Forum: EasyBoot Topic: Copy Hiren's Boot Cd to Usb Key Bootable started by: Bruce Lee Posted by Bruce Lee on Dec. 20 2004,02:54
Hi All,I have a question : How can I do to copy the entire Cd-R with "Hiren's Boot v6.0 CD" to an USB Key with Boot Sector, then boot it ?. Thanks à lot. Posted by xoben on Dec. 20 2004,08:22
Please visit the following link for making a bootable USB key:< > Posted by Bruce Lee on Dec. 20 2004,12:08
Hi xoben,Thank's for your link. It's Ok for Linux, but Not for Hiren's Boot Cd. I try to use MKBT, but I don't find Image for "WinPE" and with "boot12.bin" and "boot16.bin", it's seems that it's for only Floppy Disk. Excuses-me for my English !!! If you have an other idea. Thank's !!! Posted by xoben on Dec. 20 2004,18:41
To the best of my acknowledgement, there is no program ready for making a multi-boot USB key. So you may not put Hiren's Boot Cd to a USB key directly.
Posted by Bruce Lee on Dec. 21 2004,08:00
Hi xoben,Well, I can't copy a Cd Bootable to an Usb Key for make it bootable. But can I boot a Mini Windows or Dos (Win32 Platform) on Cd or Floppy (it seems to me not possible because Floppy is not too large), then chaining to my Usb Key. Where can I find a Mini Windows or why can I create it ? If you have an Idea, I am very happy !!!! Thanks a lot. Posted by Bruce Lee on Dec. 21 2004,11:13
I want to add that with "Linux" or "Dos" plateforms, copy of "Boot Sector" is fine and Work very well.Thanks !!!! |