Forum: EasyBoot
Topic: Burning bootable DvDs- Not working!
started by: Solamar

Posted by Solamar on Nov. 18 2004,20:17
Every time I create an ISO with easyboot and then try to burn a DvD it says this compilation was not made to go onto this media. I can burn dvds just fine with nero on the EXACT same media.  ???

Whats up with this?? anyone? I've got 2 different DvD burners in 2 different systems, exact same issue.

Yes, I check the DVD box.

One DvD is a Memorex the other a new Sony DL Burner that supports the new Duel Layer formats. same error.

Please o' please help.  :(

Posted by xoben on Nov. 19 2004,09:01
This is a bug of NeroAPI. When the size of your ISO image is less than 1GB large, it will force to use a CD-R/RW media.
Posted by Solamar on Nov. 19 2004,10:46
LMAO! Your kidding?  ???

Ive got to waste some space to get it to work? heh. ok.  :cool: I can do that.


Will try tonight!

Posted by Solamar on Nov. 19 2004,13:26
No, it still didn't work. had a 1.5g image and still get the same error. :(

Any other ideas?
Posted by Solamar on Nov. 19 2004,13:27
The exact error is:

Sorry, your compilation cannot be written on this kind of disc. Please insert a disc of the correct type or modify the settings of your compilation to make them compatible with the current disc.
Sorry, your compilation cannot be written on this kind of disc. Please insert a disc of the correct type or modify the settings of your compilation to make them compatible with the current disc.

I get this twice and then it ejects the dvd.

Posted by xoben on Nov. 19 2004,20:19
Please check it this way:
1) Start Nero
2) Choose 'Recorder'->'Burn Image'
3) Switch to 'Info' page and see if right information is there
  PS: Sometimes Nero reports the wrong information
Posted by xoben on Nov. 19 2004,20:50
Sorry, the size of an ISO image is not a real problem. NeroBurn can record a 51MB ISO to DVD properly.  We need to do more testing...
Posted by Solamar on Nov. 20 2004,13:07
I was able to get it to work by just converting the file into the nero image format nri. Easyboot took the new image just fine. I have no idea why, it's still an ISO type format. guess the .iso format is buggy.