Forum: EasyBoot Topic: Network Booting started by: Solamar Posted by Solamar on Nov. 20 2004,20:30
I'd like to setup easyboot to boot itself from my network, create an accessable iso off the network and boot from it and use it as I would from a normal cd/DVD. Only just have netboot drivers,etc on the cd.Is this possible? Main reason, is that I'm changing data, updating constantly, and it would be ideal if I could just keep a boot cd available and update the data network wise and boot into easyboot as I would normally. Example: Have a Memory diag test(iso), ERD Iso, NT/XP ISO, Several Drive DIAGS, etc, and be able to update easyboot menu without reburning the CD's constatnly as I update def for virus software, help tech links, etc. just work from the network. I know its a long shot in the dark,, Just a thought. |