Forum: EasyBoot Topic: ISO 9660 Version 2 started by: Hannes Posted by Hannes on Jan. 16 2005,17:57
I was looking at an old post in this forum which said that when burning an ISO in EasyBoot without checking either "DOS (8.3)" or "Joliet" EasyBoot would then support ISO 9660 Version 2 file lengths. Can Anyone tell me what length ISO 9660 Version 2 supports and why I might want to use this instead of Joliet?Only reason I ask is that this is the method I have always been using with EasyBoot and it works fine, except that I notice that the names of my files and directories are all being made uppercase. I am assuming that using using Joliet would prevent this but I'm wondering if there is any downside to this. I guess I could always try it to see. Hannes Posted by Incroyable HULK on Jan. 16 2005,18:52
You should check the Joliet option in EasyBoot for your ISO.It will generate a TOC (table of Content) with compatible 8.3 caracter file name but it will also maintain you files and folder genuine (no uppercase, etc...) Posted by xoben on Jan. 17 2005,00:55
For multiple volume CDs, Windows always see UDF > Joliet > ISO 9660. Please do not check 'Joliet' option when ISO 9660:1999 (Version 2) is needed.