreciate it.

I got past the checksum error message with bootinfotable but now it says "cant find knoppix filesystem, sorry"
dropping you to limited shell.

I know that it is something simple or that is taken for granted that im not doing.

Any help would be appreciated.

Posted by binh25 on Sep. 12 2004,21:11
You need to place all the knoppix iso files under disk1 NOT disk1\KNOPPIX, extract the boot sector
from the ISO using ultraiso or whatever and follow xoben instruction
I havent work out how to boot from a directory..
I'm doing some research into Linux boot files and stuff and try to hack the boot file so it can boot
from a directory like disk1\knoppix


Posted by suicidjky on Oct. 07 2004,18:38
I have tried making a phlack and a slax boot disk. both do the same thing as everyone's knoppix. bootinfotable;run slax.bif and phlack.bif are what I to run it. I have them in their disk1/slax and phlack respectively. I was going to try putting them in the base directory but they have files that will over write. Anyone know whats going on?
Posted by Ryan on Oct. 08 2004,22:21
Hey Everyone... My $0.02
I have knoppix working, with xp pro and home.. and win2k. I am now working on win2k3 and getting fedora(linux) working... the interesting problem that I am running into is that regardless of what .bin I run(knoppix or fedora) I always get knoppix(assuming I have used the bootinfotable command... kinda weird if you ask me, but that is what you get when you don't understand the technology I guess
I am going to keep plugging away at this and if I get it figured out, I'll write back...
btw: to get knoppix working, I blew apart the iso, copied the files into the disk1 directory, extracted the boot image, and fired it into the ezboot directory. I used the command bootinfotable; run knop34.bin in the menu and it works...

not sure why it isn't working for others...


Posted by Galapo on Oct. 21 2004,00:17
I had trouble for days trying to build a multiboot CD that had Knoppix working.

The only way I could get Knoppix to boot off the CD using UltraISO, other than using the Linux .iso-generating program mkisofs, was to use the original Knoppix iso and build the other operating systems etc into that. I couldn't get it to work building from scratch, ie specifying in UltraIso to use bootinfotable and isolinux.bin (or a .bif file). I have no idea why this wouldn't work, but I do know what has worked for me: and that's to build from the original Knoppix .iso.

BTW, Knoppix 3.7 is fantastic - all the problems mounting and dismounting writable NTFS drives is fixed. Available here:

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