Forum: EasyBoot
Topic: Multiboot CD from multi .iso sources
started by: pchaxor

Posted by pchaxor on Jan. 08 2005,10:47

I am trying to create a CD that will Multiboot several utilities that normaly boot from their own CD's. I have created the 4 .iso images and tested them with VMware. All boot independantly without issues.

How do I set this up in EasyBoot to boot from a menu of 4 .iso files?
I am using the command: run name.iso
-Perhaps I need a switch or another command?
I have all 4 iso files in the disk1 folder ... *shrug*

My attempts so far have only got me the error:
"No Emulation type image (raw)" as well as a few other odd symbols and characters.

I have also created the .iso optimized, DOS(8.3) and Joliet.
No Go.

Any ideas?? I am sure eaither EasyBoot cant do it, or I am doing something WAY wrong.
Any help is appreciated.

Using: EasyBoot v5.0.6.472
Posted by Incroyable HULK on Jan. 08 2005,11:13
EasyBoot doen't support booting from ISO for now... I think it is a pending feature.
Posted by pchaxor on Jan. 08 2005,12:22
Then may I ask how do I prepare each bootable iso file to boot from an EasyBoot menu ?

A better use and the reason I purchased this EasyBoot utility was to consolidate all of my utilities such as SpinRite6, MemTest, BartCD 2.0, ERD Commander and a few other boot utilities.

Can this be done  ? Or is EasyBoot just good for making Multiboot OS installations ??
Posted by Incroyable HULK on Jan. 08 2005,18:02
I never heard about SpinRite6 but the other one can be integrated in EasyBoot... just read around and you'll find what you need. The only thing I can tell you is that MemTest can be integrated as a floppy Image
Posted by pchaxor on Jan. 12 2005,10:39
Ok .. yeah I got it all working.
I just used bootstraps and loaders, as well as a few floppy images.

Now I just need to figure a way to copy 2 Floppy images into 1 bootable image. (multi disk boot set)

Posted by phew on Jan. 14 2005,20:03
Great may be you could elaborate, I could do with booting from some iso, be a lot simpler,
The floopy issue is " so I have read"
too: make a boot image of the first floopy in the set, then open it with say "UltraISO" and then add the contents of floopy 2....... then save new image,  !!plz someone one correct me if this is wrong, and explain it if so ,.....