Forum: EasyBoot
Topic: Move to Another Folder
started by: Incroyable HULK

Posted by Incroyable HULK on Nov. 02 2004,22:05
I was pleased to discover that it is possible to rename the ezboot folder as well as the cdmenu.ezb without problems...

now I wonder if it is possible to add sub-folders to the ezboot directory. Let's say I want to put all my floppy files into a directory called floppy (under the ezboot folder), can I call theses files from the EasyBoot Menu?

In the documentation, it is said:

(Note: if you want one menu to execute multiple command, simply separate them with a ";".
for example: cd /; run cdmenu.ezb)

I've tried to call a sub menu with 3 attemps:
1- cd floppy; run floppy.ezb
2- cd /floppy; run floppy.ezb
3- cd floppy/; run floppy.ezb

but none of them are working...

Any idea?

Posted by xoben on Nov. 03 2004,03:53
'cd /;cd ezboot;cd floppy;run floppy.ezb' works.

PS: You can change one level at one 'cd' command. 'cd /' will change current directory to root (disk1\).

Posted by Incroyable HULK on Nov. 03 2004,08:03
so I must go back to the root of the cd everytime I want to go UP (another folder inside the ezboot folder)?
I mean always start my command with 'cd /;cd ezboot;cd ...'

And if I want to go DOWN one level, let's say I want to come back from my floppy folder to the ezboot folder all I have to do is this: 'cd /;run cdmenu.ezb'

Did I understood correctly?

Posted by xoben on Nov. 03 2004,08:17
And if I want to go DOWN one level, let's say I want to come back from my floppy folder to the ezboot folder all I have to do is this: 'cd /;run cdmenu.ezb'

It should be 'cd /;cd ezboot;run cdmenu.ezb'.

Posted by Incroyable HULK on Nov. 03 2004,09:49
Confirmed! I had time to test and I must put the Full path starting from the root to make every command works...

The only problem I have is that my Background Image of floppy.ezb menu (inside my floppy folder) doesn't work...

I guess I'll have to leave all my .ezb files in the ezboot folder

Posted by Gork on Nov. 05 2004,04:23
Quote (Incroyable HULK @ Nov. 03 2004,03:05)
I was pleased to discover that it is possible to rename the ezboot folder

From your last post thread I assume you found out that there must be an ...\ezboot folder which the .ezb files must be placed in.  Do I understand correctly?

I ask because I have been trying to use another name for this folder without success and found in the help area that there must be a folder name called ...\ezboot.  If I misunderstood and you have actually found a way to rename this folder I'd like to know what I might be doing wrong...  At this point I'm assuming you kept this folder, as named, for only the .ezb files but moved all the bootable images from this folder to other folders.  Is that correct?

(I wish I'd have read about the CD command a lot sooner.  My EasyBoot DVD has gotten HUGE and my ...\ezboot directory is a MESS!  I guess I could redo it...  Argh...)

Would this method allow me to move files from the File Dir as well?  So maybe I could move the \Disk1\I386 folder to \Disk1\WinXP\I386?  Or would that be asking way too much at this point... hehe I mean, it'd be nice to be able to create a \Disk1\WinXP\Loader.bin file and have the installation files for WinXP in the \Disk1\WinXP\I386 folder, for instance.  I guess I just don't know enough about how this stuff works to think it through logically.

Posted by odix on Nov. 05 2004,07:43
It really would be a great deal if there is a way to create u´r own subdirectories like Gork said.
I´ve created a big multiboot volume and when i have to browse some files eg. for replacement on a damaged system, its hard to find them in this disk1 mess.

I know it´s not necessary at all but it would be nice if there is a way to get this working.



PS: thx for the cd/;cd ..... info it works great for singel .img files

Posted by Incroyable HULK on Nov. 06 2004,00:43
I'll do my best to answer your question guys,

First of, here is a list of stuff I did just to see how far I can go with my EasyBoot project...
1- I renamed my cdmenu.ezb to INDEX.ezb (all you have to do is to reload the file in EasyBoot and save)
2- I renamed the ezboot folder to DOS (again, all you have to do is reload your menu file in EasyBoot and save)
3- I created a sub-folder named BIOS where I put my Floppy Images. You'll need this code to launch stuff from the directory:
Code Sample
cd /;cd DOS;cd BIOS;run xxx.IMG
You always have to use this full path even to get back to your "root" folder
Code Sample
cd /;cd DOS;run INDEX.ezb

4- I've tried to put my sub-menu file (BIOS.ezb) in my BIOS folder. It works BUT my background image won't show.
5- Later, I even removed the .ezb extension on my file and it worked. I even used a .PAT extension (why? because my name is Patrick!) on my ezb files and it works... the only thing is you have to enter the full name if you want to open the file in EasyBoot (like: BIOS.PAT)

So... that's about it.. this allowed me to use a custom structure for my project.

Here is the layout:

By the way, the following files are not necessary when my project is done and ready to burn:
1- standard.ctb (Color File Table)
2- *.bmp (converted to .BM1 by EasyBoot)

Also, here are some observations I made:
1- when you SAVE your file, loader.bin is also modified (otherwise it would be impossible to rename the ezboot folder and the cdmenu.ezb file... Maybe XOBEN could confirm)
2- Using the OPTIMISE option when creating the ISO file may render your multi-boot CD/DVD useless on some machine. (older machine with award Bios)
3- You should make a default.ezb menu file in case your video card doesn't support 256 or 16-bits colors modes. This one cannot be renamed.
4- If you want to set a Password, you must take it as the last step. Type it, save it and click 'make ISO' to generate a bootable ISO. The password will be lost if you modify something and save the menu.
5- When you're done with your ISO file, you can use UltraISO to hide your files and folder. The only thing you should not hide are files such as WIN51, WIN5I1P, WIN51IP.SP2, etc.

Posted by Gork on Nov. 06 2004,06:19
Quote (Incroyable HULK @ Nov. 06 2004,05:43)
I'll do my best to answer your question

Many thanks for your post!  I, too, noticed that loader.bin is modified "on the fly" as you mentioned, though I was having problems renaming the \ezboot folder anyway.  I guess I'll have to keep tinkering around...

Posted by Incroyable HULK on Nov. 06 2004,09:16
Many thanks for your post!

No Problem, it's the least I can do to help XOBEN... he is almost omnipotent like Q !

I'll read all my post again to see if I can trow in some other informations...