Forum: EasyBoot
Topic: Dos Promt from Menu
started by: uttamsaxena

Posted by uttamsaxena on Oct. 24 2004,14:13
What menu command will take me directly to a A:> or C:> prompt. What other things I need to do this.
Posted by eureka on Oct. 24 2004,15:29

Do it this way.
1. Create a new ms-dos floppy (best done from WinXP).
2. Edit Autoexec.bat (explained down below)
3. Make a image from this ms-dos floppy (maybe using WinImage)
4. Save this image in EasyBoot\disk1\ezboot with name like dospromt.ima  (note: not “imz” that’s wrong format!)
5. In EasyBoot use command: run dospromt.ima

How to edit Autoexec.bat?
If you just want to start from prompt on floppy (a:\) then you don’t need to do anything.
If you like to start from prompt C:\  In that case, just put in C:\ in the end of text in Autoexec.bat-file.

Note: In normal case are you limited to only access FAT16 and FAT32 from dos prompt.


Posted by uttamsaxena on Nov. 01 2004,12:55
Thanks eureka, I could do that with your help.
However my XP partion © is NTFS and it is not visible by dos prompt.
What could I do for accessing this also along with my Fat32 partitions? I have heard something like NTFS dos? What do you suggest.