Forum: EasyBoot
Topic: possible newbie question
started by: rtfm

Posted by Incroyable HULK on Oct. 28 2004,09:40
Hello again,

Is it possible to rename the installation folder (XPEN for example) with more that 4 caracters when making Nin1 Multi-Boot CD/DVD (or maybe less caracters)?

EXAMPLE: change XPEN to XPSP2UN or just XP

6) Start EasyBoot, click 'Tools'->'Replace Text', browse file 'c:\easyboot\disk1\ezboot\xpen.bin', and specify 'I386' as "Text to Replace", 'XPEN' as "Replace to", then click 'Replace', 1 occurence should be replaced

Posted by xoben on Oct. 28 2004,19:39
You can change XPEN to another name exactly with 4 characters. XSP2, WSP2, ...
Posted by Incroyable HULK on Oct. 28 2004,20:05
Thanks again! this is exactly what I wanted to know