Forum: EasyBoot
Topic: Error with WinXP Boot Disks
started by: SuddenSkydiver

Posted by SuddenSkydiver on Jan. 18 2005,11:11
Hi people. I've looked nearly all the posts but I couldn't find a solution for my problem.
I combined all the six xp pro boot disks. I created a 8640.img. I took the first disk as a seed image. Then I put all the files from all 6 disks into the 8640.img.  When I tried my combined floppy image on VMware, I got the following error.
Code Sample
BOOT: I/O error reading disk
Please insert another disk_

Did I miss something? Has any of you ever tried adding WinXP Pro disks into the MultiBoot CD, and how? I need your help.

Posted by xoben on Jan. 18 2005,20:08
Please find in help file of EasyBoot for making a 'Windows XP bootable CD'.